; r- jt" ,l;r..^^r.; I , Page Twenty-two THE CRANEORD. CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAYrUABCH 30, 1950 ——BE III I Ii-Y Follies Plays ^ Announce Winners Firemen Receive Call 'Academy Award9 ^ Four Local Residents Chest X-rays To Visit Nursing Home Cranford Day 4 , 7 0 0 Plans" to visit the Brookside To the Colors! In Bridge League For Automobile Blaze Watches Ori Display Picked for Jury Duty Dr. Herman C. Rodgers, assistant The Cranjford Day „„, Po Capacity Audiences physician at Bonnie Burn Sana- Nursing Home on Wednesday were will meet tonight at 8 30 in Scores were close Friday night Battery wires which caught fire The new Bulova "Academy The names of four Cranford made this week at a'meeting of nicipal Court at the poii COPIES ONWARD in the Playing to full houses last Fri- residents have been picked for a torium,. Scotch. Plains, told of the ce in the duplicate game of the Cran- in an automobile owned by Charles Award" watches will go on display Girl Scout Troop 37 at the home quarters. All clubs are ir Net Press Run lay and Saturday nights in the panel Jfromj^ich_petttjiuxra_will importance for chest X-rays at a JranfortfHlgh School auditorium, Bennett of—302—Edgar avenue meeting-Monday-night in Calvary -of-its-leader, JVIrs.- A~WeekV 38 send jspresentatives.- Mrs 'ET -° I Attack on for Bridge Leagueir'WinnerS in the Cranford and Westfleld stores be selected for the term of county TODAY'S ISSUE he fifth annual presentation of the brought out the local fire depart- Lutheran Church., His talk en- Broad street Patty Castaldo is A. Koyen is chairman in (" section one were Mr. and Mrs. W. of Martin Jewelers, it was an-courts scheduled to begin April arrangements. Cranford ligh school Hi-Y Clubsl ^Sadie ment to the lower end of Richmond titled, "Prevention of Tuberculo- patrol leader. Other officers hi' CANCER! Scheumann and W. A. Carroll and nounced by Howard M. Sjegel, 10. Making the drawings for the dude ' Claire Kirkman, treasurer, be observed June 9 in ind Emma Follies" held the aud- avenue following an alarm at 9:16 county panel of 100 were Sheriff sis," was in conjunction 'with a !••• W. F. Herzog, all' of Cranford. proprietor. '•'..• chest X*xay program held by theand Eileen Liddy, secretary- • Park. to- •• ence throughout each of the three- a. m. Tuesday, according to Fire Charles E. Ayers and Jury Com- o A R woo D CRANF O RD KENIL^ORTH Runners-up" were Mr. and Mrs: ' According to the local jewelry Board of Health. The Cranford LOUT programs. Although' receipts Chief Howard G. Schindler. The firm "never before has sucb^ in- missioner William A. Bourdon. Kerosene uunpt ti. W. Heinhart and Mrs. W. Coles Council of Church Women and the the fpllles had not been com- blaze was extinguished with no spired beauty been combined Cranford residents chosen were: Shipping Vegetables The kerosene temp, hi iletely totaled »at mid-week, high- Union County Tuberculosis ana W ch CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, 'and Mrs. C Preston, also of-Cran- damage reported to the car. ' - Charlotte-G,-Schroeder, —15 Vacuum cooling offers an ex- Into use shortly after tfce.dbc y~sSlsfactory results are antici- Health League, Inc., -sponsored the tremely promising method for con- ford. Firemen received alarms for Among the most distinctive fea- North avenue, east; Eugene N, meeting. of petroleum In 1859, wa, lated. tures of the new watches are theSnyder, 209 North avenue, west; ditioning "certain vegetables for ably the first UghUng Cranford Tax Rate Particularly well received on the In section two,.the winners were grass fires during the past week shipment, recent tests by plant Art Exhibit Planned which included; 12:15 p. m. Sat- al*: Designed with alternating Mrs. Inez L. Schoenfeld, 115 Hill- ment'in 8,000 years. Girl Scouts If You Move After May irogram was the interpretation •'by Mr. and Mrs. K. F, Rodgers, of : scientist^- of the U.S, department Sixth from Lowest Cranford and L. Dughi of Roselle urday, vacant lot at the aid of dark and light lines, the manner crest- =a venue; and---Charles --• C. ^ Production; ~^=- ~r : lamps are.atill,widely A. ^i|w5;\..: By Wednesday Club boys ballet group of a modern Kolbe, 19 West End place. of agriculture show. Cranfofd's tax rate for this year O.K. Permits for and T:- Gross of Newark. Run- Adams avenue; 4:04 p. m. Sunday, in which they reflect light gives a World aoybean production.- for cations where neither electridw The Wednesday Morning Club lance. Those in the dance were: shimmering and beautiful newel- nor lUumlnatlng gas is avaUai,£ .will be $5.19 per $100 of assessed Don't ^ ners-up were N. J. Rodgers of open fields at the end of Orange U49 is estimated at 301.7 million 1 will hold its seventeenth annual lharles Argento, Harry Brittori, like brilliance. The case and Uranhun Proapectora Keeping Onions Join Cancer Roselle and J. H. Wolfsie krf Lin-avenue; and 4:27* p. m. Sunday, bushels, 10 per cent below the rec- valuation, the sixth lowest in the If you plan to move any tangi- Promoted art exhibit April 23-26 in the lichael Cipolla, Frank DiTullio, watch band or bracelet blend to- " Modern-day prospectors use an Onions do not keep /"well in a - Sheep VacclnaUon erty to be moved, and the ad- den, and G. Bailey of Rahwsy and open fields at the end of Blopm- ord harvest of 1948. Smaller crops,, county, according to figures re- dresses from which and to which, township rooms. Mrs. Ralph S. ohn Gaffney, George Molson, Pet- gether perfectly, achieving a electronic gadget called a Gelger are reported for the United States, heated. room or basement," they VacdnaUon gives sheep ble personal property from one Boyd is chairman and Mrs. James 37 New Homes r Schalestock, AJex Stesenko, and R. P. Graber of WestfleJd. ingdale avenue. No «inmagf» i counter to aid them In finding de- leased this week by the Union the property is to be taken. No suited from - these blazes. Chief stunning over-all effect The lad-, China, and. several of the minor' prefer temperatures slightly above 100 per cent protecUon |Fund Drive place to another within the town- B. Waddill,. co-chairman, of the larcel Tretout. The next meeting will, be April posits of radium-active uranium. "sore mouth." . charge is made for the permit, but To Sergeant Schindler said. ies'-watches are exquisitely dainty; producing countries. the freezing point County Board of Taxation. Cran- ship or move it out\pf the town- project Also singled out as being of 14 in the parish house at Trinity the men's smartly masculine. all personal taxes must have been ford's, rate for 1949 was $5 per $100. ship, you will first'be required to paid before tha permit will be ' All local and out-of-town artists Town Offices, Library Two Store Buildings, pedal appeal to the audience were Church. have been asked to submit their everal electric organ selections by 300 Girls to Conduct While 11 municipalities showed obtain a moving permit from the issued. Applications.-lor-permits Patrolmqn Named To Qose Good Friday Addition Approved^ Dramatic dub Plans' decreases this^year. Finance Com- may be made between 9 a. m. and work, Friday, April 21 from 9 ohn Sloat and a' comedy act orig- Wins Patent tax. collector's "office, under .terms a. m. to 9 p. m., when paintings Municipal offices, the public lating right in the audience be- Trinity Choir Performs Benefit with Kiwanis Richard F. Robey of 409 Orange 'Tag Day' Project missioner John V. Nostrand point- 4 p. m on any' day except Satur- To Fill Vacancy $330,000 Valuations ed out yesterday that Cranford used of an ordinance adopted on final will be hung in the township library, and banks will "be ween Bruce MacClory and Donald The Cranford Dramatic Club avenue, a member of the staff of days, Sundays and holidays. closed all day tomorrow, Building permits were approved In Princeton Service Daily in Tttwnship less of its surplus than most towns. reading by the Township Commit- In Police Department rooms, •'•'-' I \ lutz. will present, "See How They. the chemical division of the Stan- Cranford Girl Scouts have joined Violations may result in fines up Good Friday, but stores are for 37 one-family dwellings, two A service of special Lenten mu- The township's cash position re- tee Tuesday night. o $50 or imprisonment up to 90 Patrolman Archie G. Bird of 530 The exhibit will open at a tea store, buildings and one addition Following a girls' Hawaiian Run," a three-act comedy by dard Oil Development Company, the community-wide organization on . April 23. Mrs. E. Ellesmere expected to remain open. The sic and evensong was presented has been awarded a joint United mains very good, he pointed out, days or both. ; Orchard street, "a member of the by the Township Committee Tues- lusical routine, Alex Stesenko, at- Sunday by the combiried choirs of Philip King, May 26 and 27 under for the educational program and While the ordinance became ef- Cranford Police Department for 21 McKeig, chairman, will be assisted local branch - of the Union States patent for'a method of in- and should be improved during County Trust Company, how- day night, marking one of the most ired in appropriate garments right Trinity Church and Christ Church; sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club. fund collection' "marking Cancer fective immediately after adoption, years, was promoted to the rank by Mrs.
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