Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* ` School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years Ada High School (Watchdog) Ada [SR11w] 1940 Ada High School (We) Ada [SR11w] 1941-42, 1963, 1987, 2012-13, 2017 Ohio Northern University Ada [SR3n] 1918, 1920, 1923-32, 1934-38, 1940-42, 1946-51, 1953-57, 1959-64, 1967-69, 1971-85, 1987-97, 2000-02, 2006-08, (Northern) 2011, 2013-14 Adario High School (Hi-Lites) Adario [SR19h] 1933 Fulton Township School Ai [SR959f] 1949, 1955-56, 1960 (Fultonian) Symmes Valley High School Aid [SR65v] 2009-19 (Viking) Archbishop Hoban High School Akron [SR651w] 1957-58, 1961-63, 1966-70, 1980, 1983-84, 1986, 1989-92, 1994-95, 1997, 1999-2012 (Way) Buchtel College (Buchtel) Akron [SR3b] 1908 Buchtel College (Tel-Buch) Akron [SR3t] 1911 Buchtel High School (Griffin) Akron [SR854g] Jun 1940, Jun 1941, Jun 1942, Jun 1943, Jun 1944, Jan 1945, Jun 1945, Jun 1946, Jan 1947, Jun 1947, Jan 1948, Jun 1948, Jan 1949, Jun 1949, Jan 1950, Jun 1950, Jan 1951, Jun 1951, Jan 1952, Jun 1952, Jan 1953, Jun 1953, 1954-69, 1986, 1988-89, 1991-93, 1995-99, 2003, 2015-17 Central High School (Central Akron [SR333c] JUNE 1951 Forge) Central High School (Wildcat) Akron [SR333w] 1958, 1961, 1964-65, 1968-70 Central – Hower (Artisan) Akron [SR333a] 1971-76, 1978-79, 1981-82, 1984, 1988-89, 1993, 1998-99, 2006 East High School (Magic Carpet) Akron [SR77m] 1926 East High School (Caravan) Akron [SR77c] JAN 1928, JUNE 1930 Page 1 Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years East High School (Minaret) Akron [SR77m] JUNE 1946, JUNE 1947, 1949-54, 1956-63, 1966-87, 1989-2016 Ellet High School (Elletian) Akron [SR54e] JUNE 1939, JUNE 1945, JUNE 1946, 1951-52, 1955-57, 1959-61, 1963, 1965-66 Ellet High School (Profile) Akron [SR54e] 1968, 1971, 1976-79,1989-1995, 1997-2001, 2003-10, 2012 Firestone High School (Volplane) Akron [SR514v] 1965-66, 1970-71, 1973-76, 1978, 1980-84, 1986-87, 1989-97, 1999-2005, 2008-11 th Garfield High School (Mosaic of Akron [SR18m] 1926-1976 (50 anniversary book) Memories) Garfield High School (President) Akron [SR18p] 1928, Jan 1929, Jun 1929, Jan 1930, Jun 1930 Garfield High School (Prexy Akron [SR18p] 1948-50, 1954-56, 1959-60, 1963-66 Portraits) Garfield High School (Rampage) Akron [SR18r] 1967-69, 1971, 1976, 1978, 1980-82, 1984, 1988-98, 2000-01 Goodrich Jr. High School Akron [SR625g] 1961-62, 1969-76 (Gladiators) Goodyear Jr. High School Akron [SR639w] 1976, 1978, 1981 (Wingfoot) Hower High School (Artisan) Akron [SR839a] 1956-58, 1962-70 Hyre Middle School (Robert G) Akron [SR999r] 2005 Kenmore High School (Eromnek) Akron [SR356e] 1928 Kenmore High School (Cardinal) Akron [SR356c] 1955-59, 1963, 1969-70, 1976-78, 1996, 1998-99 th North High School (Anniversary Akron [SR811a] 1967 (Class of 1927 40 reunion book) Annual) North High School (North Star) Akron [SR811n] 1921(June), 1922 (June), 1923(June), 1924 (Jan), 1924 (June),1925 (Jan), 1925(June), 1926, (Jan), 1926(June), 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930 North High School (Northern Akron [SR811n] 1959-2014, 2016-18 Lights) Our Lady of the Elms High School Akron [SR7v] 1961 (Veritas) Page 2 Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years Our Lady of the Elms High School Akron [SR7e] 1972-73, 1976-85, 1988-2018 (Egress) Perkins Junior High School Akron [SR419p] 1963-65 (Perkins People) South High School (Sohian) Akron [SR87s] 1926, 1929-30 South High School (Cavalier) Akron [SR87c] 1964-65, 1968-69 Springfield High School (Red & Akron [SR84r] 1922, 1931, 1933, 1935-37, 1939-40, 1943 Gray) Springfield High School (Spartana) Akron [SR84r] 1945, 1947-48, 1951-69, 1972, 1976, 1978, 1981-84, 1986-88, 1990-2006, 2009-12 St. Mary High School (Bluebook) Akron [SR24b] 1952, 1954, 1963-65, 1969 St. Vincent High School Akron [SR25v] 1940 (Vincentian) St. Vincent High School Akron [SR25s] 1947-52, 1956, 1958-60, 1964-65, 1967-71 (Shamrock) St. Vincent-St. Mary High School Akron [SR25p] 1977-80, 1998-2000 (Phoenix) University of Akron (Tel-Buch) Akron [SR3t] 1913-21, 1923, 1925, 1929-33, 1935-42, 1944-45, 1948, 1952-2002, 2004-07 University of Akron (Freshman Akron [SR3f] 1983 Register) West High School (Lariat) Akron [SR52l] 1922 West High School (Rodeo) Akron [SR52r] 1924-30, 1932, Jan 39, Jun 39, Jan 40, Jun 40, Jan 41, 42-44, 1946-47, 49-51, 1953 Young Elementary School Akron [SR84n] 1998 (Nidoveran) Alexander Elementary School Albany [SR26a] 2013 (AlLoMa) Alexander High School (Spartan Albany [SR26s] 2013, 2018 Shield) Page 3 Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years Alexander Junior High School Albany [SR26s] 2013 (Shadonian) Northridge High School (Norhian) Alexandria 1975, 1980, 1989, 1994, 1996, 1998-03, 2007, 2013, 2015 [SR818n] Alger High School (Eagle) Alger [SR35e] 1963 Alliance High School (Chronicle) Alliance [SR55c] 1912-19, 1921-23, 1939, 1941-42, 1944-53, 1956-62, 1964, 1966-67, 1969, 1983, 1986, 1999-2005, 2007, 2009-10 Alliance High School (Red and Alliance [SR55r] JAN 1923, JAN 1924, JUNE 1924, JAN 1925, JUNE 1925, JAN 1926, JUNE 1926, JAN 1927, JUNE 1927, JAN Blue Chronicle) 1928, JUNE 1928, JAN 1929, JUNE 1929, JAN 1930, JUNE 1930, JAN 1931, JUNE 1931, 1932, 1933, JUNE 1936, 1937 Mount Union College (Unonian) Alliance [SR863u] 1884, 1887, 1892-93, 1896-99, 1901-02, 1904, 1906-12, 1916, 1918, 1923-29, 1931-36, 1942, 1947-57, 1962-63, 1965-68, 1970-74, 1976, 1978-80, 1987-91, 1994-96, 1998-99, 2001, 2003 B.F. Stanton Junior High School Alliance [SR26h] 1959-65 (Hi-Lites) State Street Junior High School Alliance [SR29b] 1968 (Blue Devil’s Diary) Amanda-Clearcreek High School Amanda [SR13a] 1993-95, 1998, 2002-03, 2006-08, 2011 (Ace) Amelia High School (Baron) Amelia [SR525b] 1998, 2001-02, 2005, 2007 Amelia High School (Recensio) Amelia [SR525r] 2008, 2010 Ames-Bern High School (Aurora) Amesville 1967 [SR36a] Amherst High School (Record) Amherst [SR47r] 1933, 1935, 1937, 1950 Amherst High School Amherst [SR47a] 1955-56, 1958 (Amherstonian) Marion L. Steele High School Amherst [SR47a] 1959, 1962, 1979, 1987, 1990, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2008-09 (Amherstonian) Jackson Township School (Blue & Amsden [SR134b] 1930, 1932, [1942], [1944], 1946-47, 1952, 1954, 1958, 1960 Gold) Page 4 Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years Pymatuning Valley High School Andover [SR989l] 1979-81, 2007, 2009-12 (Laker) Anna High School (Rocketeer) Anna [SR71r] 1979, 1994-95, 1997-98, 2000, 2003-05, 2007-08, 2010-13 Ansonia Local School (Oracle) Ansonia [SR82o] 1948, 1953, 1955-56, 1958, 1960-62, 1968, 1982, 1987, 1996-99, 2004-07, 2009, 2011-12, 2014-18 Antwerp Local Schools (Archer) Antwerp [SR89a] 1959-62, 1964-66, 1968-70, 1972, 1975-77, 1980-88, 1994-2004, 2006-07, 2009-11 Waynedale High School (Hill ‘n Apple Creek 1959, 1961, 1989-94, 1997-2001, 2004-05, 2007-2009, 2011-15, 2017-18 Dale) [SR367h] Vinton Rural High School (Vinton Arbaugh 1941 Memories) [SR794v] Arcadia High School (Arcadian) Arcadia [SR21a] 1936, 1938, 1946-47, 1949-50, 1953-74, 1977-82, 1989, 1992, 1994-96, 1998-2000, 2004, 2012, 2017 Arcanum High School (Arcette) Arcanum [SR21a] 1957-64, 1970-71, 1974-75, 1980-87, 1997-98, 2001-2004, 2006-07, 2010, 2012, 2017 Arcanum-Butler Middle School Arcanum [SR21b] 2010-12, 2015 (Butlette) Arcanum Elementary School Arcanum 2014-17 (Munacra) [SR21m] Archbold High School (Bluestreak) Archbold [SR22b] 1980, 1983, 1986, 1996-2008, 2010-11, 2013 Arlington High School (Excelsior) Arlington 1925, 1942, 1946-59, 1961-77, 1979, 1981, 1984-92, 1994, 2011, 2018-19 [SR52e] Ashland Christian School (Lion) Ashland [SR35l] 1999-2000 Ashland College/University (Pine Ashland [SR35p] 1918-20, 1922-2000, 2005 Whispers) Ashland Elementary Schools Ashland [SR35m] 1968-69, 1971-73 (Memories) Ashland High School (Oracle) Ashland [SR35o] 1910 Ashland High School (Spirit) Ashland [SR35s] 1911 Ashland High School (Junior) Ashland [SR35j] 1912, 1914 Page 5 Ohio Genealogical Society Yearbook Collection *School names underlined in blue are hyperlinked to digital yearbooks of that school on an external site* School Name (Yearbook Title) City Years Ashland High School (Scarlet Jet) Ashland [SR35s] 1913 Ashland High School (Blue and Ashland [SR35b] 1915 White) Ashland High School (Flashlight) Ashland [SR35f] NOV 1916; NOV 1917; DEC 1917; FEB 1918; MAY 1918; NOV 1919; DEC 1919; JAN 1920; APR 1920; MAY 1920; OCT 1920; OCT 1921; NOV 1921; DEC 1921; MAR 1922 Ashland High School (Reveille) Ashland [SR35r] 1918 Ashland High School (Growler) Ashland [SR35g] 1919 Ashland High School (Boom) Ashland [SR35b] 1920 Ashland High School (Chatter Box) Ashland [SR35c] 1921 Ashland High School (Annual) Ashland [SR35a] 1922-27 Ashland High School (Spodogian) Ashland [SR35s] 1928-29 Ashland High School (Treasure Ashland [SR35t] 1930 Chest) Ashland High School (Flash) Ashland [SR35f] 1936 Ashland High School (Guide) Ashland [SR35g] 1931-35, 1937-71, 1973-85, 1988-2016, 2018-19 Ashland Junior High School Ashland [SR35m] 1966, 1969, 1985,
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