~ DIVINE DIRECTIVES ~ GIFTS OF LOVING INSTRUCTION FROM THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY BOOK ONE -C- -O- -N- -T- -E- -N- -T- -S- The Golden Age - by Saint Germain •••••••••• 1 The Desire for perfection by The Elohim Hercules ••••• 4 The Divine Plan - by The Elohim Vista ••••••• 6 The Beauty of God's Plan by The Elohim Vista ••••••• 9 Light from Lu:xor -by Serapis Bey •••••••••••• 12 The Ray of Beauty by Lady Venus ••••••••••••• 14 Reality - by E 1 Marya ••••••••••••••• 1 7 Copyright 1975 The Living Word - by Jesus ••••••••••••••••• 18 The Bridge to Freedom, Inc. The Consciousness of Divinity by Saint Germain ••••••••••• 23 The Activity of Fire Published by by Zarathustra •••••.•••••• 26 THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC. Control of the Fire Element Kings Park : : Long Island by Zarathustra •••••••••••• 28 U.S. A. Reverence for the Holy Christ Self by Serapis Bey •••••••••••• 32 Honoring the Presence of God by Kuthumi •••••••••••••••• 33 Consciousness - by Mother Mary •••••••••••• 35 The World of creative Cause by Victory •••••••••••••••• 38 The Substance of Every Manifestation by El morya ••••••••••••••• 39 The Silent Watchers by Immaculata ••••••••••••• 45 Electrons from The Central Sun by Mother Mary •••••••••••• 55 Virtue of Hope - by Lady Hope •••••••••••••• 59 The Brotherhood at Lu:xor by Serapis Bey •••••••••••• 62 Have Reverence for Life by Lanto •••••••••••••••••• 64 The Mercy Flame - by Lady Kwan Yin •••••••••• 66 The Intelligent consciousness of the Violet Fire---------- by Saint Germain •••••••••• 71 Hints for Self-unfoldment by Holy AEolus • • • • • • • •• • • 75 The Control of the Four Bodies by Lord Divina ••••••••••• 78 Perfection of The Physical Garment by Holy A.Eolus • • • • • • • •• • • 85 The Feeling World - by Lady Nada ••••••••••• 87 Self-Justification by Serapis Bey ••••••••••• 90 How to Prolong the Usefulness of Your Body by The Maha Chohan ••••••• 93 Your Responsibility in the Use of Life by Kut.hum.i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 95 Alignment of The Seven Bodies by Lady Kwan Yin •••••.••• 97 How to Disconnect Your Inner Bodies From the Mass Consciousness - by The Elohim - Vista.,,.,103 Causative Centers and The Third Dimensior1al World - by The Maha Chohan ••.••• 107 The Purification of Your Consciousness by Saint Germain ••••• , ••• 108 Your Inner Consciousness Externalized by El Marya •••••••••• , ••• 111 Consciousness in Relation to Time by Serapis Bey •••••••.••• 113 Attaining The Ascended Master consc.i.ouensas by saint Germain •••••.••• 116 Citizens of The Kingdom of Heaven by El Marya ••••••••••.••• 119 Sanctifying the Circle of Life by Lord Gautama ••••••.••• 120 The Master Presence of Light by Serapis Bey ••••••••••• 122 Where is St. Peter's Gate _ by El Marya •••••••••••••• 124 Recognizing that you are a Light Ray by Mercury •••••••••.• 125 DIVINE DIRECTIVES 1 THE GOLDEN AGE by Beloved Saint Germain My Beloved Friends, I would like to give you an explanation of the Foundation upon which the New Age of Freedom is being builded, in order that you may more fully comprehend the ~ OU HAVE COME TO THE reason why this shall be a PERMANENT GOLDEN AGE from which there can be no receding, FOUNT OF TRUTH •••..•• In all former Golden Ages and great advance• DRINK DEEPLY OF THE LIVING ments of civilizations, the great God Beings who overshadowed these civilizations were the WATERS OF LIFE AS PRESENTED sustaining Consciousness of the people, In the now dawning Golden Age, the Spiritual IN THESE PAGES BY MEMBERS OF Hierarchy is feeding and expanding the individual consciousness of each lifestream in redeeming THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY AND and perfecting that consciousness from within so that it will become a self-sustained and RECEIVE THE GOD ILLUMINATION strong consciousness which embraces the Truth dnd Perfection which is within the Cosmic Consciousness which We in the Higher Realms SO ESSENTIAL TO YOUR PROGRESS enjoy and use at all times. When this is attained, the physical manifestations of Beauty ON THE PATHWAY OF LIGHT. and Perfection will increase as the momentum of this New Age gathers and the Power will emanate LET THIS HOLY ESSENCE not from an overshadowing Presence of the As• cended Masters alone but from the cooperative FILL YOUR BEING WITH DIVINE unfoldment of humanity as a whole, In this manner when the individual conscious• LOVE, COMFORT AND PEACE. ness and the patterns of Beauty and Perfection are blended in the inner man, there will be no retrogression or surcease from that expansion of Beauty and Perfection. Throughout the centuries man has been healed of diverse imperfection of mind and body by 3 2 DIVINE DIRECTIVES DIVINE DIRECTIVES We are not concerned with temporary delights ~he mercy of Perfected Beings and has again, which the chela may be enjoying but through Our in the same or succeeding embodiments, manifested Instruction, We are building into the conscious• the same discomforts and imperfection. In this ness the causes of Perfection which will gather New Age, all healings will come through the momentum as the chela so desires to energize illumination of the inner consciousness of man and he, through the conscious use of the Flame, them. cooperating with the Cosmic Flame of Mercy, As you enrich your consciousness through will have the Power to dissolve or transmute the power of your attention upon Godliness, you all the accumulation in his lifestream that has will find that more and more of the longed-for caused such diseases and distress. These healings God Gifts and Virtues will manifest in your will be permanent because when the mind and the personal environment, and in the world of others heart of man are illumined and the inner con• as you call them forth. sciousness accepts and sustains a pulse-beat of perfect Harmony, the outer self will manifest It is not the prerogative of the Ascended and sustain Eternal Youth, Beauty and Perfection Masters to free, heal, illumine or supply the as well as the Godliness as embodied by the outer self except by changing the inner man and Ascended Masters. then only through the free will cooperation of The intellect of man had felt that the the individual lifestream. inception of this New Age is a slow and seemingly unproductive process. It has been felt that The Spiritual Hierarchy lovingly offers the conditions under the direct guidance of the chelas the fulness of the Cosmic Consciousness Ascended Masters should more quickly express the which is a reservoir of Perfection, and upon fulness of the ideal and that the chelas should the heart call of any of you, We gratefully pour manifest more Perfection in their worlds and this "golden Oil" into the cup of your being. affairs. Permit Me to emphatically state that When your consciousness is filled with the We are not concerned with temporary displays or richness of God Perfection, there is no power phenomena that cannot be sustained by the con• anywhere in the Universe which can keep that sciousness of the individual! The Spiritual Good from flowing through the harmony of your Hierarchy is releasing as much Perfection as being into your world and throughout the Planet the individual lifestream·can accept and sustain for the enrichment of all life! when that one makes application to the Cosmic Law, for it would not be the part of wisdom to Be ever mindful that harmony is the Key saturate a chelais being with the Perfection of which opens the door to the release of any or the Inner Realms until he, in his own developed all of Cod ! s Blessings and it is My Heart prayer capacity can sustain that Gift or Gifts without that this so important lesson will be soon the sustaining Power of the Ascended Master. learned by all of the chelas. God Bless you! DIVINE DIRECTIVES 5 4 DIVINE DIRECTIVES thinks of limitation, he is thinking of the THE DESIRE FOR PERFECTION lower self - forgetting that he functions at by Beloved Elohim Hercules all times from consciousness. Limitation only Beloved staunch Spirits of the Almighty occurs when he chooses the human rather than serving on the Planet Earth with the one the Cosmic Consciousness of Perfection. purpose in mind - that of doing the Will of God and assisting the Spiritual Hierarchy in bringing We have recently brought to your attention the Permanent Golden Age to fruition as quickly the ease with which you may cross the Bridge as possible, I greet you with the deep gratitude from the human into the Realm of the Di vine, and contemplation will show you the rationality of of My Being. choosing the Cosmic Consciousness. When a chela The limitless field of Cosmic Service open functions from the Cosmic Consciousness, he has to any individual who has a conscious knowledge the ability to draw the Sacred Fire from the of the use of the Sacred Fire can scarcely be One Supreme Source of which he is an active conceived by the intellect of man. Every indi• component, and may direct the Rays of Light to vidual, finding himself restricted by a physical •treat' any negative manifestation through the garment, experiences the limitations which the merciful use of all the Seven Rays - should the imposed karma through the misuse of God's Energy requirement be one of Healing, Purity, Divine has placed upon that vehicle, However, once the Love, Illumination and so on. consciousness is freed from the limiting concepts of human thinking, that one may soar on the We have counselled you to become co-creators Wings of Light into the Cosmic Consciousness with the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the hour has and become a conscious Dweller in the Fourth now arrived when you should be able to function Dimensional Plane. Such an one then has the freely from the Higher Consciousness. If you power to 'adjust' conditions of an imperfect would make it a practice of consciously returning nature which are expressing in the world of to that Consciousness when, due to a momentum form.
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