V The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEW SPAPEK-THE PAPER THE PEOPIiE KEAD •W R E SHALL THE PR<rSS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XLIX. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 . 1^49. NUMBER 3 1 NEWS OF LONG AGO An EJucated Saint Electrification of Farms Heat and Egfg Combinations Seen Along Main Street Given Impetus Under REA Reeonuaended for Children Bv The Street Rambler. Rev. W. E. Isenhour. Hitfh P olot N. C. R4 WK»t W«8 Happening In Da­ Thirteen years ago, about 10 per onoono I t ’s great to be an educated saint, To get maximum body-building val­ vie Before Parkingr Meter* cent of the nation's farms were elec­ ue from the protein in small supplies but everybody haven’t been and trified. Most power companies wers of meat, main dishes that combine Mrs. Queen Bess Kennen. M iss And Abbreviated Skirts. can’t be well edncaten, but Peter reluctant to take profit risks involve meat with eggs are recommended by Vada Johnson and MissMcBrayer ed in making service available to • Ralph Hoagland of the bureau of ani­ (Davie Record, March 8, 19 11) wasn’t. However, both served and enjoying drinks and sandwiches greater number, and many assumed mal industry, U. S. department of ag­ Cotfoc is cents. worshiped God and accomplished that such farms as required electrici­ riculture. in drug store - Representative D . C. C. Cherry made a bnainessgreat things. They left their mark ty for major operations already had Hoagland has been in charge of a Boone Harding and Senator B. C. it. long series of studies on growth on behind that has Messed the world Brock shaking hands with friends trin 10 Winston Thiirsdav. But congress thought differently, the protein of pork and beef. G G Daniel spent Snnday in the for ninetean hundred years. and rural electrification administni- From this research it seems evi­ —Three pretty Cooleemee Seniors slepny villaee of Statesville. I ’ve seen gome educated saints, tiori. v.-as established, authorized to dent that meat-and-egg combma- shopping around town on. warm r-r.'-e sclf-liquidating loans to bring tlons are of special value to families and I ’ve seen well educated men afternoon—Clyde Hendricks driv­ Harlev Graves made a business circtric service to nnaerved persons with growing children who are get­ trin to Winston last week. who were servantes of the devil. A He Prefers Cash i-! i"ir=! areas, says the U. S. depart- ting along with less meat because of ing yellow and red furniture de­ Rov Holthonser spent one day man highly educated, with his life *T ^H E husband and w ife had fin- ....... '■f E’-.Triculture. R E A operates higher prices. Enough protein of high livery truck around the square— r.o f-ci.i;t.ie3, has no fidd offices, and biological value is necessary for the in the Twin City last week. fully aonsecrated to God, is a great .1 - ished an excellent meal i: the Raymond Siler hurrying to get to exclusive restaurant. A biU for five 5 no grants. Its loans are made growth of all young animals, chil­ and maJvelous blessing. He win<: bank before the clock tolls twice— A. T. Grant. J r ., made a busi­ dollars was presented, and the hus­ fcagis of coverage o f areas dren included. f. ness trip to Hickory last week. souls, encourages pilgrims on thei band suddenly remembered leaving When meat supplies are cut short Woodrow Wilson dressing dis­ ' ■ ’I it was assumed that existing to fit into tight budgets, mothers Sheriff Sprinkle made a bnslnes<^ iourney heavenward, wieldes and his waUet al home. play window in dime store—Mrs. The waiter summoned the proprie­ no-. cnnipanies would use REA need to make a special effort to save leaves an influence along life’s T. 1. Shore looking at ladies wear­ trip to Statesville last week. tor. The husband explained the h r:: :-.7 facilities to extend electrifi- their children from running short on the protein they need. G. E. Horn made a bnsiness trip pathway that lifts hnmanlty and situation. “I must have left my wal­ - "cn . .such companies borrowed less ing apparel in dry goods store— ” :- i c”o one-hundredth of the start- One way to do this is to supple­ to Winston last week. honors and glorifies God. Would let in another suit,” he asserted. Mocksville Senior girl showing “Can you wait while I go home for ir-: f:md made available 1935-36. ment the smaller supplies of meat Tcc:ay SO per cent of R E A borrow- with eggs. Because eggs are rich in friends new diamond ring—Clint Attorney and Mrs. E. L. Gaither to o o d thas every sdncatcd person the money? I’ll leave my wife here rural electric co-ops—Inde- cystine and methionine, two of the were shoppine in Winston one day were godlv. I f this could be tea. as security." er.s a re Wilson standing on street comer locally owned business en> amino adds needed for growth, they The proprietor c-ougned slightly. nondent, in the rain—Gossip Club members last week. Ilzed tbrottghont the earth today can reinforce small supplies of meat “I beg your pardon,” he suggested, t^rp rise s—most of which operate dis­ systems only, purchasing hi these two substances. wondering what had happened to Thomas Chaplin, of Blxby, was we would see a great change a- "but haven’t you a watch or a ring trib u tio n from commercisj power com- Though ham-and-eggs and bacon- in town last Sattirday and gave ns mong nations tbat would be wond you could leave as a deposit in­ pow er the groundhog—Ted Junker run- or public agencies. and-eggs are familiar teams, the use ste ad?” p m ie s a pleasant call. , erful. An education that takes Relatively little has been loaned to of other meats with eggs is much nmg behind time on Washington’s The husband looked up angrily. finance generating plants, transmis­ less common and deserves encourage­ birthday—Mrs. James Murray and Mrs. E. H. Morris and Hiss one deep in godliness, righteous. “Sir,” he demanded, “are you in­ sion facilities, or the installation of ment in budget meals, Hoagland be­ hoKnes. and the richness of God’s sinuating that my wife is not worth Mrs. Webb Murray shopping in Hplen Allison spent Friday shop, wiring, equipment, or appliances on lieves. pine in Winston. love and grace, certainly is a rich five dollars?" consumer premises. new grocery store—George Hend­ The proprietor bowed. “Not at Mrs. D A. Parnell and children and rare treasure It is far better Loans are made for 35 years at a Well Ventilated Cellar ricks motoring around in new all,” he murmured, “but I already fla t per cent interest, the amount to own than material riches when have a wife!” 2 Pontiac while Harlev. Sofley rides visited relatives in Salisbury the REA can loan annually being fixed Offers Best Egg Storage past week. God is left oat of the heart and life. by congress. Before the war, the pro- around in a new Ford—Mr. and GROVNRLESS FEARS Best farm storage for eggs in the G. A. Allison, our popular de> O ur young people today who are firam was geared to loans of $40,000,- Mrs. Albert McAllister and little r'T annually, in 1947 alone, however, few days they await marketing is striving for an education certainly son shopping around town on por a^ent, is attending court at r-'\ r.dvanced more than $225,000,- a well ventilated cdlar or basement. In the coolest comer build a shal­ L-xington this week. need God in their lives. In fact 000 in rr.-yionse to actual demand. rainy afternoon—^Young matron low sandbox about three by six feet, fastening bracelet on her ankle on Mr.s. A . M. Kimbrough, of Ad­ they should first seek God, and with a removable slatted cover. Pill vance, vi.slted her parents in this seek H is will concerning their lives, Know Fire C "'‘rol ABC’s, nearly full of sand and keep the sand Main street—^Mrs. S. W . Brown, city last week. that thev may use their education Expert Suggcs'" to Farmers moist, to maintain high himiidity. Jr.. hurrying to dental office—Miss Then enclose the comer with a can­ Cornelia Hendricks drinking coca- The Herald o£5ce has been mov. to bless hum anity rather than curse A survey showed that 81 per cent vas or burlap curtain. ed from the Gaither buildint! to the humanity. Tne Bible should be of farmers were tolerating dangerous Such a cooler—faithfully used- cola and eating chocolate bar. Weant block, on W all street. the main textbook of everv man’s fire hazards that could be remedied wili make money for the producer easily. who is able to sell high qualliy eggs Mrs Annie Sandidge, of Virtdu- life He should etudv it, love if.« Fire prevention and fii-e protection to a market that buys on a graded Our County And ia, who has been visitine relatives great, deep, profound and wonder­ begin with fundamentals, says O. B. basis. Eggs intended for such a mar­ in the town and county, returned ful truths above all bocks on earth Copeland, extension service editor, ket should be gathered three times a Athens, Ga., "but many farmers atill day in wire baskets and cooled out as home Friday.
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