Syrian Arab Red Crescent P1. SARC Summary ANNUALREPORT P2. SARC Presence P3. Emergency Response Operations 1 2016 P4. Emergency Response Operations 2 P5. Evacuations P6. Food & Agriculture Sector P7. Non-Food Items & Shelters Sector P8. Health Sector P9. Nutrition Sector P10. Protection & Education Sector P11. Livelihoods Sector P12. Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene Sector P13. HR & Capacity Building P14. Logistics Capacities P15. SARC Partners SYRedCrescent SYRedCrescent [email protected] www.sarc.sy Annual Report 2016 SARC HQ - IM Department SARC Summary 2016 The Syrian Arab Red Crescent is an Syrian Arab Red Crescent was independent humanitarian organization of founded in 1942 according to the decree public utility, and it’s permanent and No /540/ and the decree No /117/ continuous presence, and it has a legal that regulating the Organization’s work. entity and enjoys financial and Country capital administrative independence. SARC branch Syrian Arab Red Crescent has been SARC was awarded the Peace Prize of recognized by International Committee of the International Federation of Red Cross 13.5 M the Red Cross in Geneva (ICRC) in 1946, and Red Crescent in Sydney in 2013. PEOPLE IN NEED SARC is committed to Geneva Conventions and the seven fundamental 6.3 M principles of the International Movement SARC Partners : RCRC Movement, PEOPLE INTERNALLY DISPLACED of Red Cross and Red Crescent. UN, INGO’s, and Local NGO’s. 3.9 M PEOPLE IN HARD TO REACH AREAS SARC Progress 2016 0.97 M New SARC Health Facilities PEOPLE IN BESIEGED AREAS CLINICS NUTRITION CLINICS Source: UN OCHA HNO 2016 Aleppo - Hamdanyeh clinic Aleppo - Aleppo clinic 6.1 M Homs - Waer clinic Tartous - Tartous clinic SARC BENEFICIARIES Rural Damascus - Qarra clinic Rural Damascus - At Tall clinic 62 Tartous - Bosayra clinic STAFF & VOLUNTEERS LOST THEIR LIVES MHUs IN LINE OF DUTY TO SAVE OTHERS‘ LIVES Homs - Ekrima FIRST AID CENTERS EMERGENCY RESPONSE OPERATIONS Aleppo center 374 CONVOYS / CROSS LINES New SARC Protection Facilities 3,218 TRUCKS COMMUNITY CENTERS Idleb, Rural Damascus(At Tall, Qatana) 178 AIR DROPS Livelihoods 2.7M TARGETED POPULATION SEED & FERTILIZERS PROJECT Aleppo, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Hama, & Al Hasakeh 444 VOLUNTEERS SHEEP & FEED PROJECT WHO CARRIED OUT 10,271 SHIFTS Homs & Lattakia THE CONVOYS TO: VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN CARPET MANUFACTURING ALEPPO, HOMS, RURAL DAMASCUS, IDLEB, HAMA, DAR‘͕E/ZͳͳKZ͘ Rural Damascus page 1 Annual Report 2016 SARC HQ - IM Department SYRedCrescent SYRedCrescent [email protected] www.sarc.sy SARC Presence Quamishli Ain al Jarablus Arab Ras Al A'zaz Ain Menbij Tell Abiad Afrin Al-Hasakeh Al Bab Jabel Salqin Saman Dayr a Atareb +DÀU Jurneyyeh Maaret Aleppo e Shadadah Tamsrin $V6DÀUD S Ar-Raqqa Idleb Bennsh n Jisr-Ash Ariha Al-Thawrah a Lattakia Shugur e Alma‘ra n Al Haffa a Shat-ha r Al Qardaha r As Suqaylabiyah e Jableh t Hama i Banyas Deir-ez-Zor d Qadmous Masyaf Sheikh As Salamiyeh e Sawda Badr M Dreikish Ar-Rastan Sokhneh Al Mayadin Arwad Mashta Kafr Laha Talbiseh 6DÀWD Elhilu Tartous Wadi Al Makhrim Arab Hisn Farqalas Homs Abu Al Qusayr Kamal Mahin At Tall Qaryatein Tadmor Qarra Qudsiya Barzah Duma Yabrud An Nabk Harasta Jirud Rukn ad Din Damascus Hada'iq Ibn Jarash Sidnaya Al Qutayfah Abu Az Zabdani Jarash At Tall Al Butayha Dummar Arbin Harasta Duma Jawbar Darayya East Ghota Abu Jaramana Nashabiyeh Rumanah Al Mazra`ah Arna Quatana $VKUDÀHW6DKQD\D Dhameer Al Qassa` Sahnaya Damascus Sarujah Kafr Kisweh Rural Batna UNDOFHadar area of operation Al Hamidiyah Bab Tuma Damascus Mazzat Jabal Bab Sarijah As Sanamayn Basatin Kafr Faylat ar Razi Susah Bab Masalla Quneitra Shaqa Gharbiyah Faylat Jaramana Izra' Najran Sharqiyah Nawa Sheikh Shahba As Sitt Miskine Qanawat Legened `A'ishah Maydan Ash-Shajara Da'el Hrak Rami Mezze As-Sweida Mukhayyam Mseifra SARC Headquarters Al Qadam al Yarmuk $ÀQHK Raha Ash Dar'a Tiba Qarayya SARC Branches Sharbaji Busra Salkhad SARC Active Sub-Branches Mu`addamiyah Darayya Babella Hajar SARC In-Active Sub-Branches Aswad Number of SARC Branches, and Sub-branches 18 SARC Branches 14 SARC Sub-Branches 89 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 22 2 22 1 1 1 1 /ĚůĞď ůͲ,ĂƐĂŬĞŚ ƐͲ^ǁĞŝĚĂ YƵŶĞŝƚƌĂ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ůĞƉƉŽ ,ĂŵĂ ,ŽŵƐ ĂƌΖĂ ĞŝƌͲĞnjͲŽƌ ZƵƌĂů dĂƌƚŽƵƐ ĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ĐƟǀĞ^ƵďͲƌĂŶĐŚĞƐ 59 /ŶͲĐƟǀĞ^ƵďͲƌĂŶĐŚĞƐ 30 page 2 Annual Report 2016 SARC HQ - IM Department SYRedCrescent SYRedCrescent [email protected] www.sarc.sy Emergency Response Operations Rajo Legend Yakhor Azaz NFI Al-Hasakeh Tall Refaat Request to unstable areas Kafar Janeh Afrin Aleppo Sheikh Maksoud Number of convoys East Aleppo NFI Number of air drops Big Orem Kefraya Banan 26 Ar-Raqqa Foua Food & Agriculture Idleb Hajeb 8 Health Lattakia Deir-ez-Zor NFI Non-Food Items & Shelters WASH Madiq Castle NFI Dier-ez-Zor city Hama 2 Nutrition Tartous 178 Education Ar Rastan Gantu Talbiseh Al-Houla Protection Tir Maallah Kafr Laha Al-Dar Al-Kabirah NFI Black Oil Al-Waer Homs Tadmor Qaryatayn 47 Sirghaya Jubaadin Jerud Az-Zabadani Bludan Ar-Ruhaybah Madaya Al Dumeir At-Tall Wadi Barada NFI Duma Damascus 109 Harasta , Al Hamah Biet Sawa Dar a Qudsaya Hammouryeh As-Sanamayn Zamalka El Harra Rural Damascus Damascus Quneitra Ennkhel City Hazza-Saqba-EinTarma-Jisreen Jasim Izra‘ Kafr Batna Nawa As-Swedia Moadamyia Yalda NFI Daraya Babella 4 Beit SahmZabdin Al Mukayliba Dier Al Asar At Teiba Akraba Convoys/Cross Lines Number of Distributed Items Reached By Sector Food & Agriculture 2.2M NFI & Shelters NFI 1.7M CONVOYS/CROSS LINES AIR DROPS TRUCKS WASH 1.4M 374 178 3,218 Nutrition 393K Education 144K VOLUNTEERS POPULATION Protection 1.2K 444 2.7M Health Almost 2 Million patients recieved medications. WHO CARRIED OUT 10,271 SHIFTS Black Oil 20,000 L Number of Convoys By Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2016 9 26 20 42 51 44 44 29 32 37 19 21 The Convoys To : Foua, Kefraya, Azaz, Shiekh Maksoud, Big Orem, Tall Refaat, East Aleppo, Rajo, Afrin, Kafr Janeh, Yakhor, Hajeb, Banan, Al Houla, Kafr Laha, Al Dar Al Kabiera, Rastan, Gantu, Al Qaryatayn, Al Waer, Talbieseh, Tir Maala, Tadmor, Moadamieh, Al Hama, Babbila, Beit Sahm, Yalda, Qudsaya, At Tall, Al Ruhayba, Zabadani, Duhmeer, Teiba, Mukayliba, Bludan, Beit Sawa, Jabaadin, Jerud, Jisreen, Harasta, Hazza, Saqba, Eein Tarma, Hammouryeh, Duma, Daraya, Deir Al Asafer, Zabdin, Zamalka, Aqraba, Kafr Batna, Madaya, Wadi Barada, Sirghaya, Nawa, As-Sanamayn, Izra‘, Jasim, Ennkhel, El Harra, Madik Castle, & Deir ez Zor City. page 3 Annual Report 2016 SARC HQ - IM Department SYRedCrescent SYRedCrescent [email protected] www.sarc.sy Emergency Response Operations Idleb Damascus & Rural Damascus Sirghaya Jubaadin Jerud Az-Zabadani Bludan Ar-Ruhaybah Madaya Al Dumeir 2,113 1,712 109 8 1,000,825 464 134 20,000 Wadi Barada At-Tall Duma Harasta Al Hamah Biet Sawa Qudsaya Hammouryeh Damascus Zamalka Kefraya Hazza-Saqba-EinTarma-Jisreen City Kafr Batna Foua Yalda Idleb City Moadamyia Babella Zabdin Daraya Beit Sahm Dier Al Asar Al Mukayliba At Teiba Akraba No. of distributed items by sector No. of distributed items by sector 60K 947K 578K 57K NFI 463K 47K NFI 118K 32K 62K 7K 758 Almost 15 thousand patients recieved medications. Almost 800 thousand patients recieved medications. 10,000 L 10,000 L Aleppo Rajo Homs Azaz 26 102 287 Ar Rastan Yakhor 788,000 Talbieseh Kafar Afrin Al Houla Gantu Janeh Tall Refaat Tier Maalla Al Dar Al Kabirah 899 918 47 501,235 Al Sheikh Maksoud Al-Waer East Aleppo Homs City Kafr Laha Tadmor Aleppo City Big Orem Banan Qaryatayn Hajeb No. of distributed items by sector No. of distributed items by sector NFI 471K 741K 331K NFI 644K 167K 269K 46K 158K 22K 30K 384 134 Almost 400 thousand patients recieved medications. Almost 300 thousand patients recieved medications. Dar`a Madiq Castle Hama Dier-Ez-Zor El Harra As-Sanamayn 58 60 2 178 Ennkhel 32,000 90,000 6,575 Jasim Hama City Dier-Ez-Zor city Izra‘ Nawa No. of distributed items by sector No. of distributed items by sector NFI 102K 451K 22K 33K 19K 11K 4 1K 60 107 315,500 Almost 30 thousand patients recieved medications. Almost 80 thousand patients recieved medications. No. of distributed items by sector Legend No. of shifts carried out by SARC volunteers No. of air drops in Dier-Ez-Zor Food & Agriculture 38K xx 23K xx No. of people targeted Request to unstable areas NFI Non-Food Items NFI 6K xx No. of convoys Nutrition WASH Almost 150 thousand patients recieved medications. xx No. of trucks Protection Health Education page 4 Annual Report 2016 SARC HQ - IM Department SYRedCrescent SYRedCrescent [email protected] www.sarc.sy Evacuations Al-Hasakeh Afrin Aleppo West Countryside West Aleppo East Aleppo Kefraya Big Ar-Raqqa Idleb Foua Orem Lattakia Deir-ez-Zor 1,498 33,118 Madiq Castle Legend Hama 2 Tartous Evacuation districts Al-Houla Ar Rastan Tal Dahab Mashrafah Kafr Laha xx No. of people who have been evacuated in each governorate Al-Waer Inshaat Homs 615 Az-Zabadani Baqin Madaya Duma Damascus 6,481 Quneitra Al Hamah Qudsaya Madinat , Rural Damascus Damascus al-Baath Dar a City 5 As-Swedia Zahira Moadamyia Sit Zaynab Daraya Qadam Khan AlSheeh Jubata al-Khashab Evacuations Total Number of Evacutions 137 Four Towns Evacuations Total Number of Persons 41,719 Total Number of Evacutions 82 Total Number of Persons 445 Humanitarin Cases 40,786 Companions 167 Medical Cases 521 Medical Cases 117 Corpses 228 Humanitarin Cases 85 Companions 184 Corpses 76 Other Evacuations Medical Cases, Companions, & Corpses Total Number of Evacutions 55 2 % Total Number of Persons 41,274 Humanitarin Cases 40,701 Medical Cases 404 Humanitarin Cases Corpses 152 98 % Companions 17 page 5 Annual Report 2016
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