-- ----------------------~ - OCTOBER 1967 WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION ( Sec paoe 29 1) 65 CENTS Sub$cription Rat. ONE YEAR S7.50 e 789 PAGES: 7 '17 by 9 inehes, c:lothbound 221 diaqrams 493 idea variations 1704 practicol variations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all variations a"d 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A. HOROWITZ in collaboration with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe, Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch, and many other noted authorities This latest and immense work, the most exhaustive of its kind, ex­ plains in encycloped ic deta il the line points of all openings. It carries the reader well into the middle game, evaluates the prospects there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid-position with the query: What happens now? A logical sequence hinds the continuity in each openill g. First come the moves with footnotes leading to the key position. Then fol. BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observations, illustrated by " Idea Variations." Finally, Glossy paper, handsome print. Practical and Supplementary Variations, well annotated, exemplify the effective possibilities. Each line is appraised: or spacious paging and all the +, - = . The large format- 71j2 x 9 inches-is designed fo r ease of read· other appurtenonces of exquis· ing and playing. It eliminates much tiresome shuffling of pages ite book-making combine to between the principal lines and the respecti ve comments. Clear, make this the handsomest of legible type, a wide margin for inserting notes and variation.identify. ing diagrams are other plus features. chess books! In addition to all else, this book contains 439 complete games- a golden treasury in itsel f! 1------ - --- - ------- -- ----- -- -- -I I Please send me Chess Openings: Theory and Practice at $12.50 I I Name . • . • . I I Address .. ........... •• ......... •. ........ ••• ... .. ... ....... ............. .. I I City & Slate .. .... ..• . .... •. ... ••••......•••.. Zip Code No .. .. .. ..... I I Check / Money order enclosea I I _ _ ____ ------------ -- ---------~ $4 (under 18, S2 ) + $1 if postmarked afler Oc t. 16 & + USCF dues: latest CH 55 regis tration or wit hdrawal, 7 I' M , Oct. 20: trophies to top 3, & to j unior, ':lll rated & class winne rs ; EF's and inquiries to REVIEW W. H. C. Newberry, Hillside View Rd., ~,cr". , eHUS MAGAr'H' '"' Northford, Conn. 06472. Volume 3'5 Number 10 Octobe r 1967 Il linois - Oct obe r 28 to 29 EDITED &, PUBLISHED BY Mid·America Open at Am erican I. A. Horawit>: lst Legion Post 131 , 620 Halsted St., Chicago Heights, Illinois : 5 Rd 55, 45 rn oves/ 2 hours: EF $12 (juniors S10 ) + USCF Table of Contents dues, less $2 ti ll OC I, IS : $$ first $150 Chess-board Magie! . ... .. .. .. 304 gtr:tranteed and, as E F'S permit, 2 to 5 & 2 in A, 2 in B, & tops in C, D, Unrated, Chess Club D ir ectory .. .. __ _.. 320 COM I NG E VENTS IN THE U. S . Junior and (if over 3) Women : inquiries AND CANAOA Chess in the Caribbean . _.. • . .. 296 and adv EFs (payable to i\'fid·America Abbr<:,..in,lon_ SS: S w iss SystCll' Tourna · Chess Ass l>cialion ) to J. H. Toll, 271 Fir Chess Quiz . .. .. ' . _ . .. .. 290 m (! nl (Ill 1st rou nd e n tri(!s pa ired b y lot 0,· SL, Park Forest. Illinois 60466. ~ (! I (!{;lioll: ill ~\llJ s e q \le n t rO ll nd s playe r s " ' ith F inishi ng T ouch . ... .. .. , .... 300 s ;mllar ~ C Ore s paired ) . RR: Round Hobin California _ . N ovember 4 to 5 TOlll'nanw nt (each m an p lay~ cvcr~' o t h (! r Games from Rec ent Events . .. .. .. 302 m ~ n) . KO: Knock·out T ournamen t 10$(! rs Northern California Cham pionship at Or low scorers €1imlnaled ) . S5: Cash prizes . EF: £ntry fee. CC Chcss Club. CF: Ch e .~s Mechanic's Institute, 57 Post St., San Grandmast er Tour nament (Moscow) , 313 I··eder,-,.lioll. CA: Ch ess Asso ci:.Uon. CL: Francisco: 5 Rd 55; 40 1ll 0ves/lYz hours, C h e ,, ~ League. Rd: r o ullds. USCF dues: $10 2 I'd; 40/ 2 last 3 rd : EF $10 USCF On t he Cover . .. - . 291 "'e"'bel'sh lll ]leI' year. + & CSCF dues : regis ter by 9 AM, Nov. 4: Postal Chess .. - . .. .. .. .. 308 I ll i n o is _ October 13 to 15 une qualifies to State Championship: $$ 1st Soli taire Chess . , . .. 307 IV (l msiey Cup Open at Chicago CC, 64 $150 (incl. $50 EF to state champion. E. Van Burcn, Chicago, Illinois 60605 : 5 ~ h i p ). 2d 560, 3d £30, & 2 in A, 2 in B World of Chess . , . , . 29 1 Rd SS, 45 moves/ 2 hours: starts 8 PM, & tops of C + Un rated: inquiries and EFs register 7, Oct. 13: brilliancy prize $25, (checks payabl e to ) Will iam Addison, hes t game SIO : Cham pionship open to all ; Director, Mechanic's Institute Chess Room, EXECU T I VE EDITOR EF $1 2 (juniors SIO ) USCF dues, less 57 Post 5t., San Francisco, Calif. 9,n 04, .r 'ICk S traley Uattell + 82 adv EF; 5 $S S100 to $25: R eserve for P e n nsylvan ia _ November 4 to 5 MANAGI NG EDITOR B & lowe r raled; EF $9 (juniors 88 ) + YM & WHA Open at YM & WHA, 315 A r thur B. Bisguier USCF dues, less $1 adv E.F; 8$ top B $25, S. Bellefield A v., Pittsburgh: 5 Rd 55, CONTR IBU T I NG EDITORS C·D $15, juni or $10, unraled $10 & tro· 50 moves/2 hours: register by 9 A M : EF J. \\', Collins, T. A . D u nst. phics to each, trophy & $15 to secti on S velOZ,t ,. Gli gOl';ch , Hans K moch. $1 0 (under 18, $8) USCF dues: $$ winner: inquiries & adv EF checks to + \Val te,' KOl'n a nd Dr. P. Trifunovich. $200 & $150 & at least 2 others & 4 Class Chi cago Chess Club (add ress above ) . CORRESPO N DENTS 58 : inquiries & adv EFs to Mrs. P. A labama ~. :\L COCkrell. Ohio _ Oct obe r 14 to 15 Oseroff, YM&W HA (address above ). Cali f ornia Dr . H . Ralston. "11 1. J . R o ye,·. Colo r a do .r. J . Reid . Univ ersity City Open at Ohio Unio n, Rhode Is land _ N ovember 4 to 5 Dis t r ict of CO lu mb ia R . S . Can t well. Ohio State Un iv. campus : 5 ltd SS : 42 R Southeast New England Open at Crown Florida C. FAlStw ood. moves/ } ho ur, 36 min. EF $6.50 (less $1 Georg ia Brn ~ w c li DCiln. Hotel. 208 Wey bossett St. , Providence, R. Id a ho R. S. Vandc nherg. till Ocl. 10 & for junior ) + USC}, dues: L 5 ltd 5S, 50 m()ve/2 hours: EF $10 Ill ino is J . G. W a rren. $$ lsI $60, 2d $30, 3d S10, and S10 to A, Indiana D. C . Hills. D. E. Rhead . ( Ilostmarked Oct. 29 87): register latest Iowa J . :\1 . O SllCS-S. B. C, D, unrated & j unior : register by 9 8:30 .-\ ) 1, Nov. 4 : SS EFs less expenses, Kansas K . R. 1IIacDonilid A~ l latest, Oct. 14: inquiri es and adv EF ~ Louis iana J. F. ,\ c n~s . A. L. :\[cAulcy. 50% 10 1st score group; 30 I n 2d ; 20 to 10 J, Cummings, 1535 N. High 51., Co· Maine L . Bldrldge. 3d : trophies to lst, 2d & lop A, B, C & Maryland Charles Bar n.sch, P l". \ V. R. lumbus, Ohio. B und ick. j uni or under 21: Adl' EFs (payable to Mich igan R. B usku!;e'·. Connecticut - Oct ober 20 to 22 H. J. Chess Association) 10 Providence Minn es ota G. Tie r s. Mississi ppi '8 . A. Du nning. Connecticut Amateur Open at YMCA, ce, 23 Abonn St., Providence, R. L Ne b r aska B. B. Ells worth. J ack Spe'lC e. 52 Howe St., New Haven, Co nnecticut : 6 02903; inquiries to \'Ii . A. Chamandy, 142 Nevada R . L . Wheeler . New Ham ps hir e Ralph ~\L Gen h. ltd SS open to under 2000 ratings : EF Supe rior St., Providence, R. I. 02909. New Yor k P. Her low. Edward Lasker, .T. N. Olls. Items prin t ed for be nefi t of our rea d.e rs Ari z ona - N ovember 10 to 12 No rth Carolina J),'. S . :-': obll". if r eported by autho r Iz ed officials a t lea st A rizona Open at Adu lt Center, 1101 North Da kota D. C. )lacdonaJd. two m onthS in advance. and kep t t o brief Ohio R. n. Hayes. J . R. Schl"Oeder . essent ia ls . Ihmder s: nenrly a ll t ourneys ask West Washi ngto n St., Phoenix, Ari1.Ona: 5 P ennsy lvania .I. E . Armst rong. )'on r aid b)' b r inging own chess se t s . boards ltd S5, 4-5 rn oves/ 2 hours, then 20 per: S outh Dakota ~ r. F. Anderson. a 'Hi ~! o<: k s. _·\ lw . write for f UTlhcr d e tnUs T enness ee )h · ~. ) rartha H ardt, J . G. Sulli· fo" s pa ce her e Is , ' CT), r estricted. b ut m e n · va n. Jr. tio n )·ou helu"(i through Chess Rev iew! ( Concluded on page 295) T exas H ome r H. H}·dc. Utah Har(>1d I~ 'mds t rom . Wisconsin Pearle ) l a n n. CH E SS REV!E\V is p ublish ed monthly by S u bscr iption Rate: O ne y eru ' $7.
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