NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER October 2, 1954 Angels James Spiers New Church Fathers Clarence Hotson Assembly of World Council of Churches Edwin G. Capon He Will Guide You into Truth Charles J. Coch THE PARTIAL LIST PRINCIPAL FOREIGN NEW-CHURCH OF CHURCHES MISSIONS MESSENGER STATIONS AND OUTPOSTS OP BALTIMORB, MD. THE GENERAL CONVENTION Official organ of The General Convention divert Street, neat Chue (Usually the city listed is the field head of the New Jerusalem in the United States BATH, ME. quarters of the missionary or leader.) of America. Convention founded in 1817. Middle and Winter Streeu (Swedenborgian) ; BOSTON, MASS. Bowdoin Street, opp. State House • ARGENTINB Buenos Aires, Calle Gualeguaycheo 4144 Mbkdkk or tub Associated Church Press BRIDGBWATER, MASS. Central Square AUSTRIA • BROCKTON, MASS. Vienna, Liniengassc 31/16, VII Published biweekly by The New Church 34 Crescent Street, near Main BRITISH GUIANA Press, 108 Clark Street, Brooklyn, New York. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Georgetown, Robb SC Light Sts. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Quincy Street, corner Kirkland Office, Brooklyn, N. Y., under Act of Con CHICAGO, ILL. CHINA gress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for Kenwood, 5710 So. Woodlawn Ave. Nanping, 52 New Town, San Yuan Fen mailing at special rate of postage provided Norlhiide Parish. 912 W. Sheridan (Temporarily suspended) for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, CUBA authorized on July 30, 1918. (Printed in CINCINNATI, OHIO Oak Street and Whulow Avenue Havana, Campanario 609 U. S. A.) • CLEVELAND, OHIO CZECHOSLOVAKIA 12600 Euclid Avenue, B. Cleveland Prague, Legerova 6, Praha-Kral, Vinohradr Subscription $3.00 a year; foreign postage, DETROIT, MICH. Lipnik, Moravia, Nadrazni ul. 729 25 cents extra. Gift subscription, if from Meyers Road and Curtis Street a subscriber, $1.50. Single copies, IS cents. DENMARK Address subscriptions to the publisher. Ad EDMONTON, ALB. Copenhagen, Forhaabningsholms Allee 8 11408—71st Street vertising rate card on request. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EL CERRITO. CALIF. Monte Christy, Palo Verde OFFICERS OF CONVENTION 1420 Navellicr Street DUTCH GUIANA ELMWOOD, MASS. Rev. Franklin Hehry Blackuer, 42 Paramaribo, 102A, Wciderstraat 8uincy St., Cambridge 38, Mass.; Mi. West Street sorgb Pausch, Vice-Pretident, 209 South- FRYEBURG, MB. ECUADOR way, Guilford, Baltimore 1. Md.; Ml. Main Street Cojimes, Manabi Hoiacb B. BucKum, Recording Secretary, GULFPORT, MISS. FRANCE 134 Bowdoin St., Boston 8, Mass.; Mb. 2608 Kelley Avenue Paris, 14 Sentier des Theux, Bellcvue Albert P. Ca«teb, Treasurer, 511 Barristers INDIANAPOLIS GERMANY Hall, Boston 8, Mass. 623 No. Alabama Street Berlin, GeUenheimentr. 33, Wilmersdorf KITCHENER, ONT. Bochum, Glockengaue SO Me. Chester T. Cook Stuttgart, Stitzenburgslr. 15 Auditor Margaret Ave. N. and Queen St. LAKEWOOD, OHIO ITALY Corner Detroit and Andrews Avenue Rome, Via G. Castellint 24 LAPORTE, IND. Trieste, Via Dello Scoglio 35 Editor Indiana and Maple Avenues Venice, S. Croc* 7a Bjorn Johannson LOS ANGELES, CALIF. JAPAN Tokyo, 2398, 3 Cbotne, Setagaya, • 509 South Westmoreland Avenue Setagsya-Ku Associate Editor MANCHESTER, N. H. Count Street MAURITIUS Carol Lawson MANSFIELD, MASS. Curepipe, Rue Remono Port Louis, Ruo Cbamp-de-Lort Row 2 • Wett Street Addren all editorial correspondence and MONTEZUMA, KANS. MEXICO Main Street Monterrey, N. L., 132 Morelos Ave., Ote. manuscripts to the Editor, Box 63, NEWTONVILLE, MASS. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Erantton Branch, Cincinnati 7, Ohio. Highland Avenue Manila, 82 Leon St. Malabon • NORWAY, IOWA POLAND Lenox Township Church The opinions of contributors do not neces. Czeatochowa, Ulica Street 7, Kamienic Nr. 21/nt. 18 tarlly reflect the views of the editors or NEW YORK CITY JJth Street, bet. Park and Lexington Aves. SWEDEN represent the position of the Church. Clark Street and Monroe Place, Brooklyn Stockholm, Tegnerlunden 7 166 W. 136th Street (Colored) SWITZERLAND ORANGE, N. J. Basel, Siadthausgass 13 Euex Avenue near Main Street Berne, Kirchbuhlweg 30 October 2. 1954 PALOS VERDES, CALIF. Herisau, Gossauerstr. 17a Wayfarers' Chapel, Portugese Bend Vol. 174, No. 20 Wholo No. 4637 Zurich, Appollostrasse 2 PATERSON, N. J. Geneva, 6 Rue de I'Universite 380 Van Houten Street Lausanne, Rue Caroline 21 PRINCIPAL CONTENTS PAWNEE ROCK, KANS. Vevey, 3 Rue du Leman Main Street EDITORIALS: PHILADELPHIA, PA. 22nd and Chestnut Streets He Wrote His Own 325 Frankford, Paul and Unity Streets £n0ftitled* of World Communion Sunday 325 PITTSBURGH. PA. Sanduiky St. near North Ave. at uttp Nrw (Ufjurrlj ARTICLES: PORTLAND, MB. Assembly of the World Council 302 Stevens Ave. cor. Montrote There is one God, and He is of Churches 323 PORTLAND, OREGON the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2037 S.E. Spruce Ave. EDWIJf O. CAPON PRETTY PRAIRIE, KANS. • World's Hope in Christ Reaf Bait Main Street firmed 321 RIVERSIDE, CALIF. The Word is Divine and con He Will Guide You Into All 3643 Locust Street tains a spiritual or inner meaning Truth 32C SAN DIEGO, CALIF. whereby is revealed the way. CIIABI.ES J. CDCII 4144 Campus Avenue New-Church Fathers 327 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. • Lyon and Washington Streets CLAKKNCE IIOTSON ST. LOUIS, MO. Saving faith is to believe in Angels 331 620 N. Spring Avenue Him and keep the Commandments JAMES 8PIEHS ST. PAUL, MINN. FEATURES: S.E. cor. Virginia and Selby Aves. of His Word. President Calls For Act of TORONTO. ONT. College St. near Euclid Ave. Faith 330 VANCOUVER, B. C. Evil is to be shunned as sin Study the Arcana 330 2316 W. 12th Avenuo against God. Trends and Trails 333 WASHINGTON, D. C. Letters to the Editor 334 16th and Corcoran Streets, N.W. Poems 330 WILMINGTON, DBL. Human life is unbroken and Pennsylvania Avenue and Broome Street continuance, and the world of the liirlhs. Baptisms, Confirmations. YARMOUTHPORT, MASS. Marriages, Memorials 335, 33(i Main Street spirit is real and near. 322 GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES by Edwin G. Capon 3 SUPPOSE that all I can and should do in this Groups of Meetings my first report of the World Council of As a "Special Visitor," the classification granted Churches Second Assembly is to give my impressions to me as representative of the General Convention and to speak of the high points of the 17 days of of the New Jerusalem, there were two principal meetings. Anything about the significance or the groups of meetings open to me. Held in mammoth challenge of Evanston had better wait until the finul McGaw Hall were some twenty-five plenary ses texts of various reports are available and can be sions of the Assembly at which all official delegates reread. were present and the business of the Assembly was An Unforgettable Festival transacted, addresses were heard, or reports were So many things come quickly to mind as one thinks read, discussed, and acted upon. Closed to me were back to those memorable last two weeks of August. the many meetings of Assembly committees or sec It is hard to forget the tremendous experience of tions in which the delegates, divided into smaller standing on the rim of Soldier Field stadium in units, considered reports that had been prepared Chicago and seeing 100,000 or more people moving beforehand or themselves prepared reports to be closer together at the request of a voice over the presented to the Assembly. For the benefit of us loudspeaker informing the crowd that there are still who were excluded from these meetings a special 30,000 or more outside the stadium waiting to get program for accredited and other visitors had been in. And then to watch the processional of repre arranged in a smaller auditorium adjacent to Scott sentatives of more than 150 churches in 48 lands. Hall, the information center. Here we had the op And to watch a dramatic dance presentation of the portunity to hear among others Toyohiko Kagawa, spiritual history of man accompanied by music and Bishop John Peter of Hungary, Charles P. Taft, the words of Scripture and concluding more truly Alan Paton, and Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk. The ac than was realized by most with the glorious words credited visitors' program followed in general the "I saw a new heaven and a new earth." At this same outline of subjects being discussed by the As moment and throughout the Evanston meetings one sembly in its sections and in the plenary sessions. could not help but be aware that much of Christen We were told by our chairman, whether with tongue dom is earnestly seeking for a new heaven and a new in cheek or not I do not know, that some of the offi earth, often with great insight and too often with cial delegates had asked permission to attend our no help whatsoever from the doctrines of the New sessions. Jerusalem. It is very doubtful, however, that the "Strange Garments" general ignorance of our teachings on the part of During the meetings of the Assembly two new those who are seeking can be said to be their fault. denominations were brought into membership in the Council, making the present membership 163 denom Heart - Warming Hospitality inations or churches. Naturully, then, men and Apart from the great "Festival of Faith" already women from many lands were in evidence on the spoken of all meetings of the World Council were streets and in the buildings of Evanston. Not only held in the beautiful city of Evanston on the shore were there strange ecclesiastical garments, dark red of Lake Michigan immediately north of Chicago. robes from India, strange headgear from the Coptic There amazing work had been going on for over a churches of Egypt and Ethiopia, ancient robes from year in preparation for the Council and heart Orthodox Syria and Greece, but there were the native warming hospitality as well as effective meeting of garbs of such countries as India, the Philippines, delegates needs was the gratifying result.
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