![Aalders, Gerard, 373 Abayat, Atef, 555 Abd Rabbo, Yasir, 526, 527, 542](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Index Aalders, Gerard, 373 Aisenstadt, Andre, 303 Abayat, Atef, 555 Aish Hatorah, 705 Abd Rabbo, Yasir, 526, 527, 542, 550 Akron Jewish News, 732 Abecassis, Eliette, 342 Albanel, Christine, 338 Abel, Lionel, 737 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Abella, Irving, 291 695 Abraham Fund, 658 Alberstein, Chava, 430 Abraham, Spencer, 154 Albert, Shea, 519 Abraham, Yonason, 315 Albright, Madeleine, 573 Abramson, Samuel, 454 Aleksandrova, V., 628M Abse, Danny, 319 Aleksei II, Patriarch, 482 Abu Hanud, Muhammad, 542, 543, Alemu, Yafet, 599 556 ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Abu Qibeh, Khalil, 548 674 Abu Zeidah, Nassar, 563 Alfasi, Yosef, 561 Abutbul, Hadas, 566 Algemeiner Journal, 728 Academy for Jewish Religion, 685 Almagor, J., 622M Ackerman, Gary, 168, 206 Al-Maralh, Nabil, 278 Adams, Philip, 493 Al-Marayati, Salam, 181 Adel, Allan, 284 Almog, Oz, 321 Adenauer, Konrad, 13, 13M, 14, 14M, Alpert, Michael, 321 15,16,18,21 Alpert, Patricia, 303 Adler, Emanuel, 296 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 697 Adler, Larry, 323, 737 Altshuler, Mordechai, 623n, 627M Afn Shvel, 728 Alvan, Esther, 561 Agbogbe, Damien, 436 Aly, Gotz, 419-20 Agenda: Jewish Education, 728 Am Kolel Judaic Resource Center, Agudath Israel of America, 114, 117, 674 118,121, 155, 184,233,235,673 Amar, Yair, 567 Agudath Israel World Organization, Amato, Giuliano, 378 15M, 16, 51 n, 674 Amaudruz, Gaston-Armand, 399 Aharonishky, Shlomo, 598 Ambrose, Tom, 321 Aherae, Bertie, 539 AMC Cancer Research Center, 699 Ahmad, Sheikh, 380 Amcha for Tsedakah, 699 783 784 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2002 America-Israel Friendship League, American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- 243, 659 versity, 661 American Academy for Jewish Re- American Friends of the Israel Mu- search, 650 seum, 661 American Associates, Ben-Gurion American Friends of the Israel Phil- University of the Negev, 659 harmonic Orchestra, 661 American Association of Jews from the American Friends of the Open Uni- Former USSR, 697 versity of Israel, 662 American Association of Rabbis, American Friends of the Shalom Hart- 674 man Institute, 663 American Committee for Shaare Zedek American Friends of the Tel Aviv Mu- Jerusalem Medical Center, 659 seum of Art, 663 American Committee for Shenkar Col- American Gathering of Jewish Holo- lege in Israel, 659 caust Survivors, 15n, 51 n, 190,650 American Committee for the Beer- American Guild of Judaic Art, 650 Sheva Foundation, 659 American Israel Public Affairs Com- American Committee for the Weiz- mittee (AIPAC), 160, 174, 201, mann Institute of Science, 659 202, 203, 224, 227, 663 American Conference of Cantors, 681 American Israelite, 733 American Council for Judaism, 645 American Jewish Archives Journal, American Federation of Jews from 733, Central Europe, 697 American Jewish Committee, 15, 15n, American Friends of Alyn Hospital, 16, 24, 54«, 58, 58«, 72, 92, 93, 660 112«, 158, 162, 164, 172, 180,182, American Friends of Assaf Harofeh 184, 185, 187, 223, 230, 231, 232, Medical Center, 660 413,415,471,645 American Friends of Bar-Ilan Univer- American Jewish Congress, 15n, 169, sity, 660 172, 176, 184, 186,189,646 American Friends of Beth Hatefut- American Jewish Correctional Chap- soth, 660 lains Association, 699 American Friends of Herzog Hospi- American Jewish Historical Society, tal/Ezrath Nashim, 660 650 American Friends of Likud, 660 American Jewish History, 726 American Friends of Neve American Jewish Joint Distribution Shalom/Wahat Al-Salam, 661 Committee (JDC), 9, I5n, 43, 44, American Friends of Rabin Medical 45, 45«, 47, 57n, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, Center, 661 250, 431, 446, 449, 461, 467, 473, American Friends of Rambam Med- 478, 479, 487, 672 ical Center, 661 American Jewish League for Israel, 663 American Friends of Tel Aviv Univer- American Jewish Periodical Center, sity, 661 688 American Friends of the Alliance Is- American Jewish Philanthropic Fund, raelite Universelle, 671 672 INDEX / 785 American Jewish Press Association, Ampal-American Israel Corporation, 650 664 American Jewish Public Relations So- Amrani, Sarit, 565 ciety, 646 Anctil, Pierre, 300, 301 American Jewish Society for Service, Andreev, Evgeni, 630n 699 Andrews, Mercia, 97 American Jewish World, 727 Andrieu, Claire, 40 American Jewish World Service, 672 Ani, Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samir, 216 American Jewish Year Book, 728 Anish, Michele, 112« American Ort, 672 Annan, Kofi, 89, 111, 281, 411, 527 American Physicians Fellowship for Annaud, Jean-Jacques, 429 Medicine in Israel, 663 Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 93, American Rabbi, 723 154, 158, 163, 164, 173, 183,223, American Red Magen David for Israel, 245,471,646 664 Antonescu, Ion, 470, 471 American Sephardi Federation, 115, Apfelbaum, Henig, 349 651 Applebaum, Michael, 279 American Society for Jewish Music, Arad, Ron, 569 651 Arafat, Souha, 334 American Society for Technion-Israel Arafat, Yasir, 95n, 104, 154, 158, 159, Institute of Technology, 664 163, 169, 172, 173, 176, 194, 195, American Society for the Protection of 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203, 204, Nature in Israel, 664 205, 217, 218, 219, 226, 227, 244, American Society for Yad Vashem, 664 283, 307, 308, 329, 331, 364, 366, American Society of the University of 378, 380, 388, 411, 437, 472, 492, Haifa, 664 505, 521, 526, 527, 529, 531, 532, American Students to Activate Pride, 535, 537, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 674 544, 545, 547, 548, 550, 552, 554, American Veterans of Israel, 698 556,557,561,572,573 American Zionist Movement, 664 Arami, Hanit, 562 American-Israel Environmental Coun- Arendes, Werner, 416 cil, 663 Arendt, Hannah, 65M American-Israeli Lighthouse, 663 Arizona Jewish Post, 723 Americans for a Safe Israel, 664 Arkoff, Samuel Z., 737 Americans for Peace Now, 664 Armitage, Richard, 190 Amir, Shafa, 597 Armstrong, Diane, 499 Amir, Yigal, 587, 588, 599 Arnon, Ruth, 598 Amira, Mursi, 564 Arnt, Adolph, 21 Amit, 664 Arnwine, Barbara, 103 Amit, 728 ARZA/World Union, 664 Ammar, Zvi, 339 Ashcroft, John, 154,155, 160, 161, 162 Amos: The National Jewish Partner- Ashkenazi, Doron, 599 ship for Social Justice, 646 Asper, Israel, 282 786 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2002 Assad, Bashar al-, 178, 199, 307, 330, Avraham, Benny, 568 380,381,410,534,590 Avraham, Esther, 567 Assad, Basil al-, 201 Avrahami, Yossi, 568 Assad, Hafez al-, 195,209 Ayad, Mosoud, 548 Association for Jewish Studies, 675 Azure, 724 Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry, 675 B'nai B'rith, 15n, 57n, 69,93,164,177, Association of Jewish Aging Services, 408, 471, 700 700 B'nai B'rith International Jewish Association of Jewish Book Publish- Monthly, 724 ers, 651 B'nai B'rith Klutznick National Jewish Association of Jewish Center Profes- Museum, 651 sionals, 700 B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, 675 Association of Jewish Community Or- B'nai Brith Canada, 97n, 705 ganization Personnel, 700 Bacher, Ali, 518 Association of Jewish Community Re- Bachi, Roberto, 603n, 604n lations Workers, 646 Badinter, Robert, 337 Association of Jewish Family and Chil- Badran, Hosni, 592 dren's Agencies, 700 Baeck, Leo, 419, 420 Association of Jewish Libraries, 651 Baer, Hans, 31, 3In Association of Orthodox Jewish Scien- Baffsky, David, 500 tists, 675 Bagraim, Michael, 511 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the Bagritskii, Eduard, 321 United States, 698 Bahat, Shula, 180 Atatiirk, Kemal, 208 Baker, Andrew, 58, 80 Atlan, Liliane, 341 Bakshi-Doron, Eliyahu, 569 Atlanta Jewish Times, 725 Balash, Giora, 563 Atmani, Said, 278 Balinsky, Clara, 302 Atta, Mohamed, 216 Balkenende, Jan Peter, 362 Attiah, Lior, 558 Balladur, Edouard, 327 Aubry, Genevieve, 399 Baltimore Hebrew University, 686 Aufbau, 728 Baltimore Institute for Jewish Com- Augstein, Rudolf, 412 munal Service, 686 Averbukh, Alexandr, 597 Baltimore Jewish Times, 726 Aviram, Nitzan, 448 Bani Odeh, Alam, 547 Avital, Colette, 67, 69, 84 Bani Odeh, Ibrahim, 547 Avital, Shmuel, 531 Bander, Jeffrey, 175 Avitan, Adi, 568 Barak, Ehud, 170, 171, 194, 197, 198, Avitan, Assaf, 567 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, Avner, Uri, 632n 210,211,212,213,215,217,218, Avnon, Arthur, 453 221, 223, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, Avotaynu, 727 248, 293, 306, 329, 520, 521, 522, INDEX / 787 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, Bellow, Irwin, 322 531, 546, 570, 573, 585, 586, 587, Ben Harush, Avi, 562 588, 589 Ben-Ami, Shlomo, 509, 525, 526, 570, Barbara, Francesco, 385 571, 572, 573 Bardossy, Laszlo, 457 Ben-Armon, Tali, 565 Barenboim, Daniel, 430 Benarrosh, Roger, 339 Barghouti, Marwan, 561 Benatoff, Cobi, 387 Bar-Ilan, Micha, 594 Ben-Avraham, Hananya, 565 Barkai, Gabi, 586 Ben-Dahan, Eli, 584 Barkan, Elazar, An Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin, 194, 525, 530, Bar-Lev, Amir, 429, 456 534, 543, 545, 551, 570, 584, 585 Barnavi, Elie, 333 Ben-Ezra, Haim, 565 Barnes, Fred, 196 Ben-Ezra, Yehoshua, 594 Barnes, Milton, 302 Benigni, Roberto, 393 Barnett, Stephanie, 323 Ben-Israel, Ruth, 598 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 700 Ben-Itto, Hadassah, 514 Baron, Salo, 65, 65n Benizri, Shlomo, 530 Barr, Bob, 161 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Bar-Zohar, Michael, 448 695 Bassam, Lord, 310 Ben-Pinhas, Levi Ben-Avishai, 599 Bassat, Nina, 498 Ben-Porat, Miriam, 598 Basso, Nat, 321 Ben-Shalom, Sharon, 564 Bathurst-Norman, George, 314 Ben-Shalom, Yaniv, 564 Baudouin, King, 359 Bensimon, Doris, 620« Bauer, Julien, 301 Bensimon, Jacques, 302 Baumgartner, Michael, 288 Bensoussan, Marc, 340 Baumhorn, Lipot, 474 Ben-Yishai, Shoshana, 566 Bayefsky, Aba, 303 Benzaquen, Salomon, 620n Bayefsky, Anne F., 109, 109n, 11 OH, Berclaz, Rene-Louis, 399 llln Berger, David, 238, 239 Bazyler, Michael J., 35« Berger, Gabriel, 619« Beame Abraham D., 737 Bergier, Jean-Francois,
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