ISSN 0323 -1119 AAANNNTTTHHHRRROOOPPPOOOLLLOOOGGGIIIEEE IJSMNTERNATIONAL OURNAL OF THE CIENCE OF AN EDITED BY MARTA DOCKALOVÁ XL3 2002 SPECIAL ISSUE INDEX OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN ANTHROPOLOGIE 1962–2002 MORAVIAN MUSEUM ANTHROPOS INSTITUTE, BRNO CZECH REPUBLIC • XL/3 • pp. 205–294 • 2002 INDEX OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN ANTHROPOLOGIE 1962–2002 EDITOR'S NOTE Anthropologie, International Journal of the Science of Man, has a long tradition. It has been founded two times by widely known and internationally recognised Czech anthropologists: the Journal was first founded in 1923 by Jindřich Matiegka (1923–1941), Charles University, with the support of Aleš Hrdlička; it was revived in 1962 by Jan Jelínek who edited the Journal for more than thirty years (till 1995). Both of them strongly preferred evolutionary topics, elaborated by a broad spectrum of scientists from both Western and Eastern countries. Both of them welcomed interdisciplinary papers from both science and social science. This tradition has developed a good basis for the recent aims and scope of the Journal. The main aim is to publish papers focused on various problems of hominid evolution and phylogeny, and human variability in the broadest sense. To keep international communication across the topics, all the papers are published in English, French or German. The Journal is open to both concrete paleoanthropological or archaeological papers and theoretical ones. Anthropologie is ready to publish papers of scientists from any country and any age, able to submit an interesting paper on a reasonable scientific and formal level. In connection with this, the Journal will continue its tradition to help the scientists who are not native speakers with their English. The journal will bring together most varied opinions of European and overseas researchers with a special attention to the evolution of hominids in the European and Mediterranean regions. Accordingly, Anthropologie regularly presents also monothematic volumes concentrating opinions on specific current topics in hominid evolution and variability, which is its well-established tradition since the 1970s. The scope of the journal is basically given by the scope of contemporary evolutionary anthropology, paleoanthropology, historical anthropology and paleopathology, Paleolithic cultures, arts, social and cultural anthropology, growth and development, functional anthropology, clinical anthropology, archaeology of the Mesolithic, Eneolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age, and various other aspects of hominid evolution, including theoretical aspects of hominid evolution and related topics of growth and molecular anthropology. Similarly, most primatological topics, except of primate conservation and systematics as well as medical and veterinary primatology, will be regularly published in Anthropologie. Papers on topics relating to social and cultural anthropology, human ethology and art, or papers dealing with variability and adaptation of human populations, as related to hominid evolution, will also be published – namely in specialised monothematic volumes. Among all the topics of hominid evolution, those on the evolution of the genus Homo in 205 Index 1962–2002 European and Mediterranean regions will be preferred. PrimateYear ontogeny Vol.and behaviour belong Issue also to topics Pages of importance for the Anthropologie journal. Any topics from applied human biology, medical anthropology and all other branches of applied anthropology, as well as specialised social science topics, are not supposed to be published in the Journal. On the occasion of the 40th published volume of Anthropologie, we are bringing a summary index of contributions from the so far published issues of the Journal. I would like to thank Petr Neruda for preparation and compilation of the index, Patrik Galeta for elaboration of statistical data on the published articles, and Kateřina Tlachová and Pavla Seitlová for cooperation in completing the whole index. Marta Dočkalová Editor 206 Index 1962–2002 A Year Vol. Issue Pages A ABRAMOVA Z. A. Une espèce de décor de l'art paléolithique de l'Europe 1991 XXIX 1–2 79–83 ADAK D. K., GHARAMI A. K. Sexual Maturity and its Biosocial Proximates: A Study Among the Ladiya of Madhya Pradesh, India 2002 XL 2 141–144 ADITI (MUKHERJEE) P. Apical Dermal Configurations of the Koknas – a Tribe of South Gujarat, Western India 1993 XXXI 3 119–123 ADOVASIO J. see SOFFER O. 1998 XXXVI 1–2 43–68 AGBENU E. K. M. Anthropometric Assessment of the Nutritional Status of 5–year-old Ghanaian Children at Chorkor in Accra 1982 XX 3 209–213 AGBENU E. K. M., NAKAMURA T., AMMAH O., SUGIURA Y. Skeletal and Physical Development of Ghanaian Children in Accra 1990 XXVIII 2–3 265–275 AGBENU E. K. M. see NAKAMURA T. 1994 XXXII 2 179–184 AGNIHOTRI A. see PANDEY A. K. 1981 XIX 3 247–248 AGUIRRE E. Diskussionsbeitrag 1965 III 3 57 AIGNER J. S. Hsiao–nan–hai: An important Hopei Plain Camp Site 1972 X 2–3 39–50 AIGNER J., LAUGHLIN W. S. The Dating of Lantian Man and his Significance for Discerning Trends in Human Evolution 1974 XII 1–2 155–162 AIGNER J., LAUGHLIN W. S. The Asiatic – New World Continuum and the Origin and Development of Bering Sea Mongoloids with Special Emphasis upon the Aleuts 1976 XIV 1–2 101–103 ALBERTINI H. see PUECH P.-F. 1996 XXXIV 1–2 35–38 ALEKSANDROWICZ R. see JAWORSKI J. M. 1992 XXX 2 197–198 ALEXEEV V. P. Gochman, T. A. Trofimova: Professor Vulf Veniaminovič Ginzburg 1969 VII 3 90–91 ALEXEEV V. P. Craniological Material from New Guinea, Indonesia and the Malayan Peninsula 1973 XI 3 201–248 ALEXEEV V. P., GOKHMAN I. L, LEBEDINSKAJA G. V. In Memoriam V. V. Bunak 1980 XVIII 1 97–98 ALEKSEEVA T. I. Opyt sopostablyeniya biokhimitcheskikh pokazateley krovi s osnovnymi somatitcheskimi komponentami tela tcheloveka 1966 IV 1 21–26 ALEKSEEVA T. I. Slavyane i ikh sosedi (po dannym antropologyi) 1966 IV 2 3–32 ALPERT B. O. Cupoles, Circles and Mandalas 1995 XXXIII 3 171–178 ALT K. W. Empfehlung zur einheitlichen Kennzeichnung der Zähne bei der 2-1-2-3 Zahnformel 1989 XXVII 1 5–12 ALT K. W., BUITRAGO TÉLLEZ C. H., HENKE W., ROTHE H. Dental CT Studies in Anthropology 1999 XXXVII 3 257–264 ALT K. W., PICHLER S., VACH W. Die Dreifachbestattung von Dolní Věstonice, Mähren/CZ – kollaterale versus affinale Verwandte 1996 XXXIV 1–2 115–122 207 B Index 1962–2002 Year Vol. Issue Pages ALT K. W., ULRICH-BOCHSLER S. Zahnretention mit Verlagerung – Historisches Beispiel und klinische Aspekte 1992 XXX 2 179–184 AMBROS C. A Contribution to the Anthropology of the Bronze Age in Slovakia 1978 XVI 2 143–146 AMIRKHANOV H. A. Archaeological Evidence for Early Hominid Migration to the Arabian Peninsula 1999 XXXVII 1 45–50 AMMAH O. see AGBENU E. K. M. 1990 XXVIII 2–3 265–275 ANDĚL J. Zur Problematik einiger demographischer Aspekte von Populationen auf tschechoslowakischem Gebiet im 6.–12. Jahrhundert 1979 XVII 1 21–24 ANDRIK P. Klinische Anthropologie und Kieferorthopädie: Gemeinsame Probleme und Interessen 1986 XXIV 2–3 105–109 ANGHELINU M. see MONCEL M.–H. 2002 XL 2–3 11–32 ANIKOVICH M. V. The Formation of Upper Palaeolithic Cultures and Anatomically Modern Humans: The East European Perspective 1999 XXXVII 2 115–123 ANTAL A. see KÓSA F. 1992 XXX 1 13–20 ANTAL A. see KÓSA F. 1992 XXX 1 27–33 ARSLANOV K. A. see VELICHKO A. A. 1991 XXIX 1–2 9–15 ASCENZI A., SEGRE A. G. Artefacts and Human Teeth at the Fontana Ranuccio Middle Pleistocene Site (Central Italy) 1996 XXXIV 1–2 39–46 ASCENZI A., SEGRE A. G. Discovery of a Homo Erectus Calvarium at Ceprano, Central Italy 1997 XXXV 3 241–246 B BACH A. Einige Befunde an den Skeletten aus den Körpergräbern des linienbandkeramischen Gräberfeldes von Wandersleben, Kr. Gotha 1986 XXIV 2–3 111–114 BACH H., SOMMER K. Zur Fingerbehaarung des Menschen 1966 IV 2 55–70 BACH H. see JAEGER U. 1988 XXVI 2 131–135 BACHECHI L. Gesuba: A New Site with Rock Engravings in Sidamo (Ethiopia) 1995 XXXIII 3 179–190 BAHN P. G. The Impact of Direct Dating on Palaeolithic Cave Art: Lascaux Revisited 1995 XXXIII 3 191–199 BALCAR V., PAPEŽ L., FABIÁNOVÁ J. Die Auswertung der Mammographie vom Gesichtspunkt der Entwicklung und Involution der Milchdrüse 1967 V 2 21–25 BALDUCCI E. see MALLEGNI F. 1985 XXIII 2 105–118 BALIKCI A. New International Newsletter on Visual Anthropology 1985 XXIII 2 182 BANERJEE B. see DATTA U. 1987 XXV 3 263–267 BÁNESZ L. Problems of the Upper Palaeolithic in the North–Western Part of the Carpathian Basin 1989 XXVII 2–3 245–249 BANSAL I. J. S. Inheritance of the Three Digital Types in Man 1970 VIII 3 35–42 208 Index 1962–2002 B Year Vol. Issue Pages BANSAL I. J. S., BECTOR I. A Comparative Study of the Finger Dermatoglyphics of Normal and Asthmatic Patients (Male Jat Sikh) 1975 XIII 3 213–218 BARANDIARÁN I. Human Occupation South of the Pyrenees in the Tardiglacial: The Case of Zatoya 1991 XXIX 1–2 101–107 BARBETTI M., CLARK J. D., WILLIAMS F. M., WILLIAMS M. A. J. Palaeomagnetism and the Search for Very Ancient fireplaces in Africa 1980 XVIII 2–3 299–304 BÁRTA J. Problems of Dwelling Structures in the Palaeolithic of Western Slovakia 1987 XXV 2 105–110 BÁRTA J. Zur Problematik der Exploitation von Limnoquartzit in den Kremnica–Bergen 1991 XXIX 1–2 63–65 BARTKETT H. L. see BROŽEK J. 1987 XXV 3 235–259 BARTOLI F., TARTARELI G., MANOLIS S. K., MALLEGNI F. F., SAMPSON A. Dietary Reconstruction of the Early Bronze Age Manika Population (Euboea Island, Greece) 2001 XXXIX 2–3 117–124 BAR-YOSEF O. Lower Palaeolithic Sites in South–Western Asia – Evidence for "Out of Africa" Movements 1999 XXXVII 1 51–69 BASS W.
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