CAintyof the said City of Chester, in the common ter. Frances Naylor late of Leeds, Widow. Ben­ Hall of Pleas there, the i8th Day of July next, v«. jamin Chambers late of Leeds, clothier. Nariah Thomas Kelsall, Gent. Richard Wrench, Gent. Story lace of Leeds, butcher. James Turner late Margaret Barlow, Widow. Frances Baforn, widow. of Mirsield, merchant. Jonathan Oldfield lace Timothy Doland, Needle-maker. Catharine Davies, of Northowram, clothier. Joshua Hunc late of Widow ; all late of the City of Chester. Charles South iieanly, Husbandman. William Haigti Lloyd late of Pentrobin in Flintshire, Yeoman. Hen­ lace of Longliverfedge, chapman. John Black­ ry Ball late of burton, in the Parish of Tarvin in Che­ burn lare of Mirfield, maltster. Simeon Beevers shire, Yeoman. Thomas Culcheth late ot" Horseley late of Hey in the pariih of Almondbury, clo­ in.Flincsliire, Yeomm. Oliver Battrich Baker, and thier. Edward Pollard late of Hedingley cum Ralph Dod, Gent, both late of the City of Burley, Worstedman. All in the West Riding Chester. Elizabeth Hyatt late of Whitehall, Lon­ ofthe County of York. don, Widow. Thomas Moore late of the City of The undermentioned Persons being Prisoners Chester, brick-maker. in His Majesty's Goal of Horfham for the County William Wallis late of the Parisli of Boesannack in of Sussex, give Notice, that they intend td Cornwall, Husbandman. Daniel Lardean late of take the Benefit of the late Act of Parliament foir the pariih of Stoke Damerell in Devonshire, Tayl >r. the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the nexc Pecer Burch lateof che Parisli of Cornwoodin De­ General or Quarter Sestions of the Peace to be vonshire, Woolcomber. John Pryn lace of che pa­ rish ot Sherwike, Husbandmaa. Edward Cauncer held ac Hoi sti am for the said County viz. Mary late ofthe pariih of Linkinghorn, Husbandman.Hen­ Benson late of St. Andrew's Holbourn in Mid­ ry Blatchford late ot the Parisli of Stoke Climfland, dlesex, Widow. Bembow Benson late of the Tobacco Spinner. Nicholas Hobb late of che parisli same place, Apothecary. John Pay lace of Har­ of St. Stephens by Saltafh, Husbandman. Anthony ting, Yeoman ; and Nathaniel Adams alias Hum- Ingram lace of che parisli of Sc Nyott, Gent, all in phary, late of West chiltingcon, Taylor, bothin the Ccunty of Cornwall, and Prisoners in his Royal the Countyof Sussex. Silvanus Jenkins late of Highness's Castle of Trematon in Cornwall, incend Brilley in Herefordfliire, Drover. Charles Tal- to take the benefic of che late Act for the Relief of bott lace of Parham, Gent, and John Smith lace Insolvent Debtors. ofBuxsted, Husbandman, both in Suss x Adam John Robinson lace of Melcon, Drover. Roger Ragg lateof Shrewsbury, Stocken weaver. Mar­ Thursby lace of Charsfield, Labourer. John Aldons garet Vandyke late of Lewei in Sussex*, Spinster ; late cf Cookly, Labourer. Thomas Allen late of and Thomas Waterman late ofthe fame. Collar- Icken, Innholder. John Chaton late of Whaybred, maker. Cordwainer. Thomas Vent late of Thornum magney, Thomas Haywood late of Woodthorp within Wheelwright. Henry Sherning late of Alderton, Holmsfield, in the Parisli of Dronsield and Coun­ Victualler. Thomas Keable lace of Woodbridge, tyof Derby, Husbandman, Prisoner in the Coun­ tvheelwrighc. Robert May lace of Icken, Labourer. ty Goal of Derby- Benja*min Rodgers late of Thomas Pain lace of Farhath, butcher. George Am Chesterfield, Clockmaker; Samuel Parsons late - lace of Debenham, Glover. Richard Dowse lace of of Tibchelf, Husbandman ; John Beard lateof Southwould, Victualler. Joseph Rolfe hte of Ip­ Whlttingcon, Soapboiler; Samuel Draycot late swich, Labourer. John Baker late of* Hadlidgh, Woolcomber. John Bloss late of Orlord, butcher. of Stretton, Labourer ; William Grant late of Charles Gardner late of Debinhani, all in the Coun­ Walton, Weaver ; and George Bramwall late of ty of Suffolk. John Spence, late ot Earfum in the the Parifli of Eckinton, Labourer; all in the said County of Norfolk, Buccher. All Prisoners in Mel­ County of Derby, and Prisoners novfr confin'd in ton Goal. The abovementioned Persons claiming the Goal forthe Liberty ofthe Hundred of Scaif- the Benefit of the Act lately passed for the Relief of dale, in the said County of Derby, do hereby se­ Insolvent Debtors, in order to be discharged at the verally give Notice to cheir respective Creditors, first Sessions after the 24th of this Instant June,' to thac at the nexc General Quarter Sessions of the be held at Woodbridge in che said Councy of Suffolk. Peace to be held for the said County of Derby, The undermentioned Persons being Prisoners in his they do respectively intend to take the Benefit of Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall's Stannery t late Act of Parliament, intitled, An Act for the prison at Lostwithiel in the County of Cornwall, Reliefof Insolvenc Debtors. give Notice, thac they intend to take the Benefit of The under-mentioned Persons being Prisoners in the late Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, the King's Bench Prison, give Notice, that chey in­ at the next General or Quarter Sessions, viz. Pe- tend to take the Benefit ofthe late Act of Parliament therick Willi late of Broadoak, Collier. Edward for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the n&xt Hambly late of Luxilian, barbar. Edward James Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the Coun­ late of St. Winnow,Taylor. William Grige late of ty of Surry, viz. Thomas Painrer late of Sta St. Mewan, Taylor. Joseph Tubb late of Lanivet, Botolph Aldgate, formerly a Prisoner in the Mar- "sinner. Joan Tubb, late ot the same, Spinster ; and flialsea, but since moved to the King's Bench Pri­ Anne Tubb late of che same, Spinster j all in che son. John Dolling late of Bristol, Weaver. Tho- County of Cornwall. rnas Slade late of Wiijfruth in Dorsetshire, Far­ James Polkinghome late of St. Austle,clothier, is mer. Elizabeth Pratt, lare of St. George's south­ in the High Sheriff of Cornwall's Prison at Bodmyn, wark, Distiller. William Cock late of Windsor and designs to take the benefit of the said Act. in berkstiire, Cooper- John Snow late of St. The under mentioned Persons being Prisoners James's Westminster, Cook. Hopton Twynihoe, inRothwell Goal, ih the West Riding ofthe late of St. Margaret's Westminster, Gent. Wil­ County of York, give Notice, that they intend liam Abbocc lace of St. George's Southwark, to take the Benefit of the late Act of Parliament Plaisterer. John Hambitch late of the Strand in for che Relief of Insolvenc Debtors, at the next the County of Middlesex, .Victualler. Jobn Bar­ General Quarter Sessions to be holden the iSth ber late of St. James's Clerkenwell, Gent, fhil- of July nexc at Bradford, in the West.Riding of lip Wyatt late of St. James's Westminster, Chap­ the County of York aforesaid, viz- Joseph Noble man. John George late of St. James's Westmin­ late of Eland, Taylor. Abraham Moor lare of ster, Gent. Charles Woodman late of St. George's Clayton in Bradford parish, Worstedman. Tho­ southwark. Surgeon. James Rideing late of mas Shepley lateof Longliverfedge, Apothecary. Wapping stepney, Cdrdwainer. Philip Eeleslate John Gray late of Huflett, Boatman and carpen­ of Ironmonger Row Old-street, Gent. Thomai Robinson .
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