Published August 26, 2021 as 10.3174/ajnr.A7261 REVIEW ARTICLE Sodium MR Neuroimaging A. Hagiwara, M. Bydder, T.C. Oughourlian, J. Yao, N. Salamon, R. Jahan, J.P. Villablanca, D.R. Enzmann, and B.M. Ellingson ABSTRACT SUMMARY: Sodium MR imaging has the potential to complement routine proton MR imaging examinations with the goal of improving diagnosis, disease characterization, and clinical monitoring in neurologic diseases. In the past, the utility and exploration of sodium MR imaging as a valuable clinical tool have been limited due to the extremely low MR signal, but with recent improve- ments in imaging techniques and hardware, sodium MR imaging is on the verge of becoming clinically realistic for conditions that include brain tumors, ischemic stroke, and epilepsy. In this review, we briefly describe the fundamental physics of sodium MR imag- ing tailored to the neuroradiologist, focusing on the basics necessary to understand factors that play into making sodium MR imag- ing feasible for clinical settings and describing current controversies in the field. We will also discuss the current state of the field and the potential future clinical uses of sodium MR imaging in the diagnosis, phenotyping, and therapeutic monitoring in neurologic diseases. ABBREVIATIONS: ESC ¼ extracellular sodium concentration; IDH ¼ isocitrate dehydrogenase; ISC ¼ intracellular sodium concentration; NHE1 ¼ Na1/H1 exchanger isoform 1; TSC ¼ total sodium concentration outine clinical MR imaging is performed exclusively by using Sodium is the second most abundant element in the body 1 Rhydrogen nuclei (ie, protons, H ) because it is the most detectable on MR imaging. Sodium homeostasis is crucial for abundant element in the human body in the form of water. life because it is a major determinant of body fluid osmolality, However, other nuclei are also detectable with MR imaging and and sodium sensing is performed in the brain by specialized so- may provide complementary physiologic information to conven- dium channels within the circumventricular organs to maintain tional proton MR imaging. Referred to collectively as “X-nuclei,” a range of 135–145 mM.1 Sodium also plays a crucial role in the 23 35 elements including sodium ( Na), potassium ( K), chloride propagation of neural signals in and between neurons,2,3 and 35 31 ( Cl), and phosphorus ( P) all have detectable magnetic disruption in sodium homeostasis as well as structural and met- moments and all play critical roles in the biochemistry of living abolic integrity has been identified in a variety of neurologic tissues. disorders including brain tumors,4 stroke,5 and epilepsy.6 Hence, sodium MR imaging has remarkable potential for use in Received March 12, 2021; accepted after revision May 28. diagnosis, characterization, and treatment monitoring in neuro- From the UCLA Brain Tumor Imaging Laboratory (A.H., M.B., T.C.O., J.Y., B.M.E.), logic diseases. Center for Computer Vision and Imaging Biomarkers, and Department of Bioengineering (J.Y., B.M.E.), Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied The fundamental limitation to translational use of sodium MR Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; and imaging for clinical care is the low inherent MR signal. The MR Department of Radiological Sciences (A.H., M.B., J.Y., N.S., R.J., J.P.V., D.R.E., B.M.E.), Neuroscience Interdepartmental Program (T.C.O., B.M.E.), and Department of imaging signal is approximately 10,000 times lower than that of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences (B.M.E.), David Geffen School of Medicine, protons, which is due to a combination of the following: 1) a con- University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. centration of about 0.055% of that of water protons; 2) a gyromag- This work was supported by American Cancer Society Research Scholar Grant (RSG-15-003-01-CCE), the UCLA SPORE in Brain Cancer grant (NIH/NCI netic ratio (g, relates the main magnetic field strength, B0,tothe 1P50CA211015-01A1), and the UCLA Department of Radiology Sodium Imaging Program. resonance frequency) of about 26.5% of that of the proton, thus a D ¼ Please address correspondence to Benjamin M. Ellingson, PhD, UCLA Brain Tumor lower energy ( E ghB0) and lower inherent bulk magnetization; Imaging Laboratory, Departments of Radiology and Psychiatry and Radiological and 3) a nuclear spin of 3/2, leading to electric quadrupolar inter- Sciences and Psychiatry, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 924 Westwood Blvd, Suite 615, Los Angeles, CA 90024; e-mail: actions between the nucleus and its environment resulting in faster [email protected] T2* decay. Overcoming these issues and achieving adequate MR Indicates open access to non-subscribers at signal levels necessitates acquisition schemes with low spatial reso- lution,shortTE,multiplemeasurements,andlongscantimes. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol :2021 1 Copyright 2021 by American Society of Neuroradiology. Researchers have put considerable effort into optimizing these resulting in isolation of purely intracellular sodium ions.14,15 various factors and taking advantage of both the acquisition Unfortunately, due to their toxicity and the fact they do not cross algorithm and hardware improvements. In this review, we the blood-brain barrier, shift reagents for sodium MR imaging briefly describe the fundamental physics of sodium MR imaging are not used in humans. tailored to the neuroradiologist, focusing on the basics neces- Two major physics approaches to measure the ISC in sary to understand factors that are involved in making sodium humans that have been explored include the use of inversion re- MR imaging feasible for clinical settings and describing current covery16-19 and multiple quantum filtering20-22 techniques. controversies in the field, including the measurement of intra- Similar to FLAIR, the inversion recovery approach assumes that cellular sodium concentration. We will also discuss the current a simple inversion pulse can suppress the sodium signals free state of the field and the potential future clinical uses of sodium from macromolecules; hence, the sodium signal in the extracel- MR imaging in the diagnosis, phenotyping, and therapeutic lular space is also presumed to be suppressed. However, there is monitoring in neurologic diseases. evidence that the T1 relaxation times of intra- and extracellular sodium are very similar,23-28 and there is little reason to assume that the T1 of the sodium within the extracellular compartment Sodium MR Imaging Physics and Acquisition is more similar to that in CSF than in the intracellular compart- In practice, MR imaging of sodium ions is essentially the same as ment. Indeed, extracellular fluid in brain tissue is largely differ- 29 imaging protons, but with lower SNR and shorter (and more ent from CSF in composition. complex) T2 relaxation characteristics. Due to the inherent nu- Multiple quantum filtering is a relatively sophisticated clear spin of 3/2, the sodium ion exhibits electric quadrupolar approach that works on the premise that the slow-moving so- interactions between the nucleus and its environment,7,8 leading dium, presumably in the intracellular space, can be selectively to what appears to be a biexponential T2 decay in many biologic detected on the basis of the underlying biexponential T2 relaxa- 30 tissues. The short T2 species appears to occur most often in vis- tion of sodium. However, molecular interactions that result in cous liquids or semisolid tissues, where there is a continuum of equivalently small T2 values in both intra- and extracellular com- electric field gradients (depending on the orientation of the so- partments are expected to result in similar multiple quantum 27 dium ion and the position of an anion) that produces a broad coherences. Indeed, previous experiments have shown a contri- range of energy levels and gives rise to short T2 relaxation. A lon- bution of the extracellular sodium to the multiple quantum ger T2 component is observed from the energy levels unper- coherences detected by multiple quantum-filtering sodium MR turbed by the electric field gradients,7 such as those in CSF and imaging, and the degree of contamination is largely unex- 31-33 other nonviscous liquids because the motion of the ions causes plored. Therefore, direct measurement of the ISC solely using electric field gradients to average to zero over the measurement sodium MR imaging physics without the use of exogenous time scale, resulting in a single, longer T2 relaxation. This obser- contrast agents is not yet plausible, and such claims in previous vation has been replicated in the human brain, where paren- literature using the relaxation behavior of sodium should be cau- chyma, including both white and gray matter, exhibits a tiously interpreted. Furthermore, the exchange rate of sodium characteristic biexponential T2 decay, while the nonviscous CSF between intra- and extracellular space, which might affect the displays monoexponential T2 relaxation.9 measurement of the ISC, has not been considered in previous Most measurements used in clinical sodium MR imaging studies. Future studies aimed at using multiparametric input focus on estimation of the total sodium concentration (TSC) or from proton diffusion MR imaging and/or PET may be useful for 34 the volume-weighted average of the intra- and extracellular so- using estimates of cell density to disentangle the ISC from the dium concentrations (ISC and ESC, respectively). Notably, ISC TSC measured by sodium MR imaging, but as of now, TSC is the and ESC do not correspond to short and long sodium T2 relaxa- most reliable measurement parameter for routine sodium MR tion (explained later in this section). Because ESC is stable at imaging examinations. around 140 mM, TSC is mainly affected by changes in ISC and The primary challenge for clinical sodium MR imaging is the alterations in the volume fractions between the intra- and extrac- very short T2, meaning that most of the sodium MR imaging sig- ellular space.
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