, , , , , , , l• ri tt 0 •* " V I I I • • • $ • IN Step • LesBiGay Wisconsin's Community Newspaper • Founded in 1984 October 15, 1998 • Vol. XV, Issue XXI • $2.95 outside of Wisconsin SECTION ONE: NEWS: Brutal Wyoming Hate Crime, full story on page 2 Feature: Sex & Sensibility: Why Are Some Men Losing the Latex? PLUS: Ex-Major League Ump, Dave Pallone • Harry Hay, Part 2• The Casual Observer SECTION Q: Photographers Shimon E Lindemann PLUS: Pridefest Family Album • EAT OUT at Beans E Barley • REVIEW: Roxbury Boys The (lassies • Ethan Green • Keepin' IN Step with Jamie • The Guide s 40 " ftg ! A - t.1 tittp.itif • fili a 141:41"If0 * - • ktift • • pa. Does Mark Neumann's Homophobic, Right Wing Stance Stem from the Wels church? tr Exposé by Mike Leon on Page 8 . I • • New Drugs Student Dies After Brutal Attack in Wyoming 7. He was bleeding and unconscious and Keeping AIDS Politicians, Activists authorities said the young man had been left hanging "like a scarecrow" on the fence Urging Tougher Hate for at least 18 hours before he was found. Deaths Down He was taken to a local hospital for Crime Laws Following emergency treatment and later transferred by Laura Meckler Vicious Beating to a hospital in Fort Collins, Colo., where Washington (AP) — New drugs he remained in critical condition on life- helped reduced the number of AIDS deaths by Keith (lark support without regaining consciousness before he died. Hospital officials said by 47 percent last year, dropping the dis- of the IN Step Staff ease from the 10 leading causes of death. Shepard's skull was crushed in the attack AIDS is now the 14th leading cause of Laramie, Wyo. — Four people have and that they did not expect him to sur- death in the United States, with 5.9 deaths been arraigned on charges connected' with vive the massive injuries. for every 100,000 Americans — the low- the savage Oct. 7 beating of a gay student Police have called the attack a "hate est rate since 1987, when mortality data from the University of Wyoming that left crime" but said it could not be prosecuted 4, were first available for the disease, the gov- the 21-year-old victim, Matthew Shepard, as a hate crime because the state's anti-bias ernment reported today. dead after a five-day struggle by doctors to laws do not include sexual orientation. The 1997 rate is less than half what it save his life. But Kristen Price, McKinney's girl- was in 1992 and nearly one-third of the Wyoming officials have charged Rus- friend and the mother of his infant child, sell A. Henderson, 21, and Aaron J. McK- denied the two suspects intended to kill rate in 1995, the peak year. Matthew Shepherd HHS Secretary Donna Shalala said the inney, 22, with felony counts of kidnap- Shepard, saying they only wanted to rob decline in AIDS deaths was due primarily ing, aggravating robbery and attempted him to "get back" at him for embarrassing and at the values that define us as a to the highly effective new combination murder in connection with the attack. McKinney by flirting with him at the cam- nation." Clinton said, "We must all reaf- protease inhibitors. "These figures mean Two young women described as girl- pus bar. firm that we will not tolerate this." that new treatments have been very effec- friends of Henderson and McKinney — Price, who has been charged as an Clinton also said the Justice Depart- tive in extending the lives who already have Chastity Pasley, 20, and Kristen L. Price, 18 accessory for lying to police to provide ment was monitoring the case and would HIV infection — but they do not mean — were also charged with being accessories McKinney with an alibi, has been released offer any legal assistance needed by that we have significantly reduced HIV after the fact in the attempted murder case. from jail because she was the first of the authorities in Wyoming working on it. transmission," Shalala said in a statement. Police in Wyoming said that if Shep- two young women to tell authorities the He added that attacks such as this showed "Our ultimate goal is to prevent the ard died, the charges would be changed to truth about the fake alibis and because she the need for Congress to pass his pro- estimated 40,000 new HIV infections that first degree murder. has an infant child to care for. posed Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which occur each year." Police say Henderson and McKinney McKinney's father, Bill, also defended would include sexual orientation for the The government data suggest that met Shepard in a local collegiate bar and his son, saying the story of the attack had first time in U.S. history. while AIDS death rates have dropped learned he was gay, apparently by tell him "been blown out of proportion" by the Dennis and Judy Shepard, the victim's drastically, there has been no similar they were homosexual. The two men then news media. "Had this been a heterosexu- parents, flew from their home in Saudi decline in the number of new HIV infec- took Shepard to an isolated area outside al these two boys decided to take out and Arabia where the elder Shepard is an oil tions, meaning the number of people liv- Laramie where he was tied to a fence and rob," he said in an interview in the Den- rig safety inspector. They were at his bed- ing with HIV and AIDS is still on the rise. was burned, beaten with a pistol "while he ver Post, "this never would have made the side when he died, hospital officials said. begged for his life," and then left to die. national news. Now my son is guilty "There is a climate right now of intoler- Authorities say the two attackers took before he's even had a trial." ance that we believe is being fostered by Shepard's wallet, cash and credit cards and Henderson and McKinney both could religious political organizations such as the PrideFest Lands planned to burglarize his home later. face life in prison or the death penalty for Family Research Council, Focus on the The two young women charged in the the killing, 20 years to life in prison for Family and the Christian Coalition," said case were told by the youths to provide kidnaping and five to 25 years for aggra- Kim Mills of the Human Rights Campaign. August Dates them with alibis to avoid any possible vated robbery. "The tobacco corporations don't sup- charges in the attack, according to local The viciousness of the attack, at the port the cancer their products cause. And law enforcement officials. start of homecoming week just as gay and the religious right doesn't support the vio- for 1999 Police said they found a credit card lesbian students at the University of lence their politics of hate encourages," belonging to Shepard in a pick-up truck Wyoming were preparing to mark said Madison's Mark Pocan, who is run- Milwaukee — The Milwaukee World belonging to the father of one of the National Coming Out Day, made nation- ning to succeed Tammy Baldwin in the Festivals Board of Directors approved accused attackers, along with a blood-cov- al news around the country and even Wisconsin Legislature. PrideFest's recent request for August dates ered .357 magnum gun they believe was prompted the White House to issue a Pocan was beaten unconscious with in 1999. The festival will run August 6, 7 used to beat Shepard. Shepard's wallet press statement from President Clinton. blunt objects and hospitalized 10 years and 8, the first weekend of the month. was also found hidden in the home of the Clinton called it a "terrible act of vio- ago after an attack initiated because he "We can't be any happier with our '99 suspect, Aaron McKinney. lence" that did not reflect the real values was gay. Pocan said the experience spurred dates," said Co-Director, Susan Cook. Two bicyclists found Shepard tied to a of America and said "it strikes at the very him to political action. "When we planned an August festival for fence on a rural road on the evening of Oct. heart of what it means to be an American 1998, we were a little concerned that people would forget about our event when every- one else in the Midwest was doing June fes- Milwaukee Supporting Fund, the Bradley Foundation, the tivals. The overall response from the com- Stackner Family Foundation, and the St. Anthony Foundation. munity has been 'Keep it in August!'" St. Camillus HIV/AIDS Numerous Catholic parishes have contributed "significant" dol- PrideFest is working around other events lars, according to Braddock. traditionally held during the month of The St. Camillus HIV/AIDS Ministry was founded by August, including the Michigan Womyn's Ministry Receives Father Braddock to meet the growing physical, emotional, and Music Festival and Halsted Days in Chicago spiritual needs of persons affected by HIV/AIDS in southeast- and will not be conflict with any other city's ern Wisconsin. Camillian priests and brothers take avow of ser- Pride celebration, according to Cook. $500,000 Grant from Petit vice to the sick and dying, even at risk to their own lives. The Members of the community are encour- Order of St. Camillus spans five continents and 32 countries Milwaukee — Camillian Father Stephen E. Braddock, founder aged to submit ideas for the 1999 slogan. with a special focus on the AIDS epidemic.
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