April 10, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3059 The people of Connecticut are justly lead the way among confectioners. If AMBER plans, and serve as a nation- proud of their Huskies, who have set an we do our part here in Congress to less- wide point of contact. example for us all with their teamwork en government regulations, to expand The AMBER program is a voluntary and their standards of perfection. I trade opportunities and to lower taxes partnership between law enforcement know this victory was a team effort; to encourage economic growth, we will agencies and broadcasters to activate but we are particularly proud of Maria see more success stories like Just an urgent alert bulletin in serious child Conlon from Derby, Connecticut, of the Born, Inc. abduction cases. The goal of the third congressional district, and Diana Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Just AMBER Alert is to instantly galvanize Taurasi, a fellow daughter of Italian Born and 3 generations of Lehigh Val- the entire community to assist in the immigrants, who was named the Final ley employees for sweetening America. search for, and the safe return of, that Four Most Outstanding Player and f child. Consensus National Player of the Year I am pleased that this legislation CONFERENCE REPORT ON S. 151, after she scored the third most points also authorizes $20 million for fiscal PROSECUTORIAL REMEDIES AND in Division I tournament history, the year 2004 for the Secretary of Transpor- TOOLS AGAINST THE EXPLOI- fourth-most ever in the Final Four, tation to make grants to States for the TATION OF CHILDREN TODAY and tied for second-most ever in a title development or enhancement of notifi- ACT OF 2003 game, all with an aching back, one cation or communication systems good ankle and a heart whose size is Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, by direc- along the highways. I am sure Members only matched by that of the Huskies’ tion of the Committee on Rules, I call have seen those reader board signs. dreams. up House Resolution 188 and ask for its These signs are for alerts and other in- These women have shown that given immediate consideration. formation for the recovery of abducted the resources, they are just as talented The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- children. Doing this will enable all 50 and exciting to watch as any men’s lows: States to implement this life-saving basketball team out there. They are H. RES. 188 program, and we have seen several ex- role models for girls and boys alike Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- amples of it working lately to literally across this Nation, and we should re- lution it shall be in order to consider the save children’s lives. member them as we debate title IX and conference report to accompany the bill (S. For those individuals who would its impact on women in this country. 151) to amend title 18, United States Code, harm a child, we must ensure that pun- with respect to the sexual exploitation of Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the ishment is severe and that sexual pred- Huskies on their championship win and children. All points of order against the con- ference report and against its consideration ators are not allowed to slip through their incredible season. They have the cracks of the system to harm other truly earned this recognition. Go are waived. The conference report shall be considered as read. children. To this end, this legislation Huskies. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. provides a 20-year mandatory min- f LAHOOD). The gentlewoman from North imum sentence of imprisonment for JUST BORN CELEBRATES 5OTH Carolina (Mrs. MYRICK) is recognized stranger abductions of a child under ANNIVERSARY OF PEEPS for 1 hour. the age of 18, lifetime supervision for sex offenders and mandatory life im- (Mr. TOOMEY asked and was given Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, for the prisonment for second-time offenders; permission to address the House for 1 purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- and we all know that is a very common minute and to revise and extend his re- tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman occurrence. marks.) from Texas (Mr. FROST), pending which Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to I yield myself such time as I may con- This responds to the long-standing offer congratulations to the confec- sume. During consideration of this res- concerns of Federal judges and prosecu- tioners at Just Born, Incorporated, as olution, all time yielded is for the pur- tors regarding the inadequacy of the they celebrate the 50th anniversary of pose of debate only. existing supervision period for sex of- one of their most recognized and cele- Yesterday the Committee on Rules fenders, particularly for the perpetra- brated products, not to mention my met and granted a ‘‘normal’’ con- tors of child sexual abuse crimes, daughter’s favorite, Marshmallow ference report rule for S. 151, the Pros- whose criminal conduct may reflect Peeps. ecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to deep-seated deviant sexual disorders, Just Born, with their Peeps, is a end the Exploitation of Children Today and they are not likely to disappear great American manufacturing success Act of 2003, or the PROTECT Act. within a few years of release from pris- story. Over a billion Peeps are pro- The rule waives all points of order on. duced each year by Just Born’s 400-plus against the conference report and Furthermore, S. 151 removes any employees. Their candies are exported against its consideration. Mr. Speaker, statute of limitation and opportunity to over 30 countries, making them this should not be a controversial rule. for pretrial release for crimes of child available to over 1.5 billion people It is the type of rule that we grant for abduction and sex offenses. Oftentimes worldwide. every conference report that we con- it is years later that sex offenses come Innovation and dedicated employees sider in the House. to light because a child is afraid to have really been the source of the suc- The PROTECT Act sends a clear mes- speak out. That is why this conference cess of this company. Just Born was sage to those who prey upon children report is so important. Not only does it founded in 1923 in New York City by that if they commit these crimes, they come to the aid of the children after Samuel Born, a Russian immigrant. will be punished. This legislation pro- the abduction with the AMBER Alert, The company moved to Bethlehem, vides stronger penalties against kid- it aims to prevent the abduction with Pennsylvania, in 1932 and under the napping, ensures lifetime supervision the provisions I just mentioned. leadership of Bob Born, Samuel’s son, of sexual offenders and kidnappers of I also want to applaud the conferees Just Born acquired a candy company in children, gives law enforcement the for including legislation authored by 1953 which manufactured by hand a tools it needs to effectively prosecute the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. small line of 3–D marshmallow prod- these crimes, and provides assistance PENCE) that would punish those who ucts. The innovative Bob Born mecha- to the community when a child is ab- use misleading domain names to at- nized the process of making Peeps and ducted. tract children to sexually explicit dramatically increased the quantity of To accomplish this, S. 151 establishes Internet sites. It accomplishes this Peeps manufactured each year. Peeps an AMBER Alert coordinator within goal by increasing the penalties and once took 27 hours to make, they now the Department of Justice to assist provides prosecutors with enhanced take 6 minutes. States with their AMBER Alert plans. tools to prosecute those seeking to lure It is this innovative, entrepreneurial This coordination will eliminate gaps children to porn Web sites. As a mother spirit, and great workers that make in the network, including gaps in inter- and grandmother, it is hard for me to American manufacturers the best in state travel, work with States to en- understand how anyone can prey on a the world, and Just Born continues to courage development of additional defenseless child. VerDate Jan 31 2003 06:18 Apr 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.009 H10PT1 H3060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2003 Therefore, I urge my colleagues to Crime ranking member, the gentleman further protection for our Nation’s support the rule and support the under- from Virginia (Mr. SCOTT), who have children by allowing youth-serving lying bill. It is imperative for our Na- been extraordinarily helpful through- nonprofit organizations such as the tion to protect our most valuable re- out this process. I also thank my friend Boys and Girls Club, the National source, our children. and colleague, the gentlewoman from Council for Youth Sports, and the Na- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Washington (Ms. DUNN), who joined tional Mentoring Group to request na- my time. with me to introduce the AMBER bill tional fingerprint background checks Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- in the House, and of course Senators in the absence of State laws providing self such time as I may consume. KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON, DIANE FEIN- such access. (Mr. FROST asked and was given per- STEIN, and HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON However, since the Volunteers for mission to revise and extend his re- have done a marvelous job leading the Children Act was enacted in 1998, only marks.) effort in the Senate. a very few States have complied with Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, by passing Outside of the Congress, much credit this law.
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