MEETING AGENDA MONITORING COMMITTEE Tuesday 6 September 2016 at 4.30pm Council Chamber Chairperson: Cr Craig McFarlane Members: Cr Marie Pearce (Deputy) Cr Keith Allum Cr Shaun Biesiek Cr Murray Chong Cr Harry Duynhoven Cr Colin Johnston Cr Richard Jordan Cr Howie Tamati Mayor Andrew Judd MONITORING COMMITTEE TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 MONITORING COMMITTEE Objectives: a) Ensure effective and efficient implementation of the long-term plan and annual plan under the Local Government Act 2002. b) Ensure delivery of significant activities in accordance with approved plans and policies. c) Monitor the council’s performance, progress and financial position against, and to ensure compliance with, legislation, strategies, policies and plans. Addressing the committee Members of the public have an opportunity to address the committee during the public forum section or as a deputation. A public forum section of up to 30 minutes precedes all committee meetings. Each speaker during the public forum section of a meeting may speak for up to 10 minutes. In the case of a group a maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed. A request to make a deputation should be made to the secretariat within two working days before the meeting. The chairperson will decide whether your deputation is accepted. The chairperson may approve a shorter notice period. No more than four members of a deputation may address a meeting. A limit of 10 minutes is placed on a speaker making a presentation. In the case of a group a maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed. Purpose of Local Government The reports contained in this agenda address the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to decision making. Unless otherwise stated, the recommended option outlined in each report meets the purpose of local government and: • Will help meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses; • Would not alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council. Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 MONITORING COMMITTEE TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 HEALTH AND SAFETY Emergency procedures APOLOGIES None Advised CONFLICTS OF INTEREST None Advised PUBLIC FORUM None advised DEPUTATIONS Steve Roberts and Maria Ramsay, Netball Taranaki re Item A6 - Waiwhakaiho Park Proposal COMMITTEE MINUTES RECOMMENDATION That the minutes of the Monitoring Committee (27 July 2016), and the proceedings of the said meeting, as previously circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. A ITEMS FOR DECISION BY COMMITTEE A1 VENTURE TARANAKI QUARTER FOUR 2015/16 REPORT The purpose of this report is to present the Venture Taranaki Trust (VTT) Quarter Four Report for the period 1 April to 30 June 2016 to the Council. A2 ROADSAFE TARANAKI SHARED SERVICE INFORMATION REPORT The purpose of this report is to update the Council on the role, structure and activities of Roadsafe Taranaki who deliver the Regional Road Safety Programme, and outline the Memorandum of Understanding entered into as a shared service on behalf of the three district councils. A3 AGE FRIENDLY DISTRICT UPDATE REPORT This report is to provide an update on the progress of Council pursuing registration with the World Health Organisation, to become an Age Friendly District. Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 MONITORING COMMITTEE TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 A4 TSB COMMUNITY TRUST FUNDING APPLICATIONS The purpose of this report is to inform the Council of the projects that have been invited by the TSB Community Trust, through the Expressions of Interest process, to be submitted for full applications for funding. A5 WAITARA EAST BEACH EROSION UP DATE This report is to provide an update regarding the ongoing concerns with coastal erosion at Waitara East Beach. A6 NETBALL TARANAKI – WAIWHAKAIHO NETBALL COURTS NEW LEASE The matter for consideration by the Council is a request from Netball Taranaki for concessional leases of the Waiwhakaiho Netball Courts and Pavilion and funding from depreciation reserves toward the cost of Court resurfacing to improve facilities and provide additional capacity while the redevelopment of TSB Stadium is considered. A7 DELEGATED AUTHORITY CONTRACTS To inform the Council of contracts with a value in excess of $250,000 awarded in the period 25 June to 10 August 2016. A8 WAITARA STORMWATER CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE REPORT This report provides a progress update on the project to develop a stormwater catchment management plan for the Eastern half of Waitara. Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 MONITORING COMMITTEE TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 B ITEMS FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL B1 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT - ACQUISITION OF LAND UNDER PUBLIC WORKS ACT 1981 TO VEST AS LEGAL ROAD AND LOCAL PURPOSE (DRAINAGE) RESERVE - WHAKAWHITI STREET MARFELL The matter for consideration by the Council is a decision on: 1. The recommendation to rescind an earlier 5 June 2012 resolution to approve the acquisition of 417m² of private land by agreement in part for the purpose of legal road and in part for local purposes (drainage) reserve based on the 2012 valuation for the sum of $25,000 compensation. 2. Approval to the payment of $34,500 (plus GST if any) for compensation under the Public Works Act 1981 for the acquisition of this privately owned land with 120m² to be vested as part legal road and 296m² as part local purpose (drainage) reserve (Appendix A). Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 MONITORING COMMITTEE TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 1 ITEM FOR DECISION ITEM A1 VENTURE TARANAKI QUARTER FOUR 2015/16 REPORT PREPARED BY: Kathryn Scown (Senior Policy Adviser) TEAM: Policy Development APPROVED BY: Mitchell Dyer (Policy Development Lead) WARD/COMMUNITY: District Wide DATE: 1 August 2016 FILE REFERENCE: ECM 7193214 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present the Venture Taranaki Trust (VTT) Quarter Four Report for the period 1 April to 30 June 2016 to the Council. RECOMMENDATION That, having considered all matters raised in the report, the report be noted. SIGNIFICANCE AND ENGAGEMENT This report is provided for information purposes only, and has been assessed as being of some importance. DISCUSSION VTT is a Council-controlled Organisation (CCO) responsible for delivering New Plymouth District Council’s active economic development initiatives. Under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), the Venture Taranaki Trustees (the Trustees) must present a draft Statement of Intent (SOI) each year for the Council to review. The Trustees develop an annual business plan outlining the outputs required to deliver on the SOI outcomes each financial year and this is submitted to the Council to form the basis of the quarterly performance monitoring reports. The 2015/16 Business Plan is built around three strategic and interconnected themes: Prosperity, People and Partnerships and Place. Council officers received the VTT 2015/16 Quarter Four report on 28 July 2016 (see Appendix One). The report includes a summary progress report on SOI performance measures (pages 57- 59 of the report). This summary shows that VTT achieved every performance measure during 2015/16. The forecast versus actual unaudited budget summary results were also positive: 2015 – 2016 Year (1 July 2015 – 30 June Budgeted Actual 2016) Total Revenue – Venture Taranaki Trust $3,827,031 $4,136,032 Revenue – New Plymouth District Council $2,726,400 $2,763,266 Total expenditure – Venture Taranaki Trust $3,827,031 $4,168,312 Monitoring Committee Tuesday 6 September 2016 2 ITEM A1 ITEM FOR DECISION The fourth quarter of the 2015/16 year again saw strong demand for Venture Taranaki’s services spanning economic development, business and sector growth, innovation and visitor and regional promotion. Some highlights of activity undertaken by Venture Taranaki in quarter four include the formation of an apiculture industry group, delivery of the Future of Work event, launch of the Study Taranaki website and a further six major events being contracted. Other highlights include: Prosperity • High demand continued for business advisory services, with 930 client interactions in the New Plymouth District, bringing the year-end total to over 3,000. • Ten mentor matches were made in the New Plymouth district in quarter four (13 in the region), bringing the region’s year-end total to 42. • 61 client meetings for potential start-ups were held at the New Plymouth clinics. Over the year a total of 286 meetings were held across 78 clinics, with 249 of these in New Plymouth District. • 53 growth-oriented clients were supported during the quarter, across capability development and research, with 91 percent of clients stating the support received directly helped their business. • 86 Capability Development Vouchers worth $102,074 were issued by Venture Taranaki during the quarter - $68,897 went to businesses in New Plymouth District. A total of $326,364 worth of vouchers were issued over the year. • $75,879 of research and development funding support was directed into Taranaki during quarter four. $1,086,765 of research and development funding was facilitated in the 2015-16 year. • Ten funding applications were made for student internships, with the results known in quarter one of 2016-17. • The Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies group attended the APPEA Conference in Brisbane, with Venture Taranaki delivering a presentation. • Assistance was provided to the Taranaki Angel Investment Group towards a launch in quarter one of 2016-17. • An inward investment project and a potential development in the Kapuni field were assisted, with both reliant on global commodity prices. • The annual Client Satisfaction Survey was undertaken, finding that 91.8 percent of customers are satisfied with their Venture Taranaki experience, and 97.8 percent are satisfied with Trust staff.
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