CENT I * * * PAY NO MORE! NEWSPAP~ 2 WORLD'S ~!~U rilrutt~ INAL IREG. U. S. PAT. OFFICE. COPYRIGHT 190 THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF IN CHICAGO ELSEWHER~ FRIDAY, JANUARY 1942.-38 PAGES 'XWO SECTIONS-SECTION ONE TWO CENTS AND SUBURBS 'XHREE CENTS VOLUME CI.-NO. 8 C BY THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE. 1 9, * Navy Reveals Story OF Defenders, JAP' Losses: 7 Warships IHOUSE DIVESTS U.S.SEAVICTORIES GOING TO HAVE A LOT OF TROUBLE WITH THE WEATHER FROM NOW ON DAY BY DAY EPIC U. S. SUBMARINE HIGHLIGHT DAY'S OF 'LAST STAND' LA GUARDIA OF NEWS OF THE WAR ON PACIFIC ISLE SINKS 4 MORE Developments yesterday on all [Chicago Tribune Prell ServIce.) EFENSE POWER war fronts of the world: Washington D. C., Jan. 8.-A day OF FOE'S CRAFT An American submarine of the to day diary of the epic battle at Asiatic fleet has sunk a Japanese Wake Island by marine corps land and sea forces, written under Japa- Virtually Tells Him transport and three enemy cargo nese fire by Maj. Walter Bayler, one ships totaling 30,000 tons, the of the defenders, was released today Bags Transport, 3 to Resign. na vy department announced. by the navy department. Another postscript was added The diary covers the period from Cargo Vessels. Dec. 8 to Dec. 20. Pre sum a b 1y to the story of the 14 day defense BY WILLARD EDWARDS. Wake fell on Dec. 22. Maj. Bayler's of Wake Island when official re- (Picture. on PAGE 2 AND BACK page.) [Chlralfo Trlbnne Pre •• Servlr •. l report was flown to Hawaii in a navy Washington, D. C., Jan. 8.-A signal ports disclosed that the Japanese patrol bomber the night of Dec. 20. [Chicalfo Tribune Press Service.] Washington, D. C., Jan. 8.-A de- rebuke to Mayor Fiorello La Guardia German-type twin engined, twin- had lost off Wake a total of seven fense of American soil that will take of New York City, who has be••n tailed land bombers were used by warships-a destroyer and a gun- its place in history with the nation's acting as national director of civilian --:--- the Japanese most often in the raids, Ilefense activities, was administered boat added to the list of a cruiser, ';r-- - t greatest military exploits was re- the major wrote in a footnote to the vealed in full tonight in a navy com- by the house in a series of votes submarine, and three destroyers diary. He said they resembled Nazi munique that told a dramatic story of today. La Guardia was in effect previously reported. -- Dornier craft and cruised at :.60 Wake Island's valiant defenders. The kicked out of his Washington job by ,,---- knots [180 miles] an hour. The Jap- report also disclosed that seizure of the ballots and told to go home. Add to Saga of Wake. anese planes always held a "line of the important Pacific base after a two The vote showed La Guardia, who A newly received diary and re- has carried the Republican label dur- division V's in close formation," he week siege cost the Japs a total of ports of officers commanding the ing most of his political career, op- said, and showed excellent air dis- seven warships, adding a destroyer and a gunboat to the cruiser, sub- posed by 139 Republicans, 46 Demo- Wake defenders added more de- cipline. marine, and three destroyers previ- crats and 2 Progressives. Lined up tails to the heroic story of the de- Maj. Bayler's Report. for his continuance in office were 162 ously reported. ferse of the Pacific outpost. The dramatic diary reads: Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 1 In addition, the navy announced ••Dec. 8-7 a. m, [Wake is west of American Laborite. In the Philippines, American that an American submarine of the international date line and thus was Asiatic fleet had sunk a Japanese Administration Tries Hard. forces withstood varying enemy one day ahead of Honolulu]-Re- transport and three cargo vessels to- Vainly, administration 1e a d e r s pressure as Gen. Douglas Mac- C::==>Rfk-o ceived word bombing Oahu. All taling 30,000 tons. Neither the time pleaded with members that La .. Arthur prepared his defenses for forces alerted. At 11:58 a. m, 24 Jap nor the place of the action was given. Guardia be empowered in a bill to a big scale Japanese assault. bombers on northern course hit air- ••pend $100,000,000••for the adequate President Cites 385 Men• Invading Japanese reached the drome in close formation of division The communique detailing Wake's protection of persons and property ••V's" from 3,000 feet. Used 100 from bombing attacks, sabotage, and halfway mark in their drive down defense included a citation of the NEWS SUMMARY pound fragmentation bombs and island's garrison of 385 men by Presi- other war hazards." In stubborn the Malayan peninsula toward simultaneous straffing. Casualties: 25 Milk DelIverIes of the Tribune MystEry LOver dent Roosevelt. mood, the chamber insisted upon giv· dead, 7 wounded. Seven airplanes ing the secretary of war instead of Singapore. Fighting centered on The cool courage of the men who (And Hrsrorical Scrap Book) burned, destroyed. the director of civilian defense Kuala Lumpur, the rubber capital stood off overwhelming enemy forces on EvEry Other Friday, January 9, 1942. Finds Divorcee ••Dec. 9-11:45 a. m. 26 Japs authority to supervise the protection under the most dilllcult conditions of the world, 240 miles north of bombed hospital camp No.2. Three of the nation. was compared by the navy with the the British base on the west coast. dead. Got one Jap plane. On an amendment abolishing the Day PropOsED WAB SITUATION. SPORTS. Suicide, Flees valor of the Americans who fought at 01llce of Civilian Defense created by Tokio said the Japanese had" in- For summary of action on all war Hawks whip Canadiens, 5-1; game Jap Forces Attempt to Land. Bunker Hill and other battles that executive order of President Roose- filtrated" to the rear of Kuala fronts see cOlumn :J!, this page. ends in flght. Page 27. "Dec. 10-10:45 a. m, '.l:1 Jap are cherished pages in the nation's Daily deliveries of milk to the door- WASHINGTON. Louis faces Buddy Baer in 15 round (Pictur. on JIG •• S.) bombers. No casualties. velt May 20, 1941,and designating the Lumpur's defenses and that the history. war department as the new regulator steps of Chicago consumers may be- House votes v I r t u a !1Y kick La battle tonight. Page 27. While her two canaries sang in ••Dec. 11-5 a. m, Landing attempt The reference to Bunker Hill, the of civilian defense, the house first, British had retreated 30 miles to come a thing of the past if a sugges- Guardia out of defense job. Page 1. Willie Hoppe opens defense of three their cages, a pretty 19 year old by 12 Jap ships, including light cruis- navy said, was pertinent in the ex- on a standing vote, declared itseif in the south. tion by the 01llce of Production Man- U. S. officials predicted war with cushion billiard title tonight. Page 27. brunette, thwarted in love, killed her- ers, destroyers, gunboats, two troop treme because the marines, manning favor, 110 to 58. Another standing agement, made yesterday in Washing- axis last fall. Page 8. Americans score four goals in last self in her room at 3206 Maypole ave- or supply ships. Jap casualties: ••. light naval shore guns on the island, vote decided, 103 to 73, that an addi- U. S. Flyers Raid Bangkok. ton, is carried out. Order distilleries to make commer- period; beat Wings, 5-4. Page 29. nue last night a few hours before One light cruiser, two destroyers, one adopted the famous tactics used by The OPM asked the newly formed tional assistant secretary of war Five American volunteer flyers cial alcohol for powder. Page 9. FEATURES. her mystery lover called to see her. gunboat, two bombers. Note: Japs. the Revolutionary war troops. The dairy industries committee, composed should carryon La Guardia's job. A Senate restores curb on powers in Radio page. Page 17. She was Ruth Limbach. a divorcee. closed in to 4,700yards [approximate- marines allowed Japanese landing in the force defending the Burma of milk company officials from many teller vote was demanded. The count price control bill. Page 12. Crossword puzzle. Page 6. The method she chose to end her ly 2%. miles] before the 5 and 3 inch forces to approach until they could road bombed airdromes near states, who went to the capital to was 113 to 85. LOCAL. The Inquiring Camera Girl. Page 10. life saved the lives of the canaries, guns opened up at point blank range. almost see the" whites of their eyes" confer on defense problems with gov- Still Against La Guardia. Bangkok in the second raid in 24 OPM urges fewer milk deliveries Food news and recipes. Page 21. which are peculiarly sensitive to [Navy experts say 3 miles is con· before blasting a landing attempt at ernment officials, to consider the Democratic leaders sent out for hours on the Japanese dominated to save tires, trucks. Page 1. Society. Page 23. gases. She had fitted two bath towels sidered point blank range tor 5 inch Wake on Dec. 11. "every other day" delivery system into a tight hood around her head, recruits and demanded a roll call on capital of Thailand (Siam). They Mystery lover calls on divorcee, Front Views and Profiles.
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