In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Four- Star All-American Ne wspaper 25 years of · and a National Pacemaker A spectacular women and Spectrum athletics showing for Joel page B4 page B3 FREE FRIDAY Elderly UD benefit or Newark local burden? woman When the new student center raped comes, it's the end of the road. BY BRIAN HICKEY Actually, the end of two roads. City News Editor Police are presently grappling BYUM MILLER instead of on the sidewalk. with another unsolved rape, as Staff Reporter Hollowell , however, said the another suspect remains on the The university moved a step university is willing to negotiate loose after an assault earlier this closer to constructing a new student with the city on this issue. week. center on Main Street and South Other conditions of the resolution An elderly Newark woman was College Ave. with Monday' s city require th e university to compensate raped Tuesday night in her council meeting. the city for lost parking meters on apartment on the 200 block of E. Newark City Council voted 6 to 1 the south side of Main Street in front Park Place, Lt. Alexander von to give control of two city streets to of Dougherty Hall_and to address Koch, of the Newark Police, said. the university. traffic problems whi ch could be The suspect is described as a The effected streets, Darlington created by a proposed four-level black male of medium weight and and Church Lanes, are located in the parking garage on th e site. height, and was last seen wearing a parking lot surrounding Dougherty Residents at the meeting voiced gray hooded sweatshirt, police said. Hall and The Abbey, which is the concerns that the proposed garage An estimate of the suspects age proposed site for the new center._ would increase traff ic flow on was not disclosed by Newark The meeting generated three Orchard Road, further clog up an Police. hours of discussion between city already overcrowded intersection on The victim, whose age is not officials, university administrators Main Street and South College being disclosed, was home alone in and Newark citizens who were A venue, as well as being an eye-sore her apartment around 10:15 when concerned about the inc reased on Main Street. the unknown suspect broke into the vehicle and pedestrian traffic the The university plans to alleviate residence, police said. student center will create. traffic problems by installing a Although the suspect did not The new plan requires the traffic light at North College Avenue brandish a weapon, he sexually university to find a way to control and Main Street, and by running a assaulted the victim, and then bound the potential traffic problems. one-way street from East Main her by her wrists and ankles prior to The expected problems include a Street to West Delaware Avenu e. fleeing the scene, von Koch said. fence on the south side of Main One resident, Frances Hart, of The rapist, also robbed the Street and an elaborate crosswalk 257 W . Main St., proposed victim, taking an undisclosed system to keep students from constructing the student center on amount of U.S. currency, police crossing in the middle of the the Hollingsworth Parking lot area said. intersection. on North College Ave. across from After the suspect fled the house, Newark residents, however, were the Down Under. the victim was able to loosen herself skeptical about the university being "North College Avenue does not enough to get to the telephone and able to find a way to effectively have the current amount of traffi c call 911 , police said. control the paths of pedestrian that Main Stree t has," so Von Koch said there will students in an already overcrowded constructing the student center on probably not be a composite sketch area. this lot would be less congestive to drawn of the suspect, because the University chemistry professor local traffic, she said._ victim was not able to get a good and Newark resident Ed Schweizer Hart added that the visual effect enough look at him to enable her to said: "It doesn't matter where you of Old College, the North Mall and describe him. put your crosswalks. If there's a Doughert y Hall , all old-fashioned Von Koch said this rape is in no straight way, they (the students) will brick or stone buildings, would be way connected to the serial rapist, use it." destroyed by a modem buil ding. because, although there is no David E . Hollowell, the Counci lman Olan T homas composite available, the serial rapist university' s senior vice president, reminded the citi zens that since the is known to be a white male. said the school accepts all of the university is not required to adhere The serial rapist has been linked city's requirements, except the fence to c ity zoning c od es, the to at least eleven area rapes, along Main Street because it will construction of the facilities is up to including two that occurred in THE REVIEW I ).Hollada endanger students welfare by the university, not the council. Newark: a July 1990 incident that DID YA HAIR HIM? Lenny Kravitz- dreads and all- tore up the Bob Carpenter Center forcing them to walk in the street see STUDENT CENTER page A6 occurred in Towne Court Apartments and a November 1991 with Blind Melon Tuesday in front of an amped capacity crowd. See story, Bl . see RAPE page A6 Millions affected Penn State lights up pot issue by toxic water BY LAUREN MEDNICK will be further revised to clarify just what the longer than underage, first-time, al cohol offenders. BY 8ACHEL CERICOLA "Think Before You Drink," says that Staff R.eporter sanctions are and how the guidelines are to be This rule sparked Penn State's student branch of Assislanl f nlertairment Editor cancer-causing agents, such as arsenic, Marijuana laws at Pennsylvania State University used." the National Organization for the Reformation of What was once known as one of the bacteria and other viruses, are abundant were revised last week in response to a growing The old guidelines in Penn State's Disciplinary Marijuana Laws (NORM!..) to bring the proposal to purest, most refreshing things on Earth in public water supplies. number of students who believed the previous the student senate for consideration. In the spring of could now be causing major health The Council blames outdated policy was too strict for first-time offenders. 1992, three members of NORML met with Penn problems. treatment facilities and lax government In April 1992, election results indicated that 51 • See editorial, Al7 State's Policy Committee. More than 120 million people are enforcement on Environmental percent of Penn State students felt the university's A resolution was passed by the student Senate being affected each year by micro­ Prol.ection Agency (EPA) standards. current marijuana laws were too harsh for System Manual refers to all drugs as "narcotics or and, eventuall y, a new marijuana policy was born at organisms and toxic chemicals in the The report, which analyzes EPA possession of less than 30 grams. dangerous drugs." Penn State. nation's drinking water, a report records, states that between 1991 and Pat Peterson, assistant vice president for student The policy gave drug offenders one full The new ordinance stipulates that first-time released earlier this week by The 1992, over 250,000 violations of the affairs at Penn State said, "The present sanctions academic year of probation, which is one semester Natural Resources Defense Council Safe Drinking Water Act were found in see MARIJUANA pa_ge A4 (NRDC) states. The NRDC's release, . the United States. The Safe Drnking Water Act requires water systems to be tested regularly for quality, and any contaminalio events must be reported to Little Red alcoholic!? consumers. The NRDC 's repon also fmds non­ BY !EN DORAN Del Fattore, who is opposed wine to her grandmother and it community water systems, which include hospitals, hotels and schools, Staff Reporter to censorship, attended makes grandmother feel better," contribute another 10,000 violations Allowing children to read conservative and liberal she said. "Little Red Riding Hood" can extremist conventions for Along with many literary because of the lack of regulation of the bacteria lead them to alcoholism. background information in her classics, science and m a1h Even though the Safe Drinking "Goldilocks and the Three book "What Johnny Can ' t books were also altered to Water Act is currentl y under Bears" shows children the finer Read". satisfy both left-wing and ri ght­ points of breaking and entering "After listening to a day and wing extremists, she said. advisement by the Clinton administration, the EPA published a into strangers' homes. a half of pure hatred at a Right-wing extremi sts English Professor Dr. conservative extremist believe there is a right way to statement assuring that Am erican Joan Del Fattore said these are convention, I was so upset that I live and it must be in drinking water is "among the safest in the world ." just a few of the childhood had to take a long walk to calm accordance with God and the But percent of violati ons across classics that have been targeted down," Del Fattore said. Bible, and it's the educational 63 by censors during her lecture on "Little Red Riding Hood was system's job to reinforce these the country are never reported to accused of promoting THE REVIEW n.Hollada consumers, the NRDC repon reads. In educational censorship ideals, she said.
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