SOCIALISTPublished Weekly as the Organ of the Socialist Party of NewAPPEAL York, Left Wing Branches. V ol. I. - No. 18. 401 Saturday, December 11,1937 5 Cents per Copy 2 Soviet Diplomats Expose Frame-Ups Corcoran S lain But Minneapolis is Not Moscow! ‘Save Those Yet by Labor’s Foes Alive' Is Plea -S a y s Cannon To World Lahor The Stalinist frare-up system is cracking! MINNEAPOLIS, DEC. 7. The gag that prevented “No one knows yet who the Russian revolutionists Tailed Pat Corcoran, blit from speaking out and tell­ Whenever a good militant ing the truth about Stalin’s tabor leader like Pat is kill- hideous purges, is being torn it must be laid at the o ff! door of the enemies of la­ The sensational, tremend­ bor,” James P. Cannon, edi­ ously significant report tor of the Socialist Appeal, comes from Europe th a t tw o stated at a large mass meet­ prominent officials of the ing last night, at the 7th St. Soviets, communists of long Halt sponsored by the Min­ standing, have broken neapolis Socialist Party. through the bureaucratic Vincent R. Dunne, State Or­ conspiracy of silence. ganizer of the Party, pres­ ided. Denounce Frame-Ups (Continued on page 3) One right on the heels of the other — Alexander Barmina, Charge d’Affaires of the Soviet Developments oí Union in Greece, and Walter Krivitsky, former Director of the The W eek In Tne War Industries Institute, have resigned front Stalin’s service, Corcoran Case taken refuge in France, and w rit­ ten statements denouncing tlje 1. ' Coroner’s inquest sessions Stalinist frame-ups. They make ran five days, examining many perfectly clear what the Appeal witnesses, developing many leads has been saying from the begin­ fo r continued search for the mur­ ning, namely, that Stalin in mur­ derers of Pat Corcoran. dering and imprisoning innocent 2. County Attorney Goff speed­ people as part of his drive to ed up investigation, to provide smash the Russian Revolution. new material and witnesses Following the statement by When coroner’s inquest re-opens Barmine, which created a sensa­ on December 22. tion, Krivitsky declared in a letter 3. Minneapolis Board of Union to the Permanent Administrative Business Agents meeting voted Committee of the Socialist Party, to recommend that the Central the Central Committee of the Labor Union sponsor a huge Meeting To Hear Verdict Of Dewey Communist Party of France, and meeting to mobilize labor behind to the General Confederation of the h u t for Corcoran’s assassins Labor of France: ánd to protect labor from boss "During these last years, I press and Stalinist slanders. Commission; Chairman In Broadcast have followed the Soviet (. ivem- 4. Threats against Corcoran ment’s policy with anxiety. How­ and other drivers’ leaders, made NEW YORK.—Concluding eight Chamberlain, noted literary critic his personal comments on the ever, I subordinated my oeasi- by enemies of labor, were record­ months of intensive investigation, land author, Benjamin Stolberg, Commission’s work and findings. ness to the defense of the Soviet ed by inquest witnesses. the Commission of Inquiry, into labor journalist, Carlo Tresca, Dr. Dewey w ill also read a te­ Union’s interests. This I consid­ 5. A total of eleven A. F. of the charges made against Leon labor leader and editor of 11 legram from Leon Trotsky which ered the legitimate thing to do, L. officials testified that their Trotsky at the Moscow Trials, Martello and Wendelin Thomas, w ill be Trotsky’s first comment knowing that my work served it names had been fraudulently used headed by Professor John Dewey, former Deputy in the German on the findings of the Commis­ and was therefore necessary to by the Stalinists on a “volunteer , internationally known 'educator, Reichstag. Another speaker w ill sion. the cause of socialism. w ill report its findings to a mass be John Finerty,. counsel to the committee” leaflet attacking the This program can be heard on “But the course of events con­ I meeting to be held on Sunday, Commission, who is noted for honog of the Minneapolis labor the following stations: vinced me that the policy of the ¡December 12th, at the Hotel having reopened the Mooney case. movement. N E W YORK .......... W ABC Stalin Government enters more 6. George Cole, Regional Direc­ Center, at 8 P. M. Dewey On the A ir! PHILADELPHIA .. WCAU and more into opposition not only The speakers at the meeting, tor of the CIO, under question­ BOSTON ................. W E E I with the interests of the Soviet in addition to Professor Dewey, A t 6:35 Eastern Standard Time, ing at the inquest, repudiated C HICAG O ............. W BBM Union, but with those of the work­ fll responsibility and knowledge w ill be a number of his colleagues Monday, December 13, 1937, Dr. SAN FRANCISCO . KSSO ing class movement m general*’ of the slanderous “CIO Indus­ on the Commission, including Su­ John Dewey w ill broadcast over Like Barmine, Krivitsky ex- tria l Unionist” paper issued by zanne LaFollette, former editor the nationrwide network of the or your own local Columbia cibe Stalinists Maoseth and' Smith. o f. the Nertr Freeman. John Columbia Broadeasting System Broadcasting System station. (Continued un page 2) e SOCIALIST APPEAL December 11, 1937 Diplomats ExposeStalin Frame Ups ■ <•)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- I knew personally for a short In Moving Appeal For time but of whose honesty and devotion I am deeply persuaded. Bureaus Restrict Rights O f Threatened Bolsheviks Face Death "I would like to make the most (Continued from page 1) went to the school of Red Army pressing, most desperate appeal Jobless Locals; WAA ‘Purged’ officers and held various com­ to public opinion in behalf at least of those of them who are posed the police measures used mands on the Western front. By Neil Harrison rough. thus eliminating the Al­ to extort false confessions from After the offensive against War­ still perhaps living and against liance locals from the bureau al­ those tried and murdered, and saw, the m ilitary council of the the false and ignoble accusations. NEW; YORK. — After ten together. added: 16th Army named me to take I am thinking of my friends re­ months of unity the Alliance is courses at the Academy of the maining at their posts in other completely in the grip of Stalin­ Stalinist “Line” Victims Were Innocent General S ta ff. In 1932 I was countries of Europe, Asia or ist leadership. Immediately after retired with rank of brigade America, threatened daily with a “Each new trial, each firing- taking control of the Alliance, Before the election of La- commander. I functioned as sim ilar fate and placed before the the Stalinists started a campaign Guardia a “demonstration" was squad, shook my conscience more Consul General in Persia from tragic dilemma: go back to certain deeply. I had sufficient informa­ of suspension and expulsion of held at City Hall which had all 1523 to 1925. I have belonged death, or, renouncing seeing their militants who dared offer any the appearance of a funeral tion to know how these trials for 10 years to the ranks of the country again, to risk the bullets were staged, and to realize that criticism of their leadership. march. The main slogan raised Commissariat of Foreign Trade of the agents of the Secret Police First, Clarence Roth was expel­ was "food and rent must come innocent persons were perishing.” and was, from 1929 to 1931, di­ abroad, of those agents who quite Both of the former Soviet of­ led on trumped-up charges. Then down." Some prqgressive m ili­ rector-general of Imports in recently still shadowed my every militants like Sol Berkowitz and tants who shouted “ down w ith the ficials have been members of the France and Italy, official agent step. Communist Party of Russia vir­ Weinberg were suspended for sales tax" were nearly beaten up o f the USSR in B elgium in 1932, "To remain in the service of daring to criticize the "leaders." by the Stalinists. tually since the Revolution, and member of the governmental Stalin’s government would have Finally, leading workers such as On WPA the line was that noth­ took this public step only because, delegation in Poland in 1933, pre­ been to doom myself to the worst George Aranoff and Ida Lipp ing should be done to embarass in Krivitsky’s words, “ I believe it sident of the central export trust demoralization and to assume my were ^expelled. Hoodlums were Roosevelt. Thousands of dollars is my duty to bring all these of automobile and aviation pro­ share of the responsibility for the sent into locals not under Stalinist were raised for a march tt> to the knowledge of the interna­ ducts in 1934-35. Such were, in crimes committed every day a- control to take them over and, Washington which was held aftec tional workers’ organizations.” brief, my posts before my appoint­ gainst the'people of my country. failing that, to disrupt them. ongresa adjourned. The campaign Barmine and Krivltsky have made ment to Greece. Whatever my It would have been to betray the Other locals were packed with against the lay-offs inaugurated public the fact that their foot­ functions, I have thought only of cause of socialism to which I have Communist party members. •y the Stalinist leadership consist­ steps have been dogged by G.P.U. wholeheartedly serving the inte­ devoted my entire life. ed o f phoney "jo b m arches," agents since their break with rests of my country and of social­ “ I am obeying my conscience in Relief Officials Take post card campaigns to the Presi­ Stalinism, but that they are de­ ism.
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