NOTICB 10 fUHcmw n Eiadly obtem and urettly obliae tbt VOLUME XXXI, NUMBER 32 and THE SOLO LOWELL, MCHIGAN, JAN. 10. 14 Report e# the Ceedllieii of LITERARY CLUB NEWS OF THE FAST LOWELL FOLK Why Pay the Peddler or Cen- THE CITY STATE BANK >1 UweU, MkhigaD OFFICERS ELECT HOME CHURCHES (D LOOSE The Lowell Literary club met OF LONG AGO iie dete of buiiiMtt, December 31, 1919, et celled for by with Mrs. Clyde Collar Tuesday. Jan. Lowell Hashed is! Charck veeeer Twice Theee Prlcee ? 8. Owing to the absence or the *He who defies the Constitution U CommUaioner of the Stele Benkieg Depertmrnt end the 1TEMB FROM THE LOWELL LEDG- a traitor to his country, the eidi- You can taveagood deal of money by buying your lerel Reterfe Benldng Syttem. SECEBTARY BIBRCB'B LETTERS president, Mrs. I^ook presided. S ON H~16 READ STRANGE TO The following officers were elect- ER OF 2S AND at YEARS teenth amendment is a part of the atock tonic atthle atore. Intiend of peyinetbo peddler Constitution." LOWELL PEOPLE ed for the ensuing year: PresideaV AGO bifffeaey prieetlorgoodt of unknown quality. Look at RESOURCES. Mrs. G. H. Horn; 1st vice president, The severe cold kept many from The following correspondence will Jan. 3.1699—25 years ago. attending the services last Sunday theee prlcee for that old reliable and guarenteed stock and discounts .9198.960.54 Mrs. D. G. Look: 2nd vice president, but a goodly number braved the condi ttooer end wormespeUer— Mortgages and Securties . 297357^9 be of interest to friends of fair play Mrs. J. Thomas; recording secretary, Mrs. Mary Krum died, aged 72. both in LoweU and Grand Rapids. Mrs. Thos. Watson; corresponding Harvey Gibson of Campbell died, storm and were present. The rec- on hand and due from Banks . 41,589.80 aged 79. ords show 104 at Sunday school. 797.78 GRAND RAPIDS ASSOCIATION OF secretary, Mrs. Win. Hartman; treaa- Dr. Heat Stock Tonic COMMERCE urer, Mrs. N. C. Borgerson; critie Monday 28th wedding anniversary On account of the third number of Itnre and Fitures . 2.192^8 the lecture course coming on Thurs- tBIb. Pall Coato St.<B Real Estate 2.700^0 Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mrs. J. M. Hutchinson; purliainea- of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hicks. Rev. S. G. Anderson has taken day night, the Church Training ser- 10 lb. Paakaia Casta S1.00 srs' Bonds held for safe keeping . iXWM December 17. 1923. tarian, Mrs. J. S. Hooker: custodlae. vice will befgin promptly at seven Mr. C. J. Farley, President, Mrs. M. C. Greene. charge of Alto Baptist church.* 4^ Ih. Paokaga Caate 80c of the Federal Reserve Bank . tjmM L. 11. Hunt-ill with pneumonia. and close in time for all who desire Grand Rapids Dry Goods Co., Mrs. M. C. Greene and Mrs. F. F. to attend the entertainment. Total *.$588,348.29 City. Rosewarne had planned a very en- Bertha Robinson home from Grand Dear Mr. Farley: joyable program of which Mrs. Rapids. The Missionary society will meet Dr. Hesa Poultry P«n-a-cea LIABILITIES with Mrs. O. J. Yeiter Friday • af- Acknowledging receipt of and ra- Greene was chairman. Deputy Sheriff Ren Morse reap- belpe to keep poultry hoelthy and is fuarnnteed to make Capital Stock I 25^00.00 llying to your favor of December Victrola selection. To a Wild Rose, pointed. ternoon. A home missionary pro- Surplus Fund > lOjOOOJ*) Married—S. M. Stanton and Edith gram is being nre^ared by the com- hone ley. 2th. MacDowell. mittee. "If toe leaves from the tree HcMrve for Interest, Taxes, etc., 4,000.00 This matter will be brought up at Mrs. Verena Kropf, in her pU'SSiSg •Chapman; Cbas. 11. Kopf and Goldie • Hla Pnokngo 76o 1314.43 Faulkner; John H. Layer and Car- of life are to heal tbe nations. God's Dividends unpaid net the meeting of the wholesalers Mon- ing way, gave a wonderfully inter- IX Iba Pookogo ISo CMamarcial Deposits day noon. However, for your infor- esting talk of Switserland; dweUlni rie Jordan; Roy A. Hughson and orchards must be cultivated right Checking Accounts 19^63.94 mation permit the writer to state chiefly on the mountain life ant Lucy M. John. here at home." Ddtod Certlflcales 36410.52 that the matter has already been illustrating her tall with a minature Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Rickert moved The Greene Circle will gather at 00011 SIAte Moneys 5,000.00 passed upon by the Administrative house rcpresentlna the character* to Greenville. the church for an all day meeting Board at l«ansing and the Board has Istlc Swiss home. The staircases are Mrs. Earl Faulkner struck by Low- Thursday. This will be a work meet- D. G. LOOK-^?^: "*" «160^74.40 160374.46 concluded that the short, direct built on the' outside which givas ell & Hastings train, leg, arm and ing with a pot-luck lunch at noon. Savings Deposits route is the proper way to build them a very picturesque anpearanee thumb broken.'bruisikl from head to Savings Book Accounts.... .1236331.43 this highway and furthermore the and they are built of wood and can foot. CaagrogaUoaal Ckarck Savings Certificates ., 94,587.37 Federal Highway Department has al be .washed both inside and out John T. Robinson died, aged 75 In The pulpit will be occupied next so sanctioned the short route and These houses are called chalets. The Lowell Center-Alto section. Sunday by Rev. A. J. Blair of Wake- $331,41830 331.41830 ilimated that it would not sanction people are extremely fond of flowers Married—llarle*' Merriman and man, Ohio, formerly pastor of the Notes Rediscounted 9319^9 the longer route. in this country, which was very Miss McKee. Congregational church at Belding. Safe Keeping Bond Accounts 45,12131 The writer is certain that as far lainly shown by the beautiful views The Cheerful Doers bad a very as the State Highway, the Governor S(rs. Kropf brought. The evenlnd January 6, 1894—30 years ago. pleasant time at the home of Mrs. Our Annual Total $588348.29 and the Administrative Board are are spent in weaving, watch making; Mrs. A. D. VanDeusen celebrated Charles Jakeway Monday evening. Directors concerned the matter is a closed carving and embroidery. The Swiss 45th birthday. Connnunity singiw was enjoyed and New Year's resolutions read at roll J. A. Arehart Harry Day D. G. Look issue. emblem ( a bear) carved from oak Susan I.' Wyman of West Lowell Very truly yours, wood and a Swiss doll were also ex- died. Rev. J. T ilusted conducted call. Six won out in the auto race J. S. Bergin F. W. Hinyan R. VanDyke after which refreshments were ser- W. T. Condon L. E. Lampkin H. L. Weekes Lee H. Bierce, hibited. Another interesting feature funeral. Clean Up Sale LHfi'Gt' Secretary. was about the shepherd taking bis William Potter died, aged 77. Rev. ved. There were fifty present. Mrs. OMcera Harvey Haysmer was chairman of Win. T. Condon, Vice Pres. cows and goats from the valley to A. P. Moors officiated at funeral. R. VanDyke, President GRAND RAPIDS ASSOCIATION OF the mountains. Deer hunting a fS- A. A. Husted at Vineyard, Georgia. the entertainment committee. D. G. l^ook. Vice Pres. Harry Day, Cashier Mrs. White entertained her class H. J. Engiehardt, Ass't Cashier COMMERCE mous in this country. One of the Mrs. Elisabeth Mason of Ada died. started Saturday, Grand Rapids, Mich., main industries is the hotel business. Married—Mrs. Emma J. Scott and at afternoon tea during the holiday December 21,1923. In closing, Mrs. Kropf vividly told of Frank McManam6n. season in honor of the meinbers who Board of Trade, the Swiss yodlers. Congregational choir re-organised were home for the vacation. The Lowell, Michigan. Victrola selection, Alpine Special J. If. Rickert, chorister; R .D. Stock- ten who were able to be present Gentlemen: ly. Popular Yodles, Geo. P. Watson. ing, organist; .Miss .Hattie Wilson, spent a very pleasant hour with fancy work and visiting. December 29 Several wltolesalers, members of Club adjourned to meet January soprano: Mrs. Mate Hunt, alto; Geo. the Grand Rapids Association of 22 with Mrs. R. M. Shivel. Winegar, bass; J. H. Maynard, tenor. The attendance at church and Sun- Eyesight Commerce, have called our attention Light refreshments were then ser Annual meeting Congregational so- day school was very small last Sun- Groat Opportunity to buy Staple Merch- to the fact that they are in receipt veil. ciety: Francis King and F. T. Kinti day due to the intense cold. There of letters from your organisation elected trustees: Mrs. O. R. Eaton, was no evening service. andise at Groat Reduction in Pricta Insurance asking our co-operation in trying to clerk; Francis King, treasurer. get Mate Highway M-10 routed C0URSH1P OF Harry Alverson, tinner at W. R. German Methodist Church There is only one toy to through l^owell. There seems to be Blaisdeirs hardware, visiting par- Next Sunday, our new district All goodt aacrificod oxcopt Editon and quite a little misunderstanding in ents in Missouri. suiierintendent. Hev. F. J. Baumann such at arc priced by tbo manufacturers. be sure that your Children's connection with this entire proposi MYLES STANDISH - Married—Miss Mary Gunn and Le- of Detroit, will be with us to con- Eyetftght will be properly tion and we would like very much to Announcement of the coming of Grand Rathbone. duct our second quarterly meeting. meet with representatives of your 'The Courtship of Myles Stanoish*' J. B. Velter starting furniture Following the morning sermon, the Big atsortmcnt to toloct from.
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