EDITORIAL Flabbio The SGA bylaws that govern the elections need to be overhauled. Kevin McPeek a.k.a. "Plabbio" the exotic dancer tries to crack up UM­ FEArURES St. Louis student Harold Holliday. Saving the Planet: UM-St. Louis is making a visible recycling effort. SPORTS Julie Pressman takes a look at the ticket prices in professional sports. Issue 821 UNIVERSfTY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS March 27, 1995 Anopenear Residence Hall planning to host SGA presidential debate by Rob Goedeker ence will be encouraged to ask the candidates questions. news editor Titlow feels the debate will get more students in­ volved in the election. Jeremy· Kennedy, president of the Residence Hall "It's going to get more people involved, and from the Association, announced last week that he is planning to stand point of a candidate, it gives me an opportunity to host a Stud~nt Government Association (SGA) presiden­ get my message out," Titlow said. tial debate at 7:30p.m. on Aprilll at thiHonors College Presidential candidate Tonya Hutchinson feels differ­ Convocation HalL ently. This will be the first debate for the Residence Hall. "I don't think a lot of people, other than those who live "I think it's a good idea," said SGA presidential in the Residence Hall, arc really going to come over to the candidate Tom O'Keefe. "I was surprised that it wasn't Residence Hall at 7:30 at night;" Hutchinson said. done in the past, but I'm glad to see that they're going to Hutchinson isn't comfortable with the debate's spon­ start doing it." soring. A representative from The Current, The Evening "I have a concern because the person running for vice­ Tide, and Brain Stew will make up the panel asking the , president with Tom O'Keefe [Jason Peery] is affiliated candidates questions. with the Residence Hall," Hutchinson said. Thomas Preston, UM-St Louis coach and faculty She said she would go anywhere where there is an advisor for the debate team, has been rumored as the audience who would want to hear what she has to say, but choice for moderator. she thinks the debate will be in favor of O'Keefe. During the debate, the candidates will have a certain "I definitely think it's going to be biased," Hutchinson amount of time to give their opening statements. Then,. said, "but that can't stop me from going. I think people photo : Monica Sen ecal therepresentati yes from the campus publications will ask need to hear what I have to say. I don't want to not show the candidates questions about their campaigns. The up and have my two opponents speaking on what they UM·St. Louis students (L·R) Brandy Berry, Matt Booth, John Macke, and Todd Appel address candidates will have an opportunity to reply to each think is right." their questions to Bishop Paul Zipfel at the Catholic Student Center's open house March 19. question. see Debate, page 4 After the panel is finished, the students in the audi- Bartok extends election committee deadline by Rob Goedeker gal," Titlow said. "I am saying that the oppo~­ ties on campus. news editor tunity exists for a lot of allegations to be made. "I encouraged guys from my fraternity to 'It doesn't really look ni.ce. I know if I were to sign up," O'Keefe said, "but we always en­ Election Board chairman Steve Bartok has lose to Tom, and those were the people on the couragepeoplefromourfratemitytodothings." extended the deadline for students to apply for election committee, I would feel very uncom- O'Keefe said that a similar situation oc­ a position on the election committee to March fortable with the re­ curred when the November deadline to apply 3. 1. sults. " for the Student Activities Budget Committee Two of the Student Government Associa­ Presi e ntial (SABC) was extended. tion presidential candidates have concerns that candidate Tonya "Our fraternity ftlled out a lot of applica­ group affiliations among student applicants Hu tchinson doesn't tions to be on the budget committee," O'Keefe might create a bias. trust Sigma Pi. said. "We turned in about 90 percent of the The election board position requires stu­ "It's really un­ applications, and everybody got all bent out of dents to monitor the election booths during the fair," Hutchinson shape." upcoming SGA elections on March 18 and 19. said. "Sigma Pi Titlow said she intentionally avoided ask­ Eight of the 13 students who applied before members can't be ing any of her friends to be on the election the original March 10 deadline were Sigma Pi Steve Bartok 'trusted at the polls. committee. She said she doesn't want to see a mem bers. Presidential candidate Tom 0 'Keefe Why else would repeat of last year's election, when one of the is a member and former president of the frater­ they try and get so many of their members [to Election Board members allegedly leaked out nity. apply for the committee]? the vote totals after the first day of voting, Presidential candidate B eth Titlow was con­ "It's so they can partner up with another , causing distrust among the candidates. cerned with what could happen as a result of Sigma Pi member. They can put anybody's "I didn't go up to my sorority and ask Sigma Pi members possibly having a majority name in they want; all you need is a student everyone to go up and get on the election Current file photo of the election committee positions. number." committee," Titlow said. "I was hoping we 'Tmafriend of many oftheSigmaPi's, and O'Keefe said he always encourages his Election Board chairman Steve Bartok checks a student's Identification I'm not saying they would do something ille- fraternity members to get involved with activi- see Extend, page 4 card before he was allowed to vote In last year's SGA election. Thirty-nine students KWMU goes for "Spring Drive 95' apply for Senate seats by Jeremy Rutherford sign up, which includes people from managing editor different areas of the campus," by Amy Pierce O'Keefe said. associate news editor Thirty-nine students responded to "We were working on this before · perhaps the UM-St. Louis Senate's the student senator article came out Staff members at KV.,rMU 90.7 FM, SL Louis's last call for help. [i n issue 820 of The Current]. We only National Public Radio affiliate, arenot waiting Last week, Senate chairman were concerned because in the past, for congressional Republicans to announce their . Stephen Lehmkuhle said the senti­ there has been a low turnout." plans to cut spending on public radio. ment among his colleagues was to O'Keefe said he was pleased with The station, located on the UM-St. Louis cam­ reduce student representation in the the students' response. pus, is following through with its annual member­ Senate if students didn 't show a genu­ "We didn't have to pull any arms," ship drive, "Spring Drive '95," which could be the ine interest in the campus' largest O'Keefe said. "Once we told the stu- ' most important drive in the station's history. governing bOily. dents about the Senate and the situa­ "The financial support of listeners and the busi­ Until this recent surge, few stu­ tion, there were very few people who ness community is more important now than ever dents had shown an interest in being said no." before," said Patricia Wente, KWMU's general part of the Senate. In fact last year, Lehmkuhle was also pleased, and manager. photo: KWMU exactly 25 students applied for the 25 said he will share the news with the seats open to students. Linda Wertheimer is thehostofNPR's even,ing Volunteers will again be asked to answer the telephones for thIs year's KWMU Senate's executive committee at its newscast, "All Things Considered," and has worked membership drive, "Spring D.rlve '95." But because of the Republicans' plan to cut S tuden t Government Association next meeting. for NPR since it began spendIng on National Public RadiO, thIs drive may be the most Important so fa r. (SGA) presidenti al candidate Tom "I am delighted," Lehmkuhlesaid. in 1970. O'Keefe and running male Jason "The studen IS are going to have a real Peery are stressing student involve­ election, and I hope that it's some­ She recently ad­ Wente said. ing in the fund drive this year are: Backroads ment in their campaign, and they be­ thing they take more seriously." dressed the Republi­ "Spring Drive '95" will run from March 31 Music, Bryan 'sRestauran~EuclidRecords, Sys­ lieve representation in the Senate is Lehmkuhle said this should put cans' plan, disposing of through April 9. Listeners can pledge their tem Services Enterprise, Central Clayton important. the idea thatNPR iselit­ Chiropractic, Commerce Bank, Bar Italia, Cut­ fmancial support for the station and become a "Jason and I got 25 students to see Senate, page 4 ist member of KWMU. ler/Williams, Healthlink, Investment Counse­ "I don't think we're Wente said KWMU has set a goal of lors, Tabor Plastics, West End Wines, and elitist," Wertheimer $120,000. The money raised will be used for the American National Mortgage. said. "There are all station's programming and operations Over 200 volunteers from throughout the Patricia Wente kinds· of listeners from Wente also hopes local businesses will con­ community will help answer phones, process Correction all walks oftife. As I've tribute as they have in the past.
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