JULY 20] TRENEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 997 Clas8ification of Roads in the Borough of Waipawa 1 Classification of Roads in Otarnatea County URSUANT to regulation 3 (5) of the Heavy Motor-vehicle . URSUANT to regulation 3 (5) of the Heavy Motor-vehicle P Regulations 1950, the Minister of Transport doth hereby P Regulations 1950, the Minister of Transport doth hereby approve the vVaipawa Borough Council's proposed classification alter the Otamatea County Council's proposed classification of the of the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated in the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated in the Otamatea Borough of Waipawa. County and doth hereby approve such altered classification as described in the said Schedule. SCHEDULE BOROUGH OF WAIPAWA SCHEDULE Roads Classified in Class Two O~'AMATEA COUNTY MAIN HIGHWAYS Roads Classified in Class Three Waipawa-Pourerere Main Highway·No. 340. Waipawa-Tikokino Main Highway No. S14. MAIN HIGHWAYS Whakapiru - MaUngaturoto Railway Station Main Highway BOROUGH ROADS No. 390. Abbotsford, Rose, ~Iathews, Railway, Ireland's, Watt, Church, Rllawai Creamery (Awaroa) - Armstrong's Corner Main High- Domain, Waverley, Kenilworth, Tamumu (from Napier - Palmerston way No. 391. North State Highway to Johnson Street), Collins, Bibby (from Paparoa - Paparaa Railway Station Main Highway No. 519 . •Johnson Street to the Eastern boundary of Waipawa Borough), Oakleigh-Paparoa Main Highway No. 520. Melville, Union, McGreevy, Guy, Bennett, Bibby's, Shanley, Johnson Ruawai Wharf Main Highway No. 580. (from Bibby Street to the Waipawa River), Rathbone. Waipu Gorge Main Highway No. 589_ Dated at Wellington, this llth day of July, 1950. Kaiwaka-)fangawai Main Highway No. 591. W. S. GOOSMAN, )1inister of TranspOl-t. Mangawai-Tomorata Main Highway No. 592. (TT.I0/24.5.) P"paroa-Pahi ;VIain Highway No. 878. ....~-----.----.--- - ~~ ----------- COUNTY ROADS Classification of Roads in WaUomo County Tokatoka-Mangapai, Simpkin's-Ringrose, Dreadon's, Tokatoka­ Matakohe, Parahi-Lusks, Parahi Outlet, Page's, Parahi, Oven's, URSUANT to regulation 3 (5) of the Heavy Jl;Iotor-vehicle Burch-Lindquist, Poyner's Outlet, Cartwright's, Ararua, Lindquist, P Regulations 1950, the Minister of Transport doth hereby Porter's Ararna, Pasley's, Gillon's, Shepherd's, HornibIow, Ball's, approve the Waitomo County Council's proposed classification of Tana1s, Bennett's, Naumai-~:fititai, vVhitcombe's, Galvin's, Naumai the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated in the Wharf, Pukeko, William's, Perreau's, Dunn's, Tramline, Raupo Waitomo County. Wharf, Kerr's, Robertson's, Hodgsons, vVallace, Gallie's, Westlake's, \Vilson-Laing, Laing's, Vvhakatu, Smith's Canal, Armstrong's, SCHEDULE Te Kowhai, Jeff's-Rylands, Russell's, Neem's, Neems' A, Hukatere­ VV Arl'OMO COUNTY Waihaua, Te Kawa, Hall- Rocky Creek, Hall's Landing, Roeky Roads Classified in Class TAree Creek-Neems, Hakatere-Tinopai, Chadwicks, Puapua, Matakohe MAIN HIGHWAYS Post Office to Wharf, Church to Wharf, Paparoa-Waikiekie, Bull's, Central, Mason's, . Taylor-Berridge, Harrisons, Taipuha Station, Te Kumi - Te Anga Main Highway No. 345. Taipuha Settlement, Swamp, Taipuha-Maungaruroto, Utopia, Kopaki Main Highway No. 346. Wilsons-Causer, Kirks, Dodds, Doctors Hill, Griffins, Old Whaka, Paraheka Loop Main Highway No. 347 ·Wairere Valley, Otamatea-Batley, James, Hills, Marohemo-Batley, Manganui Main Highway No. 349. Lintons, l\{asseys, Ford, Experimental Farm, Uptons, Huia, Aria-Waimiha Main Highway No. 42l. Robertsons, Beatsons, Maungaturoto-Kaiwaka, Pukearinga, Aharoa and Tapairu Jl;Iain Highway Ko. 424. Tramline, Gibbons, Kaiwaka-Oneriri, Rangiora, Ranginui, Kaiwaka Hangatiki-Otorohanga Main Highway No. 457. Settlement, Hakaru - Te Arai, Hills, Pritchards, Schischka's, Piopio-Waitanguru Main Highway No. 544. Topuni-Oruawharo, Smiths, Paynes, Dunn's, Brown-Tara, Stewart's, Hangatiki-Caves Main Highway No. SIS. Gaboline's, Tara, Devich's, l\fangawai-Waipu, School, King's, Caves - Lemon Point Main Highway No. 843. Hastie's, Heads. Piopio-Ohura via Aria Main Highway No. 870. Dated at Wellington, this 12th day of July, 1950. COUNTY ROADS W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transport. Aria Riding.-Auahi South, Aria Township Roads, Aria Quarry, (TT_ 10/29.) Aria Saleyards, Gray's Access (Aria Township), Kaeaea, Kaitaringa, Kie Kie, Kohua, Mapara, Matiere (Ohura-Mokau), Ngakakore, --~------ Ngapaki, Ngatamahine,Oniao, Owen, Pao, Paraheka Valley (Swansons), Parakoko, Potaka, Pukeuha, Pnhanga, Pukia, Rauriki, Sargeants, Tiki Tiki, Tolme (Rutherfords), Totoro, Wairomo Exernption OrdeT Under the Motor-dTivers RegUlations 1940 (Schorman's), Waitahi. Awakino Riding.-Awakino Township, Mangatoa, Mokau River URSUANT to the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, the Minister (Upper), Mokau l'.iver (Lower), Mokau River (McKeown's Ferry), P of Transport doth hereby order and declare that the provisions "\fokau Township SLreets, Ordish Access. School and County Section, of clause (I) of regulation 7 of the said regulations so far as they Taumataruail'e, 're Mal'amR, "\Vaikawau Lower (Coast), ""7"aikawau relate to the driving of heavy trade motors, shall not apply to the Upper, Awakau. persons hereinafter mentioned, but in lieu thcreof the following Makoen",i Riding.-Awakino Valley Upper, Waipotipoti provision shall apply :- (Gillatley's) Mangaorongo, Ngatarawa (Purdie's), Papakauri, A motor-driver's licence issued under the lIlotor-drivel's rrotoro, Taumatamaire. Regulations 1940, to anyone of the persons described in Column I Hangatik-i Riding.-Ahoroa-Mahorehore, Fullerton's, Hauturu­ of the Schedule hereunder may authorize him to drive a heavy trade Putaki, Hauturu (Connolly's), Hangatiki Township, Haurna, motor in the course of his employment on a farm or market-garden Harrison's Access, Kokakaroa (White's), Lee's Block Roads, Lee's of the respective employer described in Column 2 of the said Schedule, Access, Mahoe (to Kawhia), }farae, .M:angarino, Otewa, Puketawai, but shall not authorize him, while he is under tbe age of eighteen Pururu Block Hoads, Rangitoto, Somerville, Howie's, Te Kumi­ years, to drive a heavy trade motor for any other purpose. Hangatiki (cast of railway), Tumu Tumu, Thompson's Access, Waitomo Valley Lower, Waitomo Valley Upper, Waihohonu, SCHEDULE Zo bells' Access. Column 1 (Driver). Column 2 (Employer). Mai"oa Riding.-Boddie's, Fullerton's, Gadsby's (Access), Leslie John Clement, Okato .. Father. Kokakaroa, Hauturu, Mairoa, Maire, Pungarehu, Tawarau, Te Kumi Donald William Pearce Goodrich, Taihape Father. Station, Trooper's, Waipapa, Waitepipi, Were's (Mahoenui-Kawhia), Whataroa. Dated at Wellington, this 7th day of July, 1950. Paemako Riding.-Auahi North, Auahi South (Wise's), Anahi W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transport. South (Houo-hton's), Brice's, Christensen's, HUllt's, Haku-Puketiti, Hooper's, Kahuwera, Kaitaringa, Kiritehere-~Iangatoa, Kiritehere Beach, Kihi Kih;, Mairoa, Mapara (Te ~Iapara), Mathers, Mangao­ kowhlt;, Nohonoa-Tuhuna, Paekaka, Pukeiti, Pio Pio Township, Pio Pio Stock track, Trooper's, Tiki Tiki, Tikikaru, Wilson's, Approval of Testing Officers Under the Motor·drivers Regulationa 1940 \Vall's, Whakakau Beach, Mortensen's. Access Bridge. Tang·it·u Rid-ing.-Barker's. Benneydale Uoal ~line, Kopaki­ N terms of regulation 5 of the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, ~laraeroa, Kakara, Mapara South, Kopaki Sale Yards, Mapam I the Minister of Transport doth hereby approve of the persons North, Mangaiti, Mangateka, Mapiu Township, Mangapehi-Waimiha, named. in column 2 of the Schedule hereunder being testing officers Mair's Access, Mokauiti North (~rcBeth's), Oheria, Omaru, Patoto, under the said regulations for the authority specified in Column I of Paratekona, Puputaha, Ramaroa, Tata, Tapuwae, Tutu (Kerrisk's), the said Schedule. Waitataura_ Te Kuiti Riding.-Blanchfield's Access, Aramatai, Cox's Access, Edkins Access, Jl;Iangatea (Gould's), Maraetaua (Kerr's), Mapara­ SCHEDULE Tiki Tiki, ~Iapara North, Mangaokewa North (Taylor's), Mahoreho1'e, Column 1. Column 2. Pukenui (McDonald's), Pukerimu, Puketutu-}lokau, Spence's Access, Transport Department Russell James Coddington. Taylforth's Acccss, Tuhua, Te Kuiti to Kopaki, Waipa River, Transport Department Leslie Herbert Smith. Kearin's Access, Dwyer's Access (Kopaki), Mangaokewa. Transport Department Wilton Sterritt. Dated at Wellington, this llth day of July, 195(;. Dated at Wellington, this 13th day of July, 1950. W. ~. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transplll't.. (TT.IO/6.) W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transport. .
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