PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI COVER PAGE SYNCRETISM AS REFLECTED IN YANN MARTEL’S LIFE OF PI A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) in English Language Studies by Mutmainnah Sitta Zumala Student Number: 136332042 THE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2018 i PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thesis writing is a journey and in my journey I am grateful to have such great companies. Thus, I would like to thank them all. I thank Allah Almighty who always loves me and bless me withhealth, patience, strength, spirit, happiness, beautiful family, great friends, and wealth. To Ibu and Bapak, thank you for having raised me with a lot of love, support, patience, sacrifice, and trust. May both of you rest in peace together with other people who receive Allah’s salvation. To my husband, Danang, whose love showers me with happiness, comfort, and protection, thank you very much. Your understanding, trust, and support help ease my efforts in finishing this thesis. To my daughters, Tabita and Aneira, thank you for being my babies, friends, teachers, and competitors. Your arrivals have completed my happiness of sharing my life with your father. To Hendrian, my son in-law, thank you for becoming my happiness by making Tabita happy. Please love and protect her, the jewel of my heart. Being the last child of six children means receiving constant love and support from older brothers and sisters. In this occasion, I would like to express my thankful heart and love to Yu Binti and Mas Farid, the late Mas Amin and Mbak Yuni, Yu Saroh and Lek Solichin, Yu Adah and Mas Yanto, as well as Mas Arif and Mbak Atun. To all of my nieces and nephews, thank you for your love. Keep believing in yourselves and working hard in reaching your dreams. To Amira, Kenzhi, Kenizha, Rendra, Arsyilla, Razka, Arza, and Dzaki, thank you for being cute and entertaining. Be brave, kind, and strong. vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI My deepest gratitude is to Romo Patrisius Mutiara Andalas, SJ for your sincere and never ending assistance, dedication, understanding, and patience. Your companionship is never ending and full of advice, suggestions, and support. I will always remember your saying that the world belongs to the people who do not have time. To Mr. Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D., thank you for your patience, cooperation, shared knowledge, and understanding as well as support for this old student who has been trying to pursue a postgraduate degree, me. It is always great to be in your class and be poured with various thoughts, perspectives, and analysis about literary works and literature. To my teachers; Dra. A. B. Sri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D., Dra. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A. (Hons), Ph. D., F.X. Mukarto, Ph. D., Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A., Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M. A., Dr. Albertus Budi Susanto, SJ., and Prof. Dr. C. Bakdi Soemanto – may he rest in peace, thank you for the learning experiences, given advices, shared knowledge, assistance, cooperation, and hospitality given to me during my study. To Mbak M. M. Sumarni with her constant helpfulness dealing with administration, thank you. I wish you’re always blessed with health, patience, wealth, and happiness. My deep gratitude also goes to all students of Sanata Dharma University from ELS Batch 2013 who came both as blessings and lessons by being themselves. Roam the world and find your happiness. To my Sudra Mates: Ani, Daisy, Dani, Dilla, Luluk, Marga, Tama, Toriq, and Uke, all of you are the center of my happiness outside my home. Thank you for your love, support, laughter, and insanity that keep me sane. To Tama, I thank him deeply for his technical vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI support and assistance as well; providing books and assisting this digital immigrant with matters that deal with computer, internet,and technology. Mutmainnah Sitta Zumala viii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PAGE OF DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to Danang, Tabita, and Aneira – the center of my universe – who always love and believe in me. ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE ....................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ............................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................... vi PAGE OF DEDICATION ................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... xii ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I........................................................................................................... 1 A. Background of The Study ............................................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................................ 7 C. Objectives of The Study.................................................................................... 8 D. Scope and Limitation......................................................................................... 8 E. Definition of Terms ............................................................................................ 9 F. Research Methodology.................................................................................... 12 G. Thesis Structure................................................................................................ 12 CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................... 14 A. Review of Related Studies and Theories..................................................... 14 B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 29 CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 32 A. Influential People Around Pi’s Life ............................................................. 32 1. The Secular People ............................................................................... 33 2. The Religious People ............................................................................ 39 B. Pi’s Religious Practices and Experiences.................................................... 42 C. Pi’s Negotiation Between His Secular Upbringing and Religious Commitment..................................................................................................... 52 CHAPTER IV...................................................................................................... 59 A. Pi’s Religious Identity ..................................................................................... 59 x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI B. The Representation of Syncretism in Life of Pi......................................... 60 1. Syncretism in Islam .............................................................................. 66 C. The Representation of Multiple Identity in Self........................................ 70 D. The Representation of Multiple Identity in Beatrice and Virgil ............ 75 CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 81 REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 96 xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT Zumala, Mutmainnah Sitta Zumala. 2017. Syncretsim as Reflected in Life of Pi. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies of Graduate Level, Sanata Dharma University. This research illustrates syncretism in a novel entitled Life of Pi. In this novel, a young man who was born in a secular family as a Hindu is depicted to have found peace in other religions also; Christianity and Islam. Because of his unusual practices, he receives criticism, mockery, and objections from family, friends, and even from the leaders of the three religions he believes. His practices are considered syncretistic and sinful. The research aimed at explaining the negotiation between his secular upbringing and religious commitment as well as whether his negotiation represents syncretism. The primary source of the research is a novel of Life of Pi by Yann Martel. The analysis of the study is also supported by the data collected from Yann Martel’s two other novels; Beatrice and Virgil, and Self, also various books, journals, online articles as well as The Holy Qur’an. The data help understand the concepts of religion, syncretism, God, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam,secularism, negotiation, and upbringing. In the research, the theme of syncretism is approached through Dominic Umoh’s theory of syncretism. Other scholars’ theories are also used to sharpen the analysis. Negotiation can occur between someone with another
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