Shaneyfelt Exhibit No . 5 me a little dignity.' It was pathetic." picked. tire,, wo,dd have more than Twice each day, when the judge an- `. enough to keep themselves busy- A Little Dimity' nounced a recess, some ..50 reporters Abroad, there is tire feeling that there Checking members of the press for sprang from their hard-back benches, must be something about the ascassina- concealed weapons, cameras, or tape some evon leaping the rails of the dock, tfun that hasn't been told ;' said \taurice recorders (roe akemoon last week, a and raced to surround the attorneys. .Adams of The Sychrey (Australia) Dallas Chnu,h deputy sheriff briskly ran Moments later, the cvurtruon, ins bed- Morning Herald "And this is tlic place" he, hands drnn, the length of a well, lam as the doors were" opened and the it must come out.' Month., of legernk dressed newsman's .s.nit. At the man', T\' cameramen and photographers. echo have cornlnccd almost all tr-S. n vcmvu calves, tire deputy stopped abruptly are not allnsyed inside during court that the conspiracy theon s ., ,nnply -aud stared . proceedings, battled each other for the impossible . But, alter the candval antics "is that a garter?" he demanded sus- news . "What happened to poor Jack last week, just about anything else aid piciously. Rub,?' Mourn, Kempton of The seemed possil,le in D.11- "Yeoh" n"plicd Bob Considine of the \e,v lfelnibhc, looking at the chat., all Hearst l1-dine Service". around hint . "lie keeps getting smaller A Big Sale "Reel) . t'll be dom,ned,° said the and smaller and smaller. Doesn't any- deputy, shaking his Freud and permitting hotly rencmloer that he is on trial?"' Dallas was the dateline for another Considine to cuter tire .'artramt where Despite the diversions in the court- brand of journalism last week-cherk- Jack Ruby season trial. "I didn't know room, newsmen acre hard-pressed to book jourmdism. Eyeryl,t.dy-fraru anyone wore garters :any more." cured assassin Lee f larvev Osa"ald s air It was amusing moment but. for ..,the, to the ticket seller at the rnuci, Considine and 150 other newsmen from theater where he was arrested-Ii:s had eleven countries in Dallas to cover the something to sell. Yet, mo0ly for rea- murder trial, the deputy's reaction was sons of taste, the giants of the luneglt not at all surprising . It was in keeping by-line and tile exclusive piotnre-Life, with the carnival atmosphere that sur- The Satnrrir,y Evening Paxt- AIcCall',. roanded the solemn task of administer- and Paris-Match-managed to Iovp their ing justice to the man accused of killing per,,, in their packets. Lee Oswald, President Kennedy's id- Then three weeks ago a Life pitntog- leged assassin . To the visiting newsmen rapher received art Roonymuu, phone (from Homer Bigart of The New York call, offering him exdosiye shots of Os- Times and Dorothy Kilgallen of Hearst waid (including one of him holding a to Karel Kyncel of Radio Prague and rifle) . The photos apparently had been sixteen Britons), the initial encounter collected by police officials during the fill, with Texas-style legal procedure was Investigation, and best guess was downright unsettling. that same official source laud passed Inside, three green spittoons deco- them on to the seller . Life*, lawyers rated the eonrtroemr (and were used decided against buying them or the regularly by judge Joe B. Brown and ground that the document., adrmliy I.- prosecuting attorney Henry Wade). longed to Marina Oswald and that slue "The presiding judge himself gazed at could sue. Tire photographer then weld the saloon-art wall portraits of Miss Jus- to James Martin, an ex-motel nuurtger tice and Miss Liberty," red Stan and Marina Oswald's business adviser, Opotowsky in The New York Pmt, "and seeking the originals- Martin lard tire if could only cxnament: 'Miss Justice is photo of Oswald and , ,, rifle ;old sold better built than Miss Liberty'." exclusive North American rights to Life 'via . :s "I've got nothing against for less than X5,000. informality itself," sighed matronly Brit- Unfortunately for Life, al least two ish author Sybiile Redford. part to a other packets of Oswald photos wen- platoon covering the trial for Life mag- subsexluently being circulated (but not azine. "It's splendid, but , . ." by Martin) Gene Roberts, an cntegris- To get fast& the crarrtmemr, u news- fog, 31-year-odd reporter fill The De man moat first be accredited (150 Oswald armed : Whmc~lrxcluAve? twit Free Prexs, decided to go after have been, and 75 more are expected them and managed to buy some twenty eater the trial actually starts), wear two develop fresb angles about a case that photos (including tire ( ,oe late had idcnuiliyatirm badges at alb times, and has Ion discussed at length fn the bought) fill only $200. The Free Press then he searched every time he enters. world's press for three months. To make rushed the Chcvakl "with-rifle pictine Ore inside, it's every man for life easier for the reporters. n pubhk- onto its front page early last week and himself. One British artist, wino felt he relatiuns firm set up a press room then turned it over to the Associated wmeit getting a good view of Ruby, with 34 phones and sixteen Western Press-o" the day that Life )aft the sinnd., first persuaded the sheriff it, risk the Unfun machines . with the same photo on its cover. look defendant to his way (which he "* News, Although the biggest By the weekend, attomeyx for Life did) and then, before a morning session hard news so far has lxacro the naming and Marina Osaald were berth talk- started, wondered over to Ruby's table. of the Julius, visiting newsmen last ing about legal action against the Free As Ruby's attorneys chatted with the week were still filing some 40,(XX) words Press, and Oswakl's mother was think- press, he talked with the defendant and a day by wire and a great deal more by ing of suing Life on tire astounding completed his drawing, "Ife wanted to phone. It y" the weekend, newsmen were ground that the magazine's story was krum if the rouble chin slowed very almost reducer) to interviewing each "Inaccurate" and that the front-page touch and osked that I give him more other to meet the demand for tally that photo may have been her ams head haft," laid the artist. "And finally he their editors were respirsting. Yet they superimposed on somebody else's body . said . 'Give me a break will you? Give all reaWed that once the iory was "The legs" she said. "du look very loxeg." Newsweek SHANEYFELT EXHIBIT NO. 5.
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