The original documents are located in Box 6, folder “Intelligence - General” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 6 of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE 1 0 •••• ••·~~ ljasjac8~ t• D.a&lj Buaafel• »e ••• ¥ezk !±•e• 12/23/74 A allecati••• ef e11 taaest1c aetltit±ee ~ ·> ~ ljt~Jet3 2c Caeaex ••••· 8/25/75 2•••••• •••• te :::;:J Caeaey ( 1 p.) 8/25/75 A PCI'\-ti~WJ I U/;;JI j'l '"Z.- 6,6] te 11' 7/~o/ 1 ' )c Baaafe1j te Caeaey, 10/28/75 Ja 0 •••• •·•· Ce1~y te ~1, Buasfe1j (1 p,) 7/21/75 A Pef'\...1.1 o..v' c,ttL, l l) :II )4'2- "' (<.II' 7/~o/u 3 ~. Liat Detai1eea te tlle WAite Beuae (1 p.) ~· 7/17/75 A ~~ P 7/;.o/n .).0 Clu.rt ~er·•-•1 u.... r Ce..-er ( 1 , I) "fl(Ut'tpl-c-A v~r UJ- . 7/17/75 A <..A.«.~ 7/11 cU...L 3 •••• te Caeaey (1 p.) 10/10/75 C(A) •• •••• P.-t~ o M €:x~ toj;z1J'lrz.. ~ /I..JP ?/n .... v ••• ·---- --- n- _, __ ..... ... ...... ,. - \ ... I,.,. ~-,.. ~ :ill '-~I 1,; 3 ~- I., \&") ~ ll}:u/ol da..t.. FILE LOCATION Caeaey Jiles Geaeral Su~ject file Iatelliceace - Geaeral Bex 6 RESTRICTION CODES , (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356"governing access to national security information. (8) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. W!UI, 5/30/85 (C) Closed in accordance with r•trictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA FORM 7122 tREV. 5-82) • ....._......,..._ ·.. _- ----- ....... -.-~ ~-- ·. .. ::-: .. _,_, . TH WHITE HOUSE ASHINGTON ·:· >~:- ·:·:- O~I<!INAL RETIRED TO SPECIAL DOCUMENTS FILE ·.... .. 1747 WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA . R:trr.l Fi~e:.' \. .-~"- i:!c. (\VFIM a:1d \\"SR~). 1943·4'5; m~m. firm (J"/crton, Lymar1 & Prif"IC(', 1945~. Chmn. C.Jm . · F-0'-~i~. r np. t' ~)A'{i, i96G--, P<dm Belch, bar Examiners Cal., i962-63. Trustee Ci<1rcmont !\ku's Cui!.!'-!, tiL XT. \\\to:(~·. \\'(" .. S. CncvJ fk~·.f:, f!a.: Am., Lo5 Angclc~ CPtmty bar a.s.sns .. Stalt! Bar Cal. Republican. \Lrr•. u·:;-.ti~,ot" Corp. cq;\~)F<>hcd (')nlpkte ·1 V sta. Ch. of Jcsu~ Christ of Latter-day Sair:ts. Cluf)::;; Chancery (l_ o· ·h veJaccd River of life. \Vt:ltS-(:h!Tl\:fZ (film Angclc~); Pauma '.'ai!C'y (Cal.) Cuur:try. lLmlt.;: 885 Winsiun A·, S;Pl V1•1l), 1'1'cl New Engli-':Jd ~nd Brothc:l•O<)d Marino CA 91108 OITicc: 550 S Flower St Leo Angclc' CA 9cl017 chmn. Unit.:d F~md IJrc.'!t:."r ?:h1.:.ton. \~a~s. :~. Md. Boston, :-,~J.·:s. Ca.-.ll'f Sue .. A.R.C. K!'i GHT, WILLIA'\i El)WARDS, ign. service officer; chmn. Sah:<lt;..J:: .\~l~y; Cir. '.:,1\vt.:--ry H<l:ake: Tarr wn, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1972; s. Arth'.lr Octavius and \ Hh \\'cci-.:. Rc!. dus. ~r;·,;; fn.;. o'i-~;-h:<'~i~ (Jenkin ; B A. in lntern:.tt. .Rela~ions, Y:dt·, 1943, M.A. ,6; m. Ruth Lee.'· l.t, 1'~46; chiiGoen-Jcffrey W1iliam, P Edwar;"ls . .::i~i:~;·. ~~-::·~~gr.~.. ~7d.:._.~:~~~i~~t~ ~-~j\~~~~ C mp·,, Crir>t-·1.-·x: Chi:Jr;;r_·s ~(Ht-S·:ct<•.r:an rnr,._ ;~,c.: c~-..~c. co;;;_, tliL kl'Scuc. Inc.: :•xec . .1; oe::. com., ~ru<;~f',: Ch!·3n:n··. Ca'lc•:>T . tinllL't.' ·:om. Com Econ. DP\'-_!_ f-diow ·eJ. cvt:r.-:JI B0stvn ll. Bd. u.i:s. F:~~~doms cJmon_ Am. Frcedo!ll C:.1tcr. Rccir:cnt 1. lic~ita~e Com .. 19:'\Q. 1\l'amed or,::- of te-~ [}osttHl Jr. C. of C.. 1956; recipier.t award for indust1y Alph'\ Cr:iilon Rho. :95'/; sc..-eral rv;n -...-a.wus vets. orgn., 1959-~:\0. Mem. ro~'alf, Prc•,i:Jcnts Org!a., nroJ.rkJ.s! J•;r)J:Cers, ·.·(~-,f. Chri~.ti3~~-- and J,~ws (N.E. • i f'1fl :om . ._. Eplk>n Ri1o. C'•.!bs.. \-'a:-i.;;-!y (D·,sl.un); 1 IT. ..VC!I~- v.-IHng •t erg as orp., nt. ~ t:::e. orp., nc., , vf :'\cw f:"r,g. Autt.-Y: Sale<.. 1 cch'1i\;<.CS fN Gen. Adjustmc;tt Bur., Inc. Mem. lntci:-:H Arbitration Pz.11•.'l, tc;Ot-. -ne:.! .. r.d S:d~·<; CN~Tia<'J., i 1 Fr;)a,J-~3.sting: Bd. dirs. U. Va. Llw ~d1. Fr... unr:l. Asib founJ., ln:-t. for IPtern;]t. 1\:NIGH'l', \-v·II..LIA!\1 \VJ.:SLEY, publisher; b. Winnebago, ~,!;;m., Aw?.k·: A merle<>; T·ae (r:u-;c or All~ !C\nk:id. Order. s,_•rvcd to It .:cl. USAAF, 1941·45. Mem. A~'-· Fcd.• lntcrn1t., FcL. 3. 1909; s. Fred r\, and Edith (aarth;-,!o01f;w) K.· LL.B.. L'. 0ic., cmtry Dr Wt:~~on MA 02193 Office. <-~00 lntn·At':'l. t•ar assns., Bu Assn. City ~.Y., N.Y. C-:.unty L1wyer!'> 193:!; m. Lot<:. Hatfield, M:u. 4, 1937; :.:hi!dP?P---l~hillip, k~'''"'c ;,;.I:d ton ~1A 02215 A!.sn., !ntcm~~- Law A.s:>n., Washingwn Ins~. Fgn. Affairs, Council Joanne \twins). Admitted to 01e. tar, 19:32, pr-.H.ticeJ ia Rosct urg and Fgn. Rchtion:;. Club:..: Down Town Association, Pilgrims, Lunch, The Portland, 1932<>9; c:;,cc. 5-ec. Pacific N.W. Newspapn Assn .. 'l)HANT, Jr., b3nket; b. Tampo. F!.1., 1~02; Linb C'i.Y.C.); Army and l"avy, ~1etrvpolitan City Tavern 1939-46; mem. staff Ore. Jour., 1946-. pre-s .. pub. i953---. !\·1tm. iren Rhoda K. ~~arto:dl, Pe!cr Olirhant IV. (Washingtrm); Fif(h Av(;nue (N.J.-".C.). Home: 548 Stanwich Rd Ore. U:gi5olaturt:, I :J35. Episcop<ili?..r•. Hom~: 3650 SE Claybourne gc Nat. Bank, T:u;,pa, dir.; :hr:m .. cxt.·c. com., Greenwich CT 06830 Office: 53 Wall St New York City NY 10005 lortland OR 972C2 Officr: 1320 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201 m. flrni t-lollan0 ?" Knig!H. Houc: 2::4 Blan~~ FL 33606 Oiti..::c Exchar,ge Nat Bldg T~mp:>. KNIGHT, RODGI:rt D., Jr., banker; b. D;;m·cr. 1913; ed. U. Colo. KNIGHT, \\>ILLIAM WINDUS, Jr, investment co. e>ec.; o. Chmn. bd. Ur.i!ed Bank of D::-;-.\ ..:r; pres., Jir. Denv\:r U.~. Nat. Toledo, Jar:. '27, JQ05: ~-. \ViJii:Jm Wi•du'> and Edna (Ford) K.; :\.B., Center; mem. fed. ad-..·. cuur.t::il Fed. Res. S).;lcm. Home: 6 Lynn Rd Yale, 1927; M.B.A .. Harvard, 1962·66; pres., d!r. Kn:g;1t h1mi Co., :F.TON, co:1sunt1 rrnd'Jctr. and c!-::m. co. Englewood CO 80i lO Offi-:.c: Dcn\'er l1 S Bank U S Nz_t Center Inc., 1961---, ffminis Blue 1929; m. Elsie- Stran3han. ScpL 12. i'J31; e., Apr. 19, 1·~\! 5; s. Pc; !f·y B. and 01adyc;. Domer CO 9021 7 chil_drcn-John Lord, Diana (Mn.. Lawrence T. l·ostcr/. A!>st. ten. ~·h(:tn. l:ngrir.;:.:. r:-um laude, Nc"'·ark Coli. rngr.. d~r. Wyandotte Chcms. Corp., 1~2-:t--10; rres. f..:--rd Did~. C\~ .. :. t;_ 9rL. 19-;(l-41; rr;. ~1argarct Wl,itc. ~.-!ay KNIGHT, TH0~1AS STANLEY, educator, pt.;losopher; b. Sharon, Detroit, 1934·42; chief. t;,onk and comoat \--chicle s.:ct. Oi':\-1, ~a~·.-i:1 L.; m. 2d. Naucy Gr-:l!n, Au;:;. l Sb4; Pa., Dec. 21, 1021; s. Thomas S. and hlary (!.:cCarthy) K.; A.B., W. V/2:shington, 1940·42; ass~. to exec. v.p. Libt:x:y-Owcns- Fold c::.~ss >eth, Deborah An~e!lJ. Fr )r.t chem. ~ngi. to Liberty (',Ji.\"a.) State Col!., !951; M.A., Syracu•c U., 1953, Ph.D., Co., 1945·47, pres. Plaskon div., 1947-53; -.·.p., sec.·treas. TAG ml dt :'-ie .r:c:uo & Co .. In':: i 9-i0-:)2; :-:-;~arch 1956; r.1. Betty A. R(IJlcr, Apr. 18, 19·12; chi~Jrcn--Thomas Stanley, Airlines, Jnc., ·ro!edo, l<JSS·57: pres., dir. Nicholas Corp·, T:.1kdo, arch L-e.bs. Standard Oil C-J. (lnr;.), 1<~.:<~·53; In· in R. ChMn. Sch. Arts and Scis., Ru.k•d! S.-:..gt" Coil., Troy, N.Y., 1954-67, chmn. bd., c.!ir., 1968--71, now dir.; treas., dir. ·w. Bir[;.bm Co., l9S3-59. mgr. polym~r pt&nilint &nJ 195i-53; r;1em. ex c..:.. r:-om. lJtica Cvll. o!' S)-racuse U., 1959-63. mcm. Co., Toledo, 19[.'2-6(.; prl'S., dir. Kright La.od Co., !r:c .. 1963--, p. pJcq:.:s, 195E-59; v.p. DJ.rt Indo;.;,~rie: In<..'. sr. seminar•. planr.ing bd., 1961-td. chn,f'. bchaviorC~J sturlies. div., Bimini5. Biue \Vah'r, Ir.c., Ltd., 1963--; mcm.
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