ONE HUNDRED FORTIETH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS HELD IN THE TABERNACLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH APRIL 4, 5, 6, 1970 WITH REPORT OF DISCOURSES Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah OFFICIAL REPORT of the ONE HUNDRED FORTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS held in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah April 4, 5, 6, 1970 + + + Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The One Hundred Fortieth Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The One Hundred Fortieth Annual Canada over many television and Conference of The Church of Jesus radio stations, coast to coast, originating Christ of Latter-day Saints was held with KSL Radio and Television in Salt in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Salt Lake Lake City. Countries in Europe, South City, Utah, on Saturday, Sunday, and and Central America, Africa and parts Monday, April 4, 5, and 6, 1970. of Asia received broadcasts of the pro- The general sessions of the confer- ceedings over international short-wave ence were held at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Radio Station WNYW, with studios in each day, and the General Priesthood New York. Audio tape and sound on Meeting was held on Saturday evening film recordings of this conference were at 7 o'clock. translated into twelve different lan- President Joseph Fielding Smith was guages and sent to the countries of present and presided at each of the Europe, South and Central America, sessions. His counselors, Harold B. Lee and the Far East. and N. Eldon Tanner, assisted Presi- Rebroadcasts of all sessions of the dent Smith in conducting the services conference were sent over KSL Radio, assigned to them. Salt Lake City, KIRO Radio at Seattle, President David O. McKay, the KMBZ Radio at Kansas City, Missouri, ninth president of the Church having WRFM in New York City, and passed away on January 18, 1970, the WNYW over international short wave, session on Monday morning, April 6, beginning at midnight on Saturday, at 10 o'clock was a solemn assembly at Sunday and Monday, and were heard which the First Presidency of the in many parts of the United States and Church was reorganized, with Joseph the world. Fielding Smith as President, Harold The General Priesthood Meeting Bingham Lee as first counselor, and held on Saturday evening was trans- Nathan Eldon Tanner as second mitted over closed circuit from the Salt counselor. Lake Tabernacle to approximately Also at the solemn assembly, Elder 150,000 men of the priesthood assem- Harold Bingham Lee was sustained as bled in 620 buildings throughout the the President and Elder Spencer Wool- United States and Canada. In addi- ley Kimball was sustained as the Acting tion, 12,000 gathered in the Tabernacle President of the Council of the Twelve and Assembly Hall on Temple Square Apostles, Elder Boyd K. Packer was to listen to the priesthood session. sustained as a member of the Council The general sessions of the confer- of the Twelve, and the following ence were also broadcast by television brethren were sustained as Assistants to overflow crowds in the Assembly to the Twelve: Joseph Anderson, David Hall on Temple Square and to the B. Haight, and William H. Bennett. assembly room in the Salt Palace in The proceedings of all sessions of Salt Lake City. the conference were given extensive This report of the conference also coverage in the United States and includes the continuity of the Taber- 1 2 GENERAL CONFERENCE nacle Choir and Organ Broadcast over P. Brockbank, James A. Cullimore, the Columbia Broadcasting System on Marion D. Hanks, Marvin J. Ashton. Sunday morning from 9:35 to 10 o'clock Joseph Anderson, David B. Haight, and immediately preceding the general William H. Bennett. conference session. The First Council of Seventy: S. Dilworth Young, Milton R. Hunter, General Authorities of the Church Bruce R. McConkie, A. Theodore Present Tuttle, Paul H. Dunn, Hartman Rector, Jr., and Loren C. Dunn. The following General Authorities The Presiding Bishopric: John H. of the Church were present: Vandenberg, Robert L. Simpson, and The First Presidency: Joseph Fielding Victor L. Brown. Smith, Harold B. Lee and N. Eldon Tanner. General Officers ane Other The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: Authorities Present Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Ben- son, Mark E. Petersen, Delbert L. Church Historian and Recorder: Stapley, Marion G. Romney, LeGrand Howard W. Hunter, with A. William Richards, Richard L. Evans, Hugh B. Lund and Earl E. Olson, assistants. Brown, Howard Hunter, Gordon W. Members of the Church Board of B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, and Education, Church educational authori- Boyd K. Packer. ties and supervisors. Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G. Presidents of Stakes and their coun- Smith. selors, Presidents of Temples, Patri- Assistants to the Twelve: Alma archs, bishoprics of wards and presi- Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen, Sterling dencies and members of Melchizedek W. Sill, Henry D. Taylor, Alvin R. and Aaronic Priesthood quorums. Dyer, Franklin D. Richards, Theodore Auxiliary officers, general, stake and M. Burton, Thorpe B. Isaacson, Bernard ward, from all parts of the Church. FIRST DAY MORNING MEETING FIRST SESSION cation will be offered by Elder Morris A. Kjar, former president of the New Zealand South Mission. The opening session of the confer- ence convened in the Tabernacle, on Temple Square in Salt Lake City on Saturday morning, April 4, 1970, at 10 o'clock a.m. President Joseph Field- The Tabernacle Choir sang the ing Smith presided at this session. anthem, "Awake the Harp." President Harold B. Lee, first counselor in the First Presidency, conducted the meeting. The Tabernacle Choir, under the President Lee: direction of Richard P. Condie fur- nished the choral music for this President Kjar will offer the open- session. Alexander Schreiner was at ing prayer. the organ console. Before the beginning of the session, the Tabernacle Choir sang "The Heavens Resound." Elder Morris A. Kjar, former presi- President Lee made the following dent of the New Zealand South Mis- remarks at the opening of the con- sion, offered the invocation. ference: President Harold B. Lee President Harold B. Lee President Joseph Fielding Smith is The Tabernacle Choir will now presiding at this session and he has favor us with "Now Let All The asked me, his first counselor, to con- Heavens Adore Thee." Following the duct this meeting. singing, President Joseph Fielding extend a most cordial welcome We Smith, president of The Church of to all present this morning in this his- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will toric Tabernacle, in the Assembly Hall speak to us. on Temple Square, and the Salt Palace Assembly Room in Salt Lake City, Utah, and also to the vast television and radio audience throughout the The Tabernacle Choir sang the num- world, in this the first session of the ber, Now Let All the Heavens Adore 140th Annual Conference of The Thee." Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Tabernacle Choir under the di- President Lee: rection of Richard P. Condie, with Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will Joseph Fielding Smith, president of open these services by singing "Awake The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- The Harp," following which the invo- day Saints, will now speak to us. 3 — GENERAL CONFERENCE Saturday, April 4 First Day President Joseph Fielding Smith m My beloved brethren and sisters: I and for the kindly relationship which am grateful beyond any measure of we enjoy with other faiths, and I trust expression for the blessings the Lord and pray that this wholesome rela- has given to me, and to the faithful tionship of goodwill and Christian members of his church in the various fellowship will increase and will bless nations of the earth, and to all his the lives of all who are touched by it. children everywhere. I think if all men knew and under- I thank him every day of my life stood who they are, and were aware of that he has restored in these last days the divine source from whence they his everlasting gospel for the salvation came, and of the infinite potential that of all who will believe and obey its is part of their inheritance, they would laws. have feelings of kindness and kinship for each other that would change their President David O. McKay whole way of living and bring peace on earth. I thank him for the life and ministry of each of the good and great men Divine origin whom he has called to govern and of man direct the affairs of his latter-day We believe in the dignity and divine kingdom. origin of man. Our faith is founded on May I say in particular how much the fact that God is our Father, and we miss President David O. McKay. that we are his children, and that all As we all know, he was a man of great men are brothers and sisters in the same spiritual strength, a natural-born leader eternal family. of men, and a man beloved by his As members of his family, we dwelt people and honored by the world. For with him before the foundations of this all time to come men shall rise up and earth were laid, and he ordained and call his name blessed. established the plan of salvation President McKay reminded us often whereby we gained the privilege of that our mission is to all the world advancing and progressing as we are for the peace, and hope, and happiness, endeavoring to do.
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