United Nations S/ PV.7030 Security Council Provisional asdfSixty-eighth year 7030th meeting Thursday, 12 September 2013, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Quinlan ..................................... (Australia) Members: Argentina ....................................... Mr. Oyarzábal Azerbaijan ...................................... Mr. Huseynli China ........................................... Mr. Zhao Yong France .......................................... Mr. Lamek Guatemala ....................................... Mr. Rosenthal Luxembourg ..................................... Ms. Lucas Morocco ........................................ Mr. Laassel Pakistan ........................................ Mr. Masood Khan Republic of Korea ................................. Mr. Lee Kyung Chul Russian Federation ................................. Mr. Pankin Rwanda . Mr. Nduhungirehe Togo ............................................ Mr. Menan United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .... Mr. Wilson United States of America ............................ Mr. DeLaurentis Agenda The situation in Somalia Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia (S/2013/521) This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-506. 13-47179 (E) *1347179* S/PV.7030 The situation in Somalia 12/09/2013 The meeting was called to order at 3.10 p.m. all Special Representatives of the Secretary-General probably hear the most: “Are you optimistic?” The Adoption of the agenda answer in my case is a resounding “yes”. Behind the twists and turns, the crises and the standoffs, Somalia The agenda was adopted. has the foundations for progress. The international community is united behind a credible, legitimate The situation in Somalia Federal Government. There are resources available to Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia meet the most immediate needs. There is the political (S/2013/521) will to compromise and manage disputes without resorting to violence, and the Somali people I have The President: Under rule 37 of the Council’s met are tired of war and deprivation and fed up with provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representative brinkmanship and predatory politics. of Somalia to participate in this meeting. The heart of the political challenge is simple to Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules describe, if rather difficult to solve. After 22 years of of procedure, I invite Mr. Nicholas Kay, Special conflict, power and control of resources and revenue Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of are fragmented. The strong centralist State has ceased the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia, to to exist. Different regions and different people now participate in this meeting. On behalf of the Council, hold different bits of power. That is why Somalis have I extend a warm welcome to Mr. Kay, who is today decided that a federal model is the only system that will giving his first briefing to the Council in his capacity work in this new reality. The task now is to reconcile as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. and agree among themselves exactly how federalism Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules will work in practice. How will they share power, of procedures, I invite Mr. Mahamat Saleh Annadif, revenue, resources and responsibilities in a way that Special Representative of the Chairperson of the benefits all of Somalia? Those are difficult issues, but African Union Commission for Somalia, to participate ones that need political solutions. in this meeting. That is why, in my first three months, I have The Security Council will now begin its prioritized the need for progress on the constitutional consideration of the item on its agenda. review and constructive engagement with the regions, travelling to Puntland and Somaliland and engaging I wish to draw the attention of Council members to closely with stakeholders on the Juba question. document S/2013/521, which contains the report of the Secretary-General on Somalia. If a week is a long time in politics, the 90 days of UNSOM in Somalia is an age. Allow me to brief the I now give the floor to Mr. Kay. Council on a number of important recent developments Mr. Kay: I thank you, Mr. President, for this since the issuance of the report of the Secretary-General opportunity to brief the Council for the first time since (S/2013/521). assuming my appointment as Special Representative The situation in the Juba regions was one of the of the Secretary-General for Somalia, and in fact my most serious issues to face the Federal Government. In first time ever. I am particularly glad to be here today early June, the risks were very high of a collapse in with Ambassador Annadif of the African Union, whose security and political stalemate in Kismaayo, as well as presence represents our close collaboration as we between the Juba parties and Mogadishu. However, an discharge our two mandates from the Council. agreement was finally reached on 28 August in Addis This is a good time for some stocktaking on Ababa, under the active mediation of Ethiopian Foreign Somalia, one year after the new Federal Government Minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on behalf was established and 90 days after the establishment of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (IGAD), which set out interim governance, security and (UNSOM). economic arrangements. I supported the negotiations in the closing stages and attended the signing ceremony in Before going into some detail on political and Addis Ababa. Some outstanding issues still remain, and security issues, let me start by answering the question 2/7 13-47179 12/09/2013 The situation in Somalia S/PV.7030 implementation will require goodwill from all parties to coordinate international assistance. I thank the and significant support. UNSOM, I am glad to say, European Union for its key role in the process and will has established a presence in Kismaayo to ensure it is continue to work closely with it in this and other areas able to help as required across all areas of its mandate, of our support to Somalia in general. I hope that we working closely with the African Union (AU). We are will see real commitment from partners, especially to concerned to hear of the attack today on the convoy the new financial and coordination mechanisms being of the interim leader of the Juba administration, and I proposed. have called for calm and restraint from all sides. So there is progress on the political front. Parliament To the north, the relationship between Somaliland has shown itself to be a key driver. But there is no room and Somalia remains sensitive and fragile. Nevertheless, for complacency. There is still time to agree on a new there is progress to report. With the mediation of Constitution through an inclusive process, vote on it Turkey, the two parties have had two sessions of talks and then hold free and fair elections in Somalia. But it this year. The agreement on the shared management of is a big hill to climb and we must all pick up the pace. airspace could be a model for other areas of mutually Other than politics, much of our initial focus has beneficial cooperation. We urge both sides to focus on been on security. Our presence in Mogadishu is to a solutions, however modest, rather than problems. The large extent possible only because of the African Union presence of UNSOM in Somaliland is still on hold at Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and I pay tribute to the the request of the local authorities, who do not accept courage, determination and sacrifice of the troop- and that UNSOM has a mandate in Somaliland. I remain police-contributing countries and the leadership of the committed to finding a way to break that impasse. I am African Union Commission. The next phase will require also offering my good offices to Puntland for its internal more support. The exact needs for force enablers and political processes, and to assist in confidence-building multipliers, sufficient and predictable financing and a between the Puntland administration and the Federal new concept of operations will emerge from the report Government. I am again working closely with the Chair of the joint United Nations-AU benchmarking mission of the IGAD Council on this. in October. As the Council will hear from my friend One of the key tasks facing Somalia is agreement and colleague Ambassador Annadif, the military and on a final Federal Constitution. The United Nations is security dimension of defeating Al-Shabaab in Somalia supporting a broad process of popular consultations is by no means over. The Somali national army is ready that should clarify several key areas that remain to do its part, and must be properly backed. I call on contentious. A long, hard process of consultation and the Council to ensure that greater priority is given to negotiation lies ahead, which we shall support. On strengthening the Somali national security forces and 2 September, UNSOM backed the launch of a national their ability to deploy and sustain joint operations political conference entitled “Vision 2016’, at which the with AMISOM. I trust that will be one of the main President of Somalia restated his commitment to a new conclusions of the benchmarking team. Constitution and elections by 2016. Beyond the challenges of politics and security, In less than a week from today, another key the United Nations is also actively engaged on building block of Somalia’s stabilization will be put other issues of vital importance to Somalia and the in place. Some 200 delegates will gather in Brussels region — addressing humanitarian needs, human on Monday, hosted jointly by the European Union and rights, gender equality and piracy.
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