The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER--THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ 0 “HERE SHALL THE PC*SS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN ” V O L U M N L I MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1 , tq so N U M B E R 14 NEWS OFLONG AGO, Above TheEarthly Bie Month Our County And Seen Along Main Street By The Street Rambler. Rev. Walter E. Isenhnur. Fiiih Point. R 4. What Was Happening In Da 000000 You can surely buv with money SUM- Social Security vie Before ParkingrMeter* Chief Leon Beck' carrying two Lots of things that you may Bv W . K. W hite. Manager. And Abbreviated Skirts. need. coca-colas down M ain street—M r. A man came in the office the Some of which- may make life sn and M rs. John Swing doing some (Davie Record, Oct. 2 6 , «9 2 7.) other day to get a social security sunny afternoon shopping—Young ma­ C. C. Walker, one of Bixby’s card. I’d say, from the looks of If you turn away from greed: tron buying her husband a dress bustling merchants, was in town him, that he was in his late fif­ But you cannot buy salvation shirt—Mrs. Sherrill Godbev look' Wedoesdav on business. ties. He was a farm worker— had For your spirit, beart and sonl, ing at costume jewelry in dry Born, to Rev. and Mrs. James been all his life, except for ser­ Should you evsn own a nation, goods store—Mrs. Io m LaigIe try­ Sisk, on Oct. 2 5 th, a fine ilj£lb . vice in World W ar I. He was in Or the wealth of earth control. ing to find dollar bills in pocket son. die Argonne, but his only casualty Two ladies who had not seen each SIGNS book—Pearl Cartner discoursing Miss Sarab ChafBn1 a student at Only Jesus Christ our Master other for a long time met on the was a frost-bitten toe. on barbecue supper—Salesgirls in N. C. C. W., Greensboro, spent Can redeem the souls of men, street. This is the time of year when As I said, he came in to get a dime store unpacking prettv Ted­ the signery is at its very best. To- the week-end here with her par. Saving us from sin’s disaster “Oh, Mary,” Blanche expitedly social security card. Never had wit: dy bears—Salvation Arm y lass tak­ And the devil’s prison pen; exclaimed, ‘‘I’ve had a lot to hap­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. CbafBnl pen to me since I saw you last. I Up in the mountains there's an a social security number. Never ing up collection on M ain street Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Holleman Tben we point you, O dear sinner, had my teeth out and an electric electrical repair shop operated by needed one up to now. A farm —Young preacher standing on the and children have returned home To our Lord who died for all, stove and refrigerator put in.” a fellow named Moore who ad­ hand all his civilian life, he work­ square preaching with not a soul If you’d be in life a winner vises: from Plum Branch, S. C.. where Should Rest Why get less when you can ed regularly for one farm opera* listening—Mack Deadmon walk­ Mi. Holleman has been ginning And be ready for His call. "Yes, he’s a year old now, and get Moore. tor He had worked for the same ing down M ain street with axe on and buying cotton, he’s been walking since he was And a tourist court in the Mam­ one for years—ever since he was his shoulder—Reba Ann Furches When the inner life is nourished eight months.” The triends of G, A. Koontz, of moth Cave area claims: washed off his own acres in- a By the food from heaven’s store. “Really? He must be awfully We do everything but rock and litde brother doing some be­ R. I, will be sorry to learn that he Like our fellows who have flourish, tired!” you to sleep. flood back in the thirties. fore Hallowee’en shopping—Toe is very ill and that he has lost bis ed This sign is.-fianging on the wall I could assure him that his cash Murphy selling popcorn to pretty sight. He has been suffering: from As tbev traveled on before, Disgraceful! of a California taxi dance dive: wages would begin counting to­ young lass in front of theatre— diabetes for severrl years. The little girl was attending The management reserves ward old-age and survivors insur­ We can feel that life’s a blessing church for the first time. She the right to eject any person . Miss Marie Moore looking over Rev, and Mrs. W. H. Dodd, of To ourselves and those we meet, was amazed to see all the people they deem proper. ance benefits on the very first day Christmas goods in department Stantonbujrg, spent the week-end And that soon we’ll be possessing suddenly kneel. This sign was noted at the Na­ of January. There was no doubt store—Billy Ellis hurrying around tional zoological garden in Wash­ in town with friends. “Why are they kneeling, mom­ that he had established a “service Heaven's glories rich and sweet. my?’’ she asked. , ington: the square - T. W . McKnight dis­ Misses Amy Moore and Polly “Hush,” replied her mother, Lost children will be taken relationship” with his employer cussing coming events on M ain Dwiggins spent Wednesday in the “they are going to say tlfeir to the Lion Honse. by working for him continuously street —Miss H ilda Markham m ak­ prayers.” Twin City shopping. uBible Speaks ” in the calendar quarter beginning "What! With all their clothes Wasn’t Fooling ing bank deposit—KennethDwig' Revs. R. S. Howie and E. M. Christianity, as it is expressed in on?" the little girl asked. in October. However, there was gins feeding money in parking Avett leave today for Asheville to churches, the Bible and the lives no doubt that he would be work­ m e te r— D . T- M a n d o a n d C l in t Look Here! attend the Western North Carolina ing for the same man on a full' Wilsonpausing m drug store— of Christian persons, is tbe most He — “That’s a flimsy dress, Methodist Conference which con­ precious commodity anyone can you’re wearing.'’ time basis for at leasr sixty days Miss Blanche Brown doing some venes in the Mountain City this acquire, and one that cannot have She—“That’s a flimsy excuse for during the calendar quarter be-[shopping in gift sho(?—B. !.Sm ith staring.” evening. > too many salesmen. ginning on New Year’s day. And getting change for steel engraving John J. Larew is not oniy a good Basically, that ie tbe reason wbv his cash wages in a calendar quar­ of Hamilton—Young Iadv wear­ salesman but a champion potuto Extra Precaution ter are always $50 and more. ing brand new diamond ring on The Davie Record carries the Mr. Watkins, a widower unl> grower. H e gathered from one bill “ The Bihie Speaks," every issue. a short time, was seen by a As he put his social security third finger, left hand—Mrs. Da­ of sweet potatoes 15^ pojnds. Another reason is that, sermons a- friend in the company of a card in his oversized, old-fashion vid Koontz and litde son doing charming young woman at a lo­ The largest potato weighed 7 lbs. side, it’s just plain interesting cal restaurant. The friend called ed pocketbook and snapped it some afternoon shopping—Hub­ and g ounces, and was the largest reading for everyone. Watkins aside and said “Say, shut, he started for the office door ert Lashmit talking things over that has been seen here. don’t you remember what your a s ; then turned and said: “I reckon with friends in front of cafe— Weekly subject matter of “Tbe wife told you? If yon ever went The concrete work on the public Bible speaks’” written by Dr. Ken­ out with a woman after she died, I’m still good for a heap more Methodist minister purchasing a square is neaiing completion and neth J. Foreman. Biblical Scbolor she'd claw her way out of her work. The missus and me’ll have new suit in men’s shop—Albert when the work is finished no town teacher and autbor, is based npon grave and haunt you tbe rest Two fishermen were driving them insurance benefit checks Bogerdrinkingbig tall chucolate of her life?” along the highway. After some dis­ in this section will have a prettier tbe Uniform International Sunday But Watkins only laughed and tance, they came to a side road cornin’ by R. F. D. every month milk-shake before breakfast Big square. AU of the telephone oolts School Lesson Guide and is fully the friend, puzzled, asked with a "closed” sign blocking it. after I’m 65 . or more. Wasn’t crash on the square when pick-up and wires have been removed, and “What’s so funny?” However, they noted that fresh like that when I was a youngster. truck and Plymouth car meet— endorsed by the Internationel Coun­ “Well, Bill,” Watkins replied. tire tracks led around the sign. the four parks on the square will I can remember an old couple Iiv- M rs.
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