CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1949 families allows us to demonstrate our im- Emily Perez was a trailblazer and a star in consumer (DTC) advertising; and eliminating mense gratitude for those who have coura- every sense of the word. conflict-of-interests involving members of FDA geously served our country. She rose to the top of her class at Oxon Hill advisory committees. Mr. Speaker, nation’s veterans and their High School. She became the first minority fe- This report provides independent verification service to our appreciation for their service to male command sergeant in the history of the that Congress must act to implement the our country. I ask all my colleagues to join me U.S. Military Academy. And she excelled at changes that are needed at the FDA. Con- in voting favorably on S. 2562. everything from track to the gospel choir. gress will have the opportunity next year to f As the Washington Post reported, friends make an immediate impact when it considers and family members nicknamed her ‘‘Kobe,’’ the reauthorization of the Prescription Drug RECOGNIZING FINANCIAL after Los Angeles Lakers basketball player User Fee Act (PDUFA). Congress should PLANNING WEEK Kobe Bryant, because ‘‘everyone knew she strongly consider IOM’s PDUFA recommenda- SPEECH OF could make the shots, in whatever she did.’’ tion that a portion of the user fees be diverted Second Lieutenant Perez was best known to specific safety-related performance goals. HON. MAXINE WATERS for her tenacious leadership, first as a wing I ask that the New York Times editorial be OF CALIFORNIA commander of Junior ROTC and then on the inserted in the RECORD. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campus of West Point. She leaves behind a [From the New York Times, Sept. 28, 2006] Thursday, September 28, 2006 collection of young cadets inspired by her pa- PRESCRIPTION FOR A STRONGER F.D.A. triotism, as they prepare for military careers Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support A prestigious advisory group has put its defending our Nation. of H. Res. 973, ‘‘Recognizing Financial Plan- weight behind criticism that the Food and While incredibly strong willed, Perez also is Drug Administration is pitifully weak when ning Week.’’ I want to thank Mr. HINOJOSA and remembered for her sensitivity to others, orga- it comes to removing dangerous prescription Mrs. BIGGERT for introducing the resolution. I nizing an HIV–AIDS ministry in high school drugs from the market. Last week, a panel am cosponsor of this resolution because I be- after family members contracted the virus. appointed by the Institute of Medicine, part lieve that we must acknowledge the impor- Yet it was being a soldier that was Perez’s of the National Academy of Sciences, issued tance of financial planning for all Americans. a slew of recommendations to strengthen the true calling. She was born into a military family This resolution accepts the goal of financial beleaguered F.D.A. as it struggles to regu- in Heidelberg, Germany, and knew from a planning as a tool to enable families and indi- late a huge array of medications whose ill ef- very young age that she wanted to serve. viduals to achieve their financial and life goals. fects sometimes show up only after years of After graduating from West Point, she was as- It recognizes the relevance of financial plan- wide use. signed to the Army’s 204th Support Battalion, The institute’s report, which was requested ners, many of whom are essential to American 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division and de- by the F.D.A., deplores the big imbalance be- individuals and families planning for their fu- ployed to Iraq in December. tween the money and staff devoted to ap- tures. proving new drugs and the much smaller re- Sound financial planning must be integrated One of her mentors, Roger Pollard, told the Post: ‘‘I clearly remember thinking that she sources for monitoring drugs after they are into any comprehensive life plan. Many of the on the market. The imbalance results in part financial instruments and investments require would definitely be the first female president of from the pharmaceutical industry’s pro- basic if not advanced financial planning to be this country.’’ viding user fees that pay for expediting the Lost at the age of 23, we will never know used productively. Financial independence is a approval process, but not for monitoring the what was in store for this extraordinary young aftereffects. Worse yet, even when it spots a goal that I strongly advocate. Without financial woman. But one thing is certain: She hero- problem, the agency has very little power to independence it is impossible to function and ically served her Nation in defense of our free- regulate drugs on the market unless there is to meet future challenges. overwhelming evidence that they are unsafe, The Financial Planning Association has des- dom, and we should all be proud of the full life she led in her short time here. which is seldom the case. ignated the week beginning October 2, 2006 Although the nation is mired in budget as Financial Planning Week. The House offi- f deficits, the institute was wise to call for a cially recognizes the importance of financial STATEMENT ON IOM REC- large increase in financing and personnel for this crucially important regulator of public planning and financial planners in the process, OMMENDATIONS FOR FDA RE- and this resolution embraces Financial Plan- health. If Congress is too stingy to ante up FORM more money, it should at least divert some ning Week. Therefore, I urge my colleagues to of the drug industry’s user fees to surveil- support this resolution. HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO lance after a drug’s approval. f The panel calls for the F.D.A. to evaluate OF CONNECTICUT the safety and effectiveness of drugs that are ON THE DEATH OF SECOND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES truly new, not just copycats, at least once LIEUTENANT EMILY J.T. PEREZ Friday, September 29, 2006 every five years. It wants the agency to be given explicit power to compel post-mar- HON. STENY H. HOYER Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I wanted to keting studies and to impose fines, injunc- bring to my colleague’s attention a New York tions and withdrawals to enforce its deci- OF MARYLAND Times editorial that comments on the rec- sions. In a departure from conventional wis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ommendations by the Institute of Medicine dom, the panel also urges the F.D.A. to re- Friday, September 29, 2006 (IOM) for reforming the Food and Drug Admin- quire that a substantial majority of the Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, the tragic loss of istration (FDA). The editorial contends that members of each of its advisory panels be IOM has wisely called for a significant in- free of significant financial involvement Second Lieutenant Emily J.T. Perez, a young with companies whose interests might be af- soldier from Prince George’s County, MD, who crease in financing and personnel to correct fected. That undercuts the agency’s claims gave the ultimate measure of sacrifice for our the imbalance between the funds and staff de- that there are not enough experts without Nation in Iraq, saddens all of us. voted to approving new drugs and the smaller ties to the drug industry. And today, I want to pay tribute to this out- resources available for post-market surveil- f standing young American, as well as express lance. The editorial also observes that, even my deepest condolences to her family, includ- when problems arise, the agency virtually has COMMENDING THE BOY SCOUTS OF ing her parents, Vicki and Daniel, and all of no authority to regulate drugs on the market AMERICA TROOP ONE OF SAC- her friends and loved ones. unless there is overwhelming evidence that RAMENTO ON ITS 90TH ANNIVER- Second Lieutenant Perez of Fort Wash- they are unsafe. SARY ington died on September 12 after a roadside The IOM report, The Future of Drug Safety, bomb exploded under her Humvee. She is the confirms what many of us in Congress have HON. DORIS O. MATSUI first female graduate of West Point to die in been arguing all along—that FDA authority OF CALIFORNIA Iraq. needs to be strengthened and that the agency IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But she should not be remembered solely relies too heavily on negotiations with industry. for how she passed from this life and into The recommendations outlined in the IOM re- Friday, September 29, 2006 God’s hands. She must be remembered for port reflect the initiatives that many of us in Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tribute the outstanding and inspiring way in which she Congress already have proposed, including: to the Boy Scouts of America Troop One of lived and those she touched during her 23 requiring post-market surveillance of drug Sacramento as they celebrate their 90th anni- years. products; requiring a moratorium on direct-to- versary and ask all of my colleagues to join October 6, 2006 E1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2006 with me in saluting the Scouts and alumni of that flows from the upper part of Moapa to tion of his colleagues and the people of Illi- Troop One. Lake Mead. During its inception, MRREIAC nois. Troop One was founded in 1916. It has a grappled with ways to remove the tamarisk Justice Simon was an adamant opponent of storied history and is widely known as the old- plants that encased the Muddy River and left the death penalty and sided against the court est continuously operating troop west of the this important water source for rural Nevada a in several decisions which were later reversed Mississippi River.
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