-Q& SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1974 VOL. 40 NUMBER 4 Muniz Criticizes 'Big' Problems During ASU Visit By LEWIS ALLEN "It is unfair," he said, "for Tex­ Ram Page Associate Editor as citizens to pay the taxes on RAZA Unida party candidate cars shipped from Detroit if the for governor Ramsey Muniz ham­ people of Detroit do not have to mered at the abuses of big busi­ pay state taxes on the oil ship­ ness and big politics in his cam­ ped from Texas." paign address in the University If elected, Muniz intends to in­ Center Ballroom Friday. troduce legislation to limit cam­ Muniz, a 31 year-old attorney paign expenditures. Muniz' plan from Corpus Christi, stated, "Gov­ calls for a fixed allowance for ernment in the state of Texas to­ candidates who run for city elec­ day is controlled by the hierarchy tions, county elections, and state of the Democratic and Republi­ elections. "As long as money con­ can parties, neither of which of­ trols the candidates," he warned, fer much choice to the voters of "we're going to continue to have Texas." Sharpstowns and Watergates." Said Muniz, "Our platform per­ The gubernatorial candidate tains to all the people of the spoke to a crowd of approxima­ state, not just to the moneyed tely 100 enthusiastic supporters special interest groups." (he received three standing ova­ One of the main planks of tions during the speech). Later, Muniz' platform is the elimination in a question-answer period, Mun­ of the state sales tax, to be re­ iz had this to say: placed by a corporate profits tax. On the Texas Constitutional The Raza Unida candidate called Convention — "If elected I will the four per cent sales tax "the call a new constitutional conven­ most regressive and unfair tax tion of about 35 members, and plan in the state of Texas." I'll guarantee that the voters of The corporate profits tax plan, Texas will see a proposed consti­ he believes, will relieve the bur­ tution to decide upon. We're due den of the middle class Texan, for a change in the state consti­ while draining surplus profits tution." from the super-corporations bas­ On his campaign's effect upon SUN SPOTTING ed in Texas, among them Exxon blacks — "We're making inroads and Texaco. upon the black community be­ Backlighted by a brilliant autumn sun, a construction worker inserts steel rods into concrete Muniz also proposed a refinery cause they recognize me as an al- forms as work continues on Angelo State's $3.4 million Fine Arts Building. tax for the oil that leaves Texas. (Continued on Page 2) (Photo by Scott Campbell) FOR NOV. GENERAL ELECTION Voter Registration DeadlineSetToday By BRUCE R. HOWELL years ago, some people from the ably register, same as the norm actually be four times as likely before an election to vote Ram Page Staff Writer college assured us that we would of other age groups across the to vote, as there are four differ­ here in San Angelo and have IF every eligible ASU student have at least 3,500 students reg­ county. ent modes of casting ballots to their registration transferred voted, the University population ister, so we ordered that many He noted that about the same suit their needs. from their previous place of would pack over 1/10 of the po­ extra certificates," 'he said. fraction of voters registered will They may either: residence. litical clout in the entire county. "You should have seen the actually go to the polls. 1. Write their county clerk and 3. Vote at their home on the But this "If" is a very large stacks of certificates piled around Some prospective ASU voters request an absentee ballot be regular election day. one, according to I. O. Westbrook, that we had left over." may feel hampered by the fact mailed to them. (Such bal­ 4. After notifying the clerk at lots must be cast well in ad­ Chief Deputy at the County Tax Westbrook indicated that no that they are not registered in their home, report to his of­ this county. vance of an election.) Assessor Collector's Office. more than 35 per cent of the fice to cast an absentee bal­ But out-of-town students should 2. Register at least thirty days "In the general election two eligible student voters will prob­ lot anywhere from 21 to four days before an election. Westbrook feels, however, that APPLICATION FOR VOTTR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE TO HELP YOU REGISTER it is issues that prompt action by MAIL OR OELIVtR APPLICATION PROMPTLY TO TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR Of YOUR HOME COUNTY APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE REGISTRAR 31 DAYS PRIOR TO ELECTION student voters rather than con­ venience. • CHECK HERE IF SERVICEMAN OR STUDENT RESIDENCE: i CERTIFY THAT THE APPLICANT IS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR "I remember my precinct con­ MAIL CERTIFICATE TO THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY ADDRESS OVER. «A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED IT IS NOT TO BE MAILED TO PERMANENT AOORESS SHOWN STATES AND HAS MET ALL LEGAL vention in the Santa Rita District RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS AS RE­ QUIRED BY LAW. three years ago," he said. "Of 34 votes, 17 were cast by ASU students for McGovern. At our last precinct convention, only two college students showed up. "I know they are still there. NAME LSC1 PRINT OR TYPE FORMER REGISTRATION - IF REG4 ' IN ANOTHER TEXAS They just don't have any issues COUNTY DURING PRECEDING 3' that they are really plugging AOORESS NAME Of COUNTY STREET OR ROUTE NO (DO NOT USE P O BOX| for." RESIDENCE ADDRESS. VOTER MOST SIGN HERE ) He said students not registered CITY CITY SIGNATURE Of VOTER AGENT should come by the County Tax MUSRAND W!H FAT•*! MOTHER SON OR Daughter only Assessor Collector's office be­ (CIRCLE ONE WHERE APPLICABLE]E) ™ tween 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and noted that today is ihe deadline SAMPLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE for registration for the general . Registering to vote is relatively simple, painless election in November. PAGE 2 ANGELO STATE RAM PAGE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1974 \OT //, STUDENT ISSUE THE RAM PAGE ~ * • - 5 'S EDITORIALS AND OPINION PAGE Parking Situation Probed By T. NOLIN that "instead of driving into the that the Zone C is the only one Ram Page Associate Editor closer lots at the last minute," where vehicles are likely to be Sympathy Expressed A NUMBER of students have students might just drive to a parked for 24 hours a day. complained of parking prob­ place behind the BZU. The time A clause in the parking regu­ lems on the Angelo State cam­ spent in walking to the main lations issued by Campus Security For Wreck Victims pus. Among these problems campus area, he pointed out, states that: "Angelo State Univer­ • mentioned' is the complaint that would probably be less than that sity considers the use of a motor IT SEEMS that every university newspaper prints an editorial even students holding parking spent in searching for a parking vehicle on the campus a privi­ something like this ope at least once a year. stickers often have difficulty place. lege, and the University is not finding parking spaces on cam­ "Our campus-wide parking is obligated to furnish unlimited They follow the deaths of students. pus. The Ram Page questioned much better than it is a lot of parking space to accommodate all Bobby Peiser, director of cam­ places," Peiser asserted. He ex­ vehicles. The University will, In our instance, it follows the death and injuries to several pus security about the validity plained that the university allots however, attempt to provide a Angelo State students in a car crash Sunday. of the statements, and asked Zone A parking to faculty and reasonable number of parking It isn't intended as a eulogy, for we didn't know them. him what could be done to rem­ staff, Zone B parking to com­ spaces in keeping with resources edy any parking problems at muting students and Zone C park­ and available sites." It isn't intended as an assualt on automobile and highway ASU. ing to students residing on cam­ In regard to bicycles on cam­ safety regulations. Ralph Nader may be right, but even his It's hard to find parking places pus. pus, Peiser stated that bikes are words sound hollow in times such as these. where they (the students) want This semester, 396 vehicles are required to be kept in the bike to park," Peiser conceded. But he registered for Zone A; 2043 vehi­ racks, and not chained to trees, Though others may turn them into satistics, those who added that the campus provides cles are registered for Zone B lamp posts or buildings. knew and loved them will remember the real persons they were. adequate parking for students — and 855 vehicles are registered "We have bike racks strategi­ even if it is not always located for Zone C. The number of park­ cally located where we feel they And it is to you we offer our sympathy. as close to the campus as students ing spaces on campus includes: will serve the greatest number of might desire. 371 in Zone A, 953 in Zone B students, and we have more un­ Naming the parking lot behind and 957 in Zone C. der construction," noted Peiser. the Baptist Student Union as an "This situation is not bad when He suggested that all students ASU Students Killed example, Peiser noted that sev­ you consider that many students with bikes on campus, register eral lots are seldom more than are only taking 3 hours or so at them with Campus Security as a 75 per cent full.
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