THIS REPORT IS PLACED AT THE DIVINE LOTUS FEET OF BHAGAWAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA i Dr.REMA’S LEGACY LIVES ON Dr. Rema Mohan (1954-2011) Vice-President, MDRF During the year 2011, MDRF suffered an irreparable loss through the untimely demise of Dr Rema Mohan, founding Vice-President and Chief of Ocular Research. Dr Rema, who had been ailing for a while, passed away on the 25th of March, 2011 at her residence in Chennai. Dr Rema, born on the 3rd August, 1954 was one of the first ophthalmologists in India to devote her life to the field of diabetic retinopathy. After her undergraduate and postgraduate medical studies, she underwent training in diabetic retinopathy at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, under the world famous expert in diabetic retinopathy Dr Eva Kohner. Through her subsequent work, initially at the Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and later on at Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and MDRF, she helped to establish diabetic retinopathy as a subspecialty in the country. She also trained several ophthalmologists in the subspecialty, many of whom are currently working at DMDSC and MDRF. The Indira Eye Institute for Diabetes, India’s first exclusive eye institute devoted to diabetic retinopathy, is an eloquent testimony to her vision and commitment to the field. One of the first ophthalmologists in India to obtain a Ph.D, Dr Rema made seminal contributions in basic science with her work on human retinal endothelial cells which she set up in culture for the first time in the country. Her pioneering epidemiological studies on diabetic retinopathy and on genetics of this condition are widely quoted internationally. She published over 100 papers on diabetic retinopathy, in addition to authoring chapters in textbooks. She received numerous awards for her work including the prestigious Dr. C.N. Shroff Award from the All India Ophthalmology Society. MDRF has particular reason to be indebted to Dr Rema, for it was her vision that helped establish the Kallam Anji Reddy Centre of MDRF in the Women’s Biotech Park at Siruseri. Kindhearted, magnanimous and highly spiritual, she devoted a lot of her time and money to charity. She was instrumental in setting up the Sai Rural Diabetes Specialities Centre at Chunampet. Her pioneering work in tele-ophthalmology helped to provide free eye care services to thousands of poor people in Kanchipuram district. She also ran free eye camps in association with the Sathya Sai Organization, through which free laser and cataract surgeries were performed. An able administrator and strict disciplinarian, she contributed immensely to the growth of Dr Mohan’s Group of Institutions. We at MDRF will always miss her but look forward to her blessings from above as we progress on the path lit up by her…… ii P adma BhushanLate Padma Bhushan Dr. K. ANJI REDDY Chairman, Dr. R eddy’s Laboratories and Dr. R eddy’s Research Foundation, H yderabad. FOR HIS CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR ALL HIS SUPPORT TO MDRF WHICH HELPED US TO GROW TO WHAT WE ARE TODAY iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii UNI VE R SIT Y OF CALI FOR NI A, SAN DI E GO UC SD BE R KE L E Y DAVI S IR VI N E L OS ANGE L E S ME R CE D SAN FR ANCI SCO SANT A R I VE R SIDE SAN DI E GO BAR BAR A SANT A CR U Z JAME S F. SAL L I S, PH. D. UC SD SCHO OL OF ME DI CI NE DI STI NGUI SHED P R OFESSOR AND CHI E F 9500 GI L MAN DR I VE , 0628 DI VI SION OF BE HAVI OR AL ME DI CI NE L A JOLL A, CAL I FOR NI A 92093-0628 DE PT . OF FAMI L Y ME DI CI NE AND P UB L I C HE AL T H OFFICE: (619) 260-5535 FAX: (619) 260-1510 E -MAI L : [email protected] December 2015 IPEN and MDRF: A Growing Collaboration IPEN is the International Physical activity and Environment Network. IPEN encourages research on built environments and physical activity in all countries, and we are coordinating two international studies with partial funding from the US National Institutes of Health. We are extremely pleased that MDRF is leading the Indian component of the IPEN Adolescent study. Appropriately, the study is named BE Activ India! BE Active India! is following the international protocol that includes survey measures of built environment and physical activity, accelerometer-based measures of physical activity, GPS monitoring of a subsample so we can see where adolescents are active, and observations of the walking environments. MDRF is adding valuable data on biomarkers related to diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk. About 600 adolescents are being recruited from diverse neighborhoods throughout Chennai. In August I was pleased to visit Chennai to participate in Dr Mohan's International Diabetes Update 2015. I was honored to present evidence from the IPEN Adult study and emphasize the important role of built environments in health, especially their relevance to both prevention and treatment of diabetes. It should be a priority to design cities and neighborhoods so people can safely and comfortably walk for both transportation and leisure. We had several meetings with the BE Activ India! team, which has talented leadership and dedicated staff. It was particularly interesting to me to use the observation measure we developed to assess how pedestrian-friendly street environments are in the busy and complex streets of Chennai. Comparing these results across countries will be fascinating. Not only has IPEN welcomed Dr Anjana and the BE Activ India! team into the IPEN family, but now I feel truly a part of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation and the family of Dr. Mohan’s Institutions. We share the goals of creating healthier places that will make it easier for people to be healthier. Sincerely yours, James F. Sallis, Ph.D. Director and Co-Founder, IPEN http://sallis.ucsd.edu xiv xv xvi xvii xviii SCHO OL OF MED I CIN E Vivian A. Fonseca, MD Professor and Chief, Section of Endocrinology Tullis-Tulane Alumni Chair in Diabetes December 17, 2015 Dr V Mohan Madras Diabetes Research Foundation Mohan I am very pleased to see the annual report of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation showing so much research which is outstanding not just in quantity but in quality. The latter is clear from the publications in high impact journals and your many international presentations. Diabetes is a big challeng e in I ndia and more research is needed to find local solutions. The work of your foundation will go a long way toward that g oal. I wish you all the best for the future. Sincerely, Vivian Fonseca xix CONTENTS 1 Preface MDRF’S Vision MDRF’S Mission MDRF’s Growth : 1996-2015 Research Centres established by MDRF List of Donors & Sponsors (2012-2015) Board of Management of MDRF Research Advisory Council Institutional Human Ethics Committee [IHEC] Institutional Animal Ethics Committee [IAEC] Who’s Who at MDRF Research Highlights Diabetology Ocular Research Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Genetics Research Biochemistry Clinical Trails Research Operations Epidemiology Clinical Epidemiology Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Research Translational Research Vascular Biology Physical Activity Biostatistics Library Educational Activities Ph.D Programme Our Successful Ph.D Students Current Ph.D Students Short-term Internship Programmes MDRF Student Exchange Program Special Moments MIRF Projects Ongoing Research Projects List of Publications Journal Articles/Papers Research Collaborations-International Research Collaborations-National Awards Bestowed by the Foundation Awards and Honours Seminars and Conferences Lectures by Visiting Scientists Acknowledgements 2 Dr. V. Mohan Dr. R.M. Anjana President Vice President PREFACE It gives us great pleasure to write this preface to the MDRF Annual Report for the years 2012 to 2016. At the outset, we are happy to state that MDRF has now entered the 20th year of its existence and it continues to be at the forefront of diabetes research in India. This Annual Report provides a brief overview of the activities of the Foundation over the last 4 years. During the period under review MDRF has made strides in several areas of research. The landmark ICMR- INDIAB Study has now been completed in 15 states and MDRF is the National Collaborating Centre for this massive nationwide study on diabetes, perhaps largest in the world. Our Genomics departmen t continues to make exciting discoveries and apart from the studies on type 2 diabetes and our participation in a couple of GWAS studies, the important contribution from this department has been a breakthrough in the Genomics of MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes on Young) where new types of MODY have been described (first in the world) and these are currently under publication. The Cell and Molecular Biology department and the Research Biochemistry department have completed the Global serum miRNA profiling and new miRNA’s association with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes in Indians have been described. Other studies in relation to early biomarkers of beta cell dysfunction are under way. The Food and Nutrition Dietetics Research (FNDR) department continues to have carried out several improvements in the Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) in the EpiNu software and the validation of Glycemic Index methodology, new high fibre rice called Dr. Mohan’s High Fibre Rice was discovered in our laboratory in collaboration with M/s. Texcity in Coimbatore. Studies on the dietary advanced glycation end products are under way. A state of the art Physical activity assessment program has been established and a new physical activity questionnaire has been developed for India which is appropriate both for urban and rural India.
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