UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 36 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:31 PM S-0882-0001-36-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0001-36-00001 Title items-in-lndia - Indira Ghandi Date Created 19/01/1966 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0882-0001: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 19 January 1966 Bsar Hr* 2be Secretary-General"would be grateful ±f you would Kindly transmit the enclosed personal letter from. him to Her Excellency the I*r3bne Minister. Yours e Bola-Bennett Sbder-Seeretary for Special l^litical Affairs %* Br^esh '€., Hislira , Deputy §ermaneKb Representative of India to the tJnited Nations 5 Sast 6«H;a Street Sew York 21, lew. Torfe RM 19 Itear Hease allow w& to extend to yoa my wsraest personal congratulations OK your designation as the Prime Minister of India. I sen convinced -feat your great country has chosen well in selecting you, through its traditionally democratic processes, to he t&e Bead of its Governraeat- flhile I am equally convinced that your own goalities and experience in the affairs of State have ty themselves earned for ysu the eoafMenee of the people of India ia your ability to lead them, I also rejoice at the fiirther distinction you have brosgfot, on the one hand, to the family of your illustrious father and, on the other hand, to womanMod the world over. Knowing something of the extent of the responsibilities you are assuming tjoth for the welfare aacl the progress of your country and for the iicmeaBely important role it esa play in the affairs of Asia and the world, X offer you ray jaost sincere good -wishes snd all the support amd eneottrageifflefit of which 1 am capable* 2 recall with parti culsr pleasure oiar meeting last September j aad look forward to the contintistioB of our association. Yours sincerely, ifeant Sseelleacy ''!&*»*•• Jtodi^a Gfandhi India DRAFT PERSONAL I V 19 January 1966 Dear Mrs. Gandhi, Please allow me to extend to you my warmest personal congratulations on your designation as the Prime Minister of India. I am convinced that your great country has chosen well in selecting you, through its traditionally democratic processes, to be the Head of its Government. TOiile I am equally convinced that your own qualities and experience in the affairs of State have "by themselves earned for you the confidence of the people of India in your ability to lead them, I also rejoice at the further distinction you have brought, on the one hand, to the family of your illustrious father and, on the other hand, to womankind the world over. Knowing something of the extent of the responsibilities you are assuming both for the welfare and the progress of your country and for the immensely important role it can play in the affairs of Asia and the world, I offer you my most sincere good wishes and all the support and encouragement of which (*srAJ I/capable. I recall with particular pleasure our meeting last September, and look forward to the continuation of our association. Yours sincerely, U Thant Her Excellency Mrs. Indira Gandhi Prime Minister New Delhi, India CVN/mpd 9 Fatosw^ 1966 TfeaaaSs you for- your Mod letter SI©. 78-BIG/66 dated t «Hd«rstaasd .frSrn Asba-ssador BartfeasaxatM tlsat you 3® visiti^ t!^ United ' States this veu% I T0s* tfest lai th.0- <?OUI^IQ ef tbl& visife ®s usay M able to at llhitssl Biticass Headotaartors in. Ke« Yoric* ^ I rsisaisij ^Itfc wxsasst pas^^iaaal ' lours Her ' ' MIMsfcer of India. ee: Iiiaaian Mission Mr. LemievDC (AdOO I A.JO3* 1OM3X iotox, PRIME MINISTER INDIA. /N0.78-FMO/66. New Delhi 11, February 2, 1966, Dear U Thant, Thank you for your letter of January 19, 1966. I am touched and heartened by the warmth of your message of goodwill. The problems which confront us are, indeed, tremendous. You have been more than generous in.speaking of my capacity to deal with them. ', . • Your last visit to India was brief and very much a business one. I. hope, in the not distant future, we shall have the pleasure of welcoming you to this country in a more relaxed atmosphere, when we can exchange ideas about the ways in which hundreds of millions of 'poverty- stricken Asians can find a better and fuller life for themselves and make their rightful contribution in the conduct of the affairs of the, world!. • : With warm personal regards, / x i Yours sincerely, . (Indira Gandhi) His Excellency U Thaiit, Secretary-General} United Nations, New York* CW/nt of t&e in Sails? asd ccasfclaae 1xs ^ s?esp{msi1>aaitl«s .are imfc scs is good luslc tn of In&la ^- stay ia which iodleatecl to S losfe to os^ 3.^0 o I uitfe IncJ.ia cc - Petm Mission Mr. Lemieux TIMR PRIME MINISTER'S HOUSE No.lOl-PMO/67 ' NEW DELHI March 28, 1967 Dear U. Thant, I am touched by the x^armth of your letter of March 16 which has been forwarded by Ambassador Parthasarthy. I have been overwhelmed by the goodwill and generosity which I have received after my re-election as Prime Minister; but your greetings have a special significance and I value them. ¥e are looking forward to your visit early next month. I need hardly tell you that a warm welcome awaits you. With warm personal regards, Yours sincerely, (Indira Gandl/i) His Excellency U. Thant, Secretary-General United Nations, New York. RCA POSN 350 UNATION 222422 222422/008 S NEWYORK 80/76 3 2050EDST UNGOVT PCTN CTD ETATPRIORITE -PC- HER EXCELLENCY SHRIMATl INDIRA GANDHI , PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA NEWDELHI (INDIA) I WAS DEEPLY DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE SUDDEN PASSING OF PRESIDENT ZAKIR HUSAIN. I KNOW THIS MUST BE A GREAT LOSS TO YOU PERSONALLY, AND ALSO TO- THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF INDIA. PLEASE ACCEPT, AND CONVEY TO MEMBERS OF BEREAVED FAMILY, AND ALSO TO YOUR COLLEAGUES IN GOVERNMENT, MY MOST PROFOUND SYMPATHY U THANT S SECRETARY-GENERAL £ U NAT IONS to COL NIL + en o YP217 S NY 53/47 4 0039Z = ETATPRIORITE UNDEVPRO NEWDELHI = 477 I HAVE REPEATED TO YOU FOR YOUR INFORMATION COPY OF SECRETARY-GENERAL'S MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCES OH PASSING OF PRESIDENT ZAKIR HUSAIN. UNDERSTAND FUNERAL IS ON MONDAY. KINDLY INFORM MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS YOU HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED TO REPRESENT SECRETARY-GENERAL AT FUNERAL = NARASIMHAN + ^ COL 477 + ••'••1 : J, YP216 S NY 71/69 4 0039Z = TM-2 ETATPRIORITE UNDEVPRO NEWDELHI = 476 MCDIARMID FOR INFORMATION ETATPRIORITE OMNIPRESS NEWDELHI = 73 STAJDUHAR FOR INFORMATION I WAS DEEPLY DISTRESSED TO LEARN OF THE SUDDEN PASSING OF PRESIDENT ZAKIR HUSAIN. I KNOW THIS MUST BE A GREAT LOSS TO YOU PERSONALLY, AND ALSO TO THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF INDIA. PLEASE ACCEPT, AND CONVEY TO MEMBERS OF BEREAVED FAMILY, AND '' ALSO TO YOUR COLLEAGUES IN GOVERNMENT, MY MOST PROFOUND SYMPATHY = U THANT COL TM-2 + TOM? $ S¥ 44 4 Q4MZ 123 KOST IW&£»Ut2 TASSARA REFERENCE IIMKOG US* »0 SPECIAL 1NS- IllueflOIS, ^EAStUAlffERS IS FOlitOSlfeS USU.AL SH.AG PROTOCOL FOR ft HEAD 0F STATE, II THAHT 'HftS A ICSSA0I* I SUPPOSE FLAG AT H£AJ)QlfAirr£]SS HAS SEEff LOWERES a 14$ 0K WJ IKS 04 etatpriorite •* from tasssra, presidertt of irtdia passed away Saturday 3 sr^ay. funeral mondsy 3 may. a«y special instructions for K® query + e©V 144 3 5 -f remark( chief atfrn offr immogip also would like asap answer this msg CVW/nt Bess* Hr I <@r&t «tetigJifei*i$ to leara this jaoE&Lgg of your as BNssi&eafc of 33s3&a b^ a sifcesfcle . yss. i» Ia44a 1 sretjui^ss^ srlth tiad Esad^ o« jas, sot on3^ «£ feurt also of jrour warn hospitality asd £e£«mdsiiip» 2 aai l^t^^l^m &®M& pleased to Ije able to offer you EQT coagratiilatioiis emd siaces* wishes «a your electiaa to tlie Mgliest office? t&e Sepufelie of Yours sincerely, U of 6 lteJ3j£m& Assd Marg India cc - Perm Missioion /. Mr. Lemieuixxx y NYK FILE NO. U N SVN NYK AGTjQl &UCQ43 MMiM*"*"*"***7 •• WUCQ43 LDCJ99 LNL724- NLA314 WSS27/15 72/69 INBGOVT PB INTL O5 2L F NE£ DELKZ VIA WUI KAY 15' 3015 ETAT HIS EXCELLENCY U THAN! SECRETARY-GENERAL UNITED NATIONS OTK RS.n9.ECl/6t. YOUH KIND LETTEH OF FELICITATIONS OK m ELECTION AS PBESIBEflT OF INDIA EMCOURAGES AND HEARTENS m W THE HIGH RESPONSIBILITIES I HAVE JUST ASSUMED STOP IT WAS A CHEAT PLEASURE FOR ME PERSONALLY . TO MEET YOU OK YOOR RECENT HISTORIC VISIT TO DELHI AND I SEN0 YOU MY WARM THANKS FOR YOUH GOOD WISHES STOP SIMCEREST REGARDS C ZAKIR HUSAIN 13SPMEBT HAY 15 N0.119.ECI/67*. CVN/cc IT August I met ytm Sn Hesr De3&i la April 3?ou expressed is •^le'BMctoiS'fc ^^ of aeditattoa* At t&sfc time I promised to 3@^t j?<»5i a Ijooklet osa tlie sti&^ect* I am ses&isg it Jies^ewi^i tfe^esnj^i j»gr Ghe£ 3s Mr* G,1T you win not H&33& ttoe ius^riptloa to ae ' ea iSie title page e If Bar Master di* OeOQfti ee: Mr. Warasimhan Mr* Lemieux UNITED NATIONS Press Services Office of Public Information United Nations, W.Y. (FOR USE OF INFORMATION MEDIA — NOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD) CAUTION:^ ADVANCE RELEASE Press Release SG/SM/1162 Not for use before ' 1 October 1969 5 p.m. EOT Wednesday, 1 Ogtober MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA Following is the text of a message sent today by the Secretary-General, U Thant, to the Prime Minister of India, Mrs.
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