John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-2-1970 The aC rroll News- Vol. 53, No. 3 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 53, No. 3" (1970). The Carroll News. 426. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/426 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Who's Who Gauzman a Winner! Page 8 The (;arroll News Page 4 Volume Llll, No. 3 JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO 44118 Oct. 2, 1970 -,~-Jf High Election Turnout Marks Debut of Districting System By RON CHAPMAN were elected. R01b ert Conklin, Greg tricts were won by Carla Tomino, Crandall and Jim McCaffrey tri­ Bill Petrovic, Joan Balzarini, Tom The new District Election umphed in the Senior Dorm and Kenney, Robert Vlaszewski, and system received its fi rst test Off Campus Districts seven through Victor Sossi. Dorm and Off-Cam­ Monday and Tuesday of this pus Repr esentative posts were week as 44% of the upperclass taken by Jack Bertges, A. J. Oian­ electorate turned out to vote fo r flo cco, Dennis Quilty, F. R. Farley class officers and Student Union Jr., and T. J. Russert. representatives. Senior J im G.ren­ In a race that generated a great dell was returned to the class deal of interest and the la1·gest Presidency over challenger J ohn dass turnout of 46%, Eli Naffah Cronin by a fifty-one vote margin, defeated Pete Fow1er 217-172 to 143-92. Tom Costello handily de­ retain the Presidency of the feated Dick Pfeifer 162-64 for the Sophomore Class. The Vice-Presi­ Vice-Presidency. dency was won by Larry O'Toole, Light turnouts characterized who outpolled his opponent, David voting_ in the Senior commuter dis­ Seelie. 188-177. There were two tricts as Chuck Abbey, Nick Moyer write-ins. Grendel! Naffah Julie Ganim, Mary Ann Cultrona, Sophomore Commuters elected Sergio Mendez- Homecoming entertainment 1970 George Maranuk, and Mike Schull nine. In the tenth Senior district, Marge Jozsa, Diane Silver, John David Henry outpolled Joseph Hyland, Jane Mciver, Ken Greg­ Wisneski 16-13, but five write-in orie, and Marge Hastings while votes deprived Henry of the 51% Dorm and Off-Campus voters chose needed for victory undar the Elec­ Mike Kelbley, Mary Lynn Coffee, 'Discover America' Hails tion Committee rules. An addi­ Phil Rocen<berg, Joe Alt, Richard tional election will be held next Kaplar, and Joe Herbst to repre­ Monday in the Bernet Hall Lounge sent them in the Student Union. during r egular voting hours. Voter turnout showed an in­ 1970 Homecoming Queen crease of 7% over class elections Juniors gave Robert Longo ' a turnout last year. "This is one of By JOHN MARCUS will also be announced at this theme for this year's fall weekend. 175-74 victory over Donald Badjun the highest if not the highest turn­ William Bailey, Executive time. "We felt that by chosing this to return him to the Presidency out for class elections in John Car­ "At the dance Saturday night," theme that the :fraternities would of their class. In the Vice Presi­ roll history," commented Chris Vice-President of I ota Chi said Bailey, the queen will p1·esent be able to express more creatively dential balloting:. Mark Pacelli, Streifender, Election Committee Upsilon and chairman of the troph ies to the winners of the float when building their floats," said >vith 102 votes, was defeated by Chairman. "This proves that we Homecoming Dance ex-officio, has competition and Coach J erry Sch­ Regis Albrecht, special assistant to J im Casserly, who tallied 161. are on the right track with the dis· anounced the plans for the upcom­ weickert will name the Most Valu- Bailey. The six Junior Commuter Dis- trict system." ing queen elections. Again this year the float com­ The elections will follow the Dr. Albert J. HawJ!t';·.•. petition will consist of stationary same format as last year. Each floats placed around the quacl. float entry is entitled to a queen chairman of the Department ~ of History and chairman of ~ Last year Delta Alpha Theta en­ Academic Senate Chooses candidate and the queen will be the Curriculum Committee of ~ selected by a populal' election. The tered the best float and Katie Ras­ the Academic Senate, has % mussen, Notre Dame College coed, only stipulation for a queen nomi­ scheduled open hearings on nee is that she must be a Carroll fl reigned as Homecoming Queen. the nine hours of required ''!!"~ Three Committee Heotls coed. theology. The hearings are: I By JILL BRENT "Voting will take place in the October 5, 3-5 p.m. in room Q I y Dr. Noetzel, Chairman of the Academic Senate, called the Airpoxt lobby from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 226 ; October 8, 2-4 p.m. in a,.: uarter y acates on the Monday and Tuesday of room 205 in the SAC Build- m fi rst meeting for the year 1970-71 to order on Sept. 16, 1970. Homecoming Week," said Bailey. Two letters of resignation were read to the members of Any Carroll student can vote. hi~ng .,~• .,%<"1'i®~.,w~:(@)t¢;i&Mfcil Union Senate Seat the Senate. Dean oi the Business School, Francis J. McGurr, sub­ The results of the queen elec­ elected by a 20-14 vote as the new tion will be announced at halftime able Player of the day's game mitted his resignation as a mem­ against Thiel. By CAROL RAJ NICEK ber of the Agenda/ Steering Com­ member of the committee for a of the football game. The queen two-year term. will receive her tiara and the court "Discover Aroe:rica" will be the mittee, and Dr. Wm. F. O'Hearn, "With a view to t he idea of J r., assistant dean of the College Dr. Albert J . Hamilton ran un­ opposed and was named chairman a student, as opposed to or­ of Arts and Sciences, resigned as Webber Returns ganizational and f rater n al, chairman oi the Ouniculum Com­ of the Curricu1um Committee for mittee. a one-)'ear term. representation in the Stud ent Un­ Mr. Joseph B. Miller, assistant ion Senate, the staff of the Car­ These two faculty members felt professor of Speech, was named roll Quarterly announces its deci­ that their r ecent appO'intments to cha~rman of the Aca<lemic Proced­ sion to withdraw from the Sen­ adm inistrative posts should take ures Committee at the end of the Student Union Holds ate." priority over service on their re­ last meeting of the 1969-70 school The above is part of the letter spective committees. year. written by Ron Corthell, Editor­ Dr. J oseph Buckley and Dr. At the same meeting, Dr. Ray­ in-chief of the Canoll Quarterly, Louis P ecek accepted nominations mond LeGrand, assistant professor Weekend Symposium to Frank Chenette, President of to fi ll the vacancy on the Agenda/ of Education, was elected Chail'­ the Student Union. In this letter Steering Committee .. Dr. Pecek was man of the Personnel Committee. The Student Union will sponsor a weekend symposium the staff of the Quarterly states the reasons for the withdrawal of with theme "Prio1·ities 1970" on Oct. 23, 24, and 25. Former theh· seat in the Student Union senator Wayne Morse will be the keynote speaker. The Senate. .symposium will be free, except for Morse's speech. "Feeling our presence a silent cnt faiths. Rabbi Horowitz from approval of an unfair system, then, Local and national speakers, nearby B'nai Brith will headline we elect to withdl'aw: the Quar. panels, and cultural events will one part of this panel. terly simply does not rep.resent the make up the weekend. Panels will Father Begin, who has had con­ be on such subjects a- revolution, flicts with diocesean authorities, Does anyone really lmow media, women's liberation, and the will present his views. Joan Morris, what time it is ? When will blackman of 1970. a Theologian who has recently the clocks be fi xed and show Other panels will center around been awarded hea: masters in the correct time in Cleveland scientific and technological priori­ Women and Christianity the Last instead of Tokyo? ties, the rights and roles of stu­ 1000 Years, •vill come in from dents in society, and urban man England for her part in the panel. and his development. students and/or artists of CarrolL Dr. Bill Webber, president of The value of the magazine is pri­ The theological panel will con­ ew York Theological Seminary, marily poetic and literary, no t po­ sist of speakers from many differ- will also attend. Dr, Webber held litical." the Walter and Mary Tuohy Chair for Interreligious at Canoll last When Ron was asked to com­ Newly- elected representa­ year. ment, he replied that he feels the organization suffers guilt by as­ tives to the Student Union The symposium is open to all sociation. Each member of the Senate will be seated at the and is under the joint sponso.rship Carroll student body has the right next regul ar union meeting, of the following Student Uni.on to vote. If the organizations also CN Photo by Greg Crandall Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 6 p.m. in depa rtm e nts: Internal Affairs; e..'l:ercise this voting right, the in­ PERCHED ATOP THE AD BLDG., Carroll's Brass Choir presents the O'Dea Room.
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