Kit-Kno London County Suburbs 970

Kit-Kno London County Suburbs 970

KIT-KNO LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 970 Kitcat Miss, 15 Spenser rd. HErne Hill SE Knight .Anthony, 2 V"anbrugh terrace, Knight Richd. Fredk. 424 Uxbridge rd W Kitch Jn. 28 St. Donatt's rd.New Crss SE Blackheath SE Knight Rt. II. 10 Adelaide rd.Brockley SK Kitchen .Ar;.thony, 6 Lyncroft mansions, Kntght .Arthnr, 78 Overhill rd.E.DulwichSE Knight Rt. Hy.56 Elspeth rd.Battersea BW Fortune. Green road, Hampstead NW Knight .Arthur aurles, Hollydale, Churoh Knight Saml. l:l Uossda:e rd. Plltney SW Kitchen Ern est John, 10 The Grove,Wands­ road, Forest Hill SE Knight Samuel John, 17 Sa.rre rou~ West. wo.rth RW Knight .Athro .Alfred, SO Lewisham High Hampstead NW Kitchen Harry, Trehaine, Perry vale, road, New Cros>' BE Knight T. R. 12 .Agamemnon road, Ramil... Forest Hill SE Knight C. 29 BucklPigh ril. Streatham SW Btead NW Kitcher John, 3 Ca!aitl street, Cambrwll BE Knight C. 34 Chelverton road, Putney SW Knight Thos.68Linthorpe rd. Btamforil HlN" Kitchener Herbt. Hy. 81 Clapham rd BW Knight C. Ha, Devonshire nl. Balham SW Knight Thomas Earle, li9 Galveston road!,.. Kitchener Jas. Hy.7 Westbere rd.Hampstd Knight C. B. 19 Trent road, Brixton SW Putney SW Kitchin Henry Brunton M.D. 188 Brockley Knight Charles, 64 Ashmead rd. Deptford Knight W. 13 Brunswick sq.Cambrwell Sll. road, Brockley SE New Town SE Knight W.H.BWellmeadow rd.Lewishm SR Kitchin J. E. 71 Down~ rd.Low.Claptn NE Knight Oha.rles, 8 Rane:agh ga.rdem, Stam­ Knight W. M. 2a Montem rd.Forest Hl S& Kikhin Jsph. 5 Glenluce rd. Blackhth BE fD'I'd Brook avenue, Hammersmith W Knight W. T. 27 Henderson rd.Wandswrta 'Kitchin Miss, 7 Kinver rd.nth. Sydenhm SE Knight Charles,83 Clarendon rd.Putny SW Knight W. T. 51 Mexfield rd. Putney SW Kitching II. 7 De Frene rd. 8ydenham SE Knight David M.D., M.R.C.S. 28 Streat­ Knight Wm. 1'5 Wadema.r av. Fulham SW Kit:ching Mrs·. 9 Lansdawn road, Lea SE ham High road SW Knight Wm. 94 Wickham rd. Brockley SR. Kitchingman Charles, 4o3 Queenswood rd. Knight E. 90 Grantlmm ril. Stockwell SW Knight William Arthur, 12 Turney road,. Forest Hill SE Knight Edgar, 57 Halesworth road, West Dulwich SE Kitchingman E.4Waldemar av.Fulham SW Lewisham SE Knight Willia.m Doug:as, 23 Ribblesdale Kither Jn. E.12 Uffington rd.W.Norwd SE Knight Edward Frederick, 11 Lower com­ rood, Streatham SW Kitson Miss, 34 Hotha.m road, Putney SW mon south, Putney SW Knight Wm.J.60 Oroom's hill,Gr£enwch SR. Kiteon W.8 Forburg rd.Stoke Newingtn N Kn:ght Edward Henry, 16 Underhill road, Knight W1lliam Edward Duncan. 2li Clap. Kitt€1 Theodore- B. V a ne house, Green Ea>t Dnlwich SE ton common, Upper Clapton NE hill, Hampstead NW Knight Edwd. J.86 Manor rd.Brockley SE Knighting Bhillip James, 18 Crgmford rd.. Kitto Charles F.21 Dornton rd.Balham SW Knight Eustace Clement, 3 Rosenthorpe Wandsworth SW Kitto E.S.8 Lordship pk.Stoke Newngtn N road, Peckham SE Knightley F. E.63 Leander rd.Brixton SW ;Kitto Harry, 2 Eltham road, Lee SE Knight F. H.5 Wilderton rd.Stamforil HlN Kuightley Miss, 56 Bethune road, Stok~t­ Kiver Mrs. 28 Shell road, Lewisham SE Knight Frank,49 Fairmount rd.Brixtn SW Newington N JGahre Rudolf, 138 Underhill road, East Knight Frank, 15 Fletching road, Lower Knightley Mr~ 41 Fawnbrake avenue .. Dulwich SE Clapton NE Herne Hill SE Klamborowski Adolf L. 23 Romola roail, Knight Frank, 63 Ramsden rd.Balbam SW Knigtitley Mrs.S.E.73 Prince of Wale-s man- Herne Hill SE Knight G.2 Springfield gdns. Up.Claptn NE sions, Prince of Wales road,Batt~sea ~ 'Kla•son Terence,5Eastbrook rd.B:uckhthS·E Knight G. C. 74 Sternhold o.v.Streathm SW Knightley Thos.E.S Trinity rd.Tulse HlSW }rlein F. 16 .Altenburg ga.rdens, Buttersea Knight G. S.87 Breukspears rd.Brockly SE Knights Arthur,5 Holmleigh rd.PeckhmSE. Rise SW Knight Geo. 82 .Abbeviile rd. Claphm SW Knights Danl. A. 51 Hl'lix rd. Brixton SW' Kleinwort Geo. J. 53 Streatham hill SW Knight Geo.15 av.Herne ID S'E Knignts Edward, 39 Effra rd. Brixton SW Klein Mrs. li5 Elspeth road, Battersea SW Knight Geo. 37 Croxted rd. W.Dulwch SE Knights Edward G. 65 Christohurch road. Klein Philip Fredk.30 Felden st.FulbmSW Knight Geo.18 Parsifal rd.Hampstead NW Streatham SW :Kleinwort .Alexander Drake, 2 The Glebe, Knight George .A. St. :Margaret's, Turney Knights Edward John, 2 .Aldred rd. Mill Grove hill, Camberwell SE road, West Dui ,vjch SE lane, Hampstead NW Kleinwort G.K4 Streatham pl. Strthm SW Knight George Edwin, 31 Ringford, Knights Fredk. 6 Mervan ril. Brixton SW ~leinwort Herman, The Platanes,Cbampion Wandsworth SW Knights Hy. 8 Wellington rd.Peckham SE hill, Camberwell SE Knight Geo.W.lO Malwood rd.Balham SW Knights James Arthur, 64 The Chase~ ;Kleinwort John, 10 Kinfauns road, Tulse Knight H.T.24!J Evering rd. Up.Claptn NF. Clapham SW Hill SW Knight Harry, 26 Vern.ham rd. PlumstPad Knights SI. W. 4 Broxush rd.Battersea SW Klemantaske S. 2 Tanza rd. Hampstrl NW Knight Harry Egerton, 4: Hornsey riEe N Knights Sydney,28 .Ambleside av.StrthmSW. Klernp Edwin,l9 The Circll.3,Greenwich SE Knight Hartley, 31 Colfe rd. Forest HI SE Knights Sidney, Ingomar, Ambleside aven- ;Jrlemperer, 75 Foxbourne road, Knight Hy.12 Hendham rd.Up. 'l'ooting8W Btreatham SW Upper Tooting SW Knight Hy. F. 7 Pandora rd.Hampstd NW Knights Walt.54 Hitherfield rd.Strthm SW Klett Mrs. 33 Grove park, Camberwell SE Knight Henry William Denny, 13 Fern- Knill .Alderman Sir John J.P. South Val& Klieg! John, 126 Elms road, Clapham SW holme road, Peckham SE house, Lee road, Blackheath SE Klienwort .A. 63 Tie-rney rd. Str~atham SW Knight Horace, 81 Sistova rd. Balham SW Knill Dowage.r Lady, The Crosslets, The: Klingerbei"g Charles, 7 Manst<Jne road, Knight J. 4 The LimM, Devonshire road, G,rove, Q,rP.P.nwich SE Hampstead NW Balharn SW Kniverton Edwd. 74 Earlsha.ll rd.Elthm BE: Klingenberg Tjodolf, 5 Holmdale man­ Knight J.C.63Wolfington rd.W.Norwood SE Knoche Chas. 32 West hill, Sydenham SK sions, Holmdale road, Hampstead NW Knight J.E.27 Cazenove rd.Stk.Newngtn N Knock Fdk.J. 19 Rastel\ av. Streatham SN Klinker Hermann, The Rookery, Roe­ Knight J. E:lis, 30 mansions, Knock Geo. 74 Vassal! rd. Nth.Brixtn SW hampton lane SW Prince of Wales road, Buttenea S·W Knock Henry, 15 Gurtmo<Jr ga.-dens,.. :Klitz Charles, 21 IIomsey Rise ~urdens N Knight J. L. H. Glengall house, Codring- Wimbledon SW K:ochffer En!l'ene, 301) Ballium High roail, ton hill, Forest Hill SE Knock Hy. 7 Gartmoor gdns.Wimbledn SW Balliam SW Knight Jas.. 8 Flaxrnan rd. Camberwell SE Knoeker H. M. 107 Upper Richmond rd. Klosz Wm. 37 Platt's la. Humpsteail NW Knight Jas. 187 Gleneldon rd. Strthm S:W Pntnev SW Kluge John Henry, 33 Clspham road SW Knight Jas. 66 Underhill rd.E.Dulwich SE Knolleke Rev. Henry E. 21 Upper Riclr­ Klme R. C. 73 Kirkstall rd. StrPatham SW Knight James Chri.stopher, 168 Upland rd. mond road, Putney SW :Knaggs Rev. James, 76 South Hill park, East Dulwich E·E Knoth .A.Grove ho.Dacres rd.Forest Hl SlJ Hampstead NW Knight James G. 44 Brownswood rd. Fins­ Knott Rev. Arthur Herbert B.A. Vicarag~. Knaggs Mrs. 78 Lyncroft mansions, Lyn­ bury Park N Meeting House lane, Peckham SE crl)ft gardens, Hampstead N W Knight Jas.Hy.58 Mall rd.HammenmithW Knott .Alfred, 8 Patten rd. Wancl.,worth SWJ Knap Conrad, 30 Bishopthorpe road, Knight James Stcphen, 66 Malpas road, Knott .Arthur William, 5 Sussex plac~. Sydenham SE Brockley SE HammerRmith W Knapman Jobn, 59 South Croxted road, Knight John, 125 Sugden rd.Battersea SW Knott Fra3. C. 55 Alderrbrook rd.Balhm SW West Dulwich ~B Knight John C. 21 Trent rd. Brixton SW Knott Francis Edwd. 64 St. John's vil!ll.B;. Knapman John William, 59 Tieathland ril. Knight John Frederick, 81 Tulse hill SW Upper Holloway N Stoke Newington N Knight John Parker, 4: Heath mansions, Knott Frederick,llO Burnt Ash hm,Lee S'B! Xna.pp Ernest, 3 Cambridge mansions, The Mount, H·;illlp~tead NW Knott Fredk.Alphonso,81 Eltham rd.LeeRE. Cambridge road, Bu.ttersea. '2IW Knight Joseph, 106 Taybr:dge road, Knott H. 10 Whittingstall rd. FuTham SW Knapp Fredk. A. 67b, Up. Tulse Rill f':W Lavender hill SW Knott Hy. 145a, Bedford hill, Balbam S'V Knapp Frederick James, 70 Herne Hill Knight Jsph. 161 Upllmil rd.E.Dulwch SE Knott Hy. Jsph. 8 Nelgarde rd.Catford BE road, Herne Hill SE Knight Joseph Charles, 114 Eglinton rd. Knott Henry Willia.m, 126 Kyverdaile rd. Knapp Mrs. E. M. 23 Ilminster gardens, Plnmstead SE Stoke Newington N New Wandsworth SW Knight Miss, 193 Bridge rd. Battersea SW Knott John D. .A. 1 Kingsmead ma<4 Knapp Wm. 12 Dahomey st.Streatham SW Knight Mrs. 6'4 Amhurst pk. Stamford HIN 1'ulse Hill SW :Knapping Miss Helen,28 Blackheath pk SE Knight Mrs. 238 Ba.rry rd. K Dulwich SIE Knott Mrs. 136 Tressillia.n rd.Brockley SE. Knapton George .Arthur, 95 Lunsdowne Knight Mrs. 5 Bartram rd. Brockley SE Knott Reginald, 55 Bloemfontei.D ro~ road, Old Charlton S.O Knight Mrs.

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