POSTĘPY MIKROBIOLOGII – ADVANCEMENTS OF MICROBIOLOGY 2021, 60, 1, 21–29 DOI: 10.21307/PM-2021.60.1.03 THANATOMICROBIOME – STATE OF THE ART AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Joanna Wójcik1*, Marcin Tomsia2, Artur Drzewiecki3, Rafał Skowronek2 1 Scientific Society, School of Medicine �� Katowice, Medical University of Silesia 2 Department of Forensic Medicine and Forensic T�xicology, Medical University of Silesia 3 Department of Microbiology, Jagiellonian University �� Krakow Submitted in August 2020, accepted in February 2021 Abstract: Microbiological studies show that there is � possibility of PMI estimation �� reference to presence of typical bacteria and fungi on cadaver or �� soil beneath. Microb��m� �ft�� death (thanatomicrob��m�) changes and depends on tim� since death, temperature, sea- sons and environment- �� human remains are covered, buried, placed �� ��� or ��ft on the surface. T� enlarge current knowledge, som� of studies are conducted on animal models with further ��mparison thanatomicrob��m� of ��fferent animals-pig, rats- to human cadaver thanatomicrob��m�. This study collects ��fferent branches of thanatomicrob��m� studies as � review to summariz� current knowledge. 1. Introduction. 2. Living host microb��m� and mycob��m�. 3. Diseases-related ��fferences. 4. Thanatomicrob��m� – human cadavers studies. 5. Fungi presence – thanatomycob��m�. 6. Thanatomicrob��m� of froz�� cadavers. 7. Soil microbial ��mmunities changes. 8. Sea- sons related microbial changes. 9. Thanatomicrob��m� and entomology correlation. 10. Conclusions Keywords: bacterial succession, forensic medicine, microb��m�, necrob��m�, thanatomicrob��m� 1. Introduction Microbial ��mmunities change not only on cadav- ers. Burial places and the soil beneath cadavers during Every human has got their own bacterial flora on decomposition process also undergo microbial phyla their skin, �� their gastrointestinal tract, genitouri- changes [31, 88]. Also, like the changes �� the thanatom�- nary system and �� the oral cavity, which is called the crob��m�, bacteria shift� �� soil are characteristic during microb��m� [44]. Th� human microb��m� is shaped b� particular decomposition phases. D�fferent authors dis- many ��fferent factors – newborn b�bies’ microb��m�� tinguish various number of decomposition stages – usu- depend on the labor type and way of feeding – natural ally three to five decomposition stages appear �� studies: breast milk or infant formula. Later, the micro­b��m� is fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay and the dry related to ����, age, sex, medications taken and diseases. remains stage [1]. For each stage, there is � specified b��- Although microb��m� formation varies, �� adults, terial phyla predominance, and increasing or decreasing it is relatively stab��. Th� microb��m� is characteris- bacteria �bundance over tim� [83]. tic to � living host, but �ft�� death, there are specific changes of microbial phyla, genera and ��milies. Th� 2. Living host microbiome and mycobiome microb��m� of deceased humans is called the thana- tomicrob��m� (�� Greek mythology Thanatos was the Th� skin microb��m� consists of four main phyla: personification of death) [52, 98]. T� estimate the PMI Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobac- (post-mortem interval), � forensic medical �x�miner teria. Th� most �bundant genera are Staphylococcus spp. uses such indicators as: pallor mortis, algor mortis, rigor (mostly S. epidermidis), Corynebacterium, Propionibac- mortis, livores mortis, decomposition stages and insect terium, Brevibacterium and Micrococcus [42, 67]. activity – forensic entomology. I� is proved that the I� the oral cavity there is tremendous diversity of changes �� the thanatomicrob��m� are characteristic bacteria [14], predominantly Streptococcus, Veillonella, and repeatab�� enough to becom� an additional PMI Fusobacterium, Neisseria, Haemophilus, Propionibacte- indicator [98]. Research showed that the sequences of rium, Eikenella, Peptostreptococcus and Eubacteria [67]. microbial phyla changes are nearly the sam� �mong Nasal bacteria are Actinobacteria (Propionibacterium m�mmals, and thus allow the �xpansion of the research and Corynebacterium) and Firmicutes (Staphylococcus area to animal models [20, 86]. spp.) [33, 42]. * �������������Corresponding ������author: Joanna������ ������Wójcik������, MD, ����������Scientific �������Society, ������School ��of M�������edicine �� ��������Katowice, M������edical ����������University ��of �������Silesia, ����Kato- wice, ul. Medyków 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland; 48 32 208 84 37; �-mail: joanna.wojcik.�b�@�mail.��m 22 �OANNA �ÓJCI�, MAR�IN TOM�IA, ART�R DRZE�IE��I, RAFAŁ SKO�RONE� Th� bronchi and lungs are colonized mostly with tion the Cladosporium and Cryptococcus genera, Euro- four phyla: Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and tiales order and Botrysphaeriales as � popular ��mily. Actinobacteria [67], [T�b�� I]. Th� most ��mmon bacte- O� the skin, the most �bundant are Malassezia rial taxon �� the esophagus is Streptococcus. Addition- restrica and M. furfur, but M. globosa, M. sympodialis ally, Haemophilus, Prevotella, Neisseria, and Veillonella and M. pachydermatis are also frequently present [79]. may b� present [75]. Th� stomach is inhabited b� Pro- Candida may b� ��mponent of the skin mycob��m� teobacteria (Helicobacter pylori) and Firmicutes. I� the but rarely coloniz� human skin – usually �� diabetic intestines, two phyla ��minate: Bacteroidetes and Fir- patients or during infections [67]. I� the oral cavity, micutes, most of intestinal bacteria are anaerob��: Bac- Candida, Saccharomyces, Penicillium, Scopularis, Geotri- teroides, Bifidobacterium, Fusobacterium, Eubacterium chum and Aspergillus are present [25, 26]. Th� bron- and Ruminococcus [94]. However, �� the intestines, chial and lung mycob��m� is partially determined b� aerob�� and �bligately anaerob�� bacteria are present oral and nasal fungi which spread through continuity. as well, for instance Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Therefore, �� lower respiratory tract, the most �bundant Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. are: Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Candida, Malassezia and [60]. I� the vagina, the most �bundant are Lactobacil- Saccharomyces. I� the genitourinary system, the most lus (L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. iners oraz L. jensenii) [99]. ��mmon are: Saccharomyces, Candida, Aspergillus, Cla- Microb��m�� ��ff�� between individuals, and are dosporium and Alternaria. related to ����, age, sex, weight, health status, antibiotic ��ministration or even with ���metic use [43]. How- ever, during across � one-year �bservation period, the 3. Disease-related differences intestinal microb��m� �� each host is relatively stab�� and varies to � �mall �xtent [94]. During PMI estimation, it is �mportant to know Fungal diversity �� the human gut is much lower the medical history of the deceased person, because than bacterial diversity [74]. Th� most �bundant fungal the microb��m� �� persons suffering from diseases is genus �� human stool is Candida, followed b� Malasse- significantly ��fferent than � healthy human micro­ zia and Saccharomyces [74]. Ascomycota is the most b��m� [8, 93]. �bundant phylum �mong fungi, not only �� the stool Chronic alcohol �buse and cirrhosis cause � decrease but also �� the vagina, oral cavity and skin [74]. I� the �� Clostridium presence and increase of Proteobacteria digestive tract, other sources [30, 82] additionally m��- (Enterobacter) and Bacteroides spp. [93]. T�b�� I H�man microb��m� �� regard to body areas Skin Oral cavity Bronchi lungs Nasal Intestine Staphylococcus Streptococcus Pseudomonas Propionibacterium Bacteroides Corynebacterium Veillonella Streptococcus Corynebacterium Bifidobacterium Propionibacterium Fusobacterium Prevotella Staphylococcus Fusobacterium Brevibacterium Neisseria Fusobacterium Aureobacterium Eubacterium Micrococcus Haemophilus Haemophilus Rhodococcus Ruminococcus Propionibacterium Veilonella Eikenella Porphyromonas Peptostreptococcus Eubacteria T�b�� II H�man mycob��m� �� regard to body areas Skin Oral cavity Bronchi lungs Genitourinary system Intestine Malassezia furfur Candida Aspergillus Candida Candida M. restrica Saccharomyces Candida Saccharomyces Saccharomyces M. globosa Penicillium Cladosporium Aspergillus Cladosporium M. sympodialis Scopularis Malassezia Alternaria Cryptococcus M. pachydermatis Geotrichum Saccharomyces Cladopsorium Malassezia Candida Aspergillus Penicillium Eurotiales Cryptococ cus Botryspha eriales Fusarium Filobasidiales Alternaria THANATOMI�ROBIOME – �TATE OF THE ART AND F�T�RE DIRE�TION� 23 Diabetes mellitus patients showed � higher �b��- T�b�� III dance of Bacteroidetes and lower percentage of Fir- Most �bundant phyla �� human cadaver according to sex micutes �� the intestinal microbiota [79]. Necrotizing Heart thanatomicrob��m� ��fferences �� relation to sex enterocolitis is correlated with high �bundance of Pro- teobacteria [8]. Male F�male A�zheim��’� disease corresponds to an �bundance Phylum Firmicutes Proteobacteria �� Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli and their Bacteroidetes neurotox��, and the presence of bacterial lipopolysac- Class Bacilli Gammaproteobacteria charide (LP�) �� the brain �� the hippocampal area [97]. Order level Lactobacillales Pseudomonadales Allergies, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, psychiatric Rhizobiales diseases and metabolic syndrom� also �ffect the host Genus Streptococcus microb��m� [8]. Lactobacillus Although there are no studies considering mistakes Species Clostridium spp. �� PMI
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