Farms purchases • It was a year of beginnings and endings In the City of Grosse POinte In 1\Ifi'"' U~...,.1n...7 h'"".....no_ ~UU~ r--dye.jf\. .L ., ... "'.&., ....a. I...."" J .I. l V .1.1. l ~ , • Grosse POinte Shores administra- tion, council and commi1tees conducted much work over play during 2002 Page 3A appeal pending • Atter three years of waiting 1'1 the By Bonnie Caprara tIon,~ Burges;, Said Wings, Terrance Brennan Will assume Staff Writer Area reSidents were the role of the director of publiC service The Grosse Pomte Farms angered by the city's plans, In Grosse POinte Farms Current d,rec CIty Councd adopted a reso- whIch they learned of the tor Joseph leonard retires after 13 lutlOn at a specIal meetmg day after the council agreed years with the city Page 4A on Monday to follow an to punha;,e the properties order Issued by a Third The council re;,cmded Its • Grosse POinte Woods police Will ClrcUlt Judge to purchase offer last January continue cracking down on speeders on one of two homes It agreed The owners, JudIth Paul Allard 8A to purchase In October 2001 and Bert Paul, contended m it • Irl 2002 the Grosse POinte Board The move WIll allow the a SUlt brought before Judge " of Education made many administrative city adminIstratIOn to pur- Warfield Moore III March appointments, numerous c~langes In chase a home at 163 that the city should be cUrricula and successfully campaigned McKmley, WhIch It ongmal- requIred to complete the for the $62 million bond Issue Page ly planned to raze for a 33- transaction of the property 12A ;,pot parkIng lot In. back of "The owners asserted that the Punch and Judy the Clt)' had entered mto a • 'The Marm, ' a rock band consist- Duddmg on the Hdl CIty valId contract to purchase Ing of se"eral Grosse POinte North High attorney Wilham Burgess their home ~ Burgess saId School students, Willperform at a ben- s81d the councd ongmally "The city contended that the efit lor Audrey Bustillo, a young girl suf- authoflzed the city to agreement that was entered fering from complications after a I",er acqUIre the property "sub- mto at that time allowed the transplant Page 12A ject to the satisfaction of cer- cIty to conduct certam mves- • WillOW, a women's leaderstllp tam condItIOns" tlgatlOns WIth respect to the program at Grosse POinte North High "Those conditIOns were property, mcludmg the sta- School, welcomed 250 students at Its not met, and as a conse- tus of title of that property first meeting Page 13A quence la"t year, the cIty dId • The toy bUSiness seemed back on not complete the transac- See McKINLEY, page 2A track and boys, girls and adults chose , from a selection of popular toys games , and model trains Page 17A Water rates still all , • DBC Systems, a software develop- 1 ment company owned and operated by f a family of Grosse POinte residents, has wet, Shores says been recognized as an Industry pace- setter Page 17A By Bonnie Caprara past three years, the Shores Staff Writer has p81d the water depart- • Grosse POinte South s boys hock- The pnce Grosse Pomte ment at the 1999 rate of ey team bE'at Dearborn DIVine Child 4- 1 In a first-place showdown In the Shores pays for water IS $869 per 1,000 cubIC feet of commg down, but not water and has held the Michigan Metro High School Hockey League Page 1C enough, say cIty offiCials remamder m escrow The EarlIer thiS month, the Shores currently has DetrOlt Water and Sewerage $75,000 placed m escrow Department c1almed the Photo by WIll Harrah basIS upon whIch 1t deter- In companson, Grobse WEEK' AHEAD mmed water rates Wab m POlnte Woods pays $5 03 per Oh Christmas tree! error 1,000 cubIC feet of water, Thursday, Dec. 26 Thousands of points of light are eVident throughout the Grosse Water rates are based on Grosse Pomte Park pays Services for Older Citizens Willhold a Pointes and Harper Woods as residents decorated their homes in the amount of water used at $7 44 per 1,000 cubIC feet of Christmas tea at Sunrise ASSisted holiday style. This tree in the 2100 block of Vendome in the peak tImes Meters to mea- water, and Harper Woods LIVingfrom 1 to 4 p m Farms is just one of many beautiful Sights this holiday season. sure those amounts were pays $7 50 per 1,000 cubIC Tickets are $6 For reservations and mstalled m February 2000, feet of water The CIty of more information call sac at (313) but not operatlOnal untIl Grosse Pomte purchases 882-9600 June of thiS year water from Grosse Pomte However, the water Farms Sunday, Dec. 29 department saId It would Houghton s81d the Shores not base Its new rate for the IS m a favorable pOSItIOn to Grosse POinte Woods reSidents can Shores based on SIXmonths lower the water rate It pays enJoy free Indoor Ice skating at of data Instead, the water to the water department University Liggett School McCann Ice department saId It would "A rough analySIS by our Arena from 5-7 p m on Sunday through average those new figures m engmeers, Hubbell, Roth & March 30 With those of the prevlOUS Clark, says we should be A valid Woods park pass IS reqUired three years able to lower our rate by for admittance "That doesn't bode well about 10 percent," Houghton With us," VIllage counsel said Tuesday, Dec. 31 Ralph Houghton saId "We Houghton requested a The Grosse POinte PubliC Library were not a charted commu- meetmg With the water Winter Film Festival features 'Happy IIlt) In those years ~ department and recom- New Year, Charlie Brownl' and The water department mended the Shores contmue "Wishbone The Prince and the Pooch currently charges the to pay $8 69 per 1,000 cubIC at the Woods Branch at 4 p m Shores $1099 per 1,000 feet until the Issue IS AdmiSSion IS free For more Informa- cubiC feet of water For the resolved tion, call (313) 343-2074 I Wednesday, Jan 1 Ha~py New Year' Municipal offices are closed Thursday and Friday trash pickup Will Courtney Dempsey Burkett be delayed one day Home: Gro<.,sePOinte Park Age: 27 Family: Husband, Adam Opinion 6A Obituaries 8A Occupation: MedIa rela- twns coord1l1ator for Harper Woods 9A P~nt() bv Bonnle C'apTRra the Wayne State ITnl\ er~lty Department Schools 12, 13A From mayor to state rep of Theatre Autos 11A Grosse Pointe Farms Municipal Judge Matthew Rumora admin- istered the oath of office of the First District House of Represen- Quote: Tv!' h\ed a lot of BUSiness 16A tatives seat to Edward Gaffney In a local swearing-in ceremony at place", but thIS I" the onJ) pJace that WI)) be Enterta Inment 2B the Farms City Hall on Friday, Dec 20 Gaffney, who has served 11 years on the Farms City Council with the last three years as m) home" Seniors oB mayor s~id, "It s a short oath. but it's an important oath' 1<'arms rl"sident and pro se legahst GII Engels would agree' Gaffney's trrm Se(' story, page 15A Classified ads SC begins Jan. 1. St. John HQspitat. t" Minimally Invasive Surgery Center 1.888.4SJ.MISC I • edmund t. AHEB Jewe.en • 5 • , ............ December 26, 2002 2A News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this \NQck 50 years ago this week Resource Center at Grosse Now, as athletic director • Due to the tremendous Pomte North High School and assistant pnnc',.,al at past success of the college- U!>ers can bIt do\\ n, plug Grosse Pomte South High age New Year's Eve Dance m and find l'ut all they want School, her dutIes are differ- at the Grosse Pomte War to kno\1 about JObs ent but her schedule I" Just 8!> hectic MemorIal, the l;;vent IS • The Grabbe Pomte ,",cheduled again for this Board of Ed ucat 1011 \ otes Lake's accomph"hment!> jear Unalll!ll<lU"l) Il) dl'l1\ a are fl'LOgIlIZt-d b) receIpt of th.' Women m Sports • Grosse POinte Blue teac hl'r Uilion grll'\ anee JJI'lldt>n.hlp Award presented De\lls basketball team \\ mb complallllllj!" llt eln,,::, ::'IW::' TrU::'!I't>::, concludl' that hj the rthchlgan HIgh School a second consecutJ\ e Border At hlebc A.'>Soclation CitIes League vIctory and adnUIlI"t mtor::, had made +'h.... ........"'" ... '" \..,,1 S't" ... '" • Ann Knll<l~nn- Ii"", UI-lIlt' :>t'dbOIl0) l>ellllllg Fordson 61-39 before a called for m the teacher lOn- Fltspatnck of Grosse Pomte tract to keep classes under Farms takes first overall m capacIty cro,1 (l that Jams the tiny G~se POinte HIgh the cellmg the women's dIVISIOn at the American SkI Racmg School gymnablum to the rafters Alhance race m KIllmgton 10 years ago this week Vt • Burglars break mto • Grosse POinte Park's The mother of two blew Best clothing ::,tore m the sale of the EsqUlre Theater away the compehbon and Village but f~ul to get away l>lte on Jefferson to a devel- won gold medals m overall With ani money Store man- oper who wants to buIld con- and Ehte (40 and older) dIVI- age::, fin-d the company safe domlnlUms on the property sIOn battered but unopened moves a step closer Members of the cIty coun- 5 years ago this week Carolers active as Christmas comes 25 years ago this week CIl vote unammously to • In the spmt of the holt- • Operators of the Pund, '"<:lzone the vacant Esqmre to the Poilltes days, the Grol>se POInte and Judy Theatre receive a lot and adjacent lots from North HIgh School sym- Cheerful Christmas carols 110atthrough Grosse Pointe's fog-laden atmos.
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