Annual Report 2006 COUNCIL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN AFRICA © Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa 2006 Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop angle Canal IV BP 3304, Dakar, CP 18524 Senegal Tel. +221 825 98 22/825 98 23 +221 864 01 36-8 Fax +221 824 12 89 Email: [email protected] Website: www.codesria.org Type setting : Daouda Thiam Printed by Imprimerie Saint Paul, Dakar, Senegal The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is an independent organisa- tion whose principal objectives are facilitating research, promoting research-based publishing and creating multiple forums geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. It chal- lenges the fragmentation of research through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguis- tic and regional boundaries. CODESRIA publishes a quarterly journal, Africa Development, the longest standing Africa-based social science journal; Afrika Zamani, a journal of history; the African Sociological Review; African Journal of International Affairs (AJIA); Africa Review of Books; and the Journal of Higher Education in Africa. It copublishes the Africa Media Review and Identity, Culture and Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue. Research results and other activities of the institution are disseminated through ‘Working Papers’, ‘Monograph Series’, ‘CODESRIA Book Series’, and the CODESRIA Bulletin. CODESRIA would like to express its gratitude to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA/SAREC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ford Foundation, MacArthur Founda- tion, Carnegie Corporation, NORAD, the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA), the French Ministry of Cooperation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rockefeller Foundation, FINIDA, CIDA, IIEP/ADEA, OECD, OXFAM America, UNICEF and the Government of Senegal for supporting its research, training and publication programmes. Contents Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Research Programme ......................................................................................................................................... 7 CODESRIA Information and Documentation Centre (CODICE) ................................................................. 18 Training, Grants and Fellowships Programme ...............................................................................................22 Publications and Dissemination Programme ...................................................................................................34 Administration and Finance Service................................................................................................................43 Foreword The 2006 programmatic year marked the end of the CODESRIA five-year strategic planning period that began in 2002. That plan was launched with one pri- mary objective in mind: To achieve a complete recov- ery in the programme portfolio of the Council after the lull that was experienced in the crisis period that ran from about 1997 to 2000. In doing so, it was also planned to open new frontiers of social research that would catalyse creativity in the production of knowledge among African social researchers and, simultaneously, cement CODESRIA’s own standing both as the pre- mier and the apex social research institution on the African continent. In addition, therefore, to the pro- gramme renewal and innovation undertaken, atten- tion was also necessarily paid to ways of achieving institutional reform and consolidation that encom- passed new forms of communications and outreach. The fact that 2006 was the first full programmatic year after the CODESRIA 11th General Assembly that took place in Maputo, Mozambique, afforded the Executive Committee and the Executive Secretariat an opportu- Adebayo Olukoshi nity to integrate some of the perspectives that emerged Executive Secretary for enhancing programme content and outlook into the approved activity plan for the year. The work that required to be undertaken to achieve renewal, innova- lective stock-taking preparatory to the definition of the tion and consolidation was spread over the five-year objectives that would be pursued over the strategic plan period covered by the strategic plan. Thus, the 2006 period 2007–2011. The results of the retreat were fed into programme of activities approved by the Executive the elaboration of an initial set of proposals for the con- Committee provided for the implementation of exist- sideration of the Scientific and Executive Committees at ing programme initiatives and the introduction of new their meetings held in Dakar in May and June 2006, and ones to round off the strategic planning period. As will which were substantially devoted to the development of be noted in this report on the activities undertaken the 2007–2011 Strategic Plan. The 2006 programmatic during the year, considerable ground was covered in year was concluded with the adoption of the first full terms of the range of on-going initiatives implemented draft of the CODESRIA Strategic Plan 2007–2011 for fur- and new ones carried out. Steps were also taken to ther consultation ahead of implementation. complete the institutional reforms outlined in the Stra- The stock-taking exercise which culminated in the elabo- tegic Plan 2002–2006, including the re-definition of ration of the new strategic plan for the period 2007–2011 posts and the recruitment of additional programme also served as useful preparation for the external evalu- and support staff. ation of the work of the Council by its core funders led by The end of one strategic plan period and the begin- Sida/SAREC and NORAD. The external evaluation ex- ning of another afford an opportunity for both internal ercise is expected to cover programmes and activities and external stock-taking with a view to drawing les- undertaken from 2000 to 2006, and will represent an sons on what organisations like CODESRIA might do important independent external statement on the differ- better and how they might go about playing their role ent components of programmatic and institutional de- with even greater vigour and efficacy. It is in this spirit velopment – their quality, relevance, impact, and that the 2006 programmatic year was opened with a sustainability. Members of the Council will be expected strategic planning retreat that involved all staff mem- to play a key role in the facilitation of the evaluation bers in the Council’s Secretariat in Dakar, Senegal. The exercise and more information on the agreed terms of objective of the retreat was to afford programme and reference will be furnished during the course of the first support staff an opportunity for individual and col- half of 2007. 5 CODESRIA It is not possible to conclude this Foreword without not- leading scholars representing different generations of ing the passage during 2006 of two important members African social researchers but united by a shared com- of the CODESRIA network, and key figures in their own mitment to Africa and the place of scientific knowledge right of the African social research community. On 9 in its development, amounted to huge losses not just July 2006, just over a month after the 65th meeting of for their immediate and extended families, but also for the CODESRIA Executive Committee in which he took the academy and the resurgent African social move- a frontline role, the Tanzanian sociologist, novelist, and ments with which they forged close relations. The trib- social activist, Professor C.S.L. Chachage, died sud- utes which poured in to celebrate their lives and times denly in Dar-es-Salaam. As if that was not enough of a are available on the CODESRIA website shock for the African social research community, on 4 www.codesria.org and offer a glimpse into the high December 2006, the eminent historian and frontline inspiration which they represented for many around militant for African development and democracy, the world. May their souls continue to rest in peace. Joseph Ki-Zerbo, passed on. The deaths of these two Adebayo Olukoshi, Executive Secretary. 6 Annual Report 2006 Research Programme EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Diasporas around the world (including Asia, Mela- nesia and Polynesia, Australia, Latin America, the Car- The year 2006 witnessed an expansion in the scope of ibbean, the Middle East, Europe and North America). the Research Programme at CODESRIA, particularly A number of researchers were contacted and invited to in terms of staffing, activities, and collaborative initia- submit proposals, coordinators appointed, an advisory tives. New initiatives launched included: a major stra- committee set up, and a methodology workshop tegic collaborative programme linking research with planned for 2007. trade unions under the ambit of the Organisation of The new collaborative initiatives are the following: African Trade Union Unity (OATUU); a Multinational Working Group (MWG) on Youth and Identity; and a 1. Re-Thinking Social and Economic Policies: Creating Transnational Working Group (TWG) on Africa and Synergies Between Intellectuals and Trade Unionists its Diasporas. CODESRIA also launched a new project (CODESRIA-Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, on Future Research in collaboration with the African OATUU): This programme brings
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