®J|j> llbussry Published Twice Weekly by the Publications Board of the University of British Columbia Vol. XX VANCOUVER, B. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1938 No. 33 mm*BBm*mm*%^E*m-*^=BSa=2MB==S=£SSSS=2==S====2SB==^ _-_______8 1 MAESTRO 1U.B.C . HIT Tim Buck Ejected at McGiil Ozzy Durkin, BY FEVER musical director of Varsity Time, DIRECT VIOLATION OF LAW TO ALLOW RED leader of the new U.B.C. dance or­ OF ELECTION chestra, and now LEADER TO PROPOGATE COMMUNISM planning a cam­ Rumour Smith/ Davit pus Glee Club, is For President shown at the right In an Informal IN PROVINCE OF QUEBEC pose. Ossy's mu­ Gertrude Pitman sical talents are Eastern University Allows Fascist also ln the realms vs. Bunty Butters ot com position, By JOHN QARRBTT Leader To Speak, However his U.B.C. Hymn With the better part of the spring having already term already passed, and with elec­ By Canadian University Press won approval tions a short three weeks away, MONTREAL, Feb. 18.—Wednesday evening the McGiil Students' Council was forced to here. students seem to have been busy choosing their prospective candi­ exclude the Communist speaker, Tim Buck, from the McGiil Union. Mr. Buck was to have dates tor the nine positions on the spoken as one of a number of speakers in a political symposium which is being held under Students' Council. It appears that the auspices of the McGiil Social Problems Club. there will be several dark horses To date the club has brought in the running this year, as well te the McOlll Union Mr. Weeds- as the "old favorites." worth of the C.C.P. Party, and a OXFORD UNION SET UP AS The post of President is sure to "Young Canada Must member cf the Liberal Party and be contested this year with our Mr. Adrlen Arcand, leader cf the present treasurer, Bob Smith, and Arise"-Tim Buck's Forbidden Canadian Paselst Movement. The EXAMPLE FOR LOCAL CLUB our preaent L.S.B. rep., Malcolm reason given for banning Tim Brown ,both intending to vie for Speech To McGiil Students Buck, who was te have spoken Professor Gibson Tolls Debates are oondueted with the honora of the "Bosses' desk." next Monday, was that It would scrupulous propriety. However, But their path is not as smooth By TIM BUCK be In direct violation cf the law, Of Llfo at Famous wit and banter are a feature of as it might have been, for the Uby­ and that McOlll students were Debating Society them with clever replies being ssey has been informed tbat the (Special te Canadian University Pfese) above all law abiding. well applauded. Offleers of ths Men of Science are going to put Orators of the Political Discus­ •oelety attend In full evening their own Prexy up for election, TORONTO, Feb. 18—I learnt with great consternation According to a law of the prov­ sion Club Wednesday heard Prof. dress, adding to ths dignity of Jack Davis. last night of the McGiil Students' Council capitulation to the incial legislature It ls Illegal for James -A. Gibson speak on the Ox­ the proceedings. The L.S.K. struggle this year Duplessis-Arcand forces forbidding my speech to McGiil stud­ any person to propogate Commun­ ford Union Sooiety, one ot the most Despite this decorum the Union should b ehearty enough with a ents. For generations McGiil University has been the proud ism in the Province of Quebec. Any haa seen stormy sessions. On one person so doing Is liable to three celebrated Kngllsh debating socle- pair of new faces opposite one carrier of cherished Canadian ideals of democracy, freedom months to one year in Jail, as ls ties. occasion Alfred Duff Cooper was naether. The man behind Varsity of opinion and consciousness. This famous Canadian house violently hissed for venturing to the owner or proprietor of any ball This address wss of particular Time, Struan "Pinky" Robertson, of learning is threatened by reactions which are preparing permitting his building to be used Interest sines the Oxford Union criticise members. Retorting promp­ seems a likely aspirant for this for such purpose. Any building used tly with "You can always tell when post) but to make a quarrel out to stifle Canada's youth, destroy achievement, culture, learn­ was selected Ss the pattern on you've trodden on a snake because ing, and to pave the way for introducing into Canada Mus­ for Communistic purposes or any whioh the P. D. C. la modelling ef It, Morris Belkin, the busy solini-Hitler Fascism. newspaper printing Communistic Itself. it hisses" he was greeted with more man ef the Publlolty Oommittee, material Is liable to be closed for Prof. Olbson, who went to Oxford of the same. has decided to let his pspers go Today there is a record Communist struggle for the one year. as a Rhodes Scholar from U.B.C, PROMINKNT VISITORS In. extenaion of the democratic rights of the people. We Prominent statesmen are often The hopefula for the student Ex­ It was felt that the Students' was himself an officer of the Soci­ present at debates. In 1923 Lloyd are fighting for trade union organization, guaranteeing ety and as such took an active part chequer's gown have for the most advancement of living standards, of producers' wealth. Council was guardian of the prop­ in their debates. Because ot bis Oeorge was a visitor, debating In part kept out of sight. Rumor has erty of the students, namely the experience with this august organi­ defense of the Versailles Treaty. it that one of the sparks of the We are fighting for unemployment insurance to provide McGiil Union, and in this respon­ Members often take an active part Thunderbird rugby team, Ted Mc­ for workless Canadians, for the rehabilitation of Saskatche­ sible position were in no position zation Mr. Gibson was elected hon­ to Jeopardise tbe students' prop­ orary president ot the campus club ln politics, and in some cases they Phee, should turn into a fine, up­ wan and other drought-striken farm areas; providing greater have been invited to contest con­ standing treasurer. opportunities for youth on the basis of the organization; erty. when flrst formed. stituencies ln national elections. M.A.A. STRONGLY CONTBSTKD mass vocational training, and university extensions. The DAILY OBJKOTS PROPRIBTY In thanking Mr. Gibson, Speaker The department of Men's Athlet­ established by Oxford students Morris Belkin voiced the opinion ics appears to be ln an enviable finances needed for the above urgent requirement for the Today the McGiil Dally is carry­ In 1823 the Union was popular that the P. D. C. had set a high position with at least two excellent people of Canada can be raised by taxing fifty millionaires ing a full account of the proceed­ from the first and soon after In­ standard for itself in selecting the contestants getting into their cam­ controlling Canada's wealth. ings and stating that lt will print ception bad Its own premises. To­ Oxford Union as their model, but paign strip. Frank Turner, dyna­ The Duplessis padlock law is employed against pro­ the speech Mr. Buck would have day It resembles a spacious men's that he expected the campus club mic Sports Bdltor of the Ubyssey gressive people, whilst encouragement is given Quebec delivered in the McGiil Union as club with comfortable furnishings would slowly but aurely reach this and leading light ot the Varaity soon as lt is available. The Dally and a splendid library- Throughout standard. basketball' team, will be provided Fascists under Arcand, who are drilling unlawfully, and feels that the stand of the council the rooms are busts of great British with much opposition by Tommy threatening a march on Ottawa. Is entirely Justified in view ot the statesmen, members ot the club In Williams, hero of the grid aquad This indicates that the Quebec government is support­ fact that lt would have been entire­ their atudent days. Racial Minorities to ly illegal to have opened the doors this year. Alex Lucas and Maurice ing the plans of Mussolini and Hitler for the establishment of the McGiil Union to Mr. Buck, Be Topic of Debate Lambert will also be ln the Held, of a military Fascist base in Quebec against Canadian' and but at the same time the Dally At Politics Club it is rumored. American democracy. A Fascist-inspired revolt placed Brazil feels that the provincial govern­ RUNKLK, ORANT, MceLKOD in the camp of Hitler and Mussolini—war organizers, treaty Daily Province No worse off than the Men's Ath­ ment is preventing the university A meeting of the Polltleal Dls­ letics, the Women's section seems breakers, head-coppers, and baby killers. from carrying on the functions of ousslon Olub will be held next flooded with "sure starters." Peg­ All the universities in Canada and the United States a unlveralty—namely, It la forbid­ Head To Speak Thursday In Arts 100. A special gy MacLeod, President of the Wo­ will be astonished at the action of the McGiil Students' ding people Interested In hearing "spectators' gallery" will be set men's Big Block Club, Is the favor­ Council. Financial grants by Sir Edward Beatty and St. both sides of a question trom hear­ M. E. Nichols, Managing Director aside at the rmmr of the room for ite of a large number of tbe co­ James Street give no right to Canadian millionaires to ing the case against Fasolsm, of The Daily Province, will be the non-members who wish to hsar eds.
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