<curoeip-s., Nabel R. Cillis, 4 California State ' TE Sacramento 9, kiaRAR Senator Savs mors Sign SJS Troubles Spartan Daily I or ON ernight Aren't Unique San Jose State College Next Quarter Says Steel Woes V01.40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1951, No. 53 To Install Booth Are Universal For Registratton San Jose State college "is in 1111 sign-up booth for the Senior the same boat with all of the other 1 (hernight to be held Jan. 11-13 educational institutions in the will he set-up during registration country," as far as the present at the end ol the steel shortage is conc.!' lied. United Min's gym. Cal States Senator William F. Know- Pitts. Overnight committee chalt- land said yesterday !nate announced sesterdav While addressing svnta Clara The iillItlal ellSt to, the, eve'. - county school superintendents on will he a $1 temporal.) ski and officials at the ( ounty 6 dub memhership and $3.77i tor School Department headquar- ters, he added that "the situa- 1 i hose students who will stay at tion is urgent in z alifornia." i he Ilm 'Oki lodge He stated that the -basic prob.) The first SO seniors to sign -lip tern" is that there is nce enough. %%ill Ire quartered at the ( at !ki steel being allocated for educa- lodge at a cost of hli tor the tional purposes. Basically, thi oeekentl. %%Mir the remaining problem will not be solved until 110 seniors o ill sto at the- 11..1,- 1 the defense authorities can Is. i jellei lodge tor 117.5.0. made to realize the critical situa- I Itil, those seniors siaing at th. tion at hand, and allocate the nec- Ito jellet lodge V\ III ht F.411111111! essary amount of steel needed, he -.. it,a $3.75 at retestration. Pins said. said that the lodge demands a Senator Knowland sa;e1 the out- a ido ten-pas-nue-it for reservat lllll s look for 1932 is encouraging. He 1 Total cost of the trip will te pointed out that the sts-I produe- e i$12-$14. depending on the lodging tion of the nation is increasing. ' secured. This prier does net in - and "if the defense requirements hid,' transportation don't move up too much, educa- Transpirtai Ion by automobile tion will get what it 5% ants." ,111 1. air ;lived lot thetS.,1114ol. He stated that the steel short- It tail roles te John Bishop age is "not going to stop de- Reds and mattresses %%ill I... fense production." The educa- pros ided by the lodges, but stn. tional dent must bring their icon problem is as vital, at t.% sleeping the present time, as the build- LYRE EDITOR DAVE WOODS, seated right, is Mg, are: Arturo Moreno. co-editor III La Torre; bags or blankets. Pitt ing of planes, tanks and guns, persuading other publication staff heads that I.yke Ray Hasse. spartan Daily editor; Dr. Rentel; Dick I pointed out. Iti added. He said that such is better than earr this quarter. Eversone seems Zimmerman, chief photographer for all student pu- i Viii. meal.s arc includcd in tile structures as office buildings convinced except Dr. Dwight Bente!. head of the blications. Sealed at left is IA Torre Co-editor i three-day outing. Work perties and plants are the buildings Journalism department. From left to right, stand- Jane Scott. Iwill be assigned to prepare food that should be curtailed. - - - - 1 and maintain sleeping quarters Activities sched ti led f o r the if ivernight will include 7 dance lei a - Elder Travels Tyke' Is 'Two-bits' Well I day night: winter sports Saturday with free ski instruction, and a Dr. Jay C. Elder, deal, of in , 'show cooducted by Mary Brows- struction. will travel to Sacramen- '1; stein to lie toilette(' let a rhenc, to today to participate in a three- nvested, Believes Critic Saltirdav nigh, day conference of the Committee Sunda% the eld team will hold By BORIS sTANKEVICH some good wholesome jokes, excel- cle The f ialrnita editorial, -Cam- . on ir q.uallfsiflg brats Nursing and Nursing Education, lent photography and some sriouse Lyke's Santa Claus edition is pus ForIlf11 The Greek Question'' a nmier race for sen according to Mrs. I.illian Scott, editorials. limed lips assistant to available for 25 cents to collegians like most -open-minded argue with an appropriate Kure the dean. Two Spartan institutions ene The committee, of which Dean today. We would like to state. here awarded to the winner ba Ito- fallen and the other limping are ments falls pretty flat. Elder is chairman, is a part of the and now, that we like Lyke and I ski club. plugged by the staff: 1 bring The outstanding features of the think it is two-bits well invested. more senaii, ltd,-?ie 11..1. California State Department of back Spardi Gras; 121 fraternities 1 If Education programer, study cur- Of course, like all good things, edition are the snappy layout, the desire to attelei the SCI1117 I ’. despite many faults an really ricula in state colleges. there is a little bad mixed with sharp photogiapin and the length night at the regi,tiation the good and we will point these wonderful organizations. Davis Ly- of the articles. Like a good humor- !additional resignations can ta to out for you. noon's plug for Spardi Gras is Itamed. Pitts commented. / For some reason the staff of a well -written and effective arti- ist, Editor Woods keeps his mate- Lyke doesn't believe in being sub- rial short and snappy so that the Thursdm, Last Da - tle or original and blandly. comes reader doesn't have to wade out and admits it. Since being sub- Weather For Dinner Ducats ROTC C adets through all kinds col adjectives The tie and original is 73 per cent of get to the punch line. The wee t hernia n says that Tomorrow at 5 p.m. will be the being funny, this takes a lot of the northern Californians can unbut- deadline for December grads to wind out of their sails from the To Receive ton their overcoats a notch or two obtain tickets for the Senior ban- beginning. Earlier in the year, Edi- during the next few days. quet, which is scheduled for Dec. tor Dave Woods said that the mag- Visits SJS Campus Commissions Know what's been causing ihis 19 at the Prime Rib restaurant, ac- azine would he modeled after The Dr. James B. Enoclue specialist rather'w I climbed aboard my cording to Mrs. Alma Evans of New Yorker. But he didn't say Five cadets of the Air Force in occupational currieula foi the pogo stick and took off for the The early deadline has been set. that in many cases it would be an ROTC and two of the Army R()TC state department of education, will north pole to find out It was a Mrs. Evans said, so that tickets exact replica. will receive commissions as second visit the campus tales. according huge blanket of icv air blowing professional. left over can be sold to those per- What Lyke lacks in lieutenants from President T. W. to Executive Dean James C. De- from Alaska. sons on the guest waiting list. styli' humor, it Makes up for with MacQuarrie Fridas, according to Voss. I went over for a look-see and Col. James J. flea. Dr. Enochs, who is conducting a there were a bunch of wears little The future Air Force ol ricer s studs of occupational curriculum penguins playing hockey with Student Congressmen are Frederic H. Allred, Rav mond in state c(slleges, will meet with icicles. The instructor was shout- A. Forsyth, David D. Popp, Harold division chairmen, department ing so loudly that she blew the Stone Jr., and Edward V Tiernan. heads and occupational curriculum top of her head off and the wind Bills They will be presented with second advaient, Dean DeVors said blew, how the wind blew Pass Wage, Price lieutenants' bars, purchased for them by the Arnold Air society. Forty-five student congressmen Leo Dierks. parliamentarians; pas.sed,wage and price control leg- and Ron Lavers and Charles Thomas J. Kean.' and Dick I. Examination Schedule Chappell are the rti MC cadets who islation aurday at the second an - Wing, clerks. Monday, Dee. 17 lava.* Meettag At: ,.nual will receive Army commissions Student Congress, sponsored John Mix was student chairman 7.30-9:10 7 30 :UWE or Dein Providing the weather is suitable. by the Northern California Foren- of the event. Maynard was elected 430 T-Th. Col. Hee said, there will hi sepa- 9:20-11 sic association, Wilbur F. Luick, chairman of the senate business II10-12.50 11 30 IVIWF or Daily rate ceremonies for each service. director of forensics, said jester- and management committee. 130 T-'Th If weather is not suitable. the 1:40-3:20 day. At the P a.m. plenary eeesion, 3.30-5:10 3 30 hINT' or I Sails meeting V114*. held at the seven men will he Eisen their corn - The Lad Spolyar, AsB president, theater in the chic missions in Dr. MacQuarrie's ,Tuesday, Dee. IS Chooses Meeting At: Montgomery gave the keynote 'address. He office 7 30-9.10 7 30 T-Th auditorium. was followed by Lyle Edson. of bills, including one spon- 9:20-11 . 9 30 MM.' or Dail) Three the Office of Price stabilixation. sent to the II :111-12.341 11 3(1 T-Th sored by SJS, will lx' who discussed prier and Nag, for consideration.
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