The Inventory of the Meyer Levin Collection #138 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center MEYER LEVIN MANUSCRIPTS Box 3 One Big Family ✓ A play by George Froeschel and Meyer Levin 99.e. Mimeographed(?), n.d. Unproduced. A play 102f. Typescript, n.d. Unproduced. Box 1 Citizens draft entitled 11 The Way Things Are" 688/!. Typescript with holograph corrections. Box 3 A novel 2971!. Typescript, 1933, unpublished. Box 1 The Fanatic draft entitled 11Among the Living" and copy of final draft with unsorted pages of alterations. Typescript with holograph corrections I \ Meyer Levin Manuscripts 1. ) He, Israel. Novel - unpuDlished Typescript, dated 1928 Sole existing copy Box 1,3 2.,) War Dispatches Envelope containinJ two folders Typescripts of cablegrams to news agency from Europe Box 5 3.) Note\took kept as war correspondent - "mostly on Jewish survivors"· 4.) Clippin,:s - mostly of "Candid Comment" ("Candid Commentator") newspaper column - 70/80 items, no dates Box 2 5.,) Folder laDeled "Citizens" a. Article clipped from Nation (June 12, 1937), "Slaughter in Chicago", on union picketing of Repulillic Steel plant and the ensuing shooting lily police in which several union mem•ers were killed - 2 copies •• Typescript (carion) of statement lily steelworkers of Pittsourg (Feb. 3, 1935) to Exec. Council of A.F.L. concerning oppression iy steel companies c. T.L.s., Charles Kramer, May 31, 1938 - on Repuilio incident 6.) Folder lalaeled "Citizens Corresp., 1940) Material concerning his iook Citizens(194o) a. Several let·~ers from Vikinc Press concerning publication of book b. Two items from ste~lworkers: one anouncinc memorial parade on first anniversary of the shooting incident. e. Ernest Hemingway - T.L.s., n.d., lp. - very interesting d. Telegram - (Louis) Bromfield(?), March 2,.1940 - Congratulations 01 iook Levin - 2 7.) Articles: (printed) Box 2 ftLeopold Should Be Freed" - Coronet, May, 1957 - clipping "Writing and Realization" - ~ Screen Writer - whole mag. Box 13 '''The Jugle, Unambo, Tongue of the Prophet" - Zionist Quarterly collective Book review - clipped War-Gutted Jerusalem" - Congress Weekly; Jan., 23, 1950 - clipped "I Witnessed the Li\>eration 11 - Congress Weekly; April 18, 1955 - clipped Another Kind of Blacklist" - Congress Bi-Weekly; Oct. 30, 1961 - mag. Eichman: The Lesson to De Learned" - Congress Bi-Weekly; Jan. 8, 1962 - entire mag. When I Was a Book Fedler" - Congress Bi-Weekly; Dec. 25, 1961 - mag. Land of Refuge" - Ken; May 19, 1938 - clipped The Paper-Back Revolution: Cheaper Books, More Readers" - Reporter - Sept. 1, 1953 - whole mag. Bo~ 2· 8.) Folder lalaeled "Esquire and Coronet Pieces" Clipped articles from those two publications - 14 pieces 9_.) "The System Was Doomed 11 Short story - clipping; source not indicated - dated (pencil) 11 Sep-'4C' marked "reprinted in Best Short Stories" 10 .. ) Folder la'beled "Journalism for Overseas News Agency during making of The Illegals (1947) Typescripts of articles and fiction, some with holograph notations add corrections - aprox. 10 items 11.) Folder laaeled "War Reports" Clippings of newspaper articles •Y Levin as war correspondent - almost all 1945 12.) Clippings - "I Cover Culture" 8c "Candid Commentator" columns - no dates 75-lOO·items Levin - 3 Box 5 .. .13.) Clippings of "Eva" as serialized in Munchner Illustrierte (magazine) - 1960 .L4.) The Fanatic "worksheets" aprox 200 pages of ms. material - mostly typescript with copious holograph notations and corrections - also many pages of material fully in holograph :MEYER LEVIN MATWSCRIPTS Box 8 Fala.er: "Fanatic} ·worksheets of lmsorted ms. and typescript .,i Box 11 !<'older: "Fanatic 11 - 11 PartialJ Intermedia.ry Revisions" typescript l with rnany holograph corrections . Box 12 .£Polder: In Search 1950 Correspondence wj.th publishers and others including: Citation frow Jewish Book Month Comm. ( Los Angeles). Book jacket. Publisher's agreement, May 20, 1950. Typescript copy of statement for pub­ licity by Albert Einstein with accompanying letters from his secretary. t:'Helen Duka!;__] Mann, Thoruas TIS Pacific Palisades, Calif. Sept. 22, 1950. 1fL, -- catalogued Gannett, Louis 2 1rLS. West Cornwall, Conn. J\me 30, 1950 (2/j) July 7, 19 50 ( 2 i) concerning his review and comments on the General Maurice Rose controversy. Also more material on this incl. a TLS fron1 Gen. Rose to M. L. 25 Feb., 1945. 1 f,( Hersey, John AIS to Mrs. Levin. Paris May 9, 19 50 1.<J. _catalogued i,evisohn, Ludwig TIS Waltham, Mass. May 7, 1950 ii_ catalogued :F'older·: War Dispatches (carbons) 1nostly undated some 19L1.9-50 Box 7 Folder: War Dis1)atches (carbons) Circa 194 5 incl. clipping fror11 Sat. Eve. Post: "He liberated Who's ifoo", by M. L. n.d. Folder: 11Dr. Fabian' s One Man Show 11 TTpescr:tpt with numerous holograph cor- rections 13.1.. rnarli:ed 11 Published 11 older: Isra,el Films. Co:cresponc1ence from Forurn Films; Tel Aviv. 1950 re M. L. 's works l)roducecl. :Ln Israel. Yehudi Menuhip. 1rLS to M.L. Wien, 9th J·une 1950 1J and teleg:carn A:r;n:. 19; 1950 TLS Bern, Arn"., 9, 1950 l R. telegra1il May 18; 1950 re his acting in film 11Soing of Israel" a.nd co:rrer:iponc1ence to and frorn Met:co-Goldwyn Mayer· and other Arnerifan film companies. Unsign:ed carbons of M, L. Carbon of "A Filw Story for Yehudi Menuhin ( untit.lec1) 60{ catalogued under Menuhin a.s unit ..-------,,-- ._,_, __ ... -- ;, .. __ .., Ty:pesc:ci1ic ca1·bon of art:tcle ( '?) 1'fo:cael filrn" Mirneo c. of "Eden Ii'ilrns II pro13pectus, Box 12 Folc1er 1'Shabbra.t is Sha.bba.t" Typescri1Yt carbon 7 ~ jy.[fEYF.R Ll!JVIN MA.J\TUSCRIPl'S Box 12 .Folder: Heizrna.n Institute Filrn Corr. concerned with M. L's doing o. ScTipt for them and sc:dpt "A Search for Manna" - typescript unpaged 191+9-51 folder: "Fanatic 11 11 1st Start on the Fanatic 11 1 J! hologro,ph and typescriFi::.. Folder: "How to kill a w-:td.;te;r/ 1 'l'ypescript 30J' J.i'older: "N:L,ght anc1FogJ The Story of Eichmann :Ln Budapest. Film rnateriala ndiileo 16 ./I 3 copies Folder: ' 1Model Tenement Correspona.ence" re his play and its suppression. incl. TIS E:lrne1' Rice 7 l\Te,·r York; I'iarch 1L~ 7 19]6 la . .------------- - .Folder: "Old Bunch" 1935·~:36 Corr-. with Reynal and Hitchcock, It was later published by Viking. "Her11ingvmy lette:c". photosta:i::, uI 1 1>1 retaining the o:ciginal for time beh1g M." TIS 1..1.na.ated 11 re L's ''Citizen" Folder: Marked "In Search Ornission - carbons o:f J!. M. L. wrote applying for Hr:L ting jobs in Hollywood and ca:cbon tYl;escript of "How to w:cite for the Movies. " 3.1- 2 co1)ies 1<'olcl.er: "Survivor's Guj_lt" 'ly-pescr:i-1Yi::. 8.f Folder: "Tug of War" marl;:ed "unpublished II Typescrigt 13i Carbon of another draft JJ1. J ]!'older: "Horld 1 s Greatest Dj_mnond Robbery 11 f-Jtamped "Passed II by Censor. 15 Oct. 19!1J+. Shaef. Ty-pescript 13.f .included is 11 '11he Boy in her Block" with notation pub. in Cosrno- pol:i.tan. Typescri}?t carbon 11j. ''And on the Double II Typescript carbon 5/1. 11 The Sys tern was a.00111ed." ExcnJ?~t•eHf• frb,,1' a-n unidentified printing. "The Juggler; Unarnbo; 1rongue of the Prophets 11 excerpted from Zion~~t Quarterly n.d. 1'Problem Child." 'J.ypescript, 2 drafts. 5 ana. several (incorn-• plete pages 'Q l+ f ''Playwriting, · & Protest" Excerpt from Theatre~ Arts Monthly n. a.. 1·1r11e Philistine" Chicago with notatfon by M, L. ":tvJagazine of a ne:i.ghborhooc1 club 1923 '? whe:ce we gave one-act plays. I wrote this, I th:i.nk! M,L, Sole Copy" '~ree Cities 11 ~ Congress Weekly A1)r. 2J1., 1950 .lVIIT:YER I.EVIN MAJ.'ifUS CR IPTS Box 12 Folder: ''The Paris Nightgmm" Adapted for Television. 'J:1.r_pescript 35 f. MEYER LEVIN Addend.a - April, 1965 (.about 200 pieces) Correspondence Box 4 Folder: ~: Illegals ( 1947-50) &, 'Vi:ryai:?ie 'of the Un,af!l'.'a.id~ the legal disputes-, ent:i:i'y :i:nt0:. fi1m-~1s, etc. Includes Ben-Gurion~ David, TLS, Oct,29, 1948. f.'older: ~: Citizens ( 1940) Box 13 Folder: Re:Old Bunch (1937) incl. publisher's agreement Browne, Lewis A.IS Santa Monica, Calif. May 1, 1937 1 p. Catalogued Box 4 Folder: ~:Yehuda (1931-37) incl. pub's agreement. ✓Browne, Lewis, ALS July .J 1937 1 p. Catalogued Hurst, Fanny TLS N. Y, C. June 20, 19311 p. Catalogued Folder: Re:MY Father's House (1946) Folder: Re: Frankie & Johnnie ( 1930) with publisher I s agreement Folder: General Miscellaneous 1930-50 Includes: Newman, Muis TLS Woods Hole, Mass. Aug., 1931 1 p. Hurst, Fanny TLS N. Y. C. Oct. 12, 19311 p. Catalogued Kantor, MacKinley TLS Westfield, N. J. Nov. 12, 1935 1 p. Catalogued [HemingwayJl Ernest TLS Havana, Jan. 12 1 p. p'!'iotostat copy Also some financial records 1938 Insert folder "ML and Esquire Magazine" re his - work and firing/ supporting letters incl:--:from f$'{frJ 1 Gowen, Emmett T~, Muni, Paul 2 TIS catalogued,(! u 1- Marc h, Fred.eril 3 TLS Catalogued cr""u.½ a9) rof1 fLt!~k, Reviews, etc • Juli ;;11, 1938 a,.J., C,TJ. I) sa ,,_, dab' 'lJi; ~";i Box 1.5 .1!..,.older: "New School" 1931 - ML teaching marionettes and producing Folder: Newspaper articles, 1941~-5 clippings (by ML) folder: (Scrapbook) Newspaper articles, 1925 (by ML) -2- MEYER LEVIN (Con't) Reviews, etc. (Con't) Box 15 Folder:(2)In Search reviews and photos of ML Folder: Citizens "old reviews" photos, clippings Folder: reviews, clippings Box 13 folder: Old Bunch and Yehuda reviews, clippings 'Writings I Box 14 13allad of Red Rock Typescript carbon, loose sheets (3 copies) also - - Typescript in W.
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