150 -UlATONGO. bhekile nje,-tina si ti, 10 'muntu still really looking upon us,-we u nga. u kuluma. nje ; noma. u nem- say, as regards that man, you buzi, u m bonge. Kodwa. si ti, u should just Apeak. quietly with neklazo um' a be lie u ya. ku bulala, him; and if you have a. goat only, a nga. ku tsheli kahle, nawe u kqo- worship him with it. But we say nde; u be u sa nga. m pupa izikati it is a shame in him to come and zonke, u be Be U za 'kugula ns.. kill you, without telling you pro­ Ipupo libi. lni umfo wenu u b' u perly, that you may understand. &10 nga m bona. u lele, u be Be U ya But you are dreaming of him con­ gula DB t Ku nani. umuntu e pu- stantly, and are then ill. It is a. pe umfo wabo, a vuke umzimba bad dream. Why do you con­ uuma.ndi, a. tshele abantu a ba stantly see your brother in your lauzele ukuti, 'Umzimba wami u sleep, and become ill 7 It were polile, umnandi.' A ti, 'Ngi pu- well that a. man should dream of his p' umfo wetu e kuluma. izindaba brother, and awake with his body ezinhle kumina..' .A ti, a nga in health, and tell the people his fika izikati zonke kuwe, 11 film dream, saying, 'My body is now ngempi, Be u ya gula j se s' azi restored to health j it is without ukuti u gu1a nje ke, u ya 'kuba u pain. I have dreamed of my bro­ pupa umfo wenu nje.n ther, telling me pleasant news.' But now he comes to you at all times with hostile intent, and you are ill j and 80 we know that you are ilion that account, be- cause you dream of your brother." A ti, "Ehe, madoda., mina Be He says, "Eh, Sirs, I will DOW ngi za 'ku mu nika inyama. yake a give him the Hesh he loves; for he i tandako; lokw e ti kumina. ngi speaks to me when I dream or nga. m pupa.; u ya i pats. inya.ma.; him; he demands Hesh; he kills u yo. ngi bula.la.; ngi ti, 1m nani me i I 88.y, what prevents him uma a fike kumina ebusuku, ngi from coming to me by night when lele, a. ngi tshele kahle, a ti, 'Mfo I am asleep, and telling me quietly, wetu, ngi tanda ukuti,' si kulume saying, 'My brother, I wish so­ naye kakle, ku bonakale ukuti ngi and-so,' that we may talk. pleasant­ pupa umfo wetu t U y' ona, ku ly with each other, and it be evi­ dent that I have dreamed or my brother t He wrongs me i daily I AHATONGO. 151 ya sa ngi yo. m pupa, ngi vuke ngi dream of him, and then awake neruooba j ngi ti, ka 'muntu j into in BUffering; I say, he is not a e yo. be ishinga, i tanda ukulwa man; he was a thing which was a. nab&ntu. Kodwa, madoda, si be wretch, which liked to fight with Hi da. si zwa ni ti, 'Umuntu owa fa people. But, Sirs, we have been e ishinga. eli nga. kulumiswayo accustomed to hear you say, 'As abantu, idhlozi lake li be lihle no. f to a. man who died being a. wretch, Si be si da. Bi zwa ni tsho nja.lo, ni one of a word and a blow, is the ti u t' a nga. fa, itongo lake li lu- Idhlozi of such an one good r We nge, Ii be lihle. Kanti ku lungo. have been accustomed to hear you umuntu owo. be lunge kade. say thus, that when he is dead his Um1l.laumbe a ti nowa be lungile, ltongo becomes right and is good. s. fike a be mubi uma e file; nowa But forsooth that man is good who be ishinga, a ti uma. 'sa file, a. lu- had been good long before his nge, a be umuntu 0 'tongo lihle. death. Perhaps he too who was Ku ya fana. loko kokobili. Si ya good becomes bad when he is dead; ni pikisa nina, nina ni ti umuntu and he who was bad, when he is owa. fa e isbinga e nga kulunyiswa, dead, is good, a.nd becomes a good a ti a nga fa, a be nedhlozi elihle. ltongo. Both are alike. We Tina si ti ku ya!ana nje; nowa. deny the truth of what you say, be lungile, u ya vuka a be uhlanya when you assert that a man who lapa 'sa file j ka ku muki ngoku- died being a. wretch of a word and lunga. kwake urn' e sa hamba. ngar- a blow, when he is dead, may pezulu; nohlanya Iu fa kqede,lu have a good spirit. We maintain lunge, lu be idJilozi elihle." that the two things are alike j both he who was good will be a wrath­ ful man when he is dead; it does not turn out in accordance with his righteousness which he had when he was still living on the earth: and the wretch when he is dead becomes righteous and be­ comes a. good spirit." Ba ti, "Ehe, Hi yo. ku vumela; They say, "Ehe, we agree with u kqinisile. Ku ya fana kokobili." you; you speak the truth. The two things are alike." A ti, "Ngi ti ke, umfo wetu u I He replies, "I say then, my 152 AMATONGO. mnke nobushinga bake umBo e sa. brother has gone away with his namba. ngapezulu kwomhla.ba ; no- wickedness which he exhibited rna e se file, idl,lozi lake Ii fana whilst living on the earth; and naye e sa hamba ngapezulu, ngo- though he is dead, his spirit re­ kuba yena u be nga. kulumiswa. sembles him whilst he was alive, U be ti umuntu a nga. kuluma na-- for he was a man of a word and a ye, a tande ukuba a be S6 U ya blow. If a man spoke to him, Iwa naye. Ku be ku nga fika he 11Sed to wish at once to ikcala; l' enziwe uye, a be se u yo. fight with him; and then a. dis- 1wa, a nga ku boni ukuti, 'Konje pute might arise; it was caused by nje lell 'kcala I' enziwe umina; a him, and then he would fight, and ku fanele ukuba ngi lwe nabo laba did not see it nor say, 'So then 'bantu; I esuke a tande yenn. uku the fa.ult was committed by me j I ba bulala abantu. N edlilozi lake ought not to fight with these peo­ li njalo; Iibi; Ii yo. tukntela; u pIe; I but he started up and wish­ ti UIna 'se tukutele a lete izilwane. ed to injure the people. And his Kodwa mina ngi yo. 'ku mu nib spirit is like him ; it is wicked; it inyama yake a i funa kumina. N gi is constantly angry; and when it lela ebutongweni, ngi yo. vuka, e is angry it sends animals.17 But se ugi nike isifo emzimbeni wami I will give him his flesh which N gi za 'ku rnu nika. U rna ngi bo­ he demands of me. I sleep, ne ke, rna ngi yeke, ngi pile, ngi and when I awake find that he yo. 'ku zi klaba izinkomo kusasa; has aft'ected my body with disease. uma e nga ngi yekile, ngi ya 'ku I will give him; if I see that he zi yek&, ngi yo. 'kuti, 'Ka si yena leaves me and I am weU, I will umfo wetu.' Uma ku uyeno., IDa kill some cattle in the morning j if ngi pile, ngi pefumule, ku yeke he does not leave me, I will ha.ve ukunqamuka. umoya, njengaloku the cattle, and say, 'It is not my Dgi nqamuka umoya nje." brother.' If it is he, let me get well and breathe, and my breath no longer cut me, as it cuts me at the present time. " 17 A lete isilwane.-Ukulet& isi­ Tlwy bring .A. nimals.-As re­ lwane, ngesinye isikati ama.tongo gards bringing animals, sometimes a zibonakalisa ngemihlola, ku nge­ the Amatongo manifest themselves ne isilwane; amagama ezil wane ku by signs, and animals enter the kona isalukazana nentulwa; nge- village; the names of the animals are iaalukazana and other liza.rds j 4.MATONGO. 153 Do. vuma. ba ti, " Ehe, wena 1m­ They assent and say, " Yes, yes, bani na.; rna ku sa kusasa. Ie u Son of So-and 80; if in the morn­ sindile, 8' and' uma si bone uma ing you are well, then we shall soo ilona idltlozi lomfo wenu; uma 1m that it is indeed the spirit of your sa. usa gula., a si yi 'kutsho ukuti brother; if in the morning you are still ill, we will not say it is sinye iBikati illyoka e nge si 10 ito­ sometimes a. snake which is not an ngo; kumbe ku fike inyamazane ltongo j perhaps an antelope comes ekaya j ku tatwe izibulo, ku yiwe to the houae j the people then take enyangcui ngokwetuka ukuba ku divining-rods, and go to a diviner, bonwe into e urnltlola; inyanga i being afraid because an omen has tsho ukuti, "Loko e ni kn bonile appeared; the diviner says, "That Ubani, itongo lakwini U yo. zi­ whICh ye have seen is So-and-so, bonakali~a ngako.
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