THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Y-FIFTH YEAR—No. 39 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 Bverjr Thurnda.7 36 Page*—* Caat* iccalaureate Service In Girl Scouts Plan Nation-wide Air •esbyterian Church Summer Outdoor Raid Alert Set Anti-Polio Shots Camping Activities For Wednesday High School Senior Auxiliary Gives To Begin Tuesday f 3,500 to C. C. Home Three Day Camps Citizens Asked To ss of 1955 Scheduled: Season Take Shelter Until A donation of $3,500 to the Chil- Opens June 20 All Clear Siren Vaccine Arrives dren's Country Home, Mountain- ethodist Minister side, was made by the Senior Aux- Westfield Local Council Girl A nation-wide Civil Defense ex- From Eli Lilly o Give Address iliary to the home at a luncheon Scouts are making plans for camp- ercise will take place between meeting Tuesday at the Echo Lake ing activities which will enable noon, June 15 and 1 p.m. June 16. Country Club. The contribution Girl Scouts to carry scouting, as Westfield's staff headquarters in annual baccalaureate ser- represented the proceeds from the May Be Too late or the graduating class of practiced in troop life, into the the Municipal Building will be ac- annual benefit bridge and fashion out-of-doors this summer. Mrs. J. tivated in a support role between For Two Injection* • eld Senior High School will show held recently under the chair- i in the Presbyterian Church T. McAllister, executive director 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. Wednesday. No manship of Mrs. Alan Bruce Con- of the Westfl*ld Council, says major mobilization of local forces Joseph J. Mottley of the W*afc- i y evening at 8 o'clock with lin. "camping is fun and it gives ths field Board of Health announced '. v. Dr. Frederick E. Chris- will take place during this exer- Reports of the work projects Scouts an opportunity to practice cise. today that vaccine from thi Ell linister of the host church, democracy, good citizenship and Lilly Co. of Indianapolii, Ind., ha» % showed that during the months of There will be 50 "atomic bombs" April and May, 50 Kenney pack- cooperation. Learning to live out- been released by the government Kev. Dr. Gordon E. Michal- of-doors helps develop the resource- of varying degrees of intensity as satisfactory for use through* * ers worked a total of 218 hours. fulness, initiative and self reliance dropped on the nation. Six of these 1 linister of the First Metho- There were 23 trips driving chil- out New Jersey. The Board of j hurch, will preach on "An- that contribute to R healthy and will drop in the state of New Jer- Health and Board of Education : dren to the home for treatments, happy life." sey on the following cities: New- to the Windward". Rabb also 28 hours of sewing and mend- here have decided to follow the -- Raab of Temple Emanu-E ark, pater-son, Jersey City, Eliza- state's recommendations t« go " ing. The Junior Auxiliary, under Arrangements for day camp, beth, Camdcn and Trenton. West- Bad the scripture and thethe direction of Mrs. Franklin A. ahead with the anti-polio vaccina.- - which follows the close of school, fleld will theoretically act in a sup- tion program for all first and »r. J. L. McCorison Jr., min- Park Jr., had a number of fund are nearing completion. This year porting role and assist the city of if the First Congregationa raising projects and has. sent second graders whose parents have the Westfield Council is sponsor- Elizabeth during the period of the requested it -•"-• i, will offer the evening $1000 to the home. ing three day camps, one each in exercise. The Kev. Dr. Christian wil! Westfield, Mountainside and Gar- Notices will be sent home to the responsive reading, Public participation will be con- parents of all eligible children alt- j- wood. The expanded program will fined to taking shelter only be- les Fisher, minister of mu- enable 109 more girls to attend vising them the original schedule . the First Methodist Church, Riederer Heads tween the "red" alert and the will be carried out starting Toil- • day camp than last year. Westfield "white" or all clear during tho af- induct the combined choirs will hold its camp at Tamaques day. No provisions htvt bctn,- ternoon of June IB. The "red' made as yet to take e«re of the* " First Methodist and Pre3- College Men Park June 20 through 30 with 220 JUNIOR ASSISTANT Scoutmarl.r Rich.rd Kimball, of Troop'74, alert consists of three minutes of n Churches in two anthems, girls and a staff of 30. Mr*. McAl- recaivva E«|l* Scout pin from hii mother, Mra. Bruce Klmball. second shot, as it Is felt the first .- fluctuating siren. The "white' shot will (five ample protection far '• d All Flesh Is As the Grass" lister is director. OUlcrs ar«t William Spach, troop commitlei chairman (left) and alert consists of three steady one he "German Requiem" by the time being, Mr. Mottley Bald,; ; At the same time the camp in th« icoMt'a father who U district commiuioner. minute blasts of the siren with r I and "Salvation Is Cre Members Replace A truck from Philadelphia pull- \ Garwood, at Uiiami Park, will be two minutes of silenco betweer ed into the state Health Depart- -' >y Tschefnokoff. Richard W. Five Club Trustees directed by Mrs. Edwin Bugle and blasts. t, organist of the Presby- GOP Women Plan ment warehouse in Trenton at 8 a staff of five. Twenty-three girls Richard Kimball Local police and wardens Wll a.m. yesterday. Church, will be at the or- are registered. The Mountainside Pot-Luck Luncheon stop all trafUc. The public is re- id will play for the prelude, The trustees of the College Officials began breaking down '. Men's Club of Westh'eld met atcamp will be held in the wooded quested to take shelter during this le in B Minor" by Franck section at the Central Avenue tho shipment into various siied ',, the home of the outgoing presi- Made Eagle Scout The Westflolcl Women's Repub- 10 to 15 minuto period, batches for transfer by aUtonio* * the postludc, "Now Thank dent, Dr. Max Tishlcr, Sunday and School, June 23 to 29 and will be lican Club will hold a pot-luck There will not be any mobiliza- I Our God" by Karg-EIert. under the direction of Mrs. Harry bile to four district health offices > elected the following officers for luncheon Tuesday ut tho home of tion of Civil Defense forces other In the state. Jits and friends of the grad' the 1855-56 term of office: Presi- ^foore and Mrs. Eugene Kelly and RcceiveB Scoutiiig's Mrs. U. D. Hall, 31(1 Hazel avenue. than wardens and police during class are invited to this a staff of 12, Seventy Mountain- Luncheon will be served at 12:30 tho above period. Headquarters The Cranford Health Office, dent, William L. Riederer; vice Highest Award which will serve as Union County which is under the sponsor- president, Albert E. Meder; treas- side Girl Scouts will participate. p.m. The hospitality committee of staff will work on a paper solu- ' the Westfield Council of Leaders' children who are too which Mrs. Horace Baker is chair- tion at headquarters Wednesday distribution center, Bald communl. urer, Robert H. Mulreany; secre- The Eagle Scout award, th ties may pick up their supplies at tary, Donald C. Large and corre- young to be Brownies, will bo highest in Scouting, was presentci man, will provide rolls and coffee. evening. cared for as a unit of Elves in After luncheon, Mrs. Bctte Schuf- soon us the vaccine arrives at itl j sponding secretary, C. R. Mayno. to Richard B. Kimball, 10, o During tho alert the public ia office. ' each camp. Troop 74 Monday night at th' er, president of the club, will pre- requested not to use telephones The club elected at the annual Day camp is keeping house out- side at the annual meeting. At except for extreme emergencici. The vaccine arrived by plane It _; ird Transfers spring meeting May 26 the follow- First Congregational Church hen ROBERT H. TORGERSEN Philadelphia from Indianapolli, of-doors. Cooking, dish washing, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. this time officers will be elected Householders should not turn off 1 ing trustees for a three year term fire building, crafts, nature study, for the coming year. gas, water or electricity at the as a replacement for New Jersey ! ' to replace the present five mem- Bruce E. Kimball of 625 Grove original supply which had beCIt id to Town learning how to take care of onc'a street. source, but should turn off any bers whose term has expired: Don- self in the woods, and Jiving to- appliances, etc., thnt might toe In Civic Club Gives called back to the Wyeth LabOM* * ald H. Bagger, Stewart J. Clark, gether are all part of the program. The ceremony wtis conducted b: use at the time, then seek shelter torles for mtesting last week. Thi' _^r ; Mr. Mulreiny, H. W. Prendcrgast L. William Spach, chairman b Safety Group Of new butch of serum is enough for •>•• eh Teachers Tho overall service project at allthe troop committee, assisted b; All vehicles must stop at thoScholarships to 3 1 and Robert E. Savage. The board three day camps will be decorating "red" alert and wherever possible, about 20O,('0O doses. '"" N idded to Staff numbers 15 trustees of which five Henry 0.
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