October 28, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1343 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN RECOGNITION OF FISK JOHN- tary veterans from Texas’ Third Congressional congratulates him on this recognition. May his SON’S APPOINTMENT TO THE District who answered the call to serve their steadfast example of leadership inspire others PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL OF ADVI- Nation honorably, both in uniform and fol- to live a life of service to a cause greater than SORS ON SCIENCE AND TECH- lowing their return to civilian life. The recipi- themselves. It is my extreme honor to award NOLOGY ents of the 2019 Congressional Veteran Com- him the 2019 Congressional Veteran Com- mendation exemplify the time-honored quali- mendation for the Third District of Texas. HON. BRYAN STEIL ties of patriotism, service before self, and bold OF WISCONSIN leadership. Following their time in service, f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their efforts in our community have earned these fine individuals recognition as the recipi- HONORING THE 1ST ANNUAL Monday, October 28, 2019 ents of this prestigious commendation. Their MERCED COUNTY NUT FESTIVAL Mr. STEIL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to stories of sacrifice will encourage future gen- recognize Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO erations to pursue a life dedicated to the very HON. JIM COSTA of SC Johnson & Son, Inc. For 133 years, SC values we cherish as Americans: faith, free- OF CALIFORNIA Johnson has been a cornerstone of Racine, dom, and democracy. One such hero is Tech- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wisconsin. President Trump was wise to se- nical Sergeant Pat Miner of Plano, Texas. lect Fisk to serve on his Council of Advisors Technical Sergeant Patrick Miner had a Monday, October 28, 2019 on Science and Technology. Fisk is a vision- twenty-year career as an United States Air Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ary. Fisk, now the fifth generation Johnson Force Non-Commissioned Officer, beginning honor the first annual Merced County Nut Fes- family leader of SC Johnson, has continued his service in 1976 at Lockland Air Force Base tival, an event celebrating the agricultural past, the family-owned company’s tradition of add- in Texas. During his time in the military, he present, and future of Merced County and fur- ing good into the world. deployed to Japan with the 3rd Marine Divi- thermore, the nut industry’s impact on our Val- Fisk’s passion to support his employees, to sion as well as the Fleet Marine Force—Pa- ley’s local economy. create great products, and to make the world cific. During Operations Desert Shield and California’s San Joaquin Valley is one of the a better place is evident in his work. SC John- Desert Storm, he served as a broadcast man- world’s top producers in almonds, walnuts, son has partnered with multiple organizations ager at U.S. Central Command, supervising and pistachios, contributing to California’s to tackle issues facing Racine. From working communications and broadcasts to foreign ranking as the sixth largest economy in the with Gateway Technical College to give work- countries. As an Air Force Broadcast Jour- world. Together, the growers, hullers, and all ers the education and technical skills they nalist and Public Affairs Newscaster, his cov- involved in the tree to table process in Cali- need to obtain a good paying job, to ensuring erage, including the 1982 release of American fornia contribute to producing 80 percent of homeless veterans in Racine have a safe hostages from Iran, would earn him two the world’s almonds, which is also the state’s place to go, Fisk continues to find ways to Thomas Jefferson Awards, the Department of top agricultural export. make our community stronger. Defense’s highest honor recognizing journal- The Merced County Nut Festival is the vi- Fisk’s commitment to environmental sustain- ists for outstanding achievements in furthering sion of Necola Adams, who saw the need to ability has been nationally and internationally their Internal Information Program. celebrate those involved in our Valley’s nut in- recognized. I recently met with Fisk to hear As a decorated military veteran, Mr. Miner dustry while at the same time educating the about the company’s ocean conservation ef- received the Air Force Commendation Medal public about these crops that are present in all forts. Through Fisk’s leadership, SC Johnson three times, the Longevity Service Award parts of Merced County. After discussing this three times, the NCO Professional Military partnered with Plastic Bank to give people in idea for three years, Mrs. Adams put together Education Ribbon twice, the Organizational countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Indo- a committee of community leaders from var- Excellence Award twice, and the Good Con- nesia the opportunity to run recycling centers ious backgrounds to help make this vision a duct Medal five times. to prevent plastic waste from entering the reality. ocean. This not only addresses an important Following his distinguished military career, Pat worked as a television producer for the The planning committee consisting of Mrs. environmental issue, but allows residents of Adams, Gwen Hagaman, Cynthia Adams, Kim these countries to earn a living, move out of Social Security Administration for twenty-three years. Following his move to Plano in 1996, McMillion, and Vicki Underwood collaborated poverty, and support their families. to ensure the success of this festival. They These are just a few examples of Fisk’s Mr. Miner developed deep roots within the community, holding roles on the Plano Inde- contacted local businesses and community or- work in Racine and across the globe. ganizations, marketed the festival to local On behalf of Wisconsin’s First Congres- pendent School District Council of PTAs, as the President of the Plano Homeowners Coun- stakeholders, and overcame any challenge sional District, I thank Fisk Johnson for his that arose. continued work in our community and through- cil, and on the Plano Transition and the Revi- talization Commission. Giving back to the The vision of the Merced County Nut Fes- out the world. Congratulations on this appoint- tival being an event to educate about the tree- ment to the President’s Council of Advisors on community is of paramount importance to Mr. Miner, and he was twice elected to the Plano to-table process and one that brings together Science and Technology. Fisk’s leadership members of the community to celebrate an in- and expertise will serve this nation well. City Council, holding positions as the Mayor Pro Tem and the Deputy Mayor Pro Tem. dustry uniting the county has been achieved f Civic involvement is also an important compo- by the committee. This festival will feature RECOGNIZING TECHNICAL SER- nent of Pat’s life, as evidenced by his role as demonstrations from industry professionals, GEANT PAT MINER, RECIPIENT Past-President of the North Texas Pioneers food cooked by Merced chefs, and live music OF TEXAS’ THIRD CONGRES- Rotary Club for which he was recognized with from local bands. Any of the additional funds SIONAL DISTRICT 2019 CONGRES- the Paul Harris Fellowship Award. Today, Pat raised will benefit local youth organizations in SIONAL VETERAN COMMENDA- is currently working to recognize our first re- Merced, signifying the vision that the festival TION sponders who have given all through his ef- can bridge the local community to those in- forts on the Plano Police and Firefighters Me- volved in the nut industry. HON. VAN TAYLOR morial Fund. Sergeant Patrick Miner is a Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring the Merced County Nut Fes- OF TEXAS hometown hero who has served both his tival during their inaugural year. It is both fit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country and community in meaningful ways and we are honored to recognize him with this ting and appropriate that we honor them and Monday, October 28, 2019 award. recognize the significant impact they will have Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, today, it is Today, a grateful Nation thanks Technical on the greater Merced community and nut in- my privilege to honor twelve distinguished mili- Sergeant Miner for his exceptional service and dustry this year and in future years. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28OC8.001 E28OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 28, 2019 RECOGNIZING 30 YEARS OF EXEM- moting the development and implantation of We want to thank her for her years of service PLARY SERVICE BY CAMP LIVE innovative, patient centered models of care to the Bay Area and to wish her well in all her OAK AND FOUNDER KEN EVANS delivery, as ‘‘Gold Certified for Excellence in future endeavors. Person-Centered Care.’’ f HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH New York-Presbyterian Westchester Divi- sion has been an invaluable partner in making RECOGNIZING SERGEANT JAMES OF FLORIDA NICHOLS, RECIPIENT OF TEXAS’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the City of White Plains and the surrounding area a healthier and more prosperous commu- THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DIS- Monday, October 28, 2019 nity. Madam Speaker, I urge my fellow mem- TRICT 2019 CONGRESSIONAL VET- Mr. DEUTCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today bers of Congress to join me in expressing ERAN COMMENDATION to honor 30 years of exemplary service to both congratulations and thanks to the past South Florida by Camp Live Oak and its and current employees and supporters of New HON.
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