'M^TMPMEUJ.XYJ JACOB PORTER, Publisher.] ' JÇrrarli the (Soaprl to 0vrrg Creature."—M ARK 1*1. [TERMS: $2 20 PER ANNUM VOL. XXXIII. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JANUAli\ 27, 1877. Tm following plaintive poem on NO. 51 Mary CoaeciTtd W ithout gin. grace inaugurated; the day that will the diaaolution of St. Michael's Sem- grandest of all God's creatures is the I created—and that A SERMON BV FATHER BURKI:. behold the terrible decree against object of our admiration—for surely umph of God. one was the tri- ing the triumph of Divine grace; an- inary, the Theological institution man eraaed, the bolts of Heaven Mary was always The Feaat of the Immaculate C we must admire that which God other Mary to guide us by the joy of the Dioeeae ot Pittsburgh, haa an- withdrawn, and the golden portal the triumph of God. "Behoid a ception of the Blessed Virgin Mary made so fair and noble; nay, we are I and gladness which our repentance been handed na for publication by opened wide to us all. And this day called upon to admire her, for the woman shall crush the serpent's and true contrition will aasuredly waa obaerved with particular devo one who had been pursuing his studies —this day of peace and happiness, Scripture says: »God is wonderful in head with her heel." •• I saw a give. Second only to the joy with tion in the Cathedral, Marlborough and of benediction—had its aurora nrgrea; t aign—. a r woman clothed with. which He contemplates perfect puri- in it far the Altar. The Seminary was Hie Saints—praise the Lord in His atreet, Dublin. At the concluaion of and its dawn, and that dawn was in Sainte as in the very firmament of he sun and the moon beneath her ty-.nd ,reat is the joy" of Godto- eatabiiahed over 33 yeara ago by the Mary, the Immaculate Mother of the His power"—that whilst we are thus nd ro ld the laal Gospel, the Rev. T. Burke, ! .' * f »! » "own of 1 day whet, He contemplates the Bless- late and venerable Biahop O'Con- Man God. Oh, how different from twelve stars"—end before her the ed* Virgin in her Immaculate Con- O. P., ascended the pulpit, and admiring her, and giving God thanks nor, aince which time it haa aent the coming of the first mother Eve. frequently for all that He has done enemies of God were drawn out.— j ception—second only to this was the preached the sermon ol the day as The aurora contergen»—the apringing | unction that swelled in the many Levites forth to labor in the Mary came in all the calmness and for her, and through her for us—the Divine follows:—- gentleness, in all the splendor, and up of the day that came to pass in heart of Jesus Christ when He look- vineyard of the Lord; and would, no in all tha •%•> , t.u ¿- . • 1 *ery greatness of her graces may Mary a Immaculate Conception; and ed down at Mary Magdalene, and doubt, have long continued to do ao, '•Who is she that cometh like unto U \l r u 7 °f,the h,?h®8t «r,ce »eem «0 lift her so far above us that yet, dearly beloved, even here ia the the morning rising?" when her first tear fell upon HM sa- were it not lor the atringency of the and the highest love of God-no we find no example-no lesson fo object of our imitation—for every | cred feet. Oh. if we cannot give May it please jour Eminence and cloud of anger bangs over her heaj, | ourselves in the life and grace, of no lowering shadow of Divine I one amongst us in his or her own Him the perfect joy of perfect purity" timea through which we are paaaing, dearly beloved brethren, it was thus Mary. But this is not so. She is wrath falls before her—the heredita- sphere, no matter how humble it may perfect charity, perfect goodness, at and more particularly the late di- that the inspired one of the Scripture not only admirable, but she ia imita ry and traditional sin is stayed by be ought to be, and with God le; St let us give Him the joy of per- viaion of the Dioeeae. The Semi- described the coming ol Mary, the ble, and I would fail in my duly to the omnipotent hand of Him who re- yovoutoriaw.u to day iif Il»»,« were . I 7 , grace will be. a living monument oil feet true rep°entañc¿~ and so rise in nary was acarcely ever, in the most Mother of God. He contemplated deemed her—ahe is untainted by the the sad night of four thousand years, proaperoua timea, self supporting, breath or thought of sin—she rises I and, looking towards »he Orient, he as an object for your admiration. to tell the world that the sun of eter- ten as we endeavor by a holy tepen- | that, my brethren, and this will be for and the division of the Dioeeae took saw there a vision of Divine beauty § § ,. , r - without at least endeavoring to show tance, to shake off our sins—as often us the aurora consergens—upspring- away from it the main reliance it rising before him, and he exclaimed. nal salvation is about to break upon you h<i w ine very humblest amongst as we say a prayer heartily and fer- mg and dawn of the day that ahall us—that the darkness of ages is a- I us may imitate Mary, and do in our had outside of the city of Pittsburgh. "Who is she that cometh like unto vently to Almighty God—as often as ! know no ending—of the day in that bout to be dispelled forever—that the J own sphere and measure what she In thia condition of things, the Bish- the morning rising?" That was the we turn our eyes from that which prophet's vision, and behold we are true King is coming to take up His has done for God. In order to bright Heaven, that Kingdom in op deemed it prudent to cloae the see j might, by suggestion of evil thoughts j celebrating to-day the first coming oi own-to secure H is own inheritance this, I take the grace a of Jesus Chrisr t which the Son and Lamp ia God— in the hearts and leve of man. c . , „ _—- '" influence us towards the commission I Seminary, and aend the atudenta to Mary the Mother of God, our Lord And the day that shall never know an first of all as the triumph of God in | of sin—in every such action it is God evening—the day spent in the con- other institutions ot the kind in and Saviour Jesus Christ—the first she rose calmly and serenely, shin- Mary, and secondly, as the delight that triumphs over His enemy. templation of the infinite loveliness moment of her existence, when she ing like a lovely morning tar, with I of God in Mary. As to the triumph other Dioceeee, in order to keep the When the Christian man is able to of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was conceived in her mother's a brightness not indeed her own of God in Mary, it is worthy of re-I expense of educating the young can- put a constraint upon the passions and of Mary the Immaculate Mother womb. Behold the dawn of that day but a brightness coming to her from mark that Almighty God. who makes didates for the miniatry within the the Sun which follows in her wake within him to defeat the powers of of God. star, the precursor, and the promise. all things fair and acceptable to Him- I hell that are at work beneath and a- meana at bia command:— —the brightness of Divine grace, Now, observe the language of the in self, and who in the beginning, look- j round him, God triumpha over His transcending all the forms of Divine THE PRISON or SAN MARINO.—At spired one. He calls her Aurora ed upon all that He had made and | enemy. And God glories in this tri- beauty that ever God'a grace took in the last dinner given by Marshal To Saint Michael's Sf»ioary--Ou consergen—the approach or first dawn saw that it was good, still out of re umph even as He gloried in the Im- any of His creatures in heaven or OP MacMahon, says V Europe Diploma- ftecasioa of its Closing. of day—springing up. In the order spect for His own laws, out of respect maculate Conception of His Virgin of nature, dearly beloved, the aurora earth—a brightness and a glorv of for the intelligence and freedom of tique, the Due de Bruc, the Charge A noble poet, once in sorrowing (train, Mother. It is the assertion of the or dawn gives promise and is a sure Divine grace surpassing the united will with which He has endowed His d'Affaires of San Marino, the little What time mirk night came wandering o'er the Kingdom of tioJ—il is the telling to harbinger of the day that is to follow. glory and the united brightness of all creatures, as their very nature, per- Catholic Republic which has breast- plain, all hell and to all the enemies of God When a man who is keeping the whom God has ever honored, or in- mits the devil to spoil His works, ed the storms of a thousand years, And deeoUtteness upward from the tea.
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