E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 No. 181 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was erans Day, Saturday, November 11, Appreciation football game Saturday, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- against the Rutgers Scarlet Knights in and a Freedom 5K for post-traumatic pore (Mr. WEBER of Texas). Beaver Stadium. This game will cele- stress disorder, to benefit those suf- f brate both Penn State and its commit- fering with it, on Sunday. ment to alumni and others in the com- The 6-week regional celebration cul- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO munity who have served in our mili- minates Sunday afternoon with Mili- TEMPORE tary. tary Appreciation basketball games for The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I am so pleased to see the Penn State both the Penn State men’s and wom- fore the House the following commu- community honoring servicemembers, en’s teams at Bryce Jordan Center. nication from the Speaker: veterans, and their families, expressing Mr. Speaker, caring for our veterans and military has been one of my top WASHINGTON, DC, appreciation to them and recognizing November 7, 2017. the sacrifices of Gold Star families. priorities since beginning my congres- I hereby appoint the Honorable RANDY K. Faculty, staff, and students from sional service. It has a special place in WEBER, SR. to act as Speaker pro tempore on around the university and within the my heart, not just because of all our this day. community are engaging in planning veterans have done, but because I have PAUL D. RYAN, and recognizing Active-Duty and vet- seen firsthand the magnitude of their Speaker of the House of Representatives. eran military personnel and their fami- sacrifice. f lies. As a military father, I know that Mr. Speaker, the State College Bor- wearing the uniform is about service MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ough and Centre County have also and sacrifice. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- joined with University Park to present I thank all those who serve and have ant to the order of the House of Janu- numerous events for veterans and their served this great Nation, and I look ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- families during Military Appreciation forward to honoring their service this week at Penn State and in every corner nize Members from lists submitted by Month. Events began on October 2 with of our country. the majority and minority leaders for the Penn State Veterans Career Fair May God bless our veterans, the morning-hour debate. and will continue through the end of The Chair will alternate recognition United States of America, and the this week. Nittany Lions for a homecoming win. between the parties. All time shall be The Vietnam Veterans Traveling Me- equally allocated between the parties, morial Wall came to University Park f and in no event shall debate continue during the month’s events. I had the TAX BILL beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other opportunity to participate in both the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The than the majority and minority leaders opening and closing ceremonies for the Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from and the minority whip, shall be limited wall, and it was a moving tribute to all Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI) for 5 minutes. to 5 minutes. those who served during the Vietnam Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise f war. today in strong opposition to the dan- The theme for the Centre County gerous tax plan that is currently being PENN STATE TO CELEBRATE MILI- event was ‘‘Welcome Home.’’ We all considered by the House Ways and TARY APPRECIATION WEEK AND know that, in many instances, our Means Committee. House Republicans HOMECOMING Vietnam veterans did not receive a wrote this proposal behind closed doors The SPEAKER pro tempore. The warm welcome home when they actu- and then presented it to Congress and Chair recognizes the gentleman from ally returned home from war. This is a the public just last week. Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 scar on our history and one that we are This is not the kind of bipartisan tax minutes. working to heal. The Traveling Wall plan we need to help lift up working Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. served as a reminder of the efforts to families, grow our economy, and lead Mr. Speaker, this week, Penn State promote liberty and freedom that our to a better future for our constituents. University recognizes Military Appre- Vietnam veterans put forth. In fact, under this proposed plan, about ciation Week, which is in conjunction Military Appreciation events con- 80 percent of the benefits will go to the with its homecoming celebration. tinue this week in conjunction with wealthiest 1 percent. While helping out The Penn State Homecoming and homecoming. There will be a Veterans wealthy individuals and corporations, Military Appreciation game will take Day ceremony in front of Old Main on the proposal hurts many working fami- place, and appropriately so, on Vet- Friday, a tailgate before the Military lies by getting rid of deductions for b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8525 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Nov 08, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07NO7.000 H07NOPT1 H8526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 7, 2017 State and local taxes and medical ex- Ayan Omar of St. Cloud recently was The quick response of these heroes penses, for example. honored as one of seven recipients of ensured Daniel’s full recovery. Without Mr. Speaker, there is another place the Outstanding Refugee award from them, Daniel would likely not be with where this bill will hurt working fami- the Minnesota Department of Human us today. I am lucky to represent such lies. Mr. Speaker, Benjamin Franklin Services. This award honors refugees or selfless and heroic people who run to said: ‘‘an investment in knowledge their children who are making innova- their fellow citizens in times of need. pays the best interest.’’ When it comes tive contributions to their community, Thank you Curt, Adam, Dennis, Abi- to education, this plan is an inexcus- and Ayan is well deserving of this com- gail, and Madison for saving Daniel’s able lost opportunity. mendation. She earned this honor as life and showing our community what Education is one of the smartest in- the result of her civic leadership ef- a true hero looks like. vestments we can make, and tax policy forts as a language arts teacher at St. ELK RIVER’S OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEERS is a place where there is tremendous Cloud Technical High School. Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise potential to do great things. Unfortu- But for Ayan, her work extends be- today to honor the incredible members nately, this tax proposal shortchanges yond the classroom and into the com- of the Elk River Chamber of Com- America’s schools, students, and teach- munity. She often speaks on panels or merce. Communities in my district ers. at events, and she was recently a fea- like Elk River are successful because Ninety percent of students attend tured speaker at St. Cloud’s TEDx the members support and encourage public schools, yet this tax plan event, where she spoke about inter- one another. starves public education by making personal communication. Recently, the Elk River Chamber of changes to the property tax deduction We are lucky to have educators like Commerce, which represents 360 local and reducing funding sources for the Ayan who take their work into the businesses, honored some of its most bipartisan Every Student Succeeds communities they serve. Thank you, active members as this year’s out- Act. Ayan, for your commitment to edu- standing volunteers. One was Pam On top of that, the plan would turn cation, and congratulations on this Artmann of Edina Realty Elk River. In 529 college savings plans into a Trump- well-deserved award. just 2 years with the chamber, she was DeVos private school voucher scheme A COMMITMENT TO SAFETY AND CUSTOMERS named Ambassador of the Year for that will primarily aid wealthy fami- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise bringing positivity to her role. lies and will further undermine our today to recognize an outstanding con- The chamber also honored Tamara public education system. stituent from my district, Andy Thiele Ackerman of Avalon Salon for her This tax plan doesn’t just hurt our of Monticello. work chairing and growing the Shiver students, it also hurts teachers. Right Andy recently competed in the 2017 Elk River 5K/10K Run. For this, she re- now, across the country, teachers pay International Foodservice Distributors ceived the PACEsetter award, which an average of $500 a year out of their Association Truck Driving Champion- highlights her dedication to service on pockets to help stock their classrooms ship in Orlando, Florida. This competi- the chamber board. with supplies like pencils, notebooks, tion highlights the best drivers in the Finally, the chamber recognized and materials to enhance learning, and food industry. This competition honors Mark and Deb Urista of Edina Realty that has been offset by a $250 classroom drivers from all over the country and Elk River with the Keystone award, supplies deduction, which is the least their commitment to safety and excel- which recognizes their longstanding we could do to help those hardworking, lent customer service.
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