INDEX A Aula£ the White, King of the Danes, 22. Adhamhar Foltchaion, 6. Auldearn, Battle of, 123. Aedhan Glas, son of N uadhas, 4. Aefa, daughter of Alpin, 9. B Agnomain, 1. Agnon, Fionn, 1. Bachca (Lorne), battle at, 58. Aileach, Fortress of, 14, 15. Badhbhchadh, 5. Ailill, son of Eochaidh, 12. Baile Thangusdail (Barra), 179. Aitlin, 4. Baine, daughter of Seal Balbh, 8. Airer Gaedhil (see ARGYLL). Baliol, Edward, 40. - Aithiochta, wife of Feargal IX, 19. Bannockburn, Battle of, 40. Alba (Scotland), 13. Baoth, 1. Alexander II, King of Scotland, 38. Bar, Barony of, Kintyre, 40. Alexander III, King of Scotland, 38. Barra, origin of name, 26, 150 et Alladh, 1. seq.; Allan, son of Ruari, 39. description, 167, 174, 179 et seq.; Allan nan Sop, (see ALLAN MAC- settled by the Macneils, 24; LEAN OF GrGHA). Charters, 42, 45, 83, 99; A11en, Battle of, 19. Norse occupation, 27-32 (see Alpin, King of the Picts, 9. Norsemen) ; America, Emigration to, 90, 93, 122, under Lordship of the Isles, 39, 133 et seq., 206, 207, 210. 41; Ancrum Moor, Battle of, 100. sale of, 137; Angus Og, son of John of the Isles, brooches, 28-31; 45. religion, 145 et seq. (see MAc­ A11n Ja11e, wreck of the, 195. NEIL). Antigonish, settlement at, 136. "Barra Song," 25. Aodh Aonrachan, 41. "Barra Register," quoted, 25, 33. Aodh, son of Aodh Aonrachan XX, Barton, Robert, 49. 24. Baruma, The (a tax), 19. Aoife, wife of Fiacha, 10. Battle customs, 161-164. Aongus Olmucach, 4. Bealgadain, Battle of, 4. Aongus Tuirneach-Teamrach, son of Bearnera, Isle, (see Berne ray). Eochaidh, 6. Beatson, Rev. Henry, 149. Ard Macha (Ardmagh), 5. Ben Eoligarry, 34. Ardmagh (Ard Macha), 5. Benia, daughter of Crimthan, 7. Ardnacross, Macneils of, v, 107, Beotact, 6. 122-126. Beouman, 1. Ardnamurchan, 45. Bern Bige, Battle of, 62. Ardtornish, 44. Berneray, Isle of, 167, 173. Argy11, 13, 16. Bible, Irish, 155. Argyll, Duke of, Chief of Clan Biey fir (man's portion), 163. Campbell, q. v., iii, v, 41, 107, 111, Bilius, 2. 121. Binns, Elizabeth Dixon, wife of Argyll, Earl of, 49, SO, 61, 82, 166. Roderick Ambrose XLIV, 90, 208. Arichonan, Macneils of, v, 106. Binns, Thos. Dixon, 90. Arran, 55. Biola-creag (Mingulay), 181. Arran, Earl of, 49. Bishops Isles, 160, 173. Art Eanfhear (Art the Lonely), son Black, Dr. George F., 193. of Conn, 9. Blatact, 6. Art Imleach, 4. Bloody Bay, Battle of, 45. Art of Uellthan, 7. Boisdale (South Uist), 42, 64, 87, Asruth, 1. 88. Assaman Eamhna, 6. Bolito, Colonel, 107. 213 Index The Clan Macneil Cnoc mBaine, 8. Dermod, King of Ireland, 18. Borniskittaig, 82. Campbell, Alex., of Dunstaffnage, Cobhthach Caomh, 6. Dian, son of Deman, 4. Borve, (Barra), 88, 179. 102. Cockle Shells, 168, 175. Dingwall, 44. Boyle, Sir Robert, 155-156. Campbell, Archibald, 107. Cockman (see GocKMIN). Donal an Togdhamh, son of Aodh Brath, 1. Campbell, Archibald, of lnverawe, Coffey the Slender ( Colethach Caol­ XIX, 24. Bras d'Or lakes, settlement at, 136. 102. bhreagh), 5. Donald Dubh, 47, 48, 52, 53, 56. Breachd-Achada, Castle of, 43, 44. Campbell, Barbara, 107. Colethach Caol-bhreagh (Coffey the Donald Gruamach, 50. Breasioghacta, 4. Campbell, Catherine, 107. Slender), 5. Douglas, Lt. Col. Baird, 130. Breoghan, 2. Campbell, Catherine Anne, 98. Coli, 43. Drinking customs, 75, 164. Brevaig, Macneils of, 89, 93, 97-98, Campbell, Duncan, of Castleswynie, Colla da Chrioch, 10. Druid, Chief, 162-164. 134. 57. Colla Mean, 10. Druin-na-n Druagh, 7~ Brian, son of Eochaidh, 12. Campbell, Elizabeth, 101, 102, 104. Colla Uais, 10. Duach Fionn, 5. Brigantia, City of, 2. Campbell, Elizabeth, 103. Collier's Hall, 115. Duach Ladhrach, son of Fiacha, 5. Brolas, 82. Campbell, Lady Emma Augusta, Colonsay, Macneils of, v, 106-114. Dubh Galls, 20. Brooks, Carol (see MRs. HERMON 110. Colpoys, Susan, 95. Dubhteach, son of Moindeach, 14. A. MAcNEIL) . Campbell, Esther, 107. Conal the Speckled, 18. Dublin, Norse Kingdom of, 22, 28, Browne, Adelaide McNiel, 210. Campbell of Glenlyon, 62, 77. Conla Caomh (Conla the Comely), 35. Browne, R. McNiel, 208. Campbell, Isabella, 102. 6. Dugan, Rev. Dermit, 145, 146. Browne, Mrs. R. McNiel, 210. Campbell, John Livingston, of Conmael, son of Heber Fionn, 3. Duinseach, daughter of Duach Brownie, 166, 196. Achallader, 88. Conn Ceadcathach (Conn of the Teangabha, wife of Muirceartach Brownlow, Charles, Lord Lurgan, Campbell, Marie, 103. Hundred Battles), 9. IV, 17. 88. Campbell, Neil, of Duntroon, 102. Connecticut, Emigration to, 210. Duncanson, Robert, 156. Brownlow, Lt. Col. Charles, of Lur­ Campbell, Rev. Neil, 104. Cormae Ulfhada, son of Art, 9. Dundas, Ann, 109. gan, 88. Campbell, Mary, 102. Craigston (Barra) Chapel at, 147, Dundee, Viscount, 84, 199. Bruce, Robert the, King of Scotland, Cape Breton, Emigration, 93, 207, 148. Dunoon, Hugh, 135. 39, 40, 119. 210, 133 et seq. Cratloe Mountains, 11. Dynes, Abel, the affair of, 67 et seq. Bruidhi, King of the Picts, 26. Carolan, Rev. Mr., 146. Crear, v, 106-107. Buchanan, Donald, 208. Carlton Point, settlement at, 137. Crimthann Niadh Nar, son of E Buchanan, Michael, of Borve, 33. Carman, Battle of, 4. Lughaidh, 7. Burgoyne, General, 94. Carmichael, Edith, 104. Crimthann, King of Ireland, 11. Eadhna Dearg, 5. Burton, Dr. John, 87. Carmichael, Thomas, 104. Criomthan Cosgrach, 6. Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker, 142. Bute, 55. Carskey, Macneils of, v, 120. Crofinna, daughter of Art of Dell­ Edge, Commander, R. N., excava- Bute, Macneils of, 126-128. Carstairs, Anne Elizabeth, 111. than, 7. tions in the Hebrides, 28. Buya Minor, Isle of, 160, 176. Carthage, 1. Crom Cruadh, idol of Tighernmas, Egypt, Niall of Scythia, in, 1. Buya Major, Isle of, 160, 176. Carthan Cais Dubh, mother of N1all 3. Eighty-second Regiment, disbanded Bwyabeg (see Bttya). Mor, 10, 11. Cromwell, Oliver, 81. in Nova Scotia, 133. Bwya Moir, (see Buya). Castlebay (Barra), 147, 180, 182. Cross Creek, N. C., 138. Eiliomh MacConrach, 8. Castlehill Church, 121. Culloden, Battle of, 138. Eionbiothad, son of Tighernmas, 3. c Catha!, honours the head of Feargal, Customs of the Macneils, 152, 159 Eithrial, son of !rial Faidh, 3. 19. et seq. (see Religion). Elizabeth, Queen of England, 62. Cacht, wife of Maelduin, VIII, 18. Cathcart, Lady (Gordon), 110. Cushendun, McNeills of, 116. Emigration, America, 133 et seq.; Cairbre Lifeachar, son of Cormac, Ceirb, 10. Cape Breton, 93, 207, 210, 133 et 9. Chambers, Catherine, 103. D seq; Cairnburg, 47, 49. Charles II, King of England, 81. Chief, trial of a, 161 et seq. North Carolina, 138, 122; Caldwell, Eliza, 210. Dalaruan, Castle of, 121. Nova Scotia, 93, 133 et seq., 206,. Calvagh, King of Ulidia, 10. Chisholm, Alexander, 98. Darletus, King of the Picts, 7. Chisholm, Canon, 147. Dale, David, 134. 207, 210; Cameron, Duncan, pilot for Prince Ontario, 137; Charles, 86. Christmas Island, Church at, 136. Dalriada, Kingdom of, 6, 13, 15, Cameron, Sir Ewen, of Fassifern, Church of Scotland, 145, 148. 16, 26. Prince Edward Island, 97, 206· 88. Cille-bharra, (see Kilbarray). Danes (see Norsemen). 133 et seq.; Cameron, Rev. Hugh, 148. Cingcris, Pharaoh, 1. Davarr, 27. United States, 90, 210, 137, 138: Cameron, Sir John, 88. Ciosmuill Castle (see KlSIMUL) . David II, King of Scotland, 41. et seq., 142. Cameron of Lochiel, 48, 51, 62, 199. Clammer, Mrs. George Monroe, 210. Deag, 1. England, alliance of the Clans with,. Campbell, Clan, iii, v, 121 (see also Clans, Early History of the Scot- Deman, son of Roitheachtaigh, 4. 52. ARGYLL). tish, v, vi. Derbforguill, wife of Lughaidh, 7. Enna Aighneach, son of Aongus, 6. Campbell, Alex., of Craignish, 102. Clontarf, Battle of, 32. 215 214 The Clan Macneil I ndex Eochaidh (of Leinster), assassin of Fionn Fionnlogha, 7. Harding, 'Varren G., 205. Niall, 13. Fishing, customs, 152; J dues, 79. Harlaw, Battle of, 42. Eochaidh Altleathan, son of Oholl, Hay, Isle of, 177. James I, King of Scotland, 42. 6. Fladay, (see Flodday). Flodday, Isle of, 174, 176. Heave! (peak in Barra}, 182. James III, King of Scotland, 39. Eochaidh Buadhach, son of Duach, Heber, son of Milesius, 2, 11. James IV, King of Scotland, 45, 47, s. Foli-Aich, son of Eithrial, 3. Heber Glunfionn, 1. 48. Eochaidh Feidhlioch, son of Fionn, Forbes, Lady Georgina, 108 Heber Scot, 1. James V, King of Scotland, 51, 99. 7. Forestan, Rev. Mr., 146. Hebrides, 9, 10, 24, 31, 35; Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin, son of Four Masters, The, 23. James VI, King of Scotland, 60, 62. Fraser Highlanders, in Canada, 133. Ceded to Scotland, 39; James II, King of Great Britain, Muireadach, 10. Charters revoked by James IV, 83. Eoligarry (Barra}, 180, 182. Fuda, Isle of, 160, 167, 177. 45, 47; Jamison, Neil, of Bute, 127. Erca, daughter of Loarn Mor, 15. Fullarton, Rev. Robert, 106. Religion, 145; Eriskay, Isle of, 86, 166, 167, 178. Japhet, 1. G Under Cromwell, 82. John, Bishop of the Isles, 56. Ersary, Macneils of, 85, 89, 93, 134. Hellavel (peak in Barra), 182. John Mor, the Tanister, 42. Ethne, daughter of lmgheal, 8. Gabhra, Battle of, 10. Hellesay, Isle of, 177 John of Moidart, 51 Ethne, daughter of Dunlang, 9. Gaedhal, 1. Henry VIII, King of England, 52. Johnson, Duncan James, 139. F Galicia, Gaelic occupation of, 1-2. Heremon, son of Milesius, 2, 5. Johnson, James McNeill, 139. Gallachallie, Macneils of, v, 100, 105. Highland Emigration to America, Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 148. Fanning, Rev. George, 146, 149. Garulanga, Isle of, 176. 133 et seq. Judkins, Mrs. Anna E. McNeil, 210. Fara (see Fiaray). Gigarun, Isle of, 173. Hughes, Mary, 210. Faroes, 31. Gigay, Isle of, 177. Humphrey, Barbara Allen, wife of K Farquhar, Lady (Helen Eva Forbes Gigha, Macneils of Taynish and, v, lain XLIII, 90.
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