m‹gh®ªj rnfhju, rnfhjÇfns, tz¡f«. ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f jÄœehL »is khÃy¤ jiytuhf¢ áw¥ghf¥ gÂah‰w cWJizahf ïUªj îth»fS¡F«, mid¤J cW¥ãd®fS¡F« v‹Dila e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f jÄœehL »isÆid ÃiyFiya¢ brŒtj‰fhf, gšntW bghŒ¢brŒâfŸ-gšntW r_f tiy¤js§fËš xUáyuhš gu¥g¥g£l nghJ«Tl Dr.S.fdfrghgâ ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f« ÛJ j§fŸ e«ã¡ifÆid cWâ¥gL¤J« tifÆš ïªj M©L bkh¤j« 2,537 kU¤Jt®fŸ MíŸfhy cW¥ãd®fshf ïizªJŸsd® v‹gij Cell: 9443130399 bgUk»œ¢áíl‹ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. [email protected] òâjhf br‹id Fnuh«ng£il Dr. ßyh kU¤Jt ÃWtd«, nkškUt¤ö® Mâguhr¡â kU¤Jt¡ fšÿÇ, br‹id mikªjfiu MGM kU¤Jtkid ngh‹w ïl§fËš ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f¡ »isfŸ Mu«ã¤jj‰F e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. FAMILY SECURITY SCHEME-‹ Þâu¤j‹ikia Ãiyeh£L« tifÆš FSS-I-š òâjhf 139 cW¥ãd®fS«, FSS-II-š 117 cW¥ãd®fS« ïizªJŸsd®. 10-11-2019 m‹W F«gnfhz¤âš eilbg‰w FSS MANAGEMENT MEETING HEALTH BENEFIT OF FAMILY SECURITY SCHEME OF IMA TNSB Mu«ã¤J it¡f¥g£LŸsJ. ÉiuÉš HBS FOR FSS MEMBERS -¡F Mu«ã¡f¥gl ïU¡»wJ v‹gij k»œ¢áíl‹ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f XN® »is¡fhf %ghŒ _‹W nfho bryÉš xU tuyh‰W¢ áw¥ò Ä¡f, eådÄ¡f òâa f£ll¤ij 11-11-2019 m‹W âwªJ it¡f thŒ¥ãid¥ bg‰WŸsij bgUk»œ¢áíl‹ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. XN® ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f¤ jiyt® Dr.R. jdnrfu‹, Jiz¤ jiyt® Dr. ãuÔ¥ Fkh®, brayhs® Dr. brªâš, bghUshs® Dr. Ént¡ k‰W« mid¤J IMA TRUST cW¥ãd®fS¡F v‹Dila ghuh£LfŸ. khÃy¤ jiytuhf mâfkhf¥ gšntW Ãfœ¢áfËš ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f âU¥ó® »isÆš g§F bg‰wij k»œ¢áíl‹ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f âU¥ó® »is¤ jiyt® Dr. brªâš Fku‹, brayhs® Dr. ïuh#Fkh®, bghUshs® Dr. ïunkZ k‰W« mid¤J cW¥ãd®fS¡F« v‹Dila ghuh£Lfisí«, e‹¿Æidí« cǤjh¡F»‹nw‹. Kj‹ Kiwahf 11,402 cW¥ãd®fŸ fyªJbfh©l ‘khÃy¤ jiyt® nj®î-2021’ nj®jš e«Kila <Lgh£il¡ fh£oaJ. v‹Dl‹ ïizªJ gÂah‰¿a tU§fhy¤ jiyt® Dr.C.N. ïuhrh, khÃy¢ brayhs® Dr.B. $j®, bghUshs® Dr. gHÅntš uh#‹ k‰W« Jiz¤ jiyt®fS¡F v‹Dila e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. br‹idÆš muR mYtyf¥ gÂfis xU§»iz¤J, bt‰¿fukhf eilbgw cjÉfukhf ïUªj K‹dhŸ khÃy¢ brayhs® Dr. K¤Juhr‹ mt®fS¡F v‹Dila ïja¥ó®tkhd e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. r£l¥ó®tkhd MnyhridfŸ tH§»a bghŸsh¢á Dr.K. j§fK¤J mt®fS¡F«, Dr.K. ãufhr« mt®fS¡F« e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. F«gnfhz« ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f K‹ndho¤ jiyt®fS¡F«, îth»fS¡F«, mid¤J cW¥ãd®fS¡F« v‹Dila e‹¿Æid¤ bjÇɤJ¡ bfhŸ»nw‹. ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f jÄœehL »is¤ jiytuhf¥ gjÉna‰f ïU¡»‹w Dr.C.N. ïuhrh, khÃy¢ brayhs® Dr.A.K, ïuÉ¡Fkh® mt®fS¡F«, k‰W« mid¤J îth»fS¡F« v‹Dila thœ¤JfŸ. òâa jiyt® Dr.C.N. ïuhrh mt®fSila gÂia C¡FÉ¡»‹w Éjkhf midtU« or«g® 13, 14, 15 M»a njâfËš <nuh£oš x‹WTLnth«. e‹¿! v‹W« ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f gÂÆš kU. R. fdfrghgâ khÃy¤ jiyt®, ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f jÄœehL »is November 2019 TIMA News Letter 03 Dr. B. Sridhar Cell: 9443326427 [email protected] Dear friends and respected seniors, I personally thank you all for your excellent help and support you have provided me during my tenure as Honorary state secretary 2018- 19. Remarkable is the support I had from my two Presidents who taught me the nuances of administration, the skill of negotiation and the ability to understand the intricacies of association issues. My next show of gratitude goes to my treasurer, and joint secretary who were always willing to lend a helping hand. Here I have to mention that my finance secretary helped me to be vigilant and was instrumental in detecting the forgery in signatures which went a long way in the investigation of the misappropriation of funds. I will be failing in my duty if I don’t thank the office bearers of the wings and schemes who were the wheels of the administration vehicle. My special thanks goes to the Presidents and Secrataries of various branches of IMA Tamil Nadu who always responded as one person to my various official communications and administrative requests. I might have hurt some of you during the discharge of my duty as HSS,; I request you to forgive me as a brother. I had nothing but the welfare of the association only in my mind. Last but not the least let me thank my office staff both in Chennai and Karaikudi who did a marvelous job in spite of initial hiccups. Last but not the least, I am always available to you in the way of any clarification or help 24x7. Thank you all once again! Please note my number and address: Dr. B. Sridhar Suba savukya Hospital Chidambaram Asari Lay out Soodamanipuram Karaikudi-630 003. Ph: 9443326427. Email id: [email protected] November 2019 TIMA News Letter 04 Dear Seniors and Colleagues, Greetings to you all, We had very useful Finance Standing Committee meeting, State Management Committee Meeting of PPLSSS and FSS at President Kumbakonam on 9th and 10th Nov. I take this opportunity to President thank State President Dr. S. Kanagasabapathy, Hony State Elect Secretary Dr. B. Sridhar and Treasurer Dr.S.Palanivelrajan and all the wings and scheme office bearers for their Dr. C.N. RAJA cooperation. State President Elect I wish to say that the Forensic Audit on the scam has IMA TNSB been completed and handed over to Police for charge sheet, which is on the way. I congratulate the State Office and Sivakasi IMA for acting very actively and made efforts to open the closed two hospitals based on maternal death. A swift action has been taken on this issue. My appreciation to Tirupur IMA and Kumbakonam IMA for conducting Cultural and Sports events in a grand manner. ERO TIMACON 2019 Elaborate arrangements are being made at Erode for our 74th State Conference. Apart from routine CME and we are also planning for several workshops on ECG, ENT (Foreign Body Removal), Endosuturing, ALS, BLS and Fire Safety Drills. I invite you all for the conference and make use of the workshops and CME. At the same time Kongu Nadu “Virunthu” and hospitality is awaiting for you on 13th by 10 am we have arranged free trip to Bhavani Kooduthurai Temple, Tiruchengode Arthanareeswarar Temple and Tex Valley – Biggest Textile Mall in South East Asia. Kindly contact our office to enroll. I congratulate all the members and the IMA branches for getting State Awards. I certainly hope this would motivate you all to work and serve more for the years to come. Awaiting to meet you all at ERO TIMACON 2019. Long Live IMA. Yours sincerely Dr. C.N. Raja State President Elect, IMA TNSB Finance Secretary Respected seniors and dear colleagues, Warm greetings! Message On writing my last message as state finance secretary, Dr. S. PALANIVEL RAJAN I thank my ARANTHANGI IMA branch for giving me this opportunity Cell: 9840630770 to serve the IMA TNSB for the last 2 years. I thank all the office bearers, [email protected] senior leaders, members and colleagues for their support and love and affection for the past 2 years. I hope, i did my job to the best of my ability, with the help of our secretary. Regarding the fund irregularities in IMA TNSB- FSS, CGP, etc.., the fact finding committee under the leadership of Dr. Kanagasabapathy sir, has done a herculean task and has reached the final stage and i wish them all the best to continue and finish the process. I sincerely appeal to all our members to come in large numbers and participate in the forthcoming TIMACON at erode and make it a grand success. LONG LIVE IMA. November 2019 TIMA News Letter 05 ADMISSION POLICY All fever cases requiring admission should be admitted. If no admission facilities are available, fever cases should be referred immediately to appropriate institution. FEVER WARD Fever wards with adequate number of beds for male and female with mosquito nets should be made available. Mosquito proofing of fever wards by screening the windows with mosquito nets. Fever wards, Fever ICU with sufficient beds and step down wards for admitting the children / adults in critical phase. One Professor of Medicine / Pediatrician should be exclusively nominated as nodal officer and similarly in HQ Hospitals and other Government Hospitals. Availability of Rice Kanji, ORS, Nilavembu Kudineer in the fever awards should be ensured. Proper clinical assessment, Fluid management and timely referral of fever cases to be ensured. Proper fever case management and correct monitoring of all fever cases LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue and Leptospirosis tests are to be done for all fever cases. Depending on clinical presentation additional tests like scrub typhus may be done. Cell counters should be functional. Ultrasonogram to be available In Medical College and Headquarters Hospitals bedside Cell Counter and Ultrasonogram should be available. Lab Technician / trained staff should be available on 24 x 7 basis. BLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS Availability of Blood and Blood products (Platelets / Plasma) November 2019 TIMA News Letter 06 Blood Donation Camps should be organized as per requirement and sufficient quantity of blood and blood products should be available DISCHARGE POLICY Fever cases to be discharged 3 days after fever subsides and appetite returns, normal urine output resumes and the child is active.
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