1912. CO GRESSIONAL RECORD._SENATE. 911' By l\Ir. DICKDISON: A bill (H. R. 27456) for the relief of By :\Ir. · MERRITT : Petition of Rev. James A. Perry and James 1\1. l\Iock; to the Committee on Milit:iry Affairs. other , of Champlain, N. Y., and of Ilev. C. E. Torrance ancl Also, a bill (H. R. 27457) granting an incre e of pension to others, of Chazy, N. Y., fayoring the pa.,sage of the Kenyo.n­ James K. Dickinson; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Sheppard bill, preventing the shipment of liquor into dry Also, a bill (H. R. 27458) granting an increase of pen ion territory; to the. Co-mmittee on the Judiciary. to Robert A. White; to the Committee oti Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SBUIONS: Petition of 34 residents of Silver Spring , By lUr. HINDS: A bill (H. R. 2:7459) granting a pension to N. Y., favoring the passage of the Kenyon-Sheppard bill, pre­ Barbara Hender on; to the Committee on Pensions. Yenting the shipment of liquor into dry territory; to the Com­ By l\1r. LA.FEAN: A bill (H. R. 27460) "'ranting an increase mittee on the Judicia.ry. of pension to David F. Forney; to the Committee on Im·ulid By l\fr. S:\HTH of Michigan ~ Petition of 49 members of the Pensions. Congregational Christian Endeavor of Kalµ.mazoo, Mich., fayor­ By Mr. LITTLEPAGE: A bill (H. R. 274G1) grunting an ill-­ ing the passage of the Kenyon-Sheppard liquor bill, preventing crease of pension to Alleu T. Landress; to the Committee on the shipme11t of liquor into dry territory; to the Committee on Inyali · Pensions. the Judiciary. • Also, a bill (H. n. 27462) granting an increase of pension to Also, petition of 53 citizens of Kalamazoo, Mich., pmtesting John A. l\fcDermott; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. against the passage of any legislation enlarging the pa:rcel-po t Also, a bill ( H. R. 27463) for the relief of the legal rep.re­ zone bill; to 'the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roatls. sentatives of George W. Spruce, deceased; to the Committee on War Claims. By l\Ir. l\IADDEN: A bill (H. R. 27464) for the relief of John SEN.ATE. M. Green; to the Committee on Military Affairs. TnmsnAY, January l13, 1913. Also, a bill (H. R. 27465) granting a pension to Frederick JU. Ottmar ; to the Committee on Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered th-e By Mr. RAUCH: A bill (H. R. 27466) granting a pension to following prayer : David W. Brannen; to the Committee on- Pensions. 0 G.od, our help in ages past, our hope for years to eome, as Also, a bill (H. R. 27467} granting a pension to Amos W. Thou dost open before us the portals of a new year we enter Hills; to the Committee on Pensions. with thanksgiving fo1· all Thy mercies and with fervent prayers Also. a bill (H. R. 27468) granting a pension to Lucetta for Thy continued guidance. Hitherto, 0 Lord, hast Thou led Bentz; to the Committee on Invalid Pension . us ; take not from us now, we be.seech Thee, Thy tender com­ By l\fr. RUSSELL: A bill (H. R. 27469) granting :m increase passions. We know not the way before us~ neither do we ask; of pension to William R. Whittaker; to the Committee on InYa­ we are content, our Father, to follow where Tbou shalt lead us lid Pensions. and to commit our lives to Thy keeping. So receive us, and By Mr. SHERWOOD: A bill (H. R. 27410) 0 ranting an in­ grant that no sorrow may overwhelm us, and that no prospe1·ity, crease of pension to Horace W. Hunt; to the Committee on may make us forget Thee. And so at the end of the year, as Invalid Pensions. • at its beginning~ may we i·ender unto Thee thanksgiving and By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: A bill (H. R. 27411) direct­ praise. And Thine shall be the glory uow and forevermore. ing the accounting officers of the Treasury to credit and settle Amen. an account of Maj. George H. Penrose; to the Committee on WILLIAM 0. BRADLEY, a Senator from the State of Kentud-y, Claims. and Jo:aN W. KEB~, a Senator from the State of Indiana, ap­ By Mr. HOBSON: A bill (H. R. 27473) granting a pension to peared in their seats to-day. Sarah B. Scott; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. GALLINGER took the chair as President pro tempore Also, a bill (H. R. 2T474) granting an increase of pension to under the order of the Senate of December 16, 1912. La Salle C. Pickett; to the Coomnittee on Pensions. Tbe Secretary proceeded t(} read the Journal of the proceed­ ings of Thursday, Decemoor 19, 1912, when, on request of 1\lr., PETITIONS, ETC. LODGE and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dis­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid pensed with and the Journal was approved. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : ELECTORS FOB PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. By Mr. ALLEN: Petition of citizens of Cincinnati, Ohio, T11e PRESIDENT pro tempore "laid ~fore the Senate com· favoring an investigation by Congress of the mining conditions munications from the Secretary of State, transmitting, pur­ in West Virginia; to the Committee on Labor. suant to law, authentic copies of the certificates of ascertainment By Mr. AND:IDRSON: Papers to accompany bill granting a pen­ of electors for President and Vice President appointed in the sion to Michael Fogarty; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. States of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, By Mr. BARTHOLDT: Petition of the Sisters of Notre Dame Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New l\Iex:ico, North of St. Louis, Mo., favoring passage of a bill for reduction of Carolin.a, North Dakota, Ohio, and West Virginia at the elec­ postage on all written school work and examination papers; to tions held in these States Noyember 5, 1912, which were ordered the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. to be filed. Also, petition of Edward V. P. Schneiderhahn and the St. Louis Branch of the American Federation of Catholic Societies, EXPENSES OF ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OR co ..-vENTIONS . · of St. Louis, Mo., protesting against the passage of the Jones The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com· bill granting the Philippine Islands their independence; to the munication fi'om the Attorney General, transmitting, pursuant Committee ·on Insular Affairs. to law, a statement of the expenses incurred from June 30, By Mr. BUR1\1ETT : Petition of the Farmers' Educative and 1912, to. December 1, 1912, of the attendance of office-rs ar em· Cooperative Union ot America, favoring, the passage: of Senate ployees of the Department of Justice at meetings or eonyen­ bill 3175, for restriction of immigration; to the Committee on tions of soeieties or associations (H. Doc. No. 1213), which was Immigration and Naturalization. referred to the Committee on Appropliations and ordered to be By Mr. FULLER: Petition of the Manila Welfare Committee, printed. favoring a bond issue of $10,000,000 for the reclaiming and He al o laid pefoxe the Senate a communication from the making sanitary the swamp lands around Manila; to the Qom­ Librarian of Congress, .transmitting, pursuant to law, a detailed mi ttee on Insular Affairs. statement of all expenses of the attendance of officers or em­ Also, petition of the National Society fol' the Promotion of ployees of the Libru.i-y of Congress at meetings or conventions Industrial Education, favoring the vocational education bill; to that haYe been incurred from June 30~ 1912, _to December 1, 1912 the Committee on Education. (H. Doc. No. 1212), which was referred to the Committee on By Mr. GALLAGHER: Petition of the Chicago Woman's Aid, Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Chicago, Ill., favoring legislation reducing the tax on oleomar­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the garine from 10 cents per pound to not more than 2 cents· to the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to law, a detailed Committee on Agriculture. ' statement of an expenses incurred froJll June 30, 1912,- to De­ By Mr. HINDS : Papers to accompany bill granting a pension cember 1, 1912, for· the attendance of officers and employees at to B.arbara Henderson ; to the Committee on Pensions. meetings of societies and associations (H. Doc. No. 121QJ, which, Also, petition of the First Baptist Church of Yarmo\tth, Me., with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee :favoring the passage of the Kenyon-She1}pard bill preventing the Qn Appropriations and ordered to be printed. shipment of liquors into dry territory; to the Committee on the He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Judiciary. Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant .to law, a state­ Also, papers to accompany a bill to amend and corPect the ment showing in detail the expenses incru~red from J'une 30, 1912, milit:iry record of Thomas Decker; to the Committee on Military to December 1, 1912, by officers and employees of the Depart­ Affairs. ment ef Agriculture who attended meetings or conventions of 912 ·coN GRESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 2~ :my society or association (H. Doc. No. 1215), which, witli the mission to The Hague Tribunal for· ratification the matter of accompanying paper, was i:eferred to the CoIIJmittee on Appro­ the Panama Canal controversy between Gl'eat Britain and the priations and ordered to be printed.
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