MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING - CITY COUNCIL September 17, 2018 MAYOR TIMOTHY M. FLAHERTY called a Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 7:01 PM in the Council Chambers, 100 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA, complete proceedings of which were electronically recorded. The meeting agenda was posted on the outdoor bulletin board at the above address on September 11, 2018 by Deputy City Clerk Juanita Davalos. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL : Attendee Name . J . Title· . I , Status: · · ·. ! ·'.·. •·.Ar.rived· .. ' Timothy _M: Fiaherty -~~==-~=1-fylayor . · ---·--==rPresent -- [[oo PM Ken Carlson Vice Mayor -+-Present ------ 7:00 PM Michael Harris -·-----· Co'i°incilme-;-b~~----.. --- , Present 7:00PM ·--· Sue Noack Councilmemb~!:____ [ Present 7:00 PM -- --~-------...,~---- ~--- Matthew Rinn Councilmember ~ Present I 7:00PM 3. PRESENTATIONS 3.1 Proclam~tion Designating September 16-22, 2018 as Adult Day Care Week MAYOR FLAHERTY presented a proclamation to Debbie Toth, President and CEO of Choice in Aging. Ms. Toth explained the mission of her organization and described the adult day health care services. Members of the community including Loren Van Ackeren, Tom Guarino, and Vicki Gordon all spoke in support of the programs offered by Choice in Aging. Ms. Toth introduced Peggy Dillon, Marketing Manager of Choice. in Aging. 3.2 Proclamation Designating the Month of September 2018 as Suicide Prevention Month MAYOR FLAHERTY presented a proclamation to Gordon Doughty, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Mr. Doughty offered brief remarks on suicide reduction goals by addressing mental illness and the safe storage and handling of firearms as safe storage and safe handling. 3.3 · Update on Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Operations in Pleasant Hill MIKE McGILL, Board Member of the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District (Central San), introduced Roger Bailey, Central San General Manager, who was in the audience. Mr. McGill explained the annual budget, treatment areas, and growth in capital improvement areas. He described Central San assets and reported on major projects for fiscal year 2018/19. Mr. McGill provided information on the comprehensive wastewater master plan and stressed the importance of not having fats, oils, or grease being disposed of down the drain. 3.4 Acknowledgment of Madelyn Silvey as Honorary Mayor for a Day MAYOR FLAHERTY introduced Madelyn Silvey as Mayor for a Day. Mayor Flaherty presented a certificate to Ms. Silvey and a bag of Pleasant Hill souvenirs. Ms. Silvey assisted in presiding over a portion of the City Council meeting. City Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 September 17, 2018 4. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS JUNE CATALANO, City Manager, reported on: • Pleasant Hill Community Service Day to be held on Saturday, September 22, 2018; • The Pleasant Hill Farmer's Market will close on Tuesday, October 9, 2018; • The Pleasant Hill Commission on Aging will sponsor a free caregiver retreat to be held on October 8, 2018; and • The Plea.sant Hill Citizens Academy will start on Thursday, September 20, 2018 MS. CATALANO introduced Greg Kogler, the new Captain of the Pleasant Hill Police Department. Captain Kogler made briefremarks. 5. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 5.1. Reports from Councilmembers on Meetings or Conferences Attended at City Expense (A) Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference Hosted by the City of Clayton on September 6, 2018_ COUNCILMEMBER NOACK reported her attendance at the Mayors' Conference. MAYOR FLAHERTY reported his attendance at the Mayors' Conference along with Councilmembers Noack and Rinn. (B) Other Meetings Attended at City Expense VICE MAYOR CARLSON reported his attendance along with Councilmember Rinn and Andrew Murray, Assistant City Manager, at the League of California Cities Annual Conference in Long Beach, California. COUNCILMEMBER RINN reported on the topics presented at the League of California Cities Annual Conference. 5.2. Announcements from Councilmembers COUNCILMEMBER NOACK reported her attep.dance at the Education Task Force meeting; Rodgers Ranch anniversary celebration; Foodie Fest benefit for Shelter, Inc.; Elected Women's luncheon; Tinkers.& Thinkers Innovation Faire; and the AHA! Movement Masked Ball. · COUNCILMEMBER HARRIS reported his attendance at National Night Out; the celebration of life for Martin N dis; memorial service for Shel White; American Cat Show; numerous library committee meetings; John Muir Land Trust Twilight Night Out; Senior Home Safety Program;· ribbon cutting at Cantrell's; AHA! Movement Masked Ball; Tinkers & Thinkers Innovation Faire; summer concerts; and YMCA staff appreciation night. Councilmember Harris also reported that he was interviewed by KKDV radio to promote Community Service Day. City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 September 17, 2018 VICE MAYOR CARLSON expressed his appreciation to the Civic Action Commission for the Summer Concert series. COUNCILMEMBER RINN reported his attendance at the Rodgers Ranch anmversary celebration. MAYOR FLAHERTY reported his attendance at National Night Out; the celebration of life for Martin Nelis; AHA! Movement Masked Ball; Lafayette Art & Wine Festival; Martinez in the Plaza; Tinkers & Thinkers Innovation Faire; Rodgers Ranch anniversary celebration; and the Climate Change conference in San Francisco. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT MAYOR FLAHERTY opened public comment. VICKI GORDON, Contra Costa County Community College District (District), extended an invitation to Councilmembers and to members of the community to attend the State of the District breakfast to be held at Diablo Valley College on September 27, 2018 at 7:00 a.m. JIM BONATO, Pleasant Hill Emergency Response Team, asked ifthe community is prepared in the event of a wildfire. .Mr. Bonato extended an invitation to Councilmembers to attend a presentation on wildfire preparation and response to be held on September 26, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pleasant Hill Community Center. ALAN BADE, Friends ofPleasant Hill Creeks, extended an invitation to participate in a day of action for arundo removal at Diablo Valley College on October 4, 2018 from 6-7 p.m. Mr. Bade also extended an invitation to attend a monthly meeting of the Walnut Creek Watershed Council and provided information to the City Council. He also provided the City Council with copies of the San Pablo Library Riparian Corridor design. WENDY GOLLOP, Friends of Pleasant Hill Creeks, noted that the event on October 4, 2018 would also include information on projects from nearby cities regarding use of their creeks. DOUG PARKER, Walnut Creek, remarked that City staff are professional and pleasant to work with, but he noted that at a recent.Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Fujimoto was teaching the Commissioners about the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Mr. Parker expressed his belief that the Commissioners should already have knowledge about an EIR process. He expressed his concern that the Commissioners should have been better prepared to discuss an EIR and urged the City Council to ensure that Commissioners are well versed in their duties. DARCY MATHEWS,.Pleasant Hill, expressed her concern that Mr. Fujimoto is directing the Planning Commission meetings. Ms. Mathews also expressed her concern to Chief Hill about the dangerous traffic conditions around the schools and requested additional police presence. PATRICK REMER, Community Library Manager, expressed his appreciation to City for supporting the Tinkers & Thinkers Innovation Faire. Mr. Remer explained the October citywide City Council Meeting Minutes Page3 September 17, 2018 reading program which will be a "one city, one author" read featuring the books written by Neil Gaiman. MAYOR FLAHERY closed public comment. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sue Noack, Councilmember SECONDER: Michael Harris, Councilme:inber AYES: Flaherty, Carlson, Harris, Noack, Rinn 7.1 Approve Checks Dated: August 3, 2018; August 10, 2018; August 17, 2018; August 24, 2018; August 31, 2018; September 7, 2018 7.2 Approve Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of August 6, 2018 7.3 Adopt Resolution No. 56-18 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement with First Carbon Solutions, Inc. for Environmental Consulting Services for . the Oak Park Boulevard Library/Residential/Recreation Project 7.4 Approve Letter Requesting Governor Brown to Veto AB 2923 (Chiu) San Francisco Bay Area Transit District: Transit Oriented Development 7.5· Adopt Resolution No. 57-18 Authorizing the City Manager to' Execute and/or Accept Various Agreements Related to Revising the Existing City (as · Housing Successor Agency) Loan to the Owner of Hookston Manor, in Order to Support Renovation and Upgrades of the Senior Affordable Housing Facility - Item Pulled ji·om Consent COUNCILMEMBER RINN asked questions about the loan balance and property appraisal. ANDREW MURRAY, Assistant City Manager, explained the new loan transaction and terms and noted that the property appraised for $19 million. MR. MURRAY confirmed the affordable housing 55-year term. RESULT:. ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Matt Rinn, Councilmember SECONDER: Ken Carlson, Councilinember AYES: Flaherty, Carlson, Harris, Noack, Rin:Il City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 September 17, 2018 8. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 8.1 Presentation - Library Design Update DAVID ANDREINI, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects (BCJ), provided an overview and background of the schematic design presentation and the desire to create intergenerational
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