Algorithmic cultures & Machinic Creolization @nicolasnova – 18 septembre 2018 (Drawing by Chris Gash) A+. A#. Abap. Abc. Action! . ActionScript. Actor. Ada. Afnix. Agena. Aldor. Aleph. Algae. Algo. Algol. Alma-0. Alphard. Altran. AmigaE. Ampl. Ani. Anubis. Dadabot—An Introduction to Machinic Creolization ........ 005 ApeScript. Apl. AppleScript. APT. Arduino. ARS. Asm.js. AspectJ. ATLAS. Autocode. AutoIt. Averest. Awk. Axiom. Bash. Basic. BAL. BCPL BeanShell. Beta. ........ 011, 021, 027, 031, 049, 053, 059, 075, 079, 097, 101, 107 Bigwig. Bistro. Bliss. Blocky. BODOL. Boo. Bourne shell. Bpel. C--. C++. C#. C Shell. Caché ObjectScript. Caml. Cayenne. Cecil . CeeBot. Ceylon. CFScript. Cg. ..................................................................123,127, 149, 155, 195, 291 Charity. CHILL. CHR. Chrome. ChucK.m Cilk. Clarion. Clay. Clean. Clipper. Clojure. Clu. Cobol. CobolScript. Code. CofeeScript. ColdFusion. Comal. Component Pascal. Comit. Cool. Coral66. Corn. Cowsel. Crack. Csh. See C Shell. Curl. Curry. Cyclone. Databus. Dart. DCL. Delphi. Dibol. Disco. DRAKON. Dylan. ECMAScript. Edinburgh IMP. Eifel. Elan. elastiC. Elixir. Elm. EGL. Epigram. Erlang. Esterel. Euclid. Euphoria. Euler. Exec. F#. Fabric. Factor. Fantom. Felix. Ferite. FL. Flow-Matic. Focal. Focus. Foil. Forth. Fortran. Fortress. FP. Frink. Gams. Gml. Go. Godiva. Goedel. Gosu. GPSS. Groovy. Hack. Halide. Hal/S. HaScript. Haskell. Heron. HLA. Hugo. HyperTalk. H2o.IALICI. Icon. IDL. IMP. Inform. IPL. Intercal. IO. IswimJ. Java. JavaFX Script. JavaScript. JCL. Jif. Joss. Joule. Jovial. Joy. Essay JSP. JScript. Julia. Jython. Kid. Kiev. Kogut. Kotlin. LabView. Lagoona. Lava. Leda. Lexico. Lfyre. Limbo. Linc. LinearML. Lingo: Macromedia Lingo, Lingo Allegro, Linn Lingo, Lindo Lingo. Lisaac. Lisp. LISt Processing. LLJS. LLVM. Logo. Lua. Lucid. Lush. Lustre. LYaPAS. M#. M4. MAD. Magma. Maple. Mary. Mathematica. Matlab. Mercury. Mesa. Metal. Metro. MicroScript. Mimic. Miranda. Miva. Mixal. ML. Moby. Modula-2. Modula-3. Mondrian. Mortran. Moto. Matthew Plummer-Fernandez .......................................... 015–018 MSIL. Mumps. Napier 88. Nemerle. Nesl. NetRexx. Newspeak. Newsqueak. Ngl. Nial. Nice. Nickle. Nimrod. Noop. Nu. Nosica. o:Xml. Oberon. Objective-C. Silvio Lorusso .......................................................................... 039–042 Objective Caml. Objective J. Objective Modula 2. Obliq. OCaml. Occam: Occam-Pi, occam-π. Octave. OOC. Opal. OPL. Ops5. Orc. Oz. Pascal. PBasic. Perl. PHP. Holly Herndon ......................................................................... 111–118 Pico. Pike. Pilot. Pizza. PL 11. PL/0. PL/B. PL/C. PL/I. PL/M. Planner. Plankalkül. Pliant. Pop-11. Poplog. Portran. Pov-Ray. Processing. Profan. Prograph. Prolog. Florian Hecker and Dimitri Bruni (NORM) ................ 135–138 P-Tac. Pure. Purescript. Python. QuakeC. QML. QPL. Quorum. R++. Rascal. Ratfiv. Ratfor. RC. Realbasic. Rebol. Red. Refal. Revolution. RPG. RPL. Rexx. Constant Dullaart .................................................................. 159–165 Rigal. Rlab. RSL. Ruby. Rust. S2. Sail. SAM76. SAS. Sather. Scala. Scheme. Scratch. Scriptol. Sed. Stream EDitor. Seed7. Self. SETL. Short Code. SimsScript. Simmunity. Simula. SISAL. Slate. Slip. Smalltalk. Snobol. SOAP. Spitbol. SPARK. SP/k. SPL. Squeak. Squirrel. SR. SSL. Standard ML. Subtext. SuperCollider. SuperX++. Swif. SyncCharts. Synergy/DE. TACL. Tacpol. TADS. TAL. Transcript. Tcl. Telcomp. Tempo. Tinn-r. Titanium. TI-Basic. Tom. Tpu. Trac. TTCN-3. Interviews Turing. Tutor. TypeScript. TXL. Ubercode. Uncol . Unicon. UnrealScript. UrbiScript. UML. Verilog HDL. VHDL. VDS. Virt. Visual Basic. Visual Basic. VBScript. Water. Whitespace. Winbatch. Wiring. Wolfram. XOTcl. XPL. XL. Xtend. YAFL. Yorick. Z notation. ZPL. The New Plastic Malleability Maxime Guyon ........................................................................ 171–176 Words ............................................... 61–66 Amazon Mechanical Turk— ...................185, 186, 193, 194 IDPURE éditions IDPURE Mechanical Turk Mechanical Algorave. Aphex. Face. Amen. Break. Arabix. Balconisation.Crack. Creolization. Dadabot.Coding. Aesthetics. Entropy Bot.Database Data Bending. Moshing. Data Black MIDI. Collide-o-scopic. Frankenstein mash-up/Frankendesigns. Ghosting. GlitchArt. Infomorph. Machinic creolization. Machine humor. Mimemorph.Aesthetic. New Procedural rhetorics.Transcoding. Robocopyright. Twitter. Weird presence. Virtual ............................................................................................................ 85–92 ISBN 978-2-9700992-1-5 Contents Lexicon Nicolas Nova & Joël Vacheron (2015), Dadabot, ID Pure: Morges. http://idpureshop.ch/web/catalogue.aspx?cat=39 The Next Rembrandt Google Deep Dream Generated Detective (Greg Borenstein) “Algorithmic Cultures” « An algorithm is a finite set of rules that gives a sequence of operations for solving a specific type of problem” (Donald Knuth, the art of programming (1969), p.27) 1. filters and recommendations Striphas, Ted. (2015). Algorithmic culture, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 18 (4-5), 395-412. !13 2. generative art/content Manfred Mohr, Cubic Limit (1973-1974) Research approach content analysis of a corpus a corpus of projects selected based on various criteria : workable prototypes (no simulation), released in the public sphere, recent (< 5 years), authors recognized in their field (new media art, net culture, media and interaction design) comparison with other manifestations of algorithmic cultures out of these fields Two Headlines (Darius Kazemi) “Kazemi does see his work as a way to expose the mechanics of automation by putting it front and center in surprising new ways—‘sort of an attempt to educate people,’ he says and ‘prompt them to do some of that thinking on their own’. “ Leon Neyfakh in an interview of Darius Kazemi (Boston Globe) Listen to Wikipedia (Stephen LaPorte and Mahmoud Hashemi) Dadabots GHOST WRITER (Traumawien and Bernhard Bauch) GHOST WRITER (Traumawien and Bernhard Bauch)!26 GHOST WRITER (Traumawien and Bernhard Bauch) A ship adrift (James Bridle) !28 A ship adrift (James Bridle) !29 !30 !31 A ship adrift (James Bridle) !32 wait a minute, what’s going on here? “Having a computer write poems for you is old hat. What’s new is that, like Wershler and Kennedy, writers are now exploiting the language-based search engines and social networking sites as source text. [...] At first glance, armies of refrigerators and dishwashers sending messages back and forth to servers might not have much bearing on literature, but when viewed through the lens of information management and uncreative writing— remember that those miles and miles of code are actually alphanumeric language, the identical material Shakespeare used— these machines are only steps away from being programmed for literary production, writing a type of literature readable only by other bots” Uncreative writing, K. Goldsmith, 2012. “All new media objects, whether created from scratch on computers or converted from analog media sources, are composed of digital code.” Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media (2001) REMIX "People Funny Boy" (Perry) Lee (King) Perry JJ Records, 1968. MEDIA HYBRID AUTOMATED Data traces as “cultural elements”… … which are transformed (remediation, glitch)… … and hybridized… …to create original assemblages Generated Detective (Greg Borenstein) CREOLIZATION “the result of this “meeting of multiple cultures, hybridization is not simply a or at least of multiple mechanical sum of the elements from distinct previously existing parts but cultures, in a single place in new species. This applies the world, resulting in the both to the visual language emergence of something new of particular designs, and to and totally unforeseeable the operations themselves. when considered only as the When an old operation is sum or synthesis of its integrated into the overall elements.” digital production environment, it often comes Edouard Glissant to function in a new way” Lev Manovich Creolization: the linguistic, and cultural, process that takes place between different cultural elements when they interact and then creatively merge with pre-existing traditions to create new and unexpected forms. Machinic creolization: the process by which machines, among other digital technologies, foster a (new?) type of creolization. so? machine/art wikipedia bots CENTAUR FAUXTOMATION A+. A#. Abap. Abc. Action! . ActionScript. Actor. Ada. Afnix. Agena. Aldor. Aleph. Algae. Algo. Algol. Alma-0. Alphard. Altran. AmigaE. Ampl. Ani. Anubis. Dadabot—An Introduction to Machinic Creolization ........ 005 ApeScript. Apl. AppleScript. APT. Arduino. ARS. Asm.js. AspectJ. ATLAS. Autocode. AutoIt. Averest. Awk. Axiom. Bash. Basic. BAL. BCPL BeanShell. Beta. ........ 011, 021, 027, 031, 049, 053, 059, 075, 079, 097, 101, 107 Bigwig. Bistro. Bliss. Blocky. BODOL. Boo. Bourne shell. Bpel. C--. C++. C#. C Shell. Caché ObjectScript. Caml. Cayenne. Cecil . CeeBot. Ceylon. CFScript. Cg. ..................................................................123,127, 149, 155, 195, 291 Charity. CHILL. CHR. Chrome. ChucK.m Cilk. Clarion. Clay. Clean. Clipper. Clojure. Clu. Cobol. CobolScript. Code. CofeeScript. ColdFusion. Comal. Component Pascal. Comit. Cool. Coral66. Corn. Cowsel. Crack. Csh. See C Shell. Curl. Curry. Cyclone. Databus. Dart. DCL. Delphi. Dibol. Disco. DRAKON. Dylan. ECMAScript. Edinburgh IMP. Eifel. Elan. elastiC. Elixir. Elm. EGL. Epigram. Erlang. Esterel. Euclid. Euphoria.
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