N e w s b r ie f s 1U sewers to IUPUI history «yld any ol Co I to know Dr d a y IUPUI I f by Lydia Zwtnk school's for "Smack-Dab In the Middle of there w Pm»; Madrid. CA 9011 or the Swamp is the title of the this to IU ll.J O l.J O lecture and slide present ehon and r u m ti m being given Tueeday, Sept. IS To qualify for lh_ F«SNWv*l l ' J C from 10 ».B>. to 13 p.m. at tht Q vefW W SW dr a Kara IT University Library. of the UJfrlJO 3t004a00 New York! — 4 _ _ a 4- * - 4^ . i iw 1 wfiicn i the Dr. Loo Helbig, daasi of the country for at leaet two of IUPUI, ie IU by Jeanette M. Mai- Pragma, will be at IUPUI Sept 12x00-1:30 thew. Archivist and Sparial 26, from 2:30-4*00 p.m. in CA 16 1 2 4 0 2 4 0 Collections Librarian at IUPUI. 23f. UiOOdxOO A Prof 1*00-1 JO According to Mallow, 100 lltMg wil gnk to in- 13 IUPUI 1130-1:30 yean ego. the land whkh tereeted IUPUI iKJ sum- U x J O - I i B B Friday Sapt. 21 IUPUI Is located on was a faculty about in Bayer. Dijon, 3cr. free Ts lliM -liO O swamp; we should be interested {unities to study abroad in IU Gras Mea- 12:00-1:30 12x00-1:30 in our history. program Ico City and Tilburg. The September 17, 1984 V c & m U No. 9 Sthe weeklyag newt of Indiana am Universily-Purdue o University re at IndianapoUf Trustees approve two new E-T degrees L .. C*. aa e?*------ v y X Q u DeOfot computer as a tool to integrate make a car better or cheaper eventually being done by "robottea and re education go The Indiana University Board the whole spectrum of the than other countries M he said robots, and people moving Into of Trustees approved two new manufacturing process from He said he firmly behaves if servicing, financing or these to five years from the con- degree programs for IUPUI at making the initial product, to the U.S. can produce a better marketii^ positions. He said its Sept. 6 meeting. control and quality of the pro­ product, it can eel more of that These two degrees, one an duct, right up to the final In- product io mnmr couminb ana Associate in Applied Science spec non 01 im proouct. cnai«mon}ot»«of Amricam and the other a Bachelor of Renda said the need for com­ WKiU R.nda •■id k« Science, ere in the field of Coae- puters in the manufacturing in­ ra co a sin d m o m piapli will bt puter Interpreted Manufactur­ dustry today Is on-going. He repiacea oy meenmes on tne ing Technology. added there is a need to make assembly Une, he is hopeful According to Dean Bruce R. machines will eventually do Presently, the IUPUI School Renda of the IUPUI School of petitive to bring in more in­ what humans do not want to part of the worker. Most of the Engineering and Technology, dustry orders for American do. Renda explained he foresees people who lose their fobs to thfT^ Zr these programs are designed to goods from other countries. such fobs as assembly of auto "robotics" will have to be re­ and the Indiana University help students learn to "use the The bottom line is. can we parts, painting and welding trained. According to Renda, Ryan urges more funding by Steve Hammer stressed the need for increased Bloomington campus, he said. Staff Writer funding to improve the IU sys­ The new medical library at BLOOMINGTON - IU sys­ tem He said he was "tired" of IUPUI will be funded by a tem President John Ryan an­ politicians who would "make multi-billion nationwide fund­ nounced several objectives for higher education a lower priori­ raising campaign, which will IUPUI, including a new medical ty'' begin next year, according to library, in a speech here last The first objective of increas­ Ryan. w eek. ^ ed monies for the state, he said, Ryan said longtime IU Chan­ In his annual "State of the was to better fund faculty sal­ cellor Herman B Wells will Mad University" address. Ryan re­ aries system-wide. He said up the program, to be called vealed plans for upgrading the Governor Robert Orr was the "Campaign for Indiana." computer literacy programs at "most cognisant" governor that See Ryan pegs 4 Bloomington and Indianapolis. he has met, but stopped shy of He also spoke of the need to an Orr-Mutx endorsement. upgrade" the IUPUI campus, The 1965-37 budget for Indi­ saying IUPUI "will take a back­ ana University campuses was seat to no one . (IUPUI) reviewed in his speech. He said must be improved in its facil­ the $549 million budget would ities." be used to improve the IU sys­ Ryan's speech was delivered tem, including $12.1 million in the Whittenberger Auditor­ earmarked for faculty raises. ium of the Indians Memorial However, no major renova­ Union Building here. The tions for the IUPUI campus, Speech was monitored, via save the upgraded computer WT11J Bloomington, in both literacy program, were announ­ the Lecture Hall and Kraimert ced for the new budget. The Building at IUPUI. first objective will be to build a In other objectives, Ryan new chemistry building foe the 2 TW Sacamoke September 17, 1964 NOTICES tar “ NtataM” Inform*Mon ta • pun. Tm sday. •fctaitad y w lU off. a «udy/faBov*l#/diM*»teoo hour Waff* on Monday, at S t * m Ball Ratedsnct 140 The topic. b o at, Material* wiD be dstermMad by tha group a tlk tA m m ating. Everyone la welcome. Thia teudy la apanaorad by In- l u i p i l l i 1 ‘ under-employed or economically dteadvaniagad. you m y qualify (or our program. U you do not have proof oi your Indian heritage. Mt m y be able to aaalal you In ob- laM ng it . Phase ca l (317) 7*7-637* for an appoints**, or Mop In at our affka. S144 panancc. Kaa information available al tiw Office of Caraar CounaaHng and Place Saturday, Sept. 29 f ■wait, BS 1010. For further information tot looter Sattlaa. Campu* Coordinator. BS mo. TtM Continuing education Cantar tar W oman (CBCW) u pfoamd to 8:30 a .m . announce that dw Woman • Rotary Chib of Indlanapolla ha* donated 3700.00 In acholarahlp manic* lo the Cantar. In ordw to ba contedwsd lor the adtolanhip. an applicant m u* ba: 1) Enrolled in IUPUI for the 19*4-63 academic year. 2) Enrolled lo educate and prepare hersdf for a.) a new career, b > re-entry into the job market or c I advancement in bar preaant career, fo r wore information contact the center • THE AUL/GOVERNOR’S CUP RUN it a celebration of Hoosier office at 1317 W M ktutver. Indpia. IN 4*133. or call 3M-47S4 AO application* health and fitness and the culmination of nine regional races around muat be received by Sept. IS. 19S4. Indiana. Join Olympian Bill Rodgers and qualify for more than $2,500 in Tha Association tar Woman In to tanco, Indiana Chaptar tAWis prizes, including a trip for two to the New York City Marathon. IN) will meat on the lin t Monday of each month in the School of Science faculty lounge (KB 1*3) at 7 00 p.m. Coffee and cookie* will ba nrvad from 7 0 0 - 7 3 0 followed by a builnaei meeting and a apedal program. HIGHLIGHTS of the celebration include a pre race Heartbeats Festival Matropolttan Indlanapolla Campua Ministry welcome* iupui *tudmt* health fair. Sept. 27 28. 8:50 a m. 5:50 p m., in the AUL Tourer, a Bill to help form an ecummkal Undent Chriatian council. An open meeting, to deter Rodgers Running Clinic. Sept. 28. 11:50 a.m. 1 p.m. at the City Center min* d»dsg»*e of tesamte and the poatebOtetas for such an organization on tide cam - on Monument Circle, and a post race block party Sept. 29 including a pu*. will be held in Ball Residence Room 1*0. Monday. Sept 17 at 7 p.m. It la not video replay of the race, music and refreshments. Tha IUPUI ta n Enaambla n » eneh Tuaaday e g in Mary Cable Bldg Room 130 from■m 7 tow 9« p.m. Couraa cncradR O hr.I la optional. earn*, piano, beat, and pem twion are dad. Interacted teudent* dtould attend the nest i til a anal or call 231-7300 for m Prograaahf tlu dant Union Thr IVogmmivo Student Union la an organic* lion of concerned teudent. worklr* to bdorm the atudent body on rekvent eocial team . For information p te m contact Patrick McGaaeer tel tfw Polttical Science d ig a rtn H at 264-7347 P a yc h o to g y C h ita wdi hick off IteP aH ia w lar with a party on Sat .Sapt 22 at 7p.m. tiw location In be poked Al wb im ialti.r Individual* are Invited For further information, contact Al Green at S71-f0M or ttet Paychology Dept ., KB 34. at *13-1311 (x3»). W etoeeie le ita ta Prophecy every Twadey nlgbt 7J0»m . Stvdtnt Unfw Budding.
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