AGENDA COUNTY OF OXFORD COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 9:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, OXFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, WOODSTOCK MEETING #26 1. CALL TO ORDER Time ______ 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Jeff Surridge, Director Community Employment Services representing the Oxford Workforce Development Partnership Re: Oxford Workforce Development Partnership Request for continued Financial Support Oxford Workforce Partnership - 111815 2. Ken McCutcheon, Foundation Board Member (Spokesperson) John McIntosh, Foundation Board Member Krista Linklater, Fundraising Coordinator St. Marys Memorial Hospital Foundation Councillor Doug Matheson, Township of Zorra Re: "Someone I Know" Fundraising St Marys Memorial Hosp Foundation - 111815 Zorra corresp. referral to budget deliberations from 102815 3. Art Lawson, General Manager South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) Re: SCOR EDC Update and Request for continued Financial Support SCOR EDC - 111815 County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 18, 2015 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Resolution That the presentation made on behalf of the Oxford Workforce Development Partnership be received and the request for financial support, in the amount of $24,500, be referred to budget deliberations. Resolution That the presentation made on behalf of the St. Marys Memorial Hospital Foundation be received and the request for financial support, in the amount of $40,000, be referred to budget deliberations. Resolution That the presentation made on behalf of the South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC), be received and the request for financial support, in the amount of $35,000, be referred to budget deliberations. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE 1. Ian Heikoop, Co-Chair Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge November 3, 2015 Re: Annual Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge - 110315 Resolution That the correspondence from the Oxford Invitational Youth Robotics Challenge, dated November 3, 2015, be received and the request for financial support in the amount of $5,000 for the 2016 Challenge, be referred to 2016 budget deliberations. 9. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS CORPORATE SERVICES CS 2015-40 Re: 2016 Business Plans and Budget Recommendation 1. That the 2016 Preliminary Budget information package and presentations be received for discussion purposes. CS 2015-41 Re: Oxford County Library 2016 Business Plan and Budget Recommendation 1. That the recommendation of the Oxford County Library Board dated October 19, 2015, that County Council approve the 2016 Oxford County Library Business Plan and Budget to provide a levy of $3,503,814, subject to possible minor adjustments to interdepartmental charges, be approved. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 18, 2015 CS 2015-42 Re: 2016 Preliminary Assessment and Tax Analysis Recommendation 1. That Report No. CS 2015-42, entitled “2016 Preliminary Assessment and Tax Analysis”, be received for information. CAO/CLERK CAO 2015-08 Re: Positioning Future Oxford for Success Recommendation 1. That the 2016 new initiative referred to as “Future Oxford” presented in the 2016 Draft Business Plan and Budget and further described in Report No. CAO 2015-08 be received for discussion purposes. CAO 2015-09 Re: 2016 New Initiative Request - Strategic Initiatives Framework Recommendation 1. That the 2016 new initiative referred to as “Manager of Strategic Initiatives” presented in the 2016 Draft Business Plan and Budget and further described in Report No. CAO 2015-09, be received for discussion purposes. CAO 2015-10 Re: 2016 New Initiative Request - Corporate Performance Management System Recommendation 1. That the 2016 new initiative referred to as “Corporate Performance Management System” presented in the 2016 Draft Business Plan and Budget and further described in Report No. CAO 2015-10, be received for discussion purposes. PUBLIC HEALTH AND EMERGENCY SERVICES PHES 2015-04 Re: 2016 New Initiative - Records Management and Electronic Health Record System Recommendation 1. That the 2016 new initiative referred to as “Records Management and Electronic Health Record System” presented in the 2016 Business Plan and Budget and further described in Report No. PHES 2015-04 be received for discussion purposes. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 4 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 18, 2015 PHES 2015-05 Re: 2016 New Initiative Request - Oxford County Paramedic Services 10-Year Growth Management Plan Recommendation 1. That the 2016 new initiative referred to as “Oxford County Paramedic Services 10- Year Growth Management Plan” presented in the 2016 Draft Business Plan and Budget and further described in Report No. PHES 2015-05, be received for discussion purposes. Resolution That Reports No. CS 2015-40, No. CS 2015-41, No. CS 2015-42, No. CAO 2015-08, No. CAO 2015-09, No. CAO 2015-10, No. PHES 2015-04 and No. PHES 2015-05, be received. STAFF PRESENTATIONS - 2016 BUSINESS PLAN AND BUDGET 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS For Budget Consideration PW 2015-51 Re: Source Water Protection Business Case Adopted by Council September 23, 2015 PHES 2015-03 Re: Emergency Management Services - Shared Services Agreement Adopted by Council October 14, 2015 11. MOTIONS 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS 14. CLOSED SESSION (Room 129) Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and go into a Closed session for the purpose of considering Report No. CS (CS) 2015-43 regarding matters that have not been made public concerning labour relations or employee negotiations. Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and reconvene in Open session. 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION CORPORATE SERVICES CS (CS) 2015-43 County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 5 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 18, 2015 16. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 5747-2015 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. 17. ADJOURNMENT Time ______ County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda St. Marys Memorial Hospital Foundation Our Mission: A healthy, active community Our Hospital • 20 In-patient beds • Diagnostic Imaging (X-Ray/US) • Laboratory • Emergency department • Physiotherapy • Other services Tradition Mutual Centre for Wellness • 9 Family Physicians - 2 Nurse Practitioners • Some Services provided include: – Social Work – Diabetic Clinic – Nutrition Counselling – Addiction Counselling – Smoking Cessation Wellness Centre Our Hospital In a recent survey released in 2015 by the National Research Corporation of Canada, St. Marys Memorial Hospital was recognized as: Top Performer in patient satisfaction for Inpatient & Emergency care Catchment Area • Hospital attracts over 22,000 people from St. Marys and surrounding areas • Tradition Mutual Centre for Wellness attracts over 50,000 patient connections per year! Oxford County Catchment ~ FY14/15 - St. Marys Memorial Hospital Inpatient Outpatient Hospital Total Wellness H +W Total Bright 0 5 5 21 26 Burgessville 0 2 2 21 23 Embro 2 108 110 200 310 Hickson 0 4 4 0 4 Ingersoll 0 27 27 62 89 Innerkip 2 0 2 0 2 Kintore 0 24 24 21 45 Lakeside 6 256 262 464 726 Tavistock 3 90 93 65 158 Thamesford 3 98 101 138 239 Tillsonburg 5 0 5 0 5 Woodstock 29 29 111 140 Total: 19 528 547 861 1767 Consideration Please • We respectfully request your consideration of supporting “Someone YOU Know” with a contribution of: $ 40,000 What are we doing? • Updating facilities • Updating equipment • Updating technology • Revitalize & expand the Tradition Mutual Centre for Wellness *100% of the funds stay in St. Marys! Keeping the heart of our community beating strong! Why are we doing it? • Needed infrastructure, equipment & technology upgrades • Planning for strong, sustainable health services in our communities • A healthy community creates a successful, healthy business environment • Sustainable, second-to-none rural health system • The patients that need our care! What’s your Opportunity? • Sustaining & expanding infrastructure for future growth of our communities • Commitment to retaining and recruiting Physicians, Residents and Business to rural Ontario • Commitment to the health & well being of our rural communities We have an ambitious goal, but ever since our first fundraiser in the late 1940s we’ve known this about our communities: We pull together, especially when it’s for Someone We Know WHO do you know? Thank you! From: Karen Martin Sent: October-22-15 3:14 PM To: Brenda Tabor Cc: Krista Linklater Subject: St. Mary's Hospital - Resolution Good afternoon, Please be advised the Township of Zorra Council passed the following resolution at the October 20, 2015 meeting: “THAT the Township of Zorra Council supports the St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital Foundation to present to County Council and supports the request for funding.” Disposition: Carried Brenda, please be advised Krista Linklater from the St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital will be contacting you for a delegation to County Council. Thanks, Karen Martin, BA, MPA Clerk Township of Zorra 274620 27th Line P.O. Box 306 Ingersoll, ON N5C 3K5 Ph. 519-485-2490 ext. 228 or 1-888-699-3868 [email protected] www.zorra.on.ca Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council/Committee Agenda process. This email communication is CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify me at the telephone number shown above or by return email and delete this communication and any copy immediately.
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